HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-08-1979 Regular Meeting30
The City Council, City of Fairhope, met in regular session at
7:00 P.M., City Administration Building, 387 Fairhope Avenue, Fairhope,
Alabama 36532, on Monday, 3 January 1979.
Present were Mayor James P. Nix; Councilmen Jack A. Stipes,
Billy Don Wiggins, Henry G. Bishop, Sam E. Box, Sr., and David Ed
Bishop; City Attorney John Duck; and City Clerk Evelyn P. Phillips.
A Public Hearing was held on Mr. Robert Peterson's rezoning
request ---to change from B-4 Business and Professional,District to
B-2 General Business District on property located west side of
Greeno Road at the southwest corner of Coleman Avenue. Councilman
Box moved request be denied. Seconded by Councilman Henry Bishop,
motion to deny passed unanimously.
Councilman Box moved for Council approval of the Fairhope Single
Tax Corporation's request to extend the City Limits to include area
lying east of the present city limits, bounded on the north by Fairhope
Avenue, on the east by Troyer. Road (or Bishop Road) and on the south
by Nichols Street. Seconded by Councilman Henry Bishop, motion to
approve request (which is now sent to Planning & Zoning Commission
before final approval) passed unanimously.
Councilman Ed Bishop moved for Council approval of Mr. Charles
Ingersoll's request to extend the City Limits to include the west
200 feet of the north 209 feet of Section 21, Township 6S Range2
east, Baldwin County, Alabama, bounded on the north by Nichols
Street and on the west by Greeno Road, provided Mr. Ingersoll agrees
in writing to pay the materials cost of necessary sewer line. Seconded
by Councilman Box, motion passed unanimously. (this request also to
be passed to Planning & Zoning Commission before final approval.)
Mayor Nix presented Council with a copy of an Opinion from the
Alabama Attorney General's office as legal certification of Council's
right to increase the salary of the City Clerk. Councilman Henry Bishop
moved this be'accepted and the Clerk's salary increase is approved as
presented at last regular session in Salary Resolution adopted at that
time. Seconded by Councilman Stipes, motion passed unanimously.
Only one bid was received on the hopper for the Garbage Transfer
Trailer. Councilman Stipes moved for acceptance of this bid, $6,629.20
entered by Vernz Trucking Company of Pensacola, provided, all specifica-
tions are met. Seconded by Councilman Wiggins, motion passed unanimously.
Councilman Box moved that bids be obtained on a Pick -Up Truck for
the Gas Department. Seconded by Councilman Henry Bishop, motion passed
City Superintendent Phil Rutherford was asked to make a list of
obsolete equipment so a decision as to how best to dispose of same could
be made.
(8 January 1979)
Councilman Stipes moved to authorize the Mayor to investigate the
possibilities of the Coastal Area Impact Grant. Seconded by Councilman
Ed Bishop, motion passed unanimously.
Councilman Ed Bishop moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the new
year's Workman's Compensation agreement provided all legal requirements
are met. Seconded by Councilman Box, motion passed unanimously.
Councilman Box moved for approval of payment of final retainage on
W. R. Mitchell's contract (Waterline Extension South). Seconded by
Councilman Wiggins, motion passed unanimously.
Councilman Stipes moved that all old unpaid utility bills, where
proper addresses are available and on which an amount is due large enough
to offset costs, be turned over to the City Attorney for processing
through the Small Claims Court. Seconded by Councilman Wiggins, motion
passed unanimously.
Councilman Stipes stated he would be responsible for the collection
of a bill due the City by Major Homes, Inc., for engineering and tests
on Paddock Estates in the amount of $1,165.34.
Mayor Nix announced a Special Session of the Council for 6:00 p.m.,
Tuesday, January 16th, City Administration Building, for the purpose of
discussing the current invoice submitted by Auditors Parker & White.
Councilman Box moved for acceptance of Performance Bond'of $69,000
made by Eastern Shore Builders on Richmond Square sub -division. Seconded
by Councilman Henry Bishop, motion passed unanimously.
