HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-27-1977 Regular MeetingSTATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF BALDWIN The City Council of the City of Fairhope, Alabama met in regular session on Tuesday, December 27th, 1977, at 7:00 P.M at the City Administration Building, 387 Fairhope Avenue, Fairhope, Alabama with the following members present: Mayor James P. Nix; Councilmen: David E. Bishop, Henry G. Bishop, Sam E. Box, Jack A. Stipes and Billy Don Wiggins. The minutes of the December 12th, 1977 meeting were correctec to show that Mayor JamesP. Nix vacated his seat to make a motion to correct his vote at the November 28th, 1977 meeting on the Kilgore rezoning. The minutes of the special meeting of December 16th, 1977 included the following addition: Frank Shelton Inc. T/A Utility Service Company , the low bid on painting 1,000,000 gallon water tank in the amount of $ 42,114.00 is broken down as follows: Paint exterior $ 21,400.00 Paint interior 14,600.00 Demolish 75,000 gallon tank 6,114.00 TOTAL BID $ 42,114.00 Mayor Nix informed members of the Council that the term of Roy C. White would expire at midnight December 27th, 1977, and that Attorney -at -Law James Reid would be serving as the new City Judge. Judge Roy White administerePthe oath of office to Mr. Reid, after which Mayor Nix presented a plaque to to Judge White in recognition of his service and leadersh. while serving as City Judge to the City of Fairhope. Councilman Jack A. Stipes moved, seconded by Councilman David E. Bishop, to hold over on the public hearing on the rezoning of the -Paul Strickland property since the date and time of the public hearing was not advertised, and that the public hearing be readvertised for the January 9th, 1977 meeting. Upon being put to vote the following vote was recorded: AYES: David E. Bishop, Henry G. Bishop, Jack A. Stipes and Billy D. Wiggins. NAYES: Sam E. Box. Motion carried. This being the date set for the public hearing on the rezonii request of residents from the Rosa Acres subdivision from R-3 to R-2 in order to restrict the subdivision to single- family dwellings the meeting was called to order. Mr. Mike Brantley resident of,Rosa Acres subdivision was the spokes- person for the application. Mr. Brantley stated that he fel- the construction of duplexes in Rosa Acres would be an inconvenience and a hazard.'to the subdivision by causing ris] to the children in the subdivision and a devaluation of the property. Mr. Brantley referred to the initial,application by Byrd Moore for rezoning of Rosa Acres in February of 1974 Mr. Barntley said that the initial application said single family dwellings and that in his research with South Alabama Regional Planning Consultants, he wasjgiven the impression that the planning consultants were under the impression that the rezoning was for single-family residences. Mr. Glen Gilbert requested that the initial application be presented at the meeting and this was done. The residents requested that the City use the services of another Attorney since they felt the City of Fairhope Attorney would cause a H Fairhope City Council Page No. 2 Minutes for December 27th, 1977 conflict of interest since he has done business with Eastern Shore Builders. Councilman Sam E. Box moved seconded by Councilman Billy Don Wiggins, to set another date for the public hearing on the rezoning request by the residents of Rosa Acres at which time all of the records will be produced from the request for annexatic thru the last rezoning application by Eastern Shore Builders.. Upon being put to vote the following vote was recorded: AYES: David E. Bishop, Sam E. Box, Jack A. Stipes and Billy D. Wiggins. NAYES: NONE ABSTAIN:: Henry G. Bishop. Motion carried. Final adoption of Ordinance No. 603 died for lack of action. Councilman Jack A. Stipes moved to introduce the following Ordinance: u.� �►fl+�� 1 ^f 9 ORDINANCE NO. 606 AN ORDINANCE TO PROHIBIT THE BLOCKING OF ShDEWALKS�'WITHIN::THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, AND ESTABLISHING THE FINES THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE ALABA11A, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. It shall be unlawful for any person to block or impede by partially blocking any side-v7a:lk ;within,. the Corporate Limits of the City of Fairhope, Alabama. SECTION II. Any person convicted under this Ordinance shall be fined not less than $ 1.00 or more than $ 500.00 under the discretion of the Court. SECTION III. Special permission may be granted by the Mayor or.,Chief of Police on special occasions_.