HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-12-1979 Regular Meeting49
The City Council, City of Fairhope, met in regular session at 7:00p.m.
City Administration Building, 387 Fairhope Avenue, Fairhope, Alabama 36532
on Monday, 12 March 1979.
Present were Mayor James P. Nix; Councilmen David Ed Bishop,
Jack A. Stipes, Billy Don Wiggins, Sam E. Box, Sr., and Henry
G. Bishop; City Clerk Evelyn P. Phillips; and Attorney Ron Kopesky
substituted for City Attorney John Duck.
Minutes of 26 February 1979 regular session were duly approved.
This being the date set for a Public Hearing on an Ordinance to
amend Zoning Ordinance No. 557, Section entitled "SIGNS", a large
group of interested citizens were present. On invitation to address the
Council, several pro and con statements were made by various persons.
By show of hands, 15 persons were for the proposed Ordinance and 27
persons were opposed.
After this discussion period, Councilman Box introduced the -pro-
posed Ordinance. On a motion by Councilman Wiggins to suspend the
rules in order to take action on this Ordinance, and a second by
Councilman Ed Bishop, Stipes, and Henry Bishop. NAY - Councilman Box.
Motion to suspend not being unanimous, proposed Ordinance will be held
over to next regular session, 26 March 1979, for final action.
This being also the date for a Public Hearing on both Rosie-'Dermis
and Timothy M.ulcahy's Alcoholic Beverage License Applications, the
following action was taken:
There was no one present for or against the Off Premises Beer
License Application filed by Rosie Dennis dba PENCIL'S located at
corner of Twin Beach Road and Section Street, however, Ms. Dennis
also failed to appear or to present proof of publication as required
under the new Ordinance (#628). Since this is the first application
to be subject to the new regulations, Councilman Ed Bishop.moved to
hold up the application until proof of publication is received in-
stead of denying it. Seconded by Councilman Wiggins, motion carried
over 1 NAY vote by Councilman Stipes.
There were 12 persons present in favor of, and no one was opposed
to, approval of the Restaurant Liquor License Application filed by
Timothy T. Mulcahy dba THE SARATOGA TRUNK located at 312 Fairhope
Avenue. Mr. Mulcahy presented proof of publication, Councilman Stipes
moved for approval with a second by Councilman Wiggins. Motion passed
The following bids -on drainage pipe to be used in the Methodist Church
area were opened:
(12 TTarch 1979)
signed by all present oweers to the effect that the area will be annexed as
soon as the City Limits is contiguous. Councilman Box moved to approve this
request provided such agreement is presented and further provided that
the deeds to future property owners state that the area will be annexed.
Seconded by Councilman Stipes, motion passed unanimously.
Mr. A.J. Turner, who lives within the Police Jurisdiction, came before
Council to request assistance in stopping people who litter and are dumping
trash near his home. Mr. Turner was advised that the Police would take care
of anyone they see doing this but the Police cannot enforce City Ordinances
outside the City Limits. Mr. Turner was further advised to contact Mr. Mathis
of the County Health Department about,the problem.
Mr. Mrorring, an Attorney representing persons interested in establish-
ing a medical clinic board to be known as the Midtown Medical Clinic Board
of Fairhope, addressed the Council; however, due to a technicality, his business
could not be concluded. He will return at next regular meeting time on March
26, 1979.
Due to no bids having been received on the repair work requested by
the Electrical'Department on the Bucket Truck, Councilman Ed Bishop moved
to authorize Superintendent Aaron Norris to have the work done by Altec
Industries. Seconded by Councilman Stipes, motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Nix announced that Fairhope has been approved for finding
for the Water Improvement 201 Plan. This is to be studied by Council-
man Box who will report back with recommendations as to what action
should be taken.
Mayor Nix also stated a letter of Thanks for the new Civic Center
Kitchen had been received from the Fairhope Garden Club.
Councilman Henry Bishop moved to pay bills as presented.
Seconded by Councilman Stipes, motion passed unanimously.
Meeting was duly adjourned.
1 : AM1
city C
(12 March 1979)
3 ...2„
Choctaw Culvert (lump sumo) 5,377.98
Faulkner Concrete(per ft) 17.60 22.58
Ala. Metal Forming " " 12.67 14.91
Fayco Corp. " " 12.44 14.56
Howard Concrete " " 18.02 23.16
Councilman Stipes moved to accept low bidder(Faulkner) on the Concrete pipe
provided specifications are mot, and that pipe be purchased with Gas Tax
Account funds. Seconded by Councilman Wiggins, motion passed unanimously.
A lengthy discussion of drainage problems was conducted by Councilman
Stipes. Comcilman Stipes moved to have a pipe installed under a drive-
way in, the White Avenue area which would direct the water flow down White
Avenue toward Bayview. Seconded by CouncihTm Wiggins, motion passed unan-
Councilman Stipes moved to suspend the issuance of all Building Permits
to Major Homes, Inc. until pipe is corrected in Paddock Estates, providing
such an action is legal. Seconded by Councilman Wiggins, motion passed
unanimously. Attorney Kopesky is to advise on legality of this action.
City Engineer Ack Moore reported to Council concerning the water -
depth problems in Fly Creek due to the dredging work recently completed
by Stewart Dredging Company. The Harbor Board is to look into the
situation and report back to Council on March 26th and to take any action
required prior to that date if possible.
Only one bid was received in response to a request for bids on a
Sanitation Contract. Councilman Box moved to open the single bid
received. Seconded by Councilman Stipes, motion passed unanimously.
Bid was offered by Mr. Eugene Bosby, to wit: A monthly fee of $6,400
plus a pro -rate. amount for additional customers. Councilman Stipes
moved to take the offer under advisement. Seconded by Councilman Ed
Bishop, motion carried over 2 NAY votes by Councilmen Box and Henry Bishop.
Councilman Ed Bishop moved to table Ordinance Codification. Seconded
by Councilman Stipes, motion passed unanim-ously.
Councilman Henry Bishop moved to renew the temporary financing note
on the Flood Disaster project for 60 days. Seconded by Councilman Wiggins
motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Art Rigas of Ponder Engineering Company addressed Council regarding
their new development south of the City Limits on U.S. 98. The development
is not contiguous to our Corporate line but they would like to request permiss-
ion to hook up to our sewer system, with all engineering and construction
costs to be borne by Ponder, in return for which they will present an agreement