HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-27-1978 Regular MeetingSTATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF BALDWIN The City Council of the City of Fairhope, Alabama met in regular session on Monday, February 27, 1978, at 7:00 P.M., at the City Administration Building, 387 Fairhope Avenue, Fairhope, Alabama with the following members present: Mayor James P. Nix; Councilmen: David F. Bishop, Henry G. Bishop, Sam E. Box, Jack A. Stipes and Billy Don Wiggins. Councilman Jack A. Stipes asked that the following addition be included in the Minutes of the February 13, 1978 meeting, regarding Mr. Carlton Niemeyer's request that the minutes reflect that he cited Section 7.52 of the City_of`'Fairhope Zoning Ordinance No. 557. Mr. Stipes requested that the minutes show that the reason for the delay was due to the fact that the applicants first submission was placed in error due to an incorrect property description given by the applicant Councilman Sam. E. Box moved, seconded by Councilman Jack A. Stipes for final adoption of Ordinance No. 608, AN ORDINANCE. TO AMEND THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 557, ADOPTED AUGUST 11, 1975, by amending Section 4.2 thru 4.6 ( residential zoning ). Motion carried. Councilman Sam E. Box moved, seconded by Councilman David E. Bishop, for final adoption of Ordinance No. 609, AN ORDINANCE TO ZONE PADDOCK ESTATES AND THE NEWLY ANNEXED BERGLIN PROPERTY R-3 HIGH DENSITY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL AS STATED UNDER THE NEW R-3 REQUIREMENTS IN SECTION III OF RODINANCE NO. 608 AND TO REZONE FROM R-2 TO R-3 THE PROPERTY OF J. RUSSELL KILGOR: Motion carried. Mrs. Helene Jones of the Fairhope Garden Club came before the Mayor and Council as the -chosen representative of the Wisteria, Fairhope, Dogwood and Sundial Garden Clubs, regarding the use of Knoll Park by the Art Association during the up coming Arts and Crafts festival. Mrs. Jones distributed letters to the Council requesting that various steps be taken in order to avoid damage to Knoll Park during the Arts and Crafts Festival. This letter shall become a part of these minutes. Mrs. Lib Belt of the Eastern Shore Art Association came before the Council to say that the Art Association has discussed the items stated in the letter from the Garden Clubs of Fairhope to insure that Knoll Park will not be damaged by the Arts and Crafts Festival, and stated that the Art Association would not allow any vehicular t-ffic at any time and that they will pick up in the areas that they are exhibiting. Mayor Nix said that he felt everyone could work together for the same goals an cobjectivesso that everything will be carried out to everyones liking. Councilman Henry G. Bishop moved, seconded by Councilman Jack A. Stipes for final adoption of Ordinance No. 614; AN ORDINANCE TO ADOPT THE ELECTRICAL RATES AS ADOPTED IN THE RATE STUDY OF FEBRUARY 1, 1978 , AND TO RECIND A MOTION MADE MARCH 28, 1977, WITH REFERENCE TO A REFUND. Motion carried. Fairhope City Council Minutes for meeting February 27, 1978 Page No. 2 Councilman Henry G. Bishop moved, seconded by Councilman Jack A. Stipes for final adoption of Ordinance No. 615; AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND ARTICLE 6, SECTION 2, OF ORDINANCE NO. 593, OF THE PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS,Upon being put to vote the following vote was recorded: AYES: David E. Bishop, Henry G. Bishop, Jack A. Stipes and Billy_ Don Wiggins. Nayes: Sam E. Box. Motion carried. Councilman Sam E. Box moved, seconded by Councilman Billy Don Wiggins to open the bid received on the old' -duplicator machine. Motion carried. The following bid was received on the City's Old Duplicator machine: Mr. Marian Allsman 15.00 Councilman Jack A. Stipes moved, seconded by Councilman David E.. Bishop, to accept the bid of Mr. Allsman in the amount of $ 15.00 for the old duplicator. Motion carried. Councilman Jack A. Stipes brought up for discussion the Street Ordinance on the City accepting new streets for maintainence. Mr. Stipes emphasized the importance of the City enforcing this Ordinance. The problem with the streets in Paddock Estates was brought up for discussion. Mr. Stipes stated that he did not agree with the way the construction was carried out in Paddock Estates on the streets and asked who was responsible for the streets at th time. It was stated that Paddock Estates was the responsib ility of the Contractor and Subdivider at this time since the City has not accepted these streets for maintainence. City Attorney John Duck said that the property owner has th right to seek legal action for improper construction of streets.from the developer. City Engineer Ack Moore presented a letter to the Mayor and Council requesting that the City change the contract on the Street Project to include the Pines Subdivision, Fredricks