__. - SECTION IV . That this ordinance shall take effect upon its due adoption and publication as required by law. ADOPTED THIS THE DAY OF . 1978. BY: James p. Nix, Mayor ATTEST: ���� CLEkK Councilman Jack A. Stipes moved, seconded by Councilman Sam E. B to approve the application of Mr. Leon Allen for a beer permit for Allen's Seafood. Motion carried. The Optomist Club donated the Christmas Tree to the City for City Hall as a token of their appreciation for providing facilities throughout the years for their youth programs. aj Councilman David E. Bishop told Council members of the request of Mr. Isadore Reynolds for a refund from the City in the amount Y�n 0 Fairhope City Council Page No. 3 Minutes for December 27th, 1977 ( Request from Isadore Reynolds con't. ) $ 868.50 for damages to the air conditioner at the Otasco Store on June 20, 1977 due to low voltage in the area. City Superintendent Phil Rutherford stated that he has talked to the insurance company three times regarding this claim and was advised that the claim would not be paid since it they could not find where it was the fault of the City but rather the old unit at the store. Councilman David E. Bishop moved, seconded by Councilman Jack A. Stipes, for the City not to pay the refund of $ 868.50 to Isadore Reynolds and that the Mayor write Mr. Reynolds a letter and state the feelings of the Council.regarding this request. Motion carried. Mayor Nix informed members of the Council of a request for a sewer line extension up Parker Road, down 98 up U.S. 11, from Mr. Carlton Niemeyer whereby he will pay for the cost of the installation of the sewer line and annex the proposed property into the City that will be served. Councilman Sam E. Box moved, seconded by Councilman Jack A. Stipes to authorize the City Engineer Ack Moore to study the request and see how works in with the feasibility study of the original plans.l Motion carried. Councilman Sam E. Box moved, seconded by Councilman Jack A. Stipe to adopt the following Resolution: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, that the position of General Superintendent is hereby granted a one step salary increase. ADOPTED THIS THE DAY OF , 1977. APPROVED: ST: Councilman Henry G. Bishop moved to introduce the following Ordinance: I II , I I , d I Fairhope (City, Council) Page I No. !4 I a Minutes for 12-27147 meeting I '' f ORDINANCE N0 . �o � C&I 1/9 ,WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Fairhope, Alabama, has adopted Ordinance No. 544 which levies a privilage license tax on,businesses which conduct business within the limits o the/municipality'effective for'the year 1975 and thelyears 'Fhereaf ter ; and I I I d ,' WHEREAS, Section 9-10 of Ordinance No. 544 levies a privi- lage license,on all businesses operating in the police jurist diction of the municipality effective for the year 1975 and %the years thereafter;' and I � WHEREAS, Section, 9-10 of Ordinance No. 544 provides thait the amount of the license fee collected from a business operating in the'police jurisdiction of the municipality shall amount ,'to one-halflof the amount collected from a similar business operating in the'corporate'limits of the muncipality; and I WHE�EAS, the; Finance Committee of the City Council has beenlidirected to make a study of the revenues collected from sail policefjurisdiction levy during,the calendar year 1977,and t'o ak also mef a stud} of the costs of providing services to the,lsaid I area,.during said year; and WHEREAS,'the Finance Committee has determined that the'tota revenue collected from businesses operating in the police�juris- diction during said year was 10,,19(,_52 and that the municipal ity ha's expended' 49.320.78 ill, providing'services to said area during saidlyear; an I ';, "EREAS'' the total expenditure for services 'in the police jurisdiction during said year exceeded the amount of,total ,; revenueslcollected from businesses in'the police,jurisdiction, by I" $ '-39 1124. 