HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-09-1973 Regular MeetingSTATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF BALDWIN The City Council of the City of Fairhope met in regular session at the City Administration Building, 387 Fairhope Avenue, Monday, April 9, 1973 at 7,00 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor James P. Nix, Councilment David (Ed) Bishop, H. G. Bishop, Sam E. Box, 011ie E. Deese and Barney L. Shull, I Minutes of the previous regular meeting were approved. Motion by Councilman Barney Shull seconded by Councilman 011ie Deese that Ordinance No, 5039 An Ordinance Amending Section 13, District Boundaries, of Zoning Ordinance No. 295, by rezoning from R-1 to R-3, Parcel B, Niemeyer Subdivision, introduced at the regular meeting of March 26, 1973 be adopted as introduced. Upon being put to vote the fallowing vote was recorded: Voting Fors Councilment Barney L. Shull, 011ie E. Deese and H. G. Bishop Voting Againsts Councilment Sam Box and Ed Bishop. Motion carrie and Ordinance adopted. Motion by Councilman Sam Box seconded by Councilman H. G. Bishop that the City advertise for public hearing on rezoning Lots 8 thru 17, Block 1 and Lots 1 thru 79 Block 6, Volanta Subdivision. Motion carried. Bids were -received on the following items, Item 1 - 10 - 6" Mech. Joint Cast Iron Tees W/Acc. Item 2 - 2 - 6" Mech. Joint Cast Iron Gate Valve W/Acc. Item 3 - 3 - 6" X 12" Cast Iron Solid Sleeves Item 4 - 3 - 8" X 6" Mech. Joint Reducing Tee Item 5 - 6 - 6" X 2" 1 Pt. Tapped Mech Joint Plug Item 6 - 6 - 42" - 3 day 3 ft. 61, idech. Joint Fire Hydrants W/ ace. Moore -Handley, Inc. Mobile, Ala. Item 1 60.49 ea. Item 2 98.75 ea. Item 3 24,05 ea. item 4 59.42 ea. ;Item 5 ii.45 ea., Item. 6 200,00 ea. Standard Equipment Co., Mobile, Ala. Item 1 57,75 ea. Item 2 134.00 ea. Item 3 24.75 ea. Item 4 83.25 ea. Item 5 15,95 ea. Item 6 243.00 ea. PAGE 8-C THE FAIRHOPE COURIER April 19. 1973 Legal Notice AN ACT To provide for the planning, design, location, financing, le- gtsHion of property tor; con- struction, alteration, etarge- went, use, maintenance, oper- ation, and fostering of Off- street automobile parking fa- cilities In the City of Farr - hope; authorizing the City Council to create a parking authority or parking commit- tee, and providing for its mein, bership, authority and duties. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF ALABAMA: Section 1. It is determined and declared that in the City Of Fairhope the free circula- tion a1 traffic of all kinds through the streets of sald City is necessary to the health safety and Keneral welfare of the Public; that in recent years, the greatly incressedusebythe public of motor vehicles of all kinds has caused serious traf- fic congestion in the streets of said City; that the parking Of motor vehicles in the streets has contributed to this coages- tion; that Such congestion pre- vents the free flow of traffic in, through and from the City of Falrhope and Impedes the rapid and effective fighting of fires and disposition Of its po- lice force, threatens irrepar- able loss of values of urban property within the city which can no longer be readily reach- ed by vehicular traffic aaden- dangers the health, safety and welfare of the general public; that this traffic congestion is not capable of being adequately abated except by provisions of sufficient off-street parking facilities; that adequate off- street parking facilities have not been provided and Parking spaces now existing must be forthwith supplimented by off- street parking facilities pro- vided by public undertaking; and that the enactment of the Pro- visions of this Act is hereby declared to be a public neces- sity. Section 2. The city council or other municipal governing body of the City of Fairhope RED EAGLE Of f ice Supplies 104 N. HOYLE AVE., SAY MINETTE, ALA.,.07 Office Supplies • Furniture • Job Printing r 'Olivetti -Underwood, R. C. Alien Business Machines g Sales And Service- "Conscientious Sales And U Service Of All Office Supply Needs" Call Toll -free 431-4010 SALESMAN IN EASTERN SHORE AREA EVERY WEDNESDAY hereby is authorized and em- powered to acquire, receive, take and hold, whether by pur- chase, gift, lease, devise, or condemnation, or otherwise, property of every description, whether real, personal or mixed, and to manage saidpro- perty end develop any undevel- oped property owned, leased or controlled by such City for the purposes hereinafter set out; to execute such contracts and ther instruments and to take such other action as may be necessary and convenient to carry out the provisions tthis Actor to exercise the power granted hereunder; to plan, es- tablish, acquire,construct, en- large, improve, maintain, equip, operate, regulate and protect parking facilities; to lease or let