Subdivision and Co onial Drive South. Councilman Jack A. Stipes moved, seconded by Councilman Henry G. Bishop for the City to authorize the Mayor to execute the change orders in the contract on sewer and water with Fairhope Paving on the Street Improvement Projec to include the Pines, Fredricks and Colonial Subdivision. Motion carried. Councilman Sam E. Box moved, seconded by Councilman Billy Don Wiggins, to authorize the Mayor to execute the change orders in the contract on paving with Valta Construction Company to include the Pines, Fredricks and Colonial Subdivision. Motion carried. Councilman Sam E. Box moved, seconded by Councilman Jack A. Stipes, for the City to go out on bid for extension of the water lines south on U.S. 98 to Bailey's Creek. Moti carried. Councilman Box asked that the people who sign up for the water line extension be made aware that they can come in now for $ 50.00 but that they will be charged $ 125.00 if they come in after the line is set up. Fairhope City Council Minutes for February 27, 1978 Page No. 3 Councilman Billy Don Wiggins said that he felt the City should impose a time limit for people who want to come under the water line extension program. Mr. Jack Kirk gave a report to the Mayor and Council on the total number of people who have signed up for the water line extensions to date: Fairhope Avenue East 16 Greeno Road South 14 East Gayfer, Mosley and Oberg 26 South on 98_ 104 It was also stated that if the project is not completed there will be no engineering fees and the money will be refunded to the people in full. Councilman Billy Don Wiggins moved, seconded by Councilman Sam E. Box for the deadline for signing up for the water line extension will be April 1, 1978. Motion carried. Councilman Jack A. Stipes moved, seconded by Councilman Billy Don Wiggins, for the City to work out with West Baldwin Water Authority a billing date to coincide with the City's Books 12 and 16, for the reading of West Baldwin Water's Book 19. Motion carried. Councilman Billy Don Wiggins moved, seconded by Councilman Jack A. Stipes for the City to renttwo Porta-Toilets for Arts and Crafts week as per the Chamber of Commerce request. Motion carried. Mayor Nix informed members of the Council of a letter he receive form Ciba-Geigy regarding new gas. Mayor Nix said that they needed to notify them as to whether or not the City will buy the gas. Councilman Henry G. Bishop moved, seconded by Councilman Billy Don Wiggins, for the City not to purchase any additional gas fr Clarke -Mobile. Upon being put to vote the following vote was recorded: AYES: David E. Bishop, Henry G. Bishop, Jack A. Stipes and Billy Don Wiggins. NAYES: Sam E. Box. Motion carried. Mayor Nix told the Council of a request from a citizen to move t stairs at the foot of Grand Blvd which have washed out to the V.F.W. and repair them. Councilman Stipes said that he would look into this and report back at the next meeting. The application of Mr. Joseph Fram for a beer, liquor and club license ( formerly Nanny's Restaurant,) was brought before the Council. Mr. Joseph Osterberger and Mr. Isadore Reynolds both present at the meeting said that they were strongly opposed to the issuing of a club license. Councilman David E. Bishop moved, seconded by Councilman Jack A. Stipes for the City to deny the issuance of a Club License to Mr. Joseph Fram. Upon being put.to vote the following vote was recorded: AYES: David E. Bishop, Henry G. Bishop, Sam E. Box and. ikis . NAYES : Billy Don Wiggins. Motion carried of ie Fairhope City Council Minutes for February 27, 1978 Page No. 4 Councilman Jack A. Stipes moved, seconded by Councilman Sam E. Box for the City to issue a beer and liquor license to Mr. Joseph Fram for Fram's Restaurant and Lounge. Motion carried. City Attorney John V. Duck gave the Council a legal opinion on advertising in the three newspapers ( Eastern Shore Courier Mobile Press Register and The Independent ) to the Mayor and Council. Mr. Duck stated that according to the law there was a difference between a newspaper being printed and published in the municipality, and recommended that the City keep on advertising in the Courier until shown without a shadow of a doubt that it would be alright to use the other newspapers. Councilman Henry G. Bishop moved, seconded by Councilman David E. Bishop to adopt the following Resolution: Motion carried, RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. A public hearing is hereby scheduled to be held on April 10, 1978, at 7:00 P.M., at the City Hall for the purpose of considering the destruction of public records which are declared to be obsolete in accordance with Title 37, Section 511 (45)-511(50). Said Obsolete records consist of : Utility and Sanitation Customer ledger cards, utility meter reading sheets and books, paid utility stubs, bank statements and bank reconciliations, check stubs