26 9 land ,WHEREAS' the council on consideration of these facts has determined that projected revenues and expenditures for the', police',jurisdiction during the current license year are subs'tan- tially',the same as for the license year 1976 and finds thatIthe levy o'f the license tax in.the police jurisdiction in an amount one-ha'lflof the levy on similar businesses operatingiin their corporate limits for the current license year will not produce revenueslin excess of expenditures for services which have been render'edior will be rendered in,said area during thecurrent license year;lnow, therefore, I y f BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITYICOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA,1that Section 9-10 of Ordinance No. 544;-which 'I establishes a privilege license,for businesses operating indthe police jurisdiction of the municipality ,for the'year 1975 and years thereafter is hereby ratified and affirmed for. the ,current license year., IY d t , i ADOPTED AND APPROVED THIS THE DAY OF 19 MAYOR ' d ATTEST: I i I Y i I i I I I I I i 1 Fai' e City Council 1- 7 meeting I it Page 5 11 it 11 II it Councilman Henry G'. Bishop movedi to introduce thel ,fol'lowi'li I� Ordinance• I 1 u-6, ORDINANCE NO � I Q I 1I oZ I WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Fa'irhope, Alabamz 'has adopted Ordinance No. 544 which levies'a privilege' license i tax on businesses which 'conducts businesls within the' limits of the municipality effective for the year 1975 and ;the years thereafter; and , I 9' i '''WHEREAS, Section 9-10 of Ordinance No. 544',levies a privilage license on!all businesses operating in'the police] jurisdic.tioii' of the municipality effective for the year 1975, and I the ]years thereafter; and WHEREAS', Section 9-10 Of Ordinance" No. 544;provides'that the amount of the license fee collected from a business'opera- ting in the police jurisdiction of the municipality shall II amount to one-half of the amount levied on a similar business operating in it theicorporate limits of the municipality,;''and'i I 'WHEREAS', the Finance Committee of the City'Council hash been directed to,make a study to determine the amount of' 1 projeeted revenues which can be expected during the 19781 license year as a result of the,levy of the license on the d businesses operatingiin the municipality's police jurisdic-11 tion'and to compare the amount of projected revenues with the, projected costs of providing services to the police jurisdic- tio'n1 for the' same period; and d WHEREAS', the Finance Committee has determined.that the,1 license levied on businesses operating in the munici alit' s P Y 1I 'I police; jurisdiction and to compare the amount of 'projected .� revenues,the'projected costs of providing services to the'I pol'ice,jurisdiction durin $'5,0,000.00 g the same period will be approximately I I and , I� I II ''WHEREAS; the projected costs of providing servdi.ces in the police,jurisdiction for the license year 1978 exceeds the,, revenues collected from said area projected for the same per�io by_'' S 39 500 00 now, therefore, ' I' I� B E IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOP ALABAMA thatlSection 9-10 of Ordinance No. 544 which.iestablish s it a privilege license for the businesses operating',in the police jurisdiction of the municipality for the,year 1975, and ears thereafter is hereby ratified and affirmed for the 19,78'licens taxl' year . It I ADOPTED AND APPROVED THIS THE DAY OF I L, 19 i i MAYOR � ATTEST: I � i CITY, L d I I I I q II I I I I i 4 i I N u It I I I f u I I d A v t ,Fairhope City Council Minutes for December 27, 1977 Pale No. 6 i This being the date set for the opening of bids on two new police cars the following bids were received: 1. Gaston Ford Two (2) 78 LTD II's With trade r Two (2) 78 LTD II's Without trade Alternate A: 1978-460 V-S 4-door with a Police Intercept Engine Two (2) with trade Two (2) without trade $ 9 1*464.0C 10, 664,§ 10 , 656t,'80 11, 856180' ' F 2. Bill Steber Chevrolet:: Two (2) Vehicles as per specs: 6,095.00 each 12,190.00 with trade in allowance-1,000.00 11,190.00 3. Thomas Pontiac GMC: 78 Pontiac Catlina Two (2) Cars with out trade 12,810.30 Two (2) Cars with trade in 11,860.30 !. q I., ! � + 1 , ", I � ,Councilman Billy Don Wiggins moved, seconded by Councilman David E. Bishop,, for the City,to accept the low bid of Gaston Ford; Altern.ate�A ',.with Police Intercept Engine. Motion carried. This being the date set for -the opening of bids on. the paving at Fly Creek the folloT;ving' bids were received: 1. Melton Construction Co., Silverhill, Alabama Furnish and install 1 1/2 inches compacted asphalt on a prepared base on Fly Creek job south of store building for the total price of $ 2,550.00 s 2. Valta Construction Company: Approximately 900 square yards of 1 1/2" asphaltic paving, not including prime or sand clay base ( typ 1 Mix ) 2.05 per square yard. $ 1,845.00. Members of the Council discussed the expense of repairs to the bulldozer over the past years. ,No action was taken