such facilities or any one or more of them to such tent or tenants for such term or terms, at such com- pensation or rental asthe coun- cil or other governing body may from time to time direct; tois- sue interest bearing revenue bonds payable from the limited sources hereinafter referred to; to pledge for payment of such bonds any revenues or funds from which such bonds are made payable; to make and enter into contracts, leases and agreements incidental to or necessary for the accomplish- ment t any purpose or purposes athorized by this Act; to make and enforce rules and regula- tions governing the use Of any parking facilities owned or con- trolled by said city; to cooper- ate with the state, any county, city, town, public corporation, agency, department or Politl- eel subdivision of the State, and to make such contracts with them or any of them as the council or other governing body may deem advisable to accom- plish the purposes of this Act; to receive and accept grants for or in aid of the contrac- tion, extension, improvement, maintenance or operationofany parking facility from the United States of America or any agency thereof, from the state, any department or agency theret and any political subdivision thereof and to receive and ac- cept money, property, labor or other things of value from any eource whatsoever; end to do any and all things necessary or convenient for the exercise of any power herein grated. Section 3. The council or other governing body is here- by specifically authorized to lease any said parking facili- ties constructed under thepro- visions of this Act; provided, however, that prior to leasing any such parking facility the council or other governing body must determine and find the ft/owing: the amount neces- sary in each year to pay the principal ofand the interest on the bonds proposed to be issued to finance such pro- ject; the amount necessary to be Paid each year into any re- serve fund which the coun- cil or other governing body may deem it advisable to es- tablish in connection with the retirement of said bonds and the maintenance of saidparkingfa- fifty or facilities; and, tunless the terms under which hepro- ject is to be leased; provided that the lessee shall maintain the project end carry all proper insurance (including liability insurance) with respect there- to, the estimated cost of main- taining the parking facility in good repair and keeping if pro- perly Insured. The leassagree- ment shall provide for the pay- ment of rentals based on such findings and determinations as are sufficient (a) to pay the principle of and interest on the bonds issued to finance the parking facility, (b) to build up and maintain any reserves deemed by the council or other governing body to be advisable in connection therewith, (c) un- less the agreement ofleaseob- hgates the lessee to pay for the maintenance and proper insur- ance (including liability insur- ance) of the parking facility, to pay the cost of maintaining the parking facility In good re- pair and keeping itproperlyin- sured. The lease agreement may, at the discretion of the council or other governing body, contain provisions pres- cribing minimum operating hours, maximum operating hours, maximum charges to be collected by the operator and other terms to be observed by the lessee. Section 4. The Principal of and interest on any bonds is- sued under this Act shall be secured by a pledge of the re- venue out of which such bonds may be made payable and may be secured by a mortgage cov- ering all or any part of any project or projects from which the revenues so pledged may he derived, and may be se- cured by a pledge of the lease of such project. The proceed- ings under which such bonds are authorized to be issuedor Say such mortgage maycontain: any agreements and provisions customarily contained In in- struments securing bonds, in- cluding, without limiting the generaljly of the foregoing, provisions respecting thefixing and collection of rets for any project covered by sufh pro- ceedings or mortgage, the terms to be included in the lease ofP 1 such project, ct the mfllnten- ante and issuance of such pro- ject, and the rights and reme- dies available in event of de- fault of the bond holders or to the trustee under a mortgage, all as the governing body shall deem advisable and as shall not be in conflict with the pro- visions t this Act; provided, however, that in making any such agreements or provision the City of Fairhape shall not have the power to obligateftself except with respect to the pro- ject and the application of the revenues therefrom and shall not have the power to incur a pecuniary liability or a charge upon its general credit or against Its taxing powers. The proceedings authorizing any bonds hereunder and any mort- gage securing such