and cancelle checks, bank deposit slips, record of formal. bids, advertise- ment for bids on contracts and purchases, purchase orders, Employee's individual Personnel Records, payroll records of time worked by employees. business license receipt stubs and duplicates, general correspondence. All of which have been retained in the files in the office of the City Clerk for the period of time required by law. Also scheduled for destruction are other obsolete records including Paid bills, duplicates of miscellaneous receipts, police fine: and all general miscellaneous receipts, reports on tax collections made by the county, such as ad valorem, auto tags and taxes, beer and gasoline taxes, papers referring to build- ing permits, electrical permits and plumbing permits. which items are not referred to in the State Code but are considered by the custodian to be of no further use or value. Section 2. At the aforementioned public hearing the governing body of the City of Fairhope will hear the request of the custodian who has submitted a petition for destruction of the records, and also any and all other persons who desire an opportunity to be heard in opposition to or in favor of such destruction. Section 3. A notice of the public hearing is to be published in the Eastern Shore Courier a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Fairhope on March 13th and 16th, 1978. ADOPTEaTS THE 27 OF EBRUARY, 1978. ATTEST0 APPROVED: CITY C —� Fairhope City Council Minutes for February 27, 1978 Page No. 5 Councilman Henry G. Bishop moved, seconded by Councilman Billy Don Wiggins, to hear the bills on the Street Improvement Project as presented by Mr. Ack Moore, City Engineer: Mr. Moore submitted the following bills: Fairhope Paving Company $ 9,495.00 Valta Construction Company 17,229.31 Moore Engineering Company 593.88 Councilman Jack A. Stipes moved, seconded by Councilman Sam E. Box to approve the above bills for payment subject to the approval City Superintendent Phil Rutherford. Motion carried. Under old business Councilman Stipes said that the Corps of Engineers had contacted him regarding the jetties at the pier, he said that the Corps would like for the City to use stone, but if they still desired to go ahead with the jetties they would issue a permit. Mr. Stipes said that he would get with City Engineer Ack Moore and report back to the Council, Mr. Stipes passed along the thanks of Judge Phyllis Nesbit for the stove at the Civic Center. Mr. Stipes said that he would like to see the City give a letter of commendation to Sargeant Wayne Gandy, who resigned from the Police Department for his eight years of service to the City. There being no further business on a motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned. APPROVED: MAYOR ATTEST: i lu• i'.• I'll _ �..,,.. ,i.? ee.�..�y EIGHT MILL LABAMA BID SCHEDULE ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 1. 8" P.U.C. Water Mains, In— cluding Fittings, Cl. 160 162700 L.F. � ,1'55 w.-Z `/5 2. 8" D.I. (Tech. Joint for Wet Conditions), Cl. 2 200 L.F. 3. 6" P.U.C. Water Mains, In— cluding Fittings, Cl. 160 81400 L.F. 4. 6" D.I. (Mech. Joint for Wet Conditions), Cl. 2 100 L.F. 5. 3" P.U.C. Water mains, Inc— ',ri J cluding Fittings, Cl. 160 4, OOO L.F. / •� �' ` U`' 6. 12" Steel Casing (Highway Crossing) 60 L.F. 7. 10" Steel Casing (Highway Crossing) 170 L.F. 8. 6" Steel Casing (Highway Crossing) 120 L.F. 9. 8" Valves 5 Each ' 10. 6" Valves 4 Each /.�,� :P/ '`� •;, �d 11. 3" Valves 4 Each- 12. 6" Fire Plugs 11 Each 13. 2" Flushing Valves 3 Each 14. 3/4" Water Service Connection (including Curb Stop, Cor oration Stop, & Pieter Box NO METERS RE— QUIRED 220 Each,�'•jr� 4!0'. 15. 3/4" Type "K" Copper Ser— Line B,CCO L.F. 1, /// //.•J%1 �jn vice 16. Tie to Existing 6" Water Main, Including all Neces— Fittings 2 Each sary —2A— I ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION 17. Relocate Existing 4" Meter Installation IS., Pavement Repair ESTIMATED UNIT QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 1 Each 0 150 S.Y. c), TOTAL BID ITEMS 1 — 18:r .I hereby certify that the above is, to the best of my kncwledgc and belief, a true and correct tabulation of the Bids ,or „tc: Line Extensions for the City of Fairhope, Alabama, received c^ the 17th day of March, 1978 Ack W. Moore, L.S. Ala. Reg. NO. 3384 I —28— 3 1 ' J. E. SMI 1. Cj{,i MOBILES ALAu..-'IA SID SCHEDULE ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION 1. 8f1 P.U.C. Water Mains, In— cluding Fittings, Cl. 160 2. 811 D.I. (Mach. Joint for Wet Conditions), 01. 2 3. 6t1 A.U.C. Water Mains, In— cluding Fittings, Cl. 160 4. 611 D.I. (Mach. Joint for ' Wet Conditions), Cl. 2 5. 3T1 P.U.C. Water Mains, Inc— cluding Fittings, Cl. 160 6. 1251 Steel Casing (Highway Crossing) 7. 1011 Steel Casing (Highway Crossing) 8. 6t1 Steel Casing t.(Highway Crossing) 9. 811 Valves 10. 611 Valves 11. 3f1 Valves 12. 