Councilman Henry Bishop moved to pay bills as presented. Seconded
by Councilman Ed Bishop, motion passed unanimously.
Councilman Henry Bishop moved meeting be adjourned until 11:15 a:tA.,
Tuesday, January 9th, at which time sealed bids on City's $400,000 Public
Improvement Bonds and $360,000 Water, Gas & Sewer Revenue Bonds would be
opened. Seconded by Councilman Stipes, motion passed unanimously.
The Mayor and City Council of the City of Fairhope, Alabama, met in
adjourned regular session at the City Hall in the said City on January 9,
1979, at 11:15 a.m., Central Standard Time. Mayor James P. Nix presided
as chairman of the meeting and called the meeting to order. Evelyn P.
Phillips, the City Clerk, acted as clerk of the meeting. On roll call,
the following were found to be present: Mayor Nix and Councilmen Henry
G. Bishop, Samuel E. Box, Jack A. Stipes and Don Wiggins; and the following
were found to be absent:- Councilman David Ed Bishop. The Mayor stated
that a quorum was present and that the meeting was open for the trans-
action of business.
The Chairman stated that this was the date, time and place which had
been set by resolution adopted by the Council on 26 December 1978 for the
receipt and opening of sealed bids for the purchase from the
(8 January 1979) 32
city of $360,000 principal amount of Water, Gas and Sewer Revenue
Bonds, Series 1978, dated December 1, 1978, and $400,000 principal
amount of General Obligation Public Improvement Bonds, dated Decem-
ber 1, 1978, and that the official invitations for bids for the said
bonds, in the forms provided therefor in the said resolution had been
published in the Eastern Shore Courier, a newspaper published and
having general circulation in the city, in the issues of the said
newspaper published on December 21, 1978, and December 28, 1978, being
once a week for two consecutive weeks. He also stated that a printed
brochure respecting the said bonds, containing an official statement
setting forth many details of the said bonds and financial information
of interest to prospective bidders, the said official invitations for
bids, the official bid forms, copies of bond's counsel's proposed
opinions respecting the said bonds, and a description respecting the im-
provements proposed to be constructed, have been distributed through
the Frazer Lanier Company, to a large number of prospective bidders
for the said bonds. The following resolution was then introduced by
Councilman Henry Bishop
RESOLVED, that all bids which have been filed with the
city for the purchase from it of the Water, Gas and
Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 1978, of the city and the
General Obligation Public Improvement Bonds of the city
for which bids were invited to be opened at this time
by resolution adopted by the Mayor and City Council
on December 26, 1978, be now publicly opened by the
City Clerk and read in the presence of those assembled.
Councilman Stipes moved that the foregoing resolution be adopted,
which motion was seconded by Councilman Wiggins and, upon vote
being taken on the said motion, the following vote was recorded:
Mavor James P. Nix None
Councilmen Henry Bishop
Sam Box
Jack Stipes
Don Wiggins
The chairman then stated that the said motion had been unanimously
carried and the said resolution was duly adopted.
The chairman then stated that those present who desired to file
a bid should do so at this time. All bids theretofore received and all
then filed were in the presence of the council and all others assembled
publicly opened and read by the city clerk, after which she announced
that the bids hereinafter listed constituted all of the bids for the
said bonds that had been filed and that each of the said bids was
accompanied by a certified check or a bank cashier's or bank treasurer's
check in the amount of either $7,200.00 or $8,000.00 payable to the
order of the city and drawn on a member bank of the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation, as required in the aforesaid respective official
invitations for bids, and that each such bid was therefore qualified
to be considered by the council. The bids so received were as follows:
(8 January 1979)
Interest Rate
or Rates Bid Average
and Maturities Dollar Total Net Annual Net
to which Appli- Amount Interest Interest
Name of Bidder cable of Bid Cost of Bid Rate of Bid
(for the
Water, Gas and
Sewer Revenue Bonds,
Series 1978)
The First Natl Bk of Bir
Joe Jolley & Co., Inc.
Sterne, Agee & Leach, Inc.1987-1993
Berney Perry & Co.Inc,
Thornton, Farish &
Gauntt, Inc.
Hendrix, Mohr & Yardley,
Inc. and Assoc.
Interest Rate
or Rates Bid
and Maturities
to which Appli-
Name of Bidder cable
Joe Jolley & Co.,Inc.
Sterne, Agee & Leach,
The First Natl Bank of
Berney Perry & Co.,Inc.
and Assoc.
Thornton, Farish &
Gauntt, Inc.
Hendrix, Mohr & Yardley,
Inc. and Associates
Central Bank of
(for the $400,000 General Obligation
Public Improvement Bonds)
1979-1982 6.00% $400,000.00 $127,500.00 5.7954%
1983-1988 5.75%
1979-1986 5.80% $400,000.00 $128,760.00 5.8527%
1987 5.90%
1988 6.00%
1979-1984 5.80% $400,000.00 $130,320.00 5.9236%
1985-1988 6.00%
1979-1980 5 7/8% $400,000.00 $131,850.00 5.993181%
1981-1988 6.00%
1979-1982 6.00% $400,000.00 $134,250.00 6.10227%
1983-1988 6.1/8%
1979-1988 6.00% $400,240.00 $131,760.00 5.9897.
1979-1988 6.00% $400,153.76 $107,846.24 5.99145%
(8 January 1979)
After all the bids had been tabulated, the same were considered by the
council and as the result of such consideration it appeared that the
bid filed by The First National Bank of Birmingham was the bid which
offered to purchase the said Water, Gas and Sewer Revenue Bonds at the
lowest total net interest cost to the city computed from the date of
the said bonds to their respective maturities and that the bid filed by
Joe Jolly & Co., Inc. was the bid which offered to purchase the said
General Obligation Public Improvement Bonds at the lowest total net
interest cost to the city computed from the date of the said bonds to
their respective maturities.
Councilman Henry Bishop then introduced Ordinance #630, an Ordinance
authorizing the issuance of and sale of $360,000 principal amount Water
Gas & Sewer Revenue Bonds to be dated December 1, 1978.
Councilman Wiggins moved that the rules be suspended and unanimous
consent be given for immediate consideration of and action on the said
ordinance, which motion was seconded by Councilman Stipes, and upon the
same being put to vote the following vote was recorded: .
Mayor James P. Nix none
Councilmen Henry Bishop
Sam Box
Jack Stipes
Don Wiggins
The Chairman thereupon declared that the motion for unanimous consent
for immediate consideration of and action on the said ordinance had been
unanimously carried. Councilman Stipes thereupon moved that the said or-
dinance be finally adopted, which motion was seconded by Councilman Wig-
gins, and upon the motion being put to vote the following vote was re-
Mayor James P. Nix none
Councilmen Henry Bishop
Sam Box
Jack Stipes
Don Wiggins
The chairman thereupon announced that the motion for adoption of the said
ordinance had been unanimously carried.
Councilman Henry Bishop then introduced Ordinance #631 an ORDINANCE
authorizing the issuance of and selling $400,000 Principal Amount of
General Obligation Public Improvement Bonds, of the City of Fairhope
Alabama to be dated December 1, 1978
Councilman Henry Bishop moved that the rules be suspended and unanimous
consent be given for immediate consideration of and action on the said
ordinance, which motion was seconded by Councilman Stipes, and upon the same
being put to vote the following vote was recorded:
(8 January 1979)
Mayor James P. Nix None
Councilmen Henry G. Bishop
Sam Box
Jack Stipes
Don Wiggins
The Chairman thereupon declared that the motion for unanimous consent
for immediate consideration of and action on the said ordinance had
been unanimously carried. Councilman Henry Bishop thereupon moved
that the said ordinance be finally adopted, which motion was seconded
by Councilman Stipes, and upon the motion being put to vote the follow-
ing vote was recorded:
Mayor James P. Nix None
Councilmen Henry G. Bishop
Sam Box
Jack Stipes
Don Wiggins
The Chairman thereupon announced that the motion for adoption of the
said ordinance had been unanimously carried.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, the
same was, on motion, duly adjourned.
City Clerk