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y 3 i r
The City`Council of the City of Fairhope, Alabama met in
regular session on Monday, August 22, 1977, at 7:00 P.M.,
at the City Administration Building, 387 Fairhope Avenue,
Fairhope, Alabama with the following members present:
Mayor James P. Nix; Councilmen: David E. Bishop,,Henry G.
Bishop, Sam E. Box, Jack A. Stipes and Billy D. Wiggins.
The minutes of the August 8, 1977 meeting were approved with
the following correction:
Councilman Stipes stated that he wanted to inform
the Council of his plan to request that the Street
Sweeper come in two (2) hours earlier in the mornings
and leave two (2) hours earlier in the evenings.
( 5:00 A.M.-2:00 P.M. ), in order to do a more
thorough job.
Councilman Billy D. Wiggins moved, seconded by Councilman
Jack A. Stipes, for the City to hire two (2) Police Women
to work at the Elementary and High School for traffic patrol
at a rate of $ 6.00 per day, from one and a'half to two hours
per day. Motion carried.
Councilman Sam E. Box moved, seconded by Councilman David E.
Bishop, for the City to accept a Performance Bond in the amount
of $ 4,000.00 on LaVerne and Carolyn Haver, for installation of
improvements on Haver # 1 Subdivision once the Performance Bond
is properly executed. Motion carried.
Councilman Billy Don Wiggins moved to nominate Tyr. Bill Johnson
to the Personnel Board for a five year term.
Councilman Henry G. Bishop moved, seconded by Councilman Jack
A. Stipes that the nominations be closed. Motion carried.
Mr. Bill Johnson was elected unanimously to' --.serve as a member
of.:the Fairhope--Personnel Board for a term -of -five (5) years.
Mrs. Guy Belt came before the Mayor and Council to request the {
use of the Knoll Park during the last week -end of the Annual
Arts and Crafts Festival. Mrs. Belt stated that due to the �
recent expansion of the Art Association there was no longer room
to hold the Art Show there during Arts and Crafts.
Councilman Henry G. Bishop moved, seconded by Councilman Jack
A. Stipes, for the City to approve the use of Knoll Park by ,
the Art Association during the last weekend of the Arts and
Crafts Festival, subject to approval by the Fairhope Single Tax
Corporation. Motion carried.
Councilman Jack A. Stipes moved for the Police Department to
have a shift supervisor on all shifts at the police department,
by utilizing the Chief, Assistant Chief and Lieutenant, with
one to be placed on each shift. Motion died for lack of a
Councilman Stipes brought up the matter of equipment clarifica-
tion. Councilman Stipes said that there was a truck presently
being used that the Gas Department had previously said was
not able to be used any longer.,,,fand that monies had been
spent on repairs for this -'truck. .,Mr. Kirk .said that the
truck had been fixed up for use in lighter duties but that it
was not.capable of a heavier work 3load needed by the Gas
Department. Mr. Stipes stated that he felt any accidents that
happen with the City's equipment, even if such accidents are
interdepartmental should be reported to the Council.
Page No. 2,
Fairhope City Council
Minutes for August 22,
Councilman Henry G. Bishop nominated General Superintendent
Edward Jackson Kirk to serve as Personnel Officer for the
City of Fairhope in addition to his present job as General
Councilman Jack A. Stipes moved, seconded by Councilman Billy
Don Wiggins, that the nominations be closed. Motion carried.
Mr. Edward Jackson Kirk was elected unanimously to serve as the
City of Fairhope's Personnel Officer.
Councilman Jack A. Stipes told members of the Council that he
felt the City should adopt an Ordinance on the Hiring of
Personnel. Mr. Stipes stated that he felt it was part of the
responsibility of the Council as elected officials to know the
type and qualifications of the Personnel that are hired.
CouncilmanS oved for the City to adopt an Ordinance on the
Hiring of Personnel. Motion died for lack of a second. �-
This being the date set for the opening of bids for a Natural
Gas Odorant System, the following bids were received: a
1. Process. -Systems Co., Inc.
Birmingham, Ala.