6t1 Fire Plugs 13. 211 Flushing Valves 14. 3/411 Water Service Connection (including Curb. Stop, Cor oration Stop, & Meter Box NO METERS RE— QUIRED 15. 3/411 Type 110 Capper Ser— vice Line .16. Tie to Existing 611 Water Main, Including all Neces— sary Fittings ESTIMATED UNIT QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 16, 700 L.F. 200 L.F. r_ D�00 14,,)or2.6o. 8,400 L.F. c2. 75 _':;�3,1(0.(o- 100 L.F. l lo.00 Ugaim' 49000 L.F. I Sa Lo. oon. C 60 L.F. .;61 r%n1 ,62ID9q .�7 -- 170 L.F. _ o� .SJ' L1, 176. In 120 L.F. lq .q( n Q,_3gS.` _01 5 Each BLo, 13 —1. ' 30. (5S 4 Each 0 Lo CAI.'t 4 Each�J`' J���• 3� 11 Each 1 �• y� o�L lo. 3 Each c 7. S c;,% ..,.. 2 220 Each �,�c� 131 0 m 8,000 L.F. 1•7S Id,�O00011 2 Each _ '� `-13• 2, L 41 / —2A— i ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION 17. Relocate Existing 4" Meter Installation 18.' Pavement Repair ESTIMATED UNIT QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 1 Each .E 000- nQ .5Qt1 • C)C� 150 S.Y. �,1 n(� 4,56 . ()o TOTAL BID ITEMS 1 — 13: 15 i hereby certify that the above is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, a true and correct taculation� 0, the Bids f cr '•w!a.e:: Line Extensions For the City of -airhopa, Alabama, received an, the 17th day of March, 1978. Ack W. 1'100rc, N-L. L..i. Ala. Reg. No. 3384 0 —26— 41 ---"NORTHWESTERN, ORPORATEO PENSACOLA, FLORIDA BID SCHEDULE ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY PRICE 1. 8" P.V.C. Water Mains, In— cluding Fittings, Cl. 160 2. 8" D.I. (Mach. Joint for Wet Conditions), Cl. 2 3. 6" P.V.C. Water Mains, In— cluding Fittings, Cl. 160 4. 6" O.I. (Mach. Joint for Wet Conditions), Cl. 2 5. 3" P.V.C. Water Mains, Inc— cluding Fittings, Cl. 160 6. 12" Steel Casing (Highway Crossing) 7. 10" Steel Casing .(Highway Crossing) oft eD 16,700 L.F. ` 7 200 L.F. 47 �✓ AMOUNT 8,400 L.F. 3`Z7� _3/6$°�� 100 L.F. ����=? ���Z ma 4,000 L.F. / d? 9 60 L.F. 8S �F%1 a® 170 L.F. S. , 6" Steel Casing .(Highway Crossing) 120 L.F. 029 �O 9. 8" Valves 5 Each .3iTo­ 10. 6" Valves 4 Each �3 11. 3" Valves 4 Each 0 /0.3 �- 12. 6" Fire Plugs 11 Each 0�� 13. 2" Flushing Valves 3 Each 14. 3/4" Water Service Connection (including Curb. Stop, Cor oration Stop, & Meter Box NO METERS RE— QUIRED_ 5. 3/4" Type "K" Copper Ser— vice Line 6. Tie to Existing 6" Water Mains Including all Neces— sary Fittings es' ' !? 220 Each 7�� /l /%B �® •� 1 8, 000 L.F. lW ��� /�® ® 2 Each —2A— ITEM! NO.. DESCRIPTION 17. Relocate Existing 4" Motor Installation 18. Pavement Repair ESTIMATED UNIT QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 1 Each�f/��m 1 S 0 S. Y. 93�6�'so ✓ TOTAL 6I0 I T E Mi S 1— 1 S: I heroby certify that the above is., to the hest of my knowledge and belief a true and correct tabulation of the Bids fcr W .er Line Extensions for the City oil EairhoPe, Alabama, received o„ the 17th day of March, 1978. Ack W. Poore, P.E. Ala. Reg. No. 3314 . S . i O ITEM NO. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 01i. Il. !,I. - t. .' , o I . , , - . iiik, ­_ 0 9 EIGHT MILL .LABAMA BID SCHEDULE ESTIMATED UNIT DESCRIPTION QUANTITY PRICE 811 P.U.C. Water Mains, In— cluding Fittings, 01. 160 811 Q.I. (Mach. Joint for Wet Conditions), Cl. 2 611 P.V.C. Water Mains, In— cluding Fittings, Cl. 160 611 D.I. (Mach. Joint for Wet Conditions), Cl. 2 311 P.U.C. Water Mains, Inc— cluding Fittings, C1.,160 12f1 Steel Casing (Highway Crossing) 7. 1011 Steel Casing (Highway Crossing) S. 611 Steel Casing :(Highway Crossing) 9. 8f1 Valves 10. 611 Valves 11. 3f1 Valves 12. 611 Fire Plugs 13. 2" Flushing Valves 14. 3/411 Water Service Connection (including Curb Stop, Cor oration Stop, & Meter Box NO METERS RE— QUIRED 15. 3/411 Type 11K11 Copper Ser— vice Line 16. Tie to Existing 611 Water Main, Including all Neces— sary Fittings AMOUNT 16,700 L.F. ,IV 200 L.F. 8,400 L.F. 2,:5'[�� �,%;�y/ 61c r 100 L.F. r 4, OOO L.F. 60 L.F. 170 L.F.71-7 — 120 L.F. 5 Each 4 Each 4 Each 11 Each _5�91 6"o 44., 3 Each 220 Each ��,� . jr� I' ,; rr2 81000 L.F. 2 Each / / , c-)c:> %7/..-3� . 06) —2A— Y ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION 17. Relocate Existing 4" Meter Installation 18., Pavement Repair ESTIMATED UNIT QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 1 Each �;„�5.;� 150 S.Y. C, c TOTAL BID ITEMS 1 18:�� hereby certify that the above i s, ,o t:?e best o� my r<nc�;l�^cn� and belief, a true and correct tabulation of the Bids for Line Extensions for the City of Ea,irhopa., Alabama, received c^ the 17th day of March, 1978 • r Ack U. Moore, ? u..�. Ala. Reg. No. '30334 I 540 J. E. 3P11IN RAL'Tli�u COMPANY, T4'dt.. MOBILE, AL AA BID SCHEDULE ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION ' 1. 8" P.U.C. Water Mains, In— cluding Fittings, Cl. 160 2. 8" D.I. (Mech. Joint for Wet Conditions), Cl. 2 3. 611 P.V.C. Water Mains, In— cluding Fittings, Cl. 160 4. .6" D.I. (Mech. Joint for '. Wet Conditions), Cl. 2 S. 3" P.U.C. Water Mains, Inc— cluding Fittings, Cl. 160 6. 