bonds may provide that, in the event of default in payment of the prin- cipal of or the interest on such bonds or in the performance of any agreement contained In such bonds or in the perfor- mance of any agreement con- tained in such proceedings or mortgage,, such payment and performance may beetorced by mandamus OrbytheaPPoint- met of a receiver in equity with power to charge and col- lect rents and teO apply the re- venues from the project in ac- cordance with such proceedings or the provisions of such mort- gage. Any such mortgage may provide of default that,so such payment or the violation of any agreement con- tained in the mortgage, the mortgage may be foreclosed either by sale at Publlc outcry .,by Proceedings in equity, an may Provide that any trust under such mortgage or the holder of any t the bonds se cured thereby, may become th any le tbehigheAbidderthere for. No breach of any Such agreement shall imPoseanype cunlary liability uPan the City trustee the bonds to be refunded shall have than matured or shall thereafter mature, either by sale of the refunding bonds and the application of the proceeds thereof for the payment of the bonds to be refunded thereby, or by exchange t the refund- ing bonds for the bonds to be refunded thereby; provided, that the holders t any bonds so to be refunded shall not be com- pelled without their consent to surrender their bonds for pay- ment or exchange prior to the date on which they arepayable, or if they are called for re- demption, prior to the date on which they are by their terms subject to redemption. Any re- funding bonds Issued underthe authority of this Act shall be payable solely from the reven- ues of of which the bonds to be refunded thereby were Pay- able, and shall be subject to the provisions contained in Sec- tion 4, t this Act; and may be secured in accordance with the provisions t Section 3, t this Act Section 6. Theproceedsfrom the sale t any bonds Issued under authority of this Act shall be applied only for the purpose for which the bonds were is- sued; provided, however, that MY accrued interest and pre- mium received in any such sate shall be applied to the payment t the principal of or the in- terest on the bonds sold; and provided, further, that if for any reason any portion t such proceeds shall ntbeneededfor the purpose for whichthebonds were issued, then suchmineed- ed portion of said proceeds shall be applied to the payment of the principal of or interest on said bonds. The '. cast ofac- quiring any project shall be deemed to includethefollowing: the actual cost t the construc- tion of any part t a project which may be constructed, jn- cluding architect's and en- gineer's fees; the purchase price t any Part of a project that may be acquired by pur- chase; all expenses in connec- tion with theauthorization,sale. and issurance of the bonds to finance such acquisition; and the Interest on such bonds for a reas4nabletime priortocon- structton, during construction, and for not exceeding Stx months after completion of con- struction. Section 7. The City t Fair - hope may pay out of its gen- eral foods or otherwise con- tribute any part t the costs of acgtring a project, and may used land already owned by the d municipality, or in which the municipality has an equity, for e construction.thereof of a _ pro- ject; and the municipality may accept donations t property to e be used as a Part of any Pro- ject and money to be used for defraying any part of the cost of any project. Section 8. Bonds issued un- may delegate all authority here- tofore or hereafter heldby said council with respect to the, de- velopment, creation, operation and general supervision Of any and all matters related to pub - Lc parkin Said parking com- mittee shall be composed of not less than seven nor more -than thirteen members as the city council may decide, and all such members shallberes- idents of the City of Fairhope and over the age of twenty-one years. in so far as is nearly mathematically possible, of the members first appointed, one- third shall be aPpolited for terms of two years, one-third for terms of three years and one-third for terms of four years. Thereafter all members of the committee shall serve for terms of four years. Upon the creation of the parking com- mittee, it shall assumed author- ity of the city council with re- spect to public parking in the City of Fairhope, and perform all duties in matters related thereto. Section 11. Neither this At nor anything herein containedshall be construed as a re- atrttton or limitation uPonany powers which the City t Falr- hope might otherwise have un- der Say laws of this tate, but shall be construed as cumula- tive; and this Act shall not be construed as requiringanelec- tion by the voters of said city prior to the Issuance of bonds hereunder