HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-28-1980 Regular Meeting136-4
The City Council, City of Fairhope, met in regular session at
7:00 p.m:, City Administration Building, 387 Fairhope Avenue, Fairhope,
Alabama 36532, on Monday, 28 January 1980
Present were Mayor James P. Nix; Councilmanbers Trisha Nelson, Jack
A. Stipes, Sam E. Box, Sr., C.O. McCawley, and David Ed Bishop; City
Attorney John Duck and City Clerk Evelyn Phillips.
Minutes of 14 January regular session and 23 January special session
were duly approved.
Baldwin County Electric Manbership Corporation presented a check -
in the amount of $2,714.32 to cover 1979 Gross Receipts Tax (1980 Privilege
License). Mr. Southerlin also asked Council's consideration of granting
Baldwin County E.M.C. a franchise to operate within the City Limits. This
will be taken under advisement.
Councilman Bishop moved for final adoption of the City of Fairhope
Special Care Facilities Financing Authority Resolution introduced at the
January 14th regular session. Seconded by Councilman. Stipes, motion passed
Councilman Stipes stated the Harbor Board recommends, and he so moves,
that no payment is due Delta Plumbing Company on their last invoice under
Division III of the Flood Project. Seconded by Councilman Bishop, motion
passed unanimously. City Attorney Duck is to so advise Internal Revenue
The following Committee was appointed by Council to research the
Com unity feeling about a Civic Center. This Committee is to report their
findings in about forty-five(45) days:
Councilmember Appointees
Bishop: Blanche Simmons
Henry Childer
Stipes: Dan Benton
Byrd Moore
Nelson: Sandra K. Allen
Wesley Overton
Box: Mrs. Chester Billie
Mrs. Tom Tate
McCawley: George W. Metzger
Gary Sandell
Mayor Nix: Mary D. Foreman
John Davis
Councilman Stipes suggested this Civic Center Committee could work with
the Planning & Zoning Board.
(Jan; 28,1,80)
Mayor Nix advised that Mr. Charles Ingersoll would not be able to
serve on the Rural Water Advisory Board and asked for another nomination.
Councilwoman Nelson nominated Mr. Arthur Peddy. There being no other
nominations, Councilman Box moved the nominations be closed. Seconded by
Councilman McCawley, motion passed unanimously. Mr. Peddy will serve with
four other members on this advisory Board.
Jack Pope Building and Realty Company, a corporation, petitioned for
annexation of some 3.55 acres located between the southern boundary of
Paddock Estates and Nelson Drive, contiguous to the City Limits. Councilman
Stipes moved to approve this request*. Seconded by Councilman Bishop, motion
passed unanimously. Councilman McCawley then introduced an Ordinance annex -
this property which will be acted upon at the next regular session.
*Correction: Councilman Stipes moved to approve this request provided no
street would be required or asked for through Paddock Estates.
Councilwoman Nelson moved to hold a public hearing on the Community
Appearance Board's proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance.' After
being seconded by Councilman Box, a lengthy discussion period was held
with many views, pro and con, being expressed by Councilmembers and
interested citizens. The vote was: AYE-Councilmenbers Nelson, Box, and
Bishop. NAY- Coumcilmembers Stipes and McCawley. The motion carried
and a public hearing will be held as soon as notices of same can be
properly published.
Councilman. Stipes moved to request the City's Parking Authority Board
to meet with the local Masonic Lodge regarding work to be done on a pro-
posed parking lot near Section, Chinch and DeLallare streets. Seconded by
Councilman Bishop, motion passed unanimously.
Councilman Stipes moved to request a letter be written to the Fairhope
Single Tax Colony in regard to an access road needed at the end of Church
and Fig Streets. Seconded by Councilman Bishop, motion passed unanimously.
Councilman Stipes moved to approve payment to Robert Comalander, Jr..,
for the roof work done at Fisherman's Wharf, in the amount of $2,099.24.
Seconded by Councilman Box, motion passed unanimously.
Councilman McCawley moved to approve the Eastern Shore Arts & Crafts
Committee's request to have Oak Street, between Church & Bancroft, closed
during the Arts & Crafts Festival in March. Seconded by Councilman Stipes,
motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Nix advised that a request had been received from residents of
Horne Lane to have their street included in the next paving program to be
undertaken by the City.
A request was received from First National Bank of Baldwin County to
release the securities pledged to the City by FNB being held by Merchants
National Bank of Mobile. This request is due to a change by FNB of safe-
keeping agents - from Merchants of Mobile to Birmingham Trust National Bank
in Birmingham. These securities will be repledged by Birmingham Trust to
the City of Fairhope. Councilman McCawley moved to approve the request.
Seconded by Councilwoman Nelson, motion passed unanimously.
Mrs. Fred Corte requested an adjustment of a $400.00 water bill.which
(Jan 28' 80)
resulted from a water leak at her home during her absence. Councilman
Stipes moved that no adjustment be made but Mrs. Corte be allowed to
pay this bill in installments of $100.00 per month. Seconded by Council-
man Box, motion passed unanimously.
Councilman Box moved to hear the following business not on the Agenda.
Seconded by Councilwoman Nelson, motion passed unanimously:
After further discussions with Mr. Rutherford and Mr. Kirby,, Councilman
Stipes moved to hire a student worker from Robertsdale Vocational School.
Seconded by Councilman McCawley, motion passed unanimously.
Councilman Box moved to hear the following business not on the Agenda.
Seconded by Councilman Stipes, motion passed unanimously:
Mr. Ack Moore of the City engineering firm reported that a new
development, the Fairhope Special Care Facilities, should be taken into
consideration in regard to the Grand Hotel Sewer Line project on which a
bid was recently awarded. Mr. Moore estimated the engineering changes
in the project would reslt in some $30,000-$32,000 more cost and that
the Special Care Facilities people would be willing to pay this increase.
Councilman Box was asked to study this change and report back to Council
before action is taken.
Councilman Stipes moved to hear the following business not on the
Agenda. Seconded by Councilwoman Nelson, motion passed unanimously:
Councilman Bishop reported that a deed had been discovered by the
Elks Club which apparently deeded some property to the City as part of
a property -exchange proposal of quite some years ago which never was completed.
Councilman Bishop moved to authorize City Attorney Duck to research this
matter and report his findings as soon as possible. Seconded by Councilman
McCawley, motion passed unanimously.
Meeting was duly adjourned.
City C er