12" Steel Casing (Highway Crossing) 7. 10" Steel Casing (Highway Crossing) 8. 611 Steel Casing .:(Highway Crossing) ' 9. 8" Valves 10.6" Valves 11. i 3" Valves 12. 611 Fire Plugs 13. i 2" Flushing Valves 14. 3/4" Water Service Connection (including Curb. Stop, Cor oration Stop, & ' Meter SM NO METERS RE— QUIRED - 15. 3/4" Type "K" Copper Ser— vice Line 16. Tie to Existing 6" Water Main, Including all Neces— L_ sary Fittings -, —2 A — ESTIMATED UNIT QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 162700 L.F. 20C L. F. _. '7�D. Ufl Li. oo(2U.�r. 8, 400 L.F. a225 023,1 M .00- 100 L.F. 110.00 _ ,1 6W,00- 4, 000 L.F. LSO oCco, 60 L.F. X r7n _UoID 170 L.F. _ cP4.5 3 J4, 170. I 120 L.F. lq.q(n Q'3qS•--o- 5 Each 4 Each - 9(0 �.�•� 4 Each ° q• 3� 6g7.36 11 Each ` rN n• q2 L pLi (0- 3 Each rA (. 220 Each 13,(Qq 00-' 82000 L.F. 1•'75 Id,CY01O,�� 2 Each ` .yam, L 410 11 ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION 17. Relocate Existing 4" Meter Installation 18., Pavement Repair ESTIMATED UNIT QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 1 Each .E:;o(—). m '500 TOTAL BID ITEMS 1 — 18 : I hereby certify that the above is, to the best of :ray knowledgo and belief, a true and corract tabulation of the Bids for JJgter Line Extensions for the City of Eairhope, Alabama, received on the 17th day of March, 1978. Ala. Reg. No. 45b4 0 —23- NORTHWESTERN, RPORATED ...,PENSACOLA, FLO,,..DA gID SCHEDULE Y ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY PRICE 1. 8" P.U.C. Water Mains, In— cluding Fittings, Cl. 1"60 2. 8" D.I. (Mach. Joint for Wet Conditions), Cl. 2 3. 6" P.V.C. Water Mains, In— cluding Fittings, Cl. 160 4. 6" D.I. (Mach. Joint for Wet Conditions), Cl. 2 5. 3" P.U.C. Water Mains, Inc— cluding Fittings,.Cl. 160 6. 12" Steel Casing (Highway Crossing) 7. 10" Steel Casing .(Highway Crossing) AMOUNT 16,7C0 L.F. 11,17 7:2 J 200 L.F. 8,400 L.F. J Z7 -2-9d$of °- 100 L.F. �� `3=� 4� 4,000 L.F. / Ir 60 L.F. 81 170 L.F. �✓ 8. 6" Steel Casing :(Highway Crossing) 120 L.F. .219 do - 9. 6u Valves 5 Each .3`��d"� 10. 6" Valves 4 Each G� 11. 3" Valves 4 Each /<o/cl°d0 12. 6" Fire Plugs 11 Each 0 &�� 13. 2" Flushing Valves 3 Each 7�°% 14. 3/4" Water Service Connection (including Curb. Stop, Cor oration Stop, & Meter Box NO METERS RE— QUIRED 220 Each 5. 3/4" Type "K" Copper Ser— vice Line 6. Tie to Existing 6" Water Main, Including all Neces— sary Fittings —2A— /C /7,d a 8,000 L.F. 2 Each 7'��°® `�7��� ✓ b i 'ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION 17. Relocate Existing 4" Meter Installation 18. Pavement Repair ESTIMATED UNIT QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 1 Each /.�®� g/11P 150 S-. Y . y'.39 / �6� S4 ✓ TOTAL BID ITEMS 1 — 1 S : 376 Z© I heroby certify that the above is, to the best of my knowledge and belief a true and correct tabulaticn of the Bids for Water Line Extensions for the City of Eairhopo, Alabar;.a, reczivec O. the 171-0h day of March, 1978. Zak), Ack W. Moore, P.E.k L.S. Ala. Reg. No. 33 !PV-5 ALABAMA POWER COMPANY 600 NORTH 18TH STREET — P. O. Box 2641 BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA 35291 — (205) 323-5341 June. 16,. 1977 F1 Mr. Jack Kirk Electrical Superintendent City of Fairhope P. 0. Drawer 429 Fairhope, Alabama.36532 Dear Jack: I have been informed that service was interrupted to the City of Fairhope on June.15,.1977. Our records indicate that this interruption occurred at 4:49 p.m. and lasted for 1 hour'21 minutes. This interruption occurred when a bushing failed on OCB #686 which is located on the.115 KV side of our #2 230--115 KV autotransformer bank at the Silver Hill transmission substation. This caused the differential relay to operate locking out the 115 KV bus from which the city is served. The transformer bank is presently being tested to determine if any internal damage resulted from this failure. s Yours.very truly, B. Aerord, Manager Governmental & Wholesale Services H E L P I N G D E V E L O P A L A B A M A L EIGHT MILE, AMA 3 BID SCHEDULE ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY PRICE 1. 8" P.U.C. Water Mains, In— cluding Fittings, Cl. 160 2. 8" D.I. (Mech. Joint for Wet Conditions), Cl. 2 3.- 6" P.U.C. Water Mains, In— cluding Fittings, Cl. 160 4. 611 D.I. (Mech. Joint for Wet Conditions), Cl. 2 B. 3" P.U.C. Water Mains, Inc— cluding Fittings, C1..160 6. 12" Steel Casing (Highway Crossing) 7. 1011 Steel Casing (Highway Crossing) 8. 611 Steel Casing " :(Highway Crossing) 9. 8" Valves 10. 6" Valves 11. 3" Valves 12. 6" Fire Plugs 13. 2" Flushing Valves 14. 3/4" Water Service Connection (including Curb Stop, Cor oration Stop, u Meter Box NO METERS RE— QUIRED 15. 3/4" Type "K" Copper Ser— vice Line 16. Tie to Existing 6" Water Main, Including all Neces— sary Fittings AMOUNT 16, 700 L.F. 3 , <S'.`i ��. C !