by such municipality. Section 12. If any section, provision or clause of this Act shall be declared invalid orun- contitutional, suchdeclaratlon shall not affect the part or parts which remain. Section 13, This Act shall become effective immediately upon its passage and approval by the Governor, or upon its therwise becoming a law. 43-4tc Is. Water Staining Your Fixtures And Clothes? We Can Cure Your Water Sales And Service. son All Filters Water Is Our Business H. C. Sherman, Sr, 2.. i Litiert St. of Fairhope or any charge un- der the provistons of ims ncz Fairtitrye, Alabama der its general creditor against shall be legal investments for 828-9548 its taxing powers, savings banks and insurance Section S. Any bonds is- companies organized under the sued hereunder and at anytime laws of this state. outstanding may atanytimeend section 9. The bonds author When time to time be refunded ized by this Act and them-ine When you need by the City of Fairhope by the therefrom, an mortgages axe -arts instead issuance of its refunding bonds toted as security therefore, all ll in such an amount as the gov- lease agreements mad. pursu- of excuses, call erning body may deem neces- ant to the provisions hereof, and sary but not exceeding any all projects and the revenues your amount sut3lcient to refund the derived from any lease thereof NAPA Jobber principal of the bonds so to be shall be exempt from all tax- - refunded, together with any un- at on in Sectionel0. The e sate nicitAcouncil Fairhope paid Interest thereon aw any Y premiums and commissions or other municipal governing Auto Par, necessary to be paid to con- body may, by local ordinance, A ts .action therewith. Any such re- create a parking authority or id S. Church 428-2194 funding maybe effected whether parking committee to which it When someone you love is far away, reach out and touch them with your voice. Dial them long distance. And when you do, dial an economy call the One Plus way. There's no cheaper way to mall them lone distance. In the past few weeks you've seen a But you're not going to see more lot about interest rates on Various than you see on this pagie. savings plans. This is the most you can jet for And in the months to come you're your savings nxuley an}'chere in going to see a lot more. Baldwin Count\ .4% PASSBOOK SAVINGS. Open with any amount. Eams 5?I'l annually with earnings paid day -in to day - out. or credited quarterly. Compounded daily equals 5.13% yearly effective yield. Y00 V/4q 9 Z% Ol E-AI2. TIVO YEAR CERTIFICATES. CERTIFICATES. CERTIFICATES $1.000 minimum. Earns sl.(w minimum. Earns S5.000 minimum. G 5-114 annual earnings 5-5/4 annual earnings annual earnings. com- compounded daily or paid compounded daily or paid pounded daily or paid quarterly. Equals 559",; quarterly. Equals J2°d quarterh Equals 6.18",, yearly effective yieldyearly effective }'field. yeal-ly effective yield. For more information call or visit the office nearest you. Bay :dinette. Fairhope. Robertssfale. Folc}: " and Spanish Fort. Three bedroom house, car- peted throughout in the coun- try on one acre. Call after 13 toot Hotpoint refrigerator 3:30 p.m. for an appointment Call 928.928-7714 after 8:00 928-2293 available around P. m. 43-Itc May Ist. 43-1tc Blue, motorcycle helmet, by Sears, slightlyused. Call 928- House trailer, nice and clean, utilities furnished, Louis 9776. 43-2tc Lams 928-8823. 43-ltr-ar Used girl's bicycle, in very Neat 2 bedroom house, near good condition, $15.00. Come Bay, $80. Adults only. 928- by 356 Pecan Street Fairhope. 7459. 43-ltfe-ar 4S-ltp Newly renovated smallunfur- 23,000 BTU air conditioner, niched cottage._ Kitchen very good condition, $200. furnished. Ready for occupan- 928-5088. 43-ltp cy by May 1st. Older coupie preferred. 928-5259. one Simmons twin mattress 43-tfc-ar set 928-7808. 43-ltc Teenage girl's clothes, sizes. 8 and 10. Call 928-8899 - 219 Pecan Avenue. 43-itc Used IA condition 3/4 ton heavy dety GMC pick up, ten foot steel bed. Sugar cane Juice mill, lA condition, new, electric motor, newbearings. Phone 928-8016 after 4 P. m. 43-2tc Good condition, used refri- gerator Call 926-7462 after 5 p.m. 43-ltc 3 - D Magnetic signs, made to order in cur plant. Best prices - good service. Shep- herd Printing and Office SUP - ply, 928-8852. 42-tfe-ar The best quality rose bushes we have ever had; also Ben - late spray for easily keeping them free of blackspot. Cit- ms, bedding plants, hanging baskets, unusual plants; lsnd- Scapa design and transplant- ing; spraying and fertilizing. GREEN NURSERIES, N. Greeno Rd., Fairbope 928- 8469. 43-Itc 2 bedroom unfurnished, cen- tral air conditioning, adults only, annual lease. Location 560 B Satsuma St. By ap- pointment only. 928-8889 or Box 888 Fairhope. 43-ltp Mobile Tome, for adults only. Winterhaven Court. 