Odorant System $4,660.00
Installation 4,500.00
2. Reynolds Equipment Co.
Garland, Texas
Odorant System 4,410.00
3. Instrument Control Service
Pensacola, Fla.
Odorant System
( Bid installed ) 8,663.00
Councilman Sam E. Box moved, seconded by Councilman Jack A.
Stipes, for the bids to be turned over to Mr. Posey of Owen S.
Posey and Associates and General Superintendent E.J. Kirk for
evaluation and accept the low bid according to -specifications.
Motion carried.
General Superintendent E.J. Kirk informed members of the Council
that the City was in need of a Bush -hog. Mr. Kirk recommended
the purchase of a new bush -hog since the cost of repairs to the
present one would cost more than a new one.
Councilman David E. Bishop moved, seconded by Councilman Billy
Don Wiggins for the City to purchase a new bush -hog. Motion
City Attorney John Duck was asked by the Council to look into
the possibility of drafting an Ordinance whereby Board members
that miss more than two (2) consecutive meetings without good
reason are taken off of the Board.
Councilman Jack A. Stipes moved for the City to hire another
qualified Building Inspector. Motion died for lack of a second.
Councilman`,Henry Gt Bishop movedifor'a vote of confidence for
the present Building Inspector, Harmon W. Stearns, and further,
if the members of`the Council can help Mr. Stearns improve his
position.by attending the neces'sary,or special courses offered
by various'institutions`of higher learning to do so, in order
for him to keep up to date on hi's duties. Upon being put to
vote the following'vote,was,recorded: AYES: David E. Bishop
Henry G. Bishop, Billy D. Wiggins and Mayor James P. Nix.
NAYES: Sam E. Box and Jack A. Stipes. Motion carried.
Page No . =3 r
Fairhope City Council
Minutes for August 22., 1977 `
Councilman Sam E. Box moved, seconded by Councilman Jack A. Stipes,
that it would be to the advantage of the City of Fairhope and to
the City Council, for the City to take additional applications for
the position of Building Inspector, in order to see if a more
qualified individual can be obtained for the allocated salary,for
that position, and to accept the present Building Inspector's
application for consideration along with any additional applica-
tions that may be received. Motion carried.
Councilman Jack Stipes stated that the City crews and equipment
had been used to clean out a catch basin at Paddock Estates and
said that he felt it was wasting the tax payers money to do this
since the City of Fairhope has not yet accepted Paddock Estates
for maintainence at this time.
Councilman Jack A. Stipes moved, seconded by Councilman Billy D.
Wiggins, to appoint Mr. Jim Martin and Mrs. Anne Gable to fill
the two (2) slots for the City of Fairhope under the Senior Aid t
Program. Motion carried.
Councilman Sam E. Box moved, seconded by Councilman Jack A. Stipes
that the nominations be closed. Motion carried.
Mr. Jim Martin and Mrs. Anne Gable were elected unanimously to
serve under the two slots of the Senior Aid Program.
Councilman Jack A. Stipes moved, seconded by Councilman David E.
Bishop, for final adoption of the following'Ordinance, introduced
at the August 8, 1977 meeting of the City Council:
SECTIOLi l -That u � ae. n 1 -1 .:' z; t t~,iiPlal% iCE WITH COM " t?C Ir v
ANI) Ij4pR0VRjj' pRoNrISIOViS Or C10PTER DE' VIA RED XUl,Sa.Aj-jcE, and Sr�c t #'.,on
18-2, STREET be, and the same are herei-=V
m , LIALM.
SECTION 18-1 -- UONCOMP101"M WITH COB» TRUC 1Vi3 AND I14PP0SiX t s" sa
The Constr4ctiOn, of improvemelAts upon any stre t
toyithis, the City, not in conlpl.ia=e with the provisions of this
chapter • is horeby ceclare l to be a public nuisance.
xa} Pavirl , S 4 �Llrbit�g, Gutteerin , L rvrr
r&ia .nage Water Linea and Sanita�z�ew®r L A11 streams i�:�`
.. na W
in the City that are to be improved by any pErson, firm or
corporation, including, but not limited tocontract-ore a d ub-
c ontractors, subdivideru, land developers, governing b0aie6,
or others, by providing stree�; paving shall be provided with
ppl 'V'is1g, curbing and guttering, winch said paving shall bcr not less
then twenty (20) feet int width, and which curbing mul gutteri,r:ci
shall *�)e of concrete construction. All such improvements shall
rr'eet with the minimum requirements as set forth in specificatiau'._
of the regulations established. When any street withirlthe Ci t-
is rovad ;eby providing, payement and curbing and guttering, =?:
treets gh&ll alto be provider by adequate drainage facilitiam
to provide for the drainage of surface waters.
All sanitary sewer, water, atom drainage
and street plans shall be prepared by a licensed and registered
engineer. The engineer shall furl-Jah the authorized agent of t1c
city a set of proposed street improvwuent plans for a pl:ova ..
work is started on thestreets, IZe said Enc � 3 ere l.11
perfo : the supervision of cc ..13truction, and before the streets
are accEeVted by the City for maintenance, the engineer shall
furnish the City a corrected set of "aa built" plains showing any
changes made during construction of the streets.
All pipe shall anent A. S. T.A:. standards for the
grade and class of pipe used. 'WhQ re_ the grade of a pipe is 'less
than 0. Sic sand traps 2' deep sh' all be constructed in manholes,
junction boxes or inlets at both the upper and lower end of the
paving shall meet the following specificationst.
(1) Alternate No. 1. 1h" asphalt wearing course
60 compacted sand clay barge
(2) Alternate No. 2
(3) Alternate No. 3
lh* asphalt wearing course
8" compacted sand clay base
Thickness and ccupositivn of
asphalt wearing xurface and base
courses may vary due to unusual
soil or design requirements.
Recommendations alhall be made
the City Engineer for approval
by the City.
Concrete. Concrete shall be a 1a2:3h mix and shall have
3,000 pounds per square inch compressive strength in 28 days. Cy--
clind ars shall be :wade and broken at i and 28 days. The contract-
or may be required to remove and r pla ae, at no expense to the
City, any concrete not meeting the specifications. Halley type
nutter and combination curb and gutter shall have 11" expansioli
joints 30' on centers and contraction joints 101 on center .
Base. In no case shall sand clay base be used until :sae
site of the work has been inspected by the authorized agent of the
City to see if thorough drainage of the subgrade can be obtained.
Sand clay shall meet current Alabama State Highway Departnent
Specifications. The contractor shall furnish the authorized
agent of the City borings made by an approved laboratory, showing
the thickness of the base. Borings to be made at distances noa
greater than 200' apart. If the base in found to be less ; ha ,,.
the required depth, the street will not be accepted until the
necessary corrections. have been made, or the required thickness
bbtained as directed by the authorized agent of the City. Compact�
ion of subgrade and base courses shall meet current AlabaJ�Ia
State Highway Department Specifications, except that tests shall
be made at intervals not to exceed 2001 apart. The contractor
may be required to remove and replace, at no expense to the City,
any base not meeting the Specifications.
Asphalt Wearing Course. Asphalt surfacing shall be lkh thick
after compaction. The contractor or subdivider shall furnish
the authorized agent of the City borings, made by an approved
laboratory, showing the thickness of the asphalt surfacing. Borings
to be made at disstanses not greater than 200' apart. If the
asphalt is found to he Less than the required depth, the streets
will not be accepted until the necessary corrections have been
made, or the required thickness obtained as directed by the
authorized agent of the City. The contractor may be rgquirea to
remove and replace, at no expense to the City, any asphalt not
meeting the Specifications.
(b) Street Aarkers, Only City standard
reinforced concrete markers shall be erected, or other standard
markers as desired by the City.