� • :1� 200 L.F. / •� - /%'c- 8,400 L.F. 1-1,<S'G 100 L.F. 4,000 L.F. / ?% 60 L.F. j7�5.5 170 L.F. 120 L.F. �.S" .S'`i /.-� /' s- 4 Each 4 Each- 11 Each 6o 3 Each 220 Each �+�.�' %� Igo 7.992. 82000 L.F. ran — 2 Each ,.� �'%, /�)& /. . �;�;, —2A- J ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION 17. Relocate Existing 411 Meter Installation IS.' Pavement Repair ESTIMATED UNIT QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT I Each 150 S. Y. 1 `? TOTAL BID ITEMS 1 — 18: .v �'. i hereby certify that the above is., to thO best of my knowledge and belief, a true and correct tabulation of the Bids for Ja'—Onn Line Extensions for the City of Fairhope, Alabama, rcceivod c,. the 17th day of March, 1978 P.ck W. Moore, L•S• Ala. Reg. No. 3384 I IRM J. E. SMITH MOBILE, ALAB BID SCHEDULE ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION 1. 8" P.U.C. Water Mains, In- cluding Fittings, Cl. 160 2. 8" D.I. (Mech. Joint for Wet Conditions), Cl. 2 3. 6" P.U.C. Water Mains, In- cluding Fittings, Cl. 160 4. .6" D.I. (Mech. Joint for Wet Conditions), Cl. 2 5. 3" P.U.C. Water Mains, Inc- cluding Fittings, Cl. 160 6. 12" Steel Casing (Highway Crossing) 7. 10" Steel Casing (Highway Crossing) 8. 6" Steel Casing .:(Highway Crossing) 9. 8" Valves 10. 6" Valves 11. 3" Valves 12. 6" Fire Plugs 13. 2" Flushing Valves 14. 3/4" Water Service Connection (including Curb. Stop, Cor oration Stop, & Meter Box NO METERS RE- QUIRED 15. 3/4" Type 110 Copper Ser- vice Line 16. Tie to Existing 6" Water Main, Including all Neces- sary Fittings -2A- ESTIMA•iED UNIT QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 162700 L.F. 3.-1,�i�rn.00' 200 _L.F. Uo (')no'� 80400 L.F. ISP.75 C�33QQ-00- 100 L o F . _p_.M.�. W. " 4, OOO L.F. on. oo 60 L.F. 27 riQ� i ioa •D'7- 170 L.F. rN.53 L. I r7o. to 120 L.F. Igr .q _ a.3gs•Q0, 5 Each��o. 0 3 4 Each _ l o• Ll 4 Each �L _ .�"r'( 7-Na 11 Each n • Q 3 �� ..i_.�. 3 Each _ I. 3 ' 220 Each Lq .Uo 13't0q 0 00- 8,000 L.F. 1.7S I d�00- 2 Each =,� �-, ,�,_. L40 / Ism s ESTIMATEDUNIT NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY PRICE Ali_ 17. Relocate Existing 4" 1 Each /�� (2 On-) � {deter Installation .�oo. '50 I S. ' Pavement Repair 150 S. Y. � • an TOTAL BID ITEMS 1 — 18: /55,L65 I hereby certify that the above is, to t o best of My knawlEdnc and belief, a true and correct tabular.ion of tha Bids f or L''ca-ZC. Line Extensions for the City of Eairhope, Alabama, raceived on the 17th day of Parch, 1978. Ala. Reg. No. 3384 NORTHWESTERN, I1 ORATED " `PNSACOLA, FLORID„ gI0 SCHEDULE ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY PRICE 1. 8" P.U.C. Water Mains, In— cluding Fittings, Cl. 160 2. 8" D.I. (Mach. Joint for Wet Conditions), Cl. 2 3. 6" P.V.C. Water Mains, In— cluding Fittings', Cl. 160 4. 6" O.I. (Tech. Joint for Wet Conditions), Cl. 2 5. 3" P.U.C. Water Mains, Inc— cluding Fittings, Cl. 160 6. 12" Steel Casing (Highway Crossing) 7. 10" Steel Casing (Highway Crossing) 16 700 L.F. AMOUNT 200 L.F. 47�/ 8,400 L.F. 337 100 L.F. 4,000 L.F. _ / 179 00 � 60 L.F. 8S /4 5/7/ - ✓ 170 L.F. 8. 6" Steel Casing ""(Highway Crossing) 120 L.F. �D o29 9. 8" Valves 5 Each .3iTa0 10. 6" Valves 4 Each o?�3 11. 3" Valves 4 Each /o/ ao 12. 6" Fire Plugs 11 Each 3. 2" Flushing Valves 3 Each r 4. 3/4" Water Service Connection (including Curb. Stop, Corporation Stop, & Meter Box) NO METERS RE— QUIRED— 5. 3/4" Type "K!' Copper Ser— vice Line 6. Tie to Existing 6" Water Main, Including all Neces— sary Fittings 220 Each /%G do 8,000 L.F. 44 A Ga 2 Each oo 7Z�a ✓ &1.15 ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT NO.. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 17.. Relocate Existing 4" ®o �/� — o0 919 Deter Installation 1 Each 18. Pavement Repair 150 S.Y. TOTAL ITEMS BID 1 13: Z® — I hereby cortify that the above is, to the best of ray knowledge and belief a true and correct t—abulation of the Bids for Water Line Extensions for the City of Eair`hoPa, Alabama, received on the 17th day of !March, 1978. Ack W. Moore, P.E. & L.S. Ala. Rog. No. 3334 —26— s r ,i r � � e i'l. f41 f 1...,.,e., 1i. a U;,, ..5++• 9 EIGHT MILE, _ABAMA BID SCHEDULE ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY PRICE 1. 8" P.U.C. Water Mains, In— cluding Fittings, Cl. 160 2. 8" Q.I. (Mach. Joint for Wet Conditions), Cl. 2 3, 6" P.U.C. Water Mains, In— cluding Fittings, Cl. 160 4. 6" D.I. (('tech. Joint for Wet Conditions), Cl. 2 5. 3" P.U.C. Water Mains, Inc— cluding Fittings, C1..160 6. 12" Steel Casing (Highway Crossing) 7. 10" Steel Casing (Highway Crossing) 8. 6" Steel Casing (Highway Crossing) 9. 8" Valves 10. 6" Valves 11. 3" Valves 12. 6" Fire Plugs 13. 2" Flushing Valves 14. 3/4" Water Service Connection (including Curb Stop, Cor oration Stop, & Meter Box NO METERS RE— QUIRED 15. 3/4" Type 110 Copper Ser— vice Line 16. Tie to Existing 6" Water Main, Including all Neces— sary Fittings AMOUNT 160700 L.F. i <S'.