at this time. Mayor Nix informed Council members that the Hydralics people of the Corps of Engineers had turned down the request of the City of getting the rubble from the causeway. ,Councilman Billy,Don Wiggins stated that perhaps the Harbor Boarc through the auspices of the commercial fishermen could make a request to the Corps of Engineers. Councilman Jack A. Stipes moved,, sceonded by Councilman Sam E. Box for the City to go out on bid for a frame chassis for the fly bed truck for the street department. Motion carried. Fairhope City Council Minutes for December__27th, 1977 Page No. 7 Mr. David Walters came before the,!Ma"yor and Council regarding his garbage bill for his shop located,;at.404 Volanta, next to Bay Nautical. Mr. Walters said that-.he'did not generate mr4r, than two pickup loads a,�year,-and stated that he would like the garbage charge taken,of,f of his utility bill. Councilman Sam E. Box,moved, sceonded by'Councilman Henry G. Bishop''for the City to deny this request since it is the policy, of the' City to ccharge Q,for garbage if you have utilities. Upon I being put to vote the following vote was recorded: AYES: David E,. Biihop, Henry-G.. Bishop, Sam E. Box, and Jack A. Stip& NAYES•: Billy'Don Wiggins. 'Motion carried. ` Councilman Stipes brought up for discussion the amount charged to renters for utility deposits. Mr. Stipes said that the, City was losing money on renters and that he would'like to see an increase for rental property on deposits and also get a Social Security or a driver license number for identification. The City Attorney was requested to amend the present Ordinance regarding customer deposits and present to the Council -at the January 9th, 1978 meeting. City Engineer Ack Moore if the Council would accept a one year bond on Commercial Park for street improvements since at the time the request was first made'in August of .1977, no action was taken. Councilman Sam E. Box moved, seconded by Councilman Jack A. Stipes for City Superintendent Phil Rutherford to meet with Mr. Ack Moore and inspect the streets in Commercial Park after which the letter of request for a one year bond can be resubmit ted for the Council's action. Motion carried. The Mayor and Council set Thursday, December 29th, 1977 as the time to meet with the Auditors Parker and White and look over the 1977 Fiscal Year Audits. Mayor Nix informed members of the Council of the letter which they had received from Mrs. Leona Newman thanking the City for her Christmas turkey. There being no further business on a motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned. APPROVED: James P. Nix, Mayor ATrPVQm. r U Fairhope City Council Minutes for meeting November 28th, 1977 Page No. 3 _ being without the Corporate Limits of the City of Fairhope, but being contiguous to the City of Fairhope, and such property r not lying within the Corporate Limits or Police Jurisdiction of and other municipality, does, by these presents, hereby petition that said property be annexed to the City of Fairhope, Alabama,' WHEREAS, a Map of said property is hereby attached. Whereas, this petition is filed under Authority of Act No. 2228, 1971, Acts of the State Legislature of the State of Ala- bama, and the property being more particularly described as follows to -wit: Begin at the Northwest corner of the NOrtheast 1/4 of Section 20, Township 6 Southm Range 2 East, Baldwin County Alabama, run south along the Section Line 1350.9 feet, thence run East 25 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING: Thence run East 350 Feet; thence run S 130 30' W, 154.4 feet to a concrete block; thence run West 306 Feet to a concrete block on the east margin of Young Street; thence run N 030 03' W, 150 feet to the Point.of Beginning. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED by the City of Fairhope, Alabama that the City of Fairhope does hereby assent to the annexation to the City of Fairhope of the hereinabove described property. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, by the City of Fairhope that a Certified Copy of this Ordinance, along with a copy of the petition and plat be recorded in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Baldwin County Alabama. THIS ORDINANCE and the area annexed shall become a part of the Corporate area of the City of Fairhope, Alabama upon its due adoption and publication as required by la ADOPTED THIS THE _ �a_---DAY OF_�✓-_�c�J, 1977. ATTES Councilman Sam E. Box moved, seconded by Councilman Henry G. Bishop, that all rules governing the Council which might , unless suspended, prevent the passage and adoption of the Ordinance annexing the property of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hunt into the corpoi ate limits of the City of Fairhope, be and the same are hereby suspended, for the purpose of said Ordinance to be finally passed and adopted at this meeting. Upon being put to vote the follow- ing vote was recorded: AYES; David E. Bishop, Henry G. Bishop, Sam E. Box, Jack A. Stipes and Billy D. Wiggins. NAYES: NONE. Motion carried. I 4 Fairhope City Council Minutes for meeting November 28, 1977 Page No. 4 N• Mr. Henry G. Bishop moved seconded by David E. Bishop for final adoption of Ordinance No. 603, AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING THE PROPERTY OF CHESTER AND MARY L. HUNT, into the City Limits of the City of Fairhope, Alabama. Motion carried. Councilman Sam E. Box moved, seconded by Councilman Jack A.. Stipes for the City to go out on bid for two (2) new police cars. Motion carried. Councilman Henry G. Bishop presented a letter of resignation to members of the Council for his membership on the Fairhope Plannir and Zoning Commission and asked that his resignation be accepted. Billy D. Wiggins moved, seconded by Jack A. Stipes to nominate Mr. Sam E. Box to take the place of Mr. Henry G. Bishop on the Fairhope Planning and Zoning Commission. Motion carried. Mr. Sam E. Box was elected to serve as a member of the Planning Commission. Councilman David E. Bsihop moved, seconded by Councilman Billy Don Wiggins for adoption of the following Resolution: Motion carried. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Alabama Unemployment Compensation Law ( Section 25-4-8-, Code of Alabama, 1875 ) requires coverage of political subdivisions and their instrumentalities under said Law, and i WHEREAS, said Law provides for an option by such entities to finance benefit costs of former employees between either the contributory ( tax Rate method or making payments in lieu of contributions ( erimbursimg system ), and WHEREAS, this body, namely the City Council as governing body of The CITY OF FAIRHOPE in session desires to make its option known, now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that this body does by majority vote of its members' record its option to choose the REIMBURSABLE method to finance suc benefit costs, effective the first day of January, 1978, and be it further RESOLVED, this body does designate and authorize James P. Nix Mayor, of the City of Fairhope to sign all documents pertaining to election of such option and to furnish any and all information and reports as are required for the proper administration of such option and other requirements'of the Alabama Department of Indus- trial Relations in its administration of the Alabama Unemployment Compensation Law, and, be it further RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be incorporated in the official minutes of this body and that a copy be furnished the Alabama Department of'Industrial Relations. DONE this the 28th day oftTitle SIGN 1977. Fairhope City Council Minutes for November 28th;, 1977 Page No. 5 � � T Councilman Henry G. Bishop moved, seconded by Councilman Jack A. Stipes to appropriate $ 4,200.00 to the Baldwin County Mental Health Association, to be payable half now and half six months from now. Motion carried. Councilman Jack A. Stipes moved, seconded by Councilman Henry G. Bishop for final adoption of Ordinance No. 600 AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH A MUNICIPAL COURT. Motion carried. Councilman Billy Don Wiggins moved, seconded by Councilman -' David E. Bishop for final adoption of Ordinance No. 601, AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING FINES WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, OR THE POLICE JURISDICTION THEREOF; Motion carried. Councilman Henry G. Bishop moved to Introduce the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 602 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Any person, firm or corporation committing any offense within the Corporate Limits of the City of Fairh Alabama, or within the Police Jurisdiction thereof, which is in violation of an ordinance of the City of Fairhope, now ezisting or hereafter enacted, shall, upon conviction be punished by a fine of not less than One Dollar ( $ 1.00 ) nor more than Five Hundred Dollars ( $ 500.00 ). In addition thereto, any person_ so convicted, may be imprisoned or sentenced to hard labor for the City of Fairhope, Alabama for a