HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-12-1979 Regular Meeting121
The City Council, City of Fairhope, met in regular session at 7:00 p.m.
City Administration Building, 387 Fairhope Avenue, Fairhope, Alabama on
Monday, 12 November 1979.
Present were Mayor James P. Tdix; Coumcilmembers Trisha Nelson, Sam E. Box,Sr.,
Jack A. Stipes, David Ed Bishop, and C.O. McCawley; City Attorney John Duck. and
Secretary Betty Rivenbark(City Clerk Evelyn Phillips was attending Nfunicipal
Clerk's Training Institute at the University of Alabama. in Tuscaloosa)
This was the date set for a Public Hearing on the Club Liquor License applica-
tion by Timothy :Iulcahy dba T_ E SARA'T'OGA TRRY on Fairhope Avenue. Proof of
advertising was presented. Mayor Nix asked if anyone wished to comment on the
application. Several people spoke for and against. After the discussion the Mayor
asked for Council's feelings. Mr — Box moved that this application be denied,
Mr. Bishop seconded, and the vote was "A`R," Box, Stipes, Bishop, TZcCawley.
"NAY" Nelson. Application was denied.
Mayor Nix advised the Council of the need in the Water Department for a
new truck. He was now requesting Council approval to go out on bids for same.
This had been included in the budget. The cost'of fixing the old truck, and the
mileage made it more economical to purchase a new one. Mr. Box moved to advertise
for bids to include a trade-in, bids to be opened at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, November
16, 1979. Mr. McCawley seconded, and motion carried unanimously.
Councilman Stipes asked about the big piles of trees and limbs being stacked
at the dump that were not being burned. He wanted to hake sure that the FII`IA
people did not leave without completing the job. 'The Mavor assured him that before
the FEPIA people left, he would be sure that they had finished the job, that he
was aware that there was a great deal of trees and limbs still on the streets
but they were working as fast as they could, that we had contracted with the Corps
and we would have to let them handle.it.
Councilman Stipes brought to the attention of the Council that the tenants
at the Eastern Shore Shopping Center were still allowing trash to blow into the
Corte Field to the Plorth of the Shopping Center. Mayor Nix stated that he had
letters from the Mitchell Corp. that they would handle the problem although they
must have let it get out of hand again. He would be sure and check into it.
rl . Nix said that we needed to appoint someone to the Organic School Board
to serve from May 1979 to lflay 1982. Kenneth Cain had previously served. Mr.
Stipes nominated Ceoffrey Cain, Mr. Box moved that nominations be closed seconded
by Mr. Stipes, motion carried unanimously. And Geoffrey Cian was unan1mously
Mr. Nix brought to the attention of the Council that the fire truck that
we had obtained from surplus government property needed a paint job and Mr. Taylor
had received three bids on this job as follows:
Baldwin Paint & Body Shop $ 1,000.00
Bill Steber Chevrolet, Inc. 1,200.00
Fact-0-Bake(verbal) 2,000.00
Mr. Bishop moved to accept low bid, Mr. McCawley seconded and motion carried unanim-
(Nov.12'79) 122
Mr. P1c('xa1ey introduced an ordinance to be acted on by the Council at the
next regularly scheduled meeting which would change the cost of a liquor license
from $10.00 + 5% to $50.00 + 107, on purchase price of the liquor. Councilman
Stipes moved to accept this. Mr. Box seconded and motion carried unanimously.
The Final Invoice(Retainage) and Engineering Fees on the 1977-78 Street
Project was unanimously approved on motion by Mr. Stipes seconded by T1r. Bishop.
Mayor Nix brought to the attention of the Council that a quorun could not be
present on November 26th(next Council meeting date) and therefore no meeting would
be held and the meetings dates for December need to be reconsidered. He suggested
the lst(Dec. 3) and third(Dec. 17) Mondays. Mr. Box moved for acceptance of these
dates, Trisha Nelson seconded and motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Stipes introduced a motion to start using the trash compactor. He was
afraid that "down the road" we might raun into trouble if we did not double up
now in getting the dump back to normal. After much discussion he decided to with-
draw his motion at this time.
T'fr. Stipes asked '`1r. Rutherford the progress of repairing the Municipal
Pier. Mr. Rutherford replied that they were still waiting on the Corps people
to come over and assess the damage so we could submit the DSR. "1r. Stipes also
asked about the money we had already received from MIA, and said he would like
to be kept up on the amounts.
The bills were approved as submitted on motion by It:. Box, seconded by
Mr. McCawley and unanimously carried.
On request, Mr. Box moved and Mr. Bishop seconded to hear a proposal from
Buddy Richmond that was not on the Agenda. Motion was u&nimously carried.
11r. Richmond talked at length about a drarwing he had made up on the proposed
Civic Center and asked to be considered as the architect for this project.
Mr. Nix remarked that this was the initial step, we had to start somewhere and
public opinion would surely be sought before anything definite would be decided.
Mr. Richmond's drawing was a complex built out over the bay which fe felt was
the best site. A lengthy discussion followed and led to Mr. Bishop malting a
motion to allow him to conduct a study and submit drawings for consideration,
thereby signing a contract with him. It is noted that the Council will be under
no obligation to accept any of the drawings Mr. Richmond might present. If we -
select one of his drawings he will be eployed at the standard rate of 6/0. P1r
Box seconded Mr. Bishop's motion and the vote was: FOR --Box, Bishop Nelson
AGAINST - Stipes, McCawley(vote changed per councilman'McCawley's request at
December 3, 1979 regular session).
The meeting was duly recessed until 5:00 p.m. on Friday, November 16, 1979 at
which time we will open bids on a new truck for the water Dept.
-* * * iC n iC * n * iC * iC * iC
The Mayor and Council of the City of Fairhope, Alabama met in adjourned regular
session at the City Administration'Building on 16 November 1979 at 5:00 p.m.
Present were Mayor James P. Nix; Councilmembers Jack A. Stipes, Trisha Nelson
Sam E. Box, Sr,. and CO Mr-Cawle-v; City Attorney John Duck and Secretary
Betty Rivenbark. J
The purpose of the meeting being to open bids received for a new truck
for the Water Department. The Mayor read each bid as follaas:
Gaston Motor Co. $ 4,675.00
Thomas Pontiac 5,326.83
Bill Steber Chevrolet 5,494.50
Mr. Stipes moved to accept the low bid, Gaston Motor Co., Mr. Box
seconded and motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business to discuss meeting was duly adjourned.
City C e