`i l5'• cx 200 L.F. a cr 8,400 L.F. ;�,:5'G <i/, c�;1�,�•�l�` 100 L.F. 4,000 L.F. 60 L.F. 170 L.F, ,5_5 76) — 120 L.F. 5 Each 1G.�' 1, .�•�� j' 4 Each 4 Each 11 Each��,� 3 Each 41 y 3 5' , 220 Each 51 , �r> %' 7V t 2 - 8, CCO L.F. /� /-// // ' .� , On. — 2 Each —2A— .J ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION 17. Relocate Existing 411 Meter Installation IS.' Pavement Repair ESTIMATED UNIT QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 1 Each ISO S.Y. TOTAL BID ITEMS 1— 18 : T hereby certify that the above is, to the best of ny kncw10d9c y - =- n and 'belief, a true and correct tabulation of the Bids for atc Line Extensions for the City of =airhope, Alabama, received cn the 17th day of March, 1978 Ack W. Moore, P.E. L.S. Ala. Reg. No. 3384 3 5 -z Y♦ J. E. SMITV S rcAL t L;6Virt,�s MOBILE, ALA A BID SCHEDULE ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY PRICE 1. 8" A.U.C. Water Mains, In— cluding Fittings, Cl. 160 2. 8" D.I. (Mech. Joint for Wet Conditions), 01. 2 3. 611 P.U.C. Water Mains, In— cluding Fittings, Cl. 160 4. 6" D.I. (Mech. Joint for Wet Conditions), Cl. 2 5. 3" P.U.C. Water Mains, Inc— cluding Fittings, Cl. 160 6. 12" Steel Casing (Highway Crossing) 7. 10" Steel Casing (Highway Crossing) 8. 6" Steel Casing (Highway Crossing) 9. 8" Valves 10. 6" Valves 11. 3" Valves 12. 6" Fire Plugs 13. 2" Flushing Valves 14. 3/4" Water Service Connection (including Curb. Stop, Cor oration Stop, & Meter Box NO METERS RE— QUIRED 15. 3/4" Type 110 Copper Ser— vice Line 16. Tie to Existing 6" Water Main, Including all Neces— sary Fittings AMOUNT 162700 L.F. 3. 9 R ,q1r& 0- 200 L.F. ­ 0• Q ono.�iCl 89400 L.F. .2-V—%5 _C;�3,1CX? -on 100 L.F. I.tow-M, 4, O O O L.F. I .SCE -- tom. ion t')� 60 L.F. '%� .�n�� •C� 170 L.F. 7J Ll Z70. ' 120 L.F. jc1.q(a 5 Each . 13 r JASO, (o& 4 Each �•� 4 Each ` -Na-' 11 Each ( . � P�L� (D 3 Each c) I. �� (r)&- .- 6 220 Each = M 81000 L.F. 1•r7S I�,000., 2 Each L ( z / —2A— ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION 17. Relocate Existing 4" Motor Installation 18.' Pavement Repair ESTIMATED UNIT QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 1 Each Acy2 . ('fin 15 O S . Y . n TOTAL BID ITEMS 1 — 18: I hereby certify that the above is, to the best of ^y knowledgo aid belief, a tru@ and corract tabulation Of ZhO 64ds for Line Extensions for the Ci•�Cy of `"airhope, received on the 17th day of March, 1978. Ack W. {Moors, P.L. Ala. Reg. No. 3334 I I -2B- ,'"-,-NORTHWESTERN, PORATED 4 PENSACOLA, FLOR_LA BID SCHEDULE ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY PRICE 1. 8" P.U.C. Water Mains, In- cluding Fittings, Cl. 1160 2. 8" D.I. (Mach. Joint for Wet Conditions), Cl. 2 3. 6" A.U.C. Water Mains, In- cluding Fittings, Cl. 160 4. 6" O.I. (Mech. Joint for Wet Conditions), Cl. 2 5. 3" P.U.C. Water Mains, Inc- cluding Fittings,.Cl. 160 6. 12" Steel Casing (Highway Crossing) 7. 10" Steel Casing .(Highway Crossing) AMOUNT 16, 7OO L.F. - 4137 3 1.33 200 L.F. 47a/ 8,400 L.F. 1337 _;7 g� as , 100 L.F. 4,000 L.F. / �9® 00 — 1 60 L.F. T 170 L.F. 8. 6" Steel Casing :(Highway Crossing) 120 L.F. a29 .30 9. 8." Valves 5 Each .3 iT°-� 10. 6" Valves 4 Each 11. 3" Valves 4 Each 12. 6" Fire Plugs 11 Each pad o% 3. 2" Flushing Valves 3 Each 4. 3/4" Water Service Connection (including Curb. Stop, Cor oration Stop, & Meter Box NO METERS RE- QUIw 5. 3/4" Type "K" Copper Ser- vice Line 6. Tie to Existing 6" Water Main, Including all Neces- sary Fittings -2A- d.53/ 220 Each 7.3 /` /%G o° ' 8, 000 L. F. .3 Q® v" 06 2 Each �7Z �/���. - ✓ c ITEM NO. . DESCRIPTION 17.. Relocate Existing 4" Meter Installation 18. Pavement Repair ESTIMATED UNIT QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 1 Each 150 S.Y. TOTAL BID ITEMS 1 — 19: I hereby certify that the above is, to tha best of my knowledge and belief a true and correct tabulation of the Bids for Water Line Extensions for the City of Fairhope, Alabama, received o,, the 17th day of March, 1978. Ack W. Moore, P E. Ala. Reg. No. 3334 L.S. —26— TO: FOR: THI/nm )ORE ENGINEERING CO. POST OFFICE BOX 421 FAIRHOPE. ALABAMA 36S32 PHONE 928-8301 CITY OF FAIRHOPE P. 0. Drawer #429 Fairhope, Alabama 36532 Today is Friday March 17th, 1978 HIGHWAY - AIRPORT - MUNICIPAL WATERWORKS - SANITARY ENGINEERING MEMBERS A. S. C. E. N. S. P. E. Professional services rendered in connection with the Water Line Extension Project on U.S. Highway #98, south of Fairhope, as follows: Ammended Low Bid... **oo*000**e000*********eooeoo$128,445*54 $1289445.54 X 5% Previous Payments Amount Due: $ 69422.28 None 6,422.28 Thank you, )ORE ENGINEERING CO. POST OFFICE BOX 421 FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA 36532 PHONE 928-8301 City Council City of Fairhope P. 0. Drawer #429 Fairhope, Alabama 36532 Gentlemen: Today is Friday March 17th, 1978 HIGHWAY - AIRPORT - MUNICIPAL WATERWORKS - SANITARY ENGINEERING MEMBERS A. SC. E. N. S.. P. E. Re: Water Line Extensions City of Fairhope, Alabama I have checked and tabulated the Bids received on the above referenced project, and find the low Bid to be in proper order. I, therefore, recommend that the Proposal of W. R. Mitchell Contracting Company of Eight Mile, Alabama be accepted with the following changes. Item No. 1 — Delete 2,000 L.F. — 8" P.U.C. water line along Marlow Road ® $3.85/L.F. = $79700.00. Item No. 3 — Delete 1,600 L.F. — 6" P.U.C. water line south of Jr. Food Store ® $2.86/L.F. = $4,576.00. Item No..14 — Delete 100 — 3/4" domestic service connections ® $58.10 Each = $5,810.00. Total Deletion = $18,086.00 Original Low Bid ..................