period not exceeding six months, at the discretion of the court trying the case. Provided, however, that no penalty shall consist of a fine or sentence of imprisonment exceeding the maximum fine or sentence of imprisonment established under State Law for the commission of substantially similar offenses. SECTION 2. All Ordinances or parts of ordinances which conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. The provisions of this Ordinance are cumulative and shall not be construed to repeal or supercede any laws not inconsistent herewith. SECTION 3. If any part of this ordinance is declared invalid or unconstitutional, such declaration shall not affect the parts which remain._ SECTION December 27, as required 1977 4. This ordinance shall become effective on 1977, following its due adoption and publicati by law. ADOPTED AND APPROVED THIS Box Bishop, that all rules THE DAY MAYOM moved, seconde Councilman David E. governing the Council which ..ight, le, Fairhope City Council November 28th, 1977 Page No. 6 unless suspended, prevent the passage and adoption of the Ordinance No. 602 , be and the same are hereby suspended for the purpose of said Ordinance to be finally passed and adopted at this meeting. Upon being put to vote the following vote was recorded: AYES: David E. Bishop Henry G. Bishop, Sam E. Box, Jack A. Stipes and Billy Don Wiggins. NAYES: NONE. Motion carried. -Councilman Sam E. Box moved for final adoption of Ordinance No. 602, seconded by Billy Don Wiggins. Motion carried, City Superintendent Phil Rutherford reported to the Mayor and Council his recommendation on the gasoline bids which were received at the November 14, 1977 meeting. Mr. Rutherford said that the bid received from Gulf Oil Company did not include the tanks and pumps which Exxon was now furnishing. Councilman Jack A. Stipes moved, seconded by Councilman Billy Don Wiggins for the City to reject the bid received from Gulf Oil Company since they would not be able to furnish the pumps and tanks. Motion carried. Councilman Jack A. Stipes moved, seconded by Councilman Billy Don Wiggins to authorize the Mayor to negotiate with Exxon Oil Company for the City's gasoline, Motion carried. Councilman Sam R. Box moved, seconded by Councilman Rally Don Wiggins, for the City to go out on bids for painting, tYe. main water tank. Motion carried. Councilman Henry G. Bishop moved, seconded by Councilman David E. Bishop tq pay the refund in the amount of $ 2,976.30 to North American Telephone Company as petitioned by the Baldwin County Judge of Probate Harry D''Olive. Motion carried, Councilman Jack A. Stipes moved, seconded by Councilman Sam E. Box for the City to pay $ 1,600.00 for the paving and curbing of Bayview. Upon being put�to vote the following vote was recorded: AYES: Sam E. Box, Jack A. Stipes. NAYES< David E. Bishop, Henry G. Bishop, and Billy D, Wiggins. Motion denied. Councilman Henry G. Bishop moved, seconded by Councilman Jack A. Stipes, to allow the bill in the amount of $ 340.00 payable to Wallace Beard for help in installing gas metering equipment in Bay Minette, to be paid. Motion carried.. The Mayor and Council accepted the resignation of Mrs. Gaston for the Library Board. Councilman Sam Box nominated Mrs. Barry Gaston to serve as a member of the Library Board in place of Mrs. James Gaston Sr. Councilman Jack A. Stipes moved seconded by Councilman Billy Don Wiggins that the nominations be closed. Motion carried. Mrs. Barry Gaston was appointed to serve as a member of the Fairhope Library Board. Mayor Nix informed Council members of a letter of request from the Fairhope. Single Tax Colony,to include Brown Street North of Fairhope Avenue to Stimpson Street in the paving program. Councilman Jack A. Stipes moved, seconded by Councilman Billy Don Wiggins to accept Brown Street under the Paving Program. Motion carried. Councilman Henry G. Bishop moved, seconded by Councilman Sam E. Box, for the City to purchase turkeys for the board members for Christmas. Motion carried. I E. .] Water and Sewer Fund Bank Balance Baldwin Computer Services Chas. A. Born Central Chemicals Fuel Oil Supply Company Gaston Motor Company Ingersoll's Refrigeration Merchants National Bank Mobile Material Sales Company McKesson Chemical Company Neptune Meter Company Nix & Bennett Supply Company Southern Auto Parts Wallace and Tiernan WESCO Bond Fund Payments TOTAL BILLS THRU 1-09-78 # J i $ 35,116.43 I 326.38s 1,611.40 34.50 51 16.e'6I 51.00 100.00 22.59 509.00 60.01 .84 33.. 67 240.99 1,141.95 9,651.24 $ 13,850.73 i.