928-9833. 38-tfc-ar 17' self contained travel trail- er, sleeps six, stove, refrl- gerator, head and shower. 30 gallon fresh water holding tank. Rent by week or weak - and. For reservations call 928-9436 days or 928-0547 nights. 40-Uc-ar Attractive furnished apart- ment. Air conditioned, cen- trally located. 928-9451 day or 928-8376 olght- 49-Itc-ar Wanted -large house tobe used as teen club with adult Sup - ervislon. Preferred to be away from residential area but inside city limits of Fair - hope. Call 928-5269 or 928- 7990 after six p.m. 42-4mr Just completed new, 3 bed. room, brick home wlthbeam- ad calling kitchen and family room, formal dining room, 2 baths, carpeted throughout, 2 car garage, lake Forest membership Included, $33, 900.00 Call Major Homes, 928-0941 or 626-2657 43-2tc-ar Boat engine for sale or trade 60 hp. inboard with complete transmission Water cool ex- haust. Will trade for 60 h.p. or more outboard motor. 928-0747 37-tfc 1968 Larson 1.0., 120 O.M.C. horsepower engine, full en- closure, new galvanized trai- lor, $1,900. 928-9694. 4$-.ltc Stolen, Record Collection. Someone broke into my house and stole approximately 125 records. Rock & Roll, Classi- cal, & Country. If you have any information of their whereabouts call Don Soto at 928-2215. I wish to express my heart- felt gratitude to all those who helped to save my land, my home and my animals. My special thanks goes to the Faith- Fire Dept. 1jpsaeirdsones havingclaimsagainst state re herere- LEGAL quired to present the same "BECAUSE THE PEOPLE MUST KNOW" within timewill a ba r law or the same will be barred. �= Bailey & Taylor Attorneys Marie P. Herman In The Matter Of The Estate Baldwin Frozen Foods, Inc. Executrix Of Aron Kolomeer a/k/a Joe A C. it42-3tp Kolomeer, Deceased a Notice of Special Meeting In The Probate Court Of Baldwin County, Alabama TO: Rosa Landau, 84 rue d'- Alieray, Parts (15e), France Silvian Salomon, 16 Albion Street, South Caulfield, Mel- bourne, Victoria, Australia This day_ came Albert M. Philips, Sr, as Administra- tor of the Estate of Aron Kolo- meer, a/k/a Joe Kolomeer Deceased, and files his peti- tion for final settlement of the said Estate: It is ORDERED that the loth day of .May, 1973, at 9:30 A.M., be, and the same here- by is, appointed as a day and time on which to make Such settlement, at which time you can appear and contest the said settlement, if you think proper. WITNESS my hand this 5th day of April, 1973. Rickarby & Benton, Attorneys Harry D'011ve Judge of Probate 42-3te-ar STATE OF ALABAMA BALDWIN COUNTY Contract Foreclosure Default baying been made in the terms in a contract ex- ecuted to Claude G. Phillips and Katie Mae Phillips, hus- band and wife by Vaughn Key and Patricia Key, husband and wife on the 21 st day of Sep- tember, 1965, and said de- fault having been made and continuing, Claude G. Phillips will sell, at public outcry, for cash to the highest bidder in front of the Courthouse door of said County at 11:00 A.M. the 19th day of April, 1973 the following described pro - party in Baldwin County, State of Alabama, to - wit: The South HaH of the North Half of the Southeast quar- ter of the Northeast quar- ter Section 28, Township 6 South, Range 6 East, con- taining 10 acres, more or less. Said sale is made for the purpose of paying the contract debts and cost and expense of the Foreclosure. Claude Phillips Wipers, Brantley &Nesbit by Phyllis S. Nesbit Attorneys for Claude Phillips 4o-4to-at Pursuant to vote of the Board of Directors, a Special Meeting of the stockholders of the Baldwin Frozen Foods, Inc., a Corporation, Ishereby called to be held on the 4th day of May, 1973, at 2:00 P. m., at the office of Emmett Gulledge for the following purposes: 1. To consider and act upon the question of foreclosing the present contract for the our- ehase of the Corporate pro- perty in Robertsdale, which said contract is now de- linquent. 2. To elect OfficersandDl- rectors of the Corporation for the ensuing year. 3. To consider the dissolu- tion and liquidation of the Cor- poration 4. To transact any other business which may properly come before the meeting. The list of stockholders in the Corporation has not been brought up to date in recent years, therefore, it will be necessary for this to be done before the 24th day of April, 1973. You are advised to go by the office of the President, Emmett Gulledge, on theSec- ong floor of the Thames build- ing in Robertsdale, located near the Post Office with your shares of stock to make sure that the number of shares Which you own is correct. If you have purchased stock since its first issue, itwillbe necessary for you to make sure the stock is transferred into your name on the Cor- porate records. After April 24, the stock list will be es- timated and only those on hie list will be