HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-14-1980 Regular Meeting193
The City Council, City of Fairhope, met in regular session at 7:00 p.m.
City Administration Building, 387 Fairhope Avenue, Fairhope, Alabama 36532.
on Monday, July 14, 1980.
Present were Mayor James P. Nix; Councilmembers C.O. McCawley,
Trisha Nelson, Sam E. Box, Jack A. Stipes and David Ed Bishop; City
Clerk Evelyn Phillips and City Attorney John Duck.
Minutes of 23 June regular session, 26 June special session and
9 July special session were duly approved.
A Public Hearing was held on the rezoning request by Amos Wagner,
to rezone the east 250 feet of Mr. Wagner's leasehold located on the
west side of Greeno Road approximately 300 feet north of Fairhope Avenue,
from R-5 High Density Multi -Family Residential to B-4 Business and
Professional Offices. The Planning & Zoning Board recommended the
rezoning request be approved. No one present was opposed to the request.
Councilman Bishop introduced an Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance
as per Mr. Wagner's request.
A Public Hearing was held on the Off -Premises Beer License Application
by Delta Oil Company, Inc., dba FAIRHOPE DELTA MART, 150 So. Section
Street. Mr. Glen Boom, President of Delta Oil Company, presented Proof
of Publication. Several members of the audience spoke in opposition to
the application, principally the Rev. Bill Calhoun, United Methodist Church
155 So. Section, and the Rev. H.B. Shepherd, First Baptist Church, 300 So.
Section Street. The opposition centered around the close proximity of the
convenience store(Fairhope Delta Mart) to the church buildings and areas
of activity. Councilman Bishop read out a portion of a State Law which
said alcoholic beverages could not be sold within a certain area surrounding
an Alms House(Church). Mr. Boom advised the Council that that law was out-
dated and,was unconstitutional. Councilwoman Nelson asked Mr. Boom if a
Delta Mart had ever been cited for selling beer to minors. Mr. Boam said it
had, some time ago, in Foley. Councilman Stipes moved to deny approval of
the application. Seconded by Councilman Bishop, motion to deny carried by the
following vote: AYE-Councilnembers Stipes, Bishop, Box and McCawley. NAY -
Councilwoman Nelson.
A Public Hearing was held on the Off -Premises Beer License Application
by Otis Quaites, dba QUAITES PACKAGE STORE, located on 'Rain Beech Road. Mr.
Quaites was present, however, he did not have proof of publication and did
not know if his advertisement had appeared the proper number of times
prior to the hearing. This application will be held over until the next
regular session of the Council.
Mayor Nix reported to Council the need for temporary financing of FEMA
repair projects. A total of $697,473.00 has been approved by FEMA however,
their funding ran out in February, after some $318,410 had been received.
The City must finance the repairs, including $55,500.00 in Debris clearance
and $16,000.00 in engineering fees not included in FEIA's total. After
some discussion, Councilman McCawley introduced, and moved for the adoption
of, the following Resolution. Seconded by Councilman Bishop, motion passed
(July 14'80)
WHEREAS, certain repairs of Hurricane Frederic damage have been
undertaken under the FEMA Agency of the Federal Governnent,
WHEREAS, FEMA finding has been delayed until approximately August, 1980,
WHEREAS, the City government must honor its obligations in a timely
THEN THEREFORE IT IS RESOLVED to request temporary financing from
the First National Bank in the amount of Fourt Hundred Fifty
Thousand Dollars($450,000.00) for a period of Ninety (90) Days at
an interest rate of 5 3/4% per annun on the unpaid balance; said
total sun to be requested of the Bank as needed and up to an
amount as needed, not to exceed Four Hundred Fifty Thousand
ADOPTED this the 14th day
Councilman McCawley presented the following report on the Camnuty
Appearance Board R,eferenduan held 8 July 1980:
QUESTION: Do you favor the establishment of a Corvuuty Appearance
Board for the City of Fairhope as advertised in the East-
ern Shore Courier on February 4th and llth, 1980, and as
per March 6, 1980, Public Hearing?
Box 1
Box 2
Box 3
Box 4
Box 5
Box 6
Box 7
Box 8
Challenge Ballots
Absentee Ballots
(July 14'80)
Councilman McCawley stated these votes show the public is in favor of the
establishment of a Co minty Appearance Board. Councilman McCawley stated
he felt, however, some questions should be answered or worked out before
the Council adopts the proposed Ordinance to amend the Zoning Ordinance.
Councilman McCawley made the following motion: "I move the proposed Ordin-
ance as published in the Eastern Shore Courier on Feb. 4th and llth, 1980,
in reference to a C rnnity Appearance Board be submitted to the Attorney
General for an opinion as to whether or not the Board --is legal." Seconded
by Councilman Stipes, motion passed unanimously.
Councilwoman Nelson introduced an Ordinance to amend the Zoning
Ordinance, establishing the C r=* ty Appearance Board, as published in
the Eastern Shore Courier on February 4th and llth, 1980.
Councilman McCawley moved a letter of. commendation be sent to Mr.
Bill Milham and members of the Jubilee Optimist Club for an outstanding
job in planning the Fourth of July festivities at the Bay; a letter to
City Supt. Rutherford and all City Employees for doing a great job in
cleaning and.preparing the Beach for the Fourth; a letter to Chief Gilheart
and the Police Department for doing an excellent job in controlling the
crowd and traffic; and a letter to Mr. Herbert Fuqua and the Volunteer
Fire Department for their hard work in making preparations and the actual
firing of the fireworks. Seconded by Councilman Box, motion passed unan-
. Mr. Bill Milham asked that some electrical work, some water fixtures
and some sewer work be done at the Municipal Pier. An amount of $3,000.00
was mentioned to cover cost of materials, city crews to provide the labor.
Councilman Bishop moved to proceed with this plan and funding should be
from the Beach account. Seconded by Councilman Stipes, motion passed
Councilman McCawley said the VFW Club withdraws their request to
be heard by the Council at this time.
Mr. George Golfos, 4 Cannonade Blvd, Spanish Fort, Alabama., came
before Council to complain about paying late charges on his gas bill.
He was referred to Utilities Hearing Officer James Gillespie.
Councilman McCawley moved to hear the following two items not on
the Agenda. Seconded by Councilman Box, motion passed unanimously:
Councilman Box moved to retain Attorney Willis Darby, Mobile, to
defend City Officials in the Oaks -library case. Seconded by Councilman
Bishop, motion passed unanimously.
Councilman McCawley moved to accept a $25,000 Bond for performance
of Landscaping at Baldwin Square. Seconded by Councilwoman Nelson, motion
passed unanimously.
Councilman Stipes moved to hear the following item not on the Agenda.
Seconded by Councilman Box, motion passed unanimously:
(July 14'80)
Councilman Stipes stated the Planning & Zoning Board would like
to meet with the Council about drainage. Mayor Nix said a meeting would
be scheduled as soon as possible.
Councilman Box moved to pay bills as presented, plus a $77,655.50
invoice from S.J.& L., Inc. and $640.38 invoice from Moore Engineering
on the Grand Hotel Project; plus a $153.00 invoice from Port-O-Lets
Company. 1 Seconded by Councilman McCawley, motion passed unanimously.
Meeting was duly adjourned.