$ 146,531.54 Less Deletions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,086.00 Ammended Lou Bid $ 128,445.54 If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call upon me. With best wishes, I remain Very truly yours, )1) A. W. oore, P.E. AWM/nm JAMES C. EDDINS PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER ROUTE 1 - BOX 20-A - PERDIDO. ALABAMA 36562 March 27, 1978 Mayor Jim Nix Fairhope City Council Fairhope, Alabama 36532 Ref: TWIN BAY PROJECT Gentlemen: I wish to personally thank each of you for your individual con- sideration of the Twin Bay Water System project. After several months of meetings and deliberations, I believe we have more clear- ly defined our collective goals. More importantly, I think we have come to know and respect each other in a positive way. Your individual and collective decisions regarding the Twin Bay Project at tonight's City Council meeting will certainly set the course of events in the environs of Fairhope for many future years. It is therefore requested that before voting you carefully weigh the following summary statements: 1. The Twin Bay Project has earned approval of the various governmental and regulatory agencies because it has been care- fully planned to provide not only water, but eventually sewage, and fire protection to a large rural area, including an im- portant portion of the Fairhope police jurisdiction. 2. The Twin Bay officials have agreed to meet specific con- ditions set forth by the City Council for cooperation and mut- ual benefits, and, at no cost to the City of Fairhope, now or later. 3. An agreement from the City of Fairhope addressed to the Farmers' Home Administration and any other financing agency, assuring lenders of support and cooperation vice interference, is required to complete such financial arrangements of loans and grants. 4. Twin Bay officials have agreed to maximize efforts to obtain funds, complete engineering, begin construction and provide services to the subject area as soon as possible. Since this is a larger, more comprehensive project, a realistic time frame for accomplishment is necessarily required. 5. The hastily -conceived and limited resolution by the City to construct a simple water main south along U.S. 98 to Mullet Point or the police jurisdiction benefits a few at the expense JAMES C. EDDINS PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER ROUTE 1 - BOX 20-A - PERDIDO, ALABAMA 36562 Mayor Jim Nix, March 27, 1978 (cont) Page 2 of many persons. In retrospect, we must recognize that the City has been mislead into sponsorship of an ill-advised action without full facts, and this action may have become costly and awkward for the City. But, at,this time, it is not to late to reverse the matter and intelligently resolve the details before further irreversible damage is done. 6. The fact that water -users and property owners are demand- ing service in the subject area is opportunity for both the City and Twin Bay. We should endeavor as responsible people to provide the service as best we can. We are aware of the needs of each one. Unfortunately, some confusion has resulted with the public about who is providing the service. The con- fusion is a dis-service that we can correct with good public relations. 7. The facts are that James C. Eddins, P.E. has the engineer- ing capability to complete the Twin Bay -Project with his staff of three engineers, designers, surveyors and draftsmen. This project is top priority and we can respond, contrary to the opinion of the City Engineer. 8. The citizens of the Twin Bay area and the writer will sus- tain monetary damages, if the City decides to extend the water main to the police jurisdiction only. The only alternative to the injured persons is to seek administrative and civil remed- ies for these damages.' Gentlemen, We trust that you will fully consider all these facts and wisely conclude that the best alternative offering the greatest benefits at the least cost will be to enter into an agreement with The Twin Bay Water Company for the successful accomplishment of the project. Thank you in advance for your wisdom, and your affirmative vote tonight. Sincerely yours, �7 James C. Eddins, P.E.