HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-23-1979 Regular MeetingSTATE OF ALABAMA
The City Council, City
at the City Administration
on 116nday, 23, July, 1979:
of Fairhope, met in regular session at 7:00 p.m.
Building, 387 Fairhope Avenue, Fairhope, Alabama.
Present were Mayor James P. Nix, Councilmen Jack A. Stipes, David Ed
Bishop, Sam E. Box, Sr., and City Clerk Evelyn Phillips. City Attorney
John Duck was absent due to illness.
(It is noted that all unanimously -passed motions in these minutes
indicate an "aye" vote by all three Councilmen and the Mayor).
Minutes of 9 July 1979 regular session were duly approved.
P7ayor Nix opened the meeting by asking for nominations to fill the unex-
pired terms of former Council members Henry G. Bishop and Billy Don Wiggins.
Councilman Bishop nominated Mr. Clarence 0.(Ma&)McCawley for Place No. 4. --
Councih-nan Stipes moved the nominations be closed. Seconded by Councilman Box,
motion passed unanimously. Crnmcihnan Bishop maned to appoint Mr. Mccawley to
Place No. 4.. Seconded by Councilman Box, motion passed.tmanimausly.
Councilman Box nominated Mrs. Trisha Nelson for Place No. 2. Councilman
Stipes moved the nominations be closed. Seconded by Councilmen Bishop, motion
passed unanimously. Councilman Box moved to appoint Mrs. Nelson to Place No.2
and to the Recreation Board. Seconded by. Councilman Bishop, motion passed unan-
A pulic hearing was held on an application for a Retail Beer License by
Kenneth W. Pritchard, dba THE NEU-DELI, INC., located at 550 North Section Street.
No one was present to oppose the application. Proof of Publication was presented.
Councilman Stipes moved to approve the application. Seconded by Councilman Box,
motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Phillip Stenzel requested traffic lights be installed at the corns-.: of..
Fairhope & Summit St. and at the corner of Magnolia & Summit streets. It was
explained that a recent traffic study of Fairhope recommended no light be u:::d at
Fairhope & Summit. The Mayor will contact the State Highway Department regard ng
the installation of a light at Magnolia & Summit due to this being a State Highway
(U.S. 98).
Mr. H.S. St. John, of St. John Engineering, presented a gas rate study based
on the impact of increased rates announced by City's supplier United Gas Pipe Line
Company, which was effective July 1st. Mr. St. John's study showed the new
purchase rates to be approximately 5M. higher with an almost sure further
increase to 61% in January, 1980. Based on his findings, Mr. St. John presented
Council with recommended new rates to be used for the City's gas customers.
These'new rates would represent from 36-to-46 percent increases over the various
classes of customers. Councilman Box thanked Mr. St. John for his report and in-
troduced ORDINANCE NO. 640, an Ordinance setting out the new rates and customer
classifications recommended by Mr. St. John, for immediate action by the Council.
Y7--23- 7 9
Councilman Box then moved to suspend the rules in order to consider final
adoption of Ordinance No. 640 at this time. Seconded by Councilman Bishop, motion
passed by the following vote: AYE - Councilmen Box, Bishop, Stipes and Mayor Nix.
NAY - none.
Councilman Box moved for final adoption of ORDINANCE NO. 640, AN ORDINANCE
motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Nix opened bids on possible work to be done in Fly Creek. Two bids
were received, one for Morgan Dredging & Piledriving, Inc., of Theodore, Alabama,
and one from James E. Barnes of B & W, Inc. Councilman. Bishop moved to take these,
bids under advisement for action at a later time. Seconded by Councilman Stipes,
motion passed unanimously.
One bid was received on the roofing job at Fisherman's Wharf, however,
the bid has been misplaced. A duplicate will be requested and opened at the
next regular session.
Trinity Presbyterian Church requests permission to use an alley located
east of Mobile Street between Orange & Fig as per submitted plat plan. Council-
man Stipes moved to approve the request provided it meets with the approval of
the Planning.& Zoning Board. Seconded by Councilman Box, motion passed unanimously.
Nichols Real Estates Sales, Inc., asked by letter if the City -would-be
interested in leasing space for a billboard on the twenty -foot easement soutS'
of the Waffle House on Highway 98 in the Lake Forest area. Councilman Box`
moved this request be denied. Seconded by Councilman Bishop, motion passed
Councilman Box moved to hold over until next meeting any discussion of letting
bids on the proposed Grand Hotel Sewer line extension. Seconded by Councilman
Bishop, motion passed unanimously.
Councilman Stipes reported that heavy trucks are again using streets in
the Patlynn and Fairwood Drives area and asked what.could be done to stop.it,
It was decided to have Mr. Ack Moore, City Engineer, prepare a load -limit policy
for consideration at the next regular session.
Mayor Nix reported that a claim had been sent by Patterson Brothers Construction
Company through a local law firm for monies due them as sub -contractors under Delta
Plumbing Company on Division III of the FLood Project. Since all monies due to
Delta from the City has already been levied against by the Internal Revenue Service
Councilman Stipes moved to reject this claim. Seconded by Councilman Box, notion
passed unanimously.
Mr. St. John, speaking for the Municipal Electric Association, reported to
_Council of plans to purchase Farley Nuclear Plant and other properties by a
conglomerate of some 12 municipalities in order to purchase electrical power more
economically. Due to legislative problems, the plans cannot, at this time, go
forward toward any satisfactory conclusion; therefore, Mr. St John will contact
the City as soon as possible for further discussions as to whether or not Fairhope
would be interested in participating in this project.
Mr, Ack Moore advised that his research into the Beach Avenue-Volanta Park
land area had reached a point where an extensive title search is necessary.
He was asked to hold up an this for the time being.
Councilman Bishop moved to authorize bid requests on obsolete vehicles no
longer in use by the Street Department. Seconded by Councilman Stipes,
motion passed unanimously.
Councilman Stipes moved to authorize the Mayor to sign a contract with Valta
Construction Company in the amount of $9,285.00 for the repair work on Spring
Run. Seconded by Councilman Box, motion passed unanimously.
Councilman Stipes moved to pay bills as presented. Seconded by Councilman
Bishop, motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Clarence McCawley and Mrs. Trisha Nelson had been contacted and advised
of their appointments earlier in this meeting. They and City Judge James H.
Reid, Jr, were asked to come forward for the swearing -in ceremony.
The following oaths were administered before the Council and assembled audience
by Judge Reid:
"I, Trisha Nelson, solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution
of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of Alabama,
so long as I continue a citizen thereof; and that I will faithfully
and honestly discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about
to enter, to the best of my ability, so help me God.'.'
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 23rd day of July, 1979.
6M Q,-? �L RQ,. D. <;', - -
I, Clarence McCawley, solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution
of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of Alabama, so
long as I continue a citizen thereof and that I will faithfully and honest-
ly discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter, to
the best of my ability, so help me God."
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 23rd day of July, 1979.
AA o
Meeting was duly adjourned.
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