(c) Concrete Monuments;. Concrete monu-
ments shall be seat according to the City Planning Commission
(d) Testing Laboratory. An approved testing
laboratory shall be employed to make: tests. This will in no
way keep the authorized agent.of the City from making any addi-
tional tests he may deem necessary.
(e) General. Copies; of all test reports
made by the: testing laboratories shall be furnished b1f. City.
Streets will not be accepted by the City for maintenance until
all requirements have been met. (surd. No. 266,-2,4-25-60) .
(f) maintenance Bond. The person, firm
or corporation, including, but not limited to, contractors and
subcontractors, subdividers;, laud developers, governing bodies,
or others shall furnish the City a maintenance bona guaranteeing
the repair of all damage due to improper materi& 4 or workmanship
for a period of two (2) years after the acceptance of the work by
the City.
ALL ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same 6Ya
hereby IEpRAUp.
This Ordinance shall take effect !Ap'on its due adoption and
publication as required by law.
ADOPTED TIZ S TIE � � _DAY 01 1 1977.
Page No. 4
Fairhope City Council
Minutes for August 22, 1977
Councilman Jack A. Stipes moved, seconded by.Councilman Sam E. I
Box, for the City to go out on bid for the installation of three
(3) jetties at the Municipal Beach. Motion carried. it
Councilman Sam E. Box moved, seconded by Councilman David E.
Bishop to introduce and adopt the following Resolution. Motion
WHEREAS: the Fly Creek Harbor provides many jobs
through the seafood industry and a safe
harbor for all during the hurricane season; and
WHEREAS: the entrance to the harbor is in constant need of
dredging; and
WHEREAS: the placement of a jetty along both sides of
the entrance to the Fly Creek Harbor would
help keep the channel at its desired depth;
CITY OF FAIRHOPE, to petition the State of Alabama and the
U.S. Corps of Engineers, for their help in securing the concrete)
rubble from the old bridges that are to be replaced on the
Causeway,'and .the proper` placement of the same along the entrancj
to the Fly Creek Harbor..
AUGUST 1977.
City Engineer Ack Moore informed members of the Council that
the bid opening on the Street Improvement Project would be
on September 10, 1977, at 2:00 P.M.
Water and Sewer Superintendent Mike Rejczyk told members of the
Council that the City of Fairhope had received the award for
the best operated plant in a town of 10,000 or less population,
for the State of Alabama by the Water Improvement Commission,
at the school held in Tuscaloosa last week. Mr. Rejczyk said
that the City of Fairhope has won this award for the past three
years and would be ineligible to reapply for the next two years.
Councilman Sam E. Box stated for the record his congratulations
to the water and sewer department for their work and the honors
they have brought to the City of Fairhope by winning the award
from the Water Improvement Commission.
Page No. 5
Fairhope City Council
August 22, 1977 meeting
Councilman Billy Don Wiggins informed'members of the Council
on the status of the grant from the Federal Aviation Adminis-
tration. Mr. Wiggins said that the grant in the amount of
$ 404,612.00 ( $ 29,000.00 increase over the original amount )
would be received in the next several days and that a special
meeting of the City Council would have to be held to okay the
Mr. Bobby Pope of the Yardarm Restaurant came before the Mayor
and Council regarding the outside maintainence of the Yardarm
Restaurant`. Mr. 'Pope{_.spaid that he would take care of all of
the outside maintainence of the building on a'reimbursable
basis. The lease, presently reads that the City will be respon-
sible fors, outs ide%mainta nenc'e =
Mr ..Pope'+said that the ybuilding, presently was in need of paint-
ing. a
Mr. Pope was told.to get-up cost estimate and present it to
the Harbor Bdard r.egarding,maintainence which needed to be done
and present it at the Harbor Board meeting on Wednesday, August,
24, 1977, who will in turn report their recommendations back
to the Council.
Mrs. Ed Nelson came before the Council to ask if there was an
Ordinance for the preservation of trees on private property;
Mrs. Nelson was told that there was no legal way to prohibit•
people from cutting down trees on private -property.
There being no further business on a motion
and carried, the meeting adjourned.
ly made, seconded