allowed to vote their respective shares, both preferred and common. This 29th day o1 March, 1973. Emmett Gulledge, Presi- dent Baldwin Frozen Foods, Inc. 41-4tc-ar ESTATE OF Henry N. Herman DECEASED PROBATE COURT Letters Testamentary on the Estate of said deceased having been granted totheun- dersigned on the 4th day of April, 1973, by the Hon. Harry D'Olive Judge of the Probate Court of Baldwin County, no- tice Is hereby given that all ESTATE OF Joe R. Hughes DECEASED PROBATE COURT Letters. Testamentary on the Estate of said deceased having bean granted totheun- dersigned on the 9th day of March, 1973, by the Hon. Har- ry D'Olive Judge of the Pro- bate Court of Baldwin County, notice is hereby given install persons having claimsagainst said estateare hereby requir- ed to present the same within t/me allowed by law or the same Will be barred. Richard C. Lacey, Attorney Ralph Milton Hughes, Executor 40-3tc NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT Eldred Lane Rush No. 13,048 Ora Mae Rush The State of Alabama, Baldwin County. Circuit Court, in Equity This the 12. day of April, 1973 _ In this cause being made to appear to the Clerk of this Court by the affidavit of El- dred Lane Rush, Complain- ant that the Defandant Ora Mae Rush is a non-resident of the State of Alabama resi- dence unknown and further, that, in the belief of said Affiant the Defendant is over the age of 18 years; it is therefore, ordered that. pub- lication be made in the Fair - hope Courier, a newspaper published In fairhope, Bald- win County, Alabama, once a week for four consecutive weeks, requiring Ora Mae Rush the said Respondent to answer or demur to the Bill of Complaint in this cause by the 12th day of May 1973, or after thirty days therefrom a decree ProConfesso maybe taken against her. Eunice S. Tindal Register. Solicitor for Complammit: Rickarby & Benton Fatrhooe, Alabama NOTICE TO THE VOTERS OF BALDWIN COUNTY, ALABAMA In the case of E.D. Nixon, et at, v. George C. Wallace, at al, an Order was issued on the 3rd day of January, 1972, which has been supple- mented by further Decrees or Orders, the last being dated the 26th of February, 1973. Among other things, this De- cree changedtbe Alabama Le- gislative Districts sothatnow a representative will be elect- ed from District 094, which is in the Southern part of Bald- win County. District 495 Is in the Northern end of Bald- win County and includes apart of Mobile County. Districta96 encompasses all of Washing- ton County and a part of Mobile County. A Senator from this area will be elected from Dis- tricts numbered 94, 95, and 96, which will include ell of Baldwin County, all of Wash- ington County and a part of Mobile County. Pursuant to said Order and for your in- formation, the Probate Judge of Baldwin County, Alabama, establishes the dividing line between Legislative Districts 94. and 95 as follows: Begin at the Point in Bald- win County, Alabama, where Black Water River intersects Perdido River, which is on the Alabama. - Florida line; follow the meanders up Black Water River to the point where it intersects Three Mile Creek in Section 34, Township 6 South, Range 5 East; from said point run up Three Mile Creek to the point where said creek crosses the township line dividing Town- ship 6 South and Township 7 South; run Fast along said line to the West edge of Section 3, Township 7 South, Range 4 East, the last call running along County Rd. s87; thence mn South 1 1/2 miles to the Mack Roberts road; thence inn West 1 mile, more or less, to the point where said road intersects Highway #59; inn Northwester) #59 to the point where said road intersects the Mar- low Road; run West on the Marlow Road to the point where said road intersects Volkswagen Service It. Pick -up -Prompt Service -Fully Warranted Work Specializing In Engines & Clutches Tune-UPs416.95 M,dvlwe 6: Plows aa6 a5 THE FAIRHOPE COURIER April 19. 1973 PAGE 7-C Fish River; follow the mean- ders of Fish Rlverinallorth- wardly direction to the point this river rvnsunder Highway 459 which Said Point is Just South of Stapleton, Alabama; run Northwardly along High- way #59 to the point where said road intersects Highway 431; from said point run Southwardly along Highway 431 for a distance of approx- imately 1/2 mile to the point where the Stapleton -Bromley Road intersects 431; follow the meanders of the Staple- ton -Bromley Road tothepoint where said road crosses Bay Annette Creek; from this point follow the meanders of Bay Minette Creek to Bay Minette (Bay); follow the shores of Bay Minette Bay around Cedar Point to Shell Bank River; run Southwardly with Shell Bank River to the point where said river inter- sects Blakley River; run up Blakley River to the Point where said river Intersects the L & NRailroad; run West- wardly along the L & N Rