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12-10-1973 Regular Meeting
STATE OF ALABAMA ' COUNTY OF BALDWIN The City Council of the City of Fairhope met in regular session at the City Administration Building, Monday, December 10, 1973 at 7:00 P.M. with the following members presents Mayor James P. Nix, Councilmen: Davtd E. Bishop, H. G. Bishop, Sam E. Box, 011ie E. Deese and Barney L. Shull. Minutes of the previous regular and special meetings were approved. Motion by Councilman Barney Shull seconded by Councilman H. G. Bishop that Mayor Nix be authorized to appoi4-t Election Officials for Special Referendum to be held on December 18, 1973• Motion carried. Mayor Nix appointed the following to serve on the Election Board for the special referendum: Mike Ford - Inspector Lee Eagy - Clerk Bernice Burkard. - Clerk Betty wdnl - cnief Olerk Grace Gallagher - Clerk Eunice Ness - Clerk Motion by Councilman Sam Box seconded by Councilman Ed Bishop that the request for Beer Permit for Jr. Food Stores at their proposed location on South Highway 98 be denied -at this time. Motion carried. Councilman Ed Bishop introduced the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. o �/ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 2959 ARTICLE 79 SECTION ?1, RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of Fairhope, Alabama, that Article 7, Section 71, Residential District Require- ments of Zoning Ordinance #295 be amended to read that in all R-3 Districts a minimum of 1 1/2 parking spaces be required for each unit. This Ordinance shall become effective after its due adoption and publication. Adopted this the day of a , 4 C Attest: City-Cl6rkj r V Motion by Gounoilman Sam Box seconded by Counoilman Barney Shull that Mr. Clarence McCoy and Mr, C, E. Fortenberry be reappointed to the Board,of Zoning Adjustments and Appeals for terms ending October 21, 1976• Motion carried. The claim of Mr, and Mrs. Willie Smith was referred. to City's Insurance Company, Mr, Mike Plojezyk gave a report on the Waste Water Treatment Plant. After general discussion, motion was made by Councilman Sam Box seconded by Councilman Ed Bishop that the City Attorney be author- i ed to write to the Engineers and Contractor stating the problems a the waste water treatment plant and if necessary action is not taken within fifteen days the City will go out on contract for re- pairs,"oost to be deducted from Contractors retainer, Motion carr- ied, Motion by Uouneilman 011ie Deese seconded by Councilman Barney Shull that City charge off bad debts and turn them over to the City Attorney f6r collection, Motion carried, Motion by Counoilman "Sam Boat seconded by Councilman Ed Bishop that Mayor Nix be authorized to sign Work Easements with Shoreham Development Co. Motion carried. Motion by Counoilman Barney Shull seconded by Councilman Sam Box that Citymadwertise for public hearing on rezoning from B-2'and Rr-2 to R-3,, Block 18, Volanta Subdivision. Motion carried, .p Motion by councilman H. G. Bishop seconded by Councilman Ed Bishop that bilks be approved for payment as funds are available with the exception of the bill of Martin Builders. Motion carried. Motion by {;ounoilman Sam Box seconded by Councilman Ed Bishop that Council withdraw app6lntments to the Industrial Development Board made at their meeting of November 26, 1973• Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Sam Box`seeonded by Councilman Ed Bishop that Mr. John Boasley be appointed to the Industrial Development Board for a term ending January, 1979, Motion oarrled` Notion made, seconded and carried thatIthe meeting adjourn. Attests-e--- city Clerk k City . of Flairhope - November Bills 4 GMEHAL F OD t Poser Printing Company Coastal Conorete Co.� Traf•O.•Teria System,-- Iho. Truok Tire Ginter - Safety Kleen Corp; Fhirhope Bunn Servloe Center Eleotron to Services Goodyear Servioe-Stores Tieoo Gulf Coast, jho., Mobile Power Brake and Equip.i Co.., Southern Auto Parts Bill Wallaos ,Auto Parts Mobile Electric Garage Midas Baffler Shops Fhirhope Tire and Retread Western Lumber Carl Grant Traotor Co.• Powell's Upholstery gitoaimeters; , Iho; Autry Greer &f Sons Vulcan, signs Adirondack Chair Co.,, 3ho.- Fuel Oil Supply Gaston'Motor Company Bill Steber Chevrolet Otasgo Dyna Med 3h6.-, Baldwin Materials W. Wo, Grainger, $c. National Linen'Servioe Bedsole's & Gwin Exxon Company Sportsman's Store Gulf OiI.Corporation Baldwin Ihdustries Vulcan, Signs.' Fa1rhope Welding Uallaxt jho, Jao Cooke & Co.' Burford Equipment Co.+ Koore:-Handley, lno. Prow `Uniform Co.' Lee Groves Aa$tern Shore Animal Clinio Baldwin Computer Servioes, 3ho.- Fairhope . Pharmacy Don's Shoe Store Fairhope Ambulanoe Servioe HOCain Uniform Co: Julwin I is Parker House Total 36:50 226.60 51.44 19.45 17.'00 1.°50 90.00 19109.95 226.,50 110.'11 10:88 46.04 74.°14 53•ri56 72•t36 377.9? 6.00 10:88 55.88 166.50 223:50 181.75 709.99 15.62 6704 27600 259.92 689,04 10.40 12.00 19236.46 1.'00 295oo 356.50 4.50 87.09 22.75 2?7.29 18:9 13.00 46.,81 40.00 65.60 3.152 67.99 135.00 164.48 _. 7,25 y • 79797 * 36 , I a � " Eleotrio Rind: Coastal Conorete-Co. 1$740.-70 Southern Auto,Parts 22.61 Western Lumber 304.09 latthews Eleotrio Co: i 532.,00 Fuel Oil supply 1.50 Gaston Motor Co. t2.95 Nix and Fleming 484.89 Kuhlman, lao. .299.00 S & C Eleotrio Co. 210170 RTB Corp. �- ' 19789,00 Kem brg., Corp: 222.'80 Hill:-Soberg Co.` . 1, 237.81 St*, John �gineers 1,407010 Baldwin Computer Servioes, ]ho.j 32i.o6 , 9 .-2 Eleotrio PAID: Southeastern, Power. - 39 795.33 Ala. Power,' 22, 30409 F K / Gies Department i Amerloan Meter Division' 1151.13 Foley Traotor Co. 54.68 Show's Mao ,ine _& Welding 126*75 Southern A ;to.' Parts 3.02 Fue11 Oil Supply Co. 6,60 Gaston Motor Co. 1.05 Graphio Controls Corp. 10:59 Pringle Ges.Meter Repair 217959 Control, 1h*. 1 12440 00 Natural Gas Odorizing 315.00 Ioemaker Distributors, 3ho,1 95 40 Marine Spepialty Baldwin Computer.Servioes 321.06 Coneoul-Nonroe-Gas Distriot 2 4 ` 2, 2.19 Water Department: Certified', -laboratories 125.87 McKesson Chemioal 77 25 Poser Printing Co .40 Silverhill"homers.Assoo, 208.00 Fairhope Exxon Servioe 4.00 Southern 'Ailto` Parts 4.86 Shepherd Printing 2.70 Ponder Co. 70'56 Autry Gre6 " &Sons 8.89 Fuel Oil Supply 5.100 Bill StebeVil"Chev. 27:86 Fisher Sofentifio - Co" 578.75 Vasko Ele6trio Co.' 134,630 ftirhope `'461diak ' *00 T G &. Y.» 4 Sperling Comp. 30.50 Wer Bearing, Supply 173.•20 4 Jeffrey's "Steel -Co, 12.44 ' Baldwin Computer Servioe 371:06 Cory Goff a Servioe - 14.405 American Works Assoo. .'00 ,,,,tor , r 20667,87 ILI Reoreatio;k,: Thoss Sporting Goods Co.� 19305#90 Renoo Sale: 4 .50 West Bald*inWater..50 1057.90 f Motion by Councilman H. G. Bishop seconded by Councilman Sam Boa that Mayor Nix be authorized to make customary Christmas gifts to City employees and to members of the various Boards of the City. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman H. G. Bishop seconded by Councilman Shull that Council acee0,1,annual audit and hold action on reoommenda- tions of Auditors for future meeting after fubther study. Motion carried. Alton McClantoc, Dog Catcher, reported on Dog situation in the City and that after the first of the year there would be>a house to house check on dogs. Motion by Councilman Shull seconded by Councilman Deese that Council dispense with meeting of December 24 and if needed, Mayor Nix be authorized to call special meeting. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Box seconded by Councilman Shull that Mayor Nix be,authorized to sign tax exemption certificate for gasoline for garbage pick-up. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman H. G. Bishop seconded by Councilman Sam Box that Mayor Nix be authorized to take whatever action is necessary concerning garbage and trash pick-up at T. G & Y Store at Greeno Shopping Center. Motion carried. F Motion by Councilman aarney Shull seconded by Councilman' Sam Box that Ordinance No.. 517, An Ordinance Prohibiting Any Person, Firm, , Partnership 'Or --Ca poration Who Shall Apply To the City Council of the City of Fairhope To Rezone Any Property Located Within Its Jurisdiction, Or Within The Jurisdiction of The City Planning and Zoning Commission, And Whose Application Shall Be Denied By The Mayor And City Council Of The City Of Fairhope Shall Be Prohibited From reapplying For Rezoning On The Same Premises thitil After The Expiration Of One (1) Year From Date of Denial, be adopted as introduced. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Sam Boa seconded by Councilman Barney Shull that Gas Ordinance No, 5209AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE SCHEDULE OF GAS RATES IN THE CITY'OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA AS NOW SET OUT IN ORDINANCE N0. 467 WHICH SAID ORDINANCE WAS ADOPTED JULY 129 1971.9 be adopted as introduced. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Box seconded by Councilman Barney Shull that the City Attorney be authorized to obtain necessary right-of-way on Greeno Road for sewer project. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman H. G. Bishop seconded by Councilman Sam Box that bills be approved for payment. Motion carried. It was duly moved and seconded that the carried. Approved, d Attest: 1ty Clerk eting adjourn. Motion MINANCE NO AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND -THE SCHEDULE'OF GAS RATES IN THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA AS NOW SET QUT IN ORDINANCE NQ.� 467'.WHICH SAID ORDINANCE WAS ADOPTED JULY12, 1.9 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL, OF THE CITY'OF FAIRHOPE, FAIRHOPE, ALA- W AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE NQ. 467 SHALL BE, AND THE SAME IS HEREBY AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLO1 Section l DOMESTIC AND SMALL'COMMERCIAL NATURAL GAS USERS WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA: .1. For the first 300..cu. Ft.'each month Minimum $ 2.00 2. For the next 1000 cu. Ft. each month per 100' cu. ft. .0.18829 3. FQr the'next,1700 If If 11 Itper 100 cu. ft. .0.16453 4. It " " ;17000 It It Ifu per 100'.cu. ft. �0.10513 5. 30000 If It Itu per 100.cu. ft. 0.08137 6.' All .over- ' 50000." per TOO cu. ft. 0.06949 Section 2:' GAS COMMERCIAL RATE There is hereby established for the'Commerctal Rate,of the use,of natural gas to the Ctty, of Fatrhope:' 50,000.cu. ft. or over each month .per 100'.cu. ft. 0.06949. . ...... ....... ...... ..... ...... ...... ...... Minimum Monthly Bi11.;;,,,,,,,,,,;;,;,; $;.7.9G Section'3:' BILLING DEMAND The Btlling Demand shall be the maximum daily demand established during any Jay of the twelve months ended act th . current bi l l tng. Such, demand.shall be'measured, or at the option of the Company be estimated xt 1/30th of the maximum delivery during such twelve months. Secti6n`4- LARGE'INDUSTRIAL RATE For large tndustrial users, the rate shall be such as may be'.negotiated be- h*en the City and the individual User. Sectt©n 5: DISCONNECT AND RECONNECT CHARGE Them is hereby establtshed a charge of Fifteen ($15.'00) Dollars for dis- '.onnecti.ng and then reconnecting of services,:except where services are disconnect yd for nonpayment, in wh ch case reconnectin" cWge will be'Fifteen ($15.00) Idol 1 ars~. . Sectt6n,6:' RATES FOR NATURAL GAS USERS OUTSIDE THE CITY LIMITS OF FAIRHOPE 1:�.Residential a) For' the first 3 units of natural. gas b). For the'.next 10 ." " c For the next 17 If 11 . d For the next 1170 If For ' the ' next . 300 " " 1 For: 41.1- over : 500 (All. unt is referred to . per 100.. cu. (per month) consumed' 3.00 Minimum charge " 020611 per unit " 0:17997 " 0.11463 " " 0.09325 " " 0.'08731 " ft.-of natural. gas consumption) " Section 7: COMMERCIAL 'RATES.OUTSIDE.THE CITY.LIMITS.OF FAIRHOPE 1. Minimum Rill $10.90 per month 2.*:'5Q0,,untts or over per month -.per unit " Sect1`on 8 : BILLING .DEMAND The'btll�ng demand shall be the maximum daily demand established during any ay.of the twelve months ended wl thecurrent billing. Such demand may be measured, or at tfte option of the Company be estimated t 1./30th of the maximum monthly'delivery.during such twelve months: Sectt6n;9 LARGE INDUSTRIAL USERS WITHOUT THE CITY LIMITS OF FAIRHOPE for large industrial users without the'Ctty Limits of.the'City of-Fairhope, he rate shall be.§uch as may be.negotiated between the'City.and the User. Section 10:' CHARGES There shall be a charge :of Fifteen ($15.'00)'. Dollars for disconnecting and reconnecting.of services for any:individual user. Section'll TNCREASE There is hereby established an automatic. rate increase -or decrease whenever he.supplter.of natural,-gas.to the City,of Fairhope:tncreases or decreases its ates, and.the increase and decrease shall .be based on a formula based upon the ercentage-paid by the*City,of Fai,rhope for'its wholesale rate in comparison with is retail rate to its users in accordance with all prn or sections set out. There shall be.no:further action by'..the.Council either for a.rate increase r decrease,:but shall be automattc.when'the'supplier.of natural. gas to the City f'%Fai,rhope either increases or decreases its wholesale rate. Secttbn::12:-,SEVERABILITY CLAUSE If any Sectton,of this Ordinance shall.be declared unconstitutional by a urt of competent:jurisdtction, all other'Sections.herein.shall.remain'in full rce and effect. Section.l3:: EFFECTIVE This OrdiaOce', shal l become - effective January 1, 1974',.; after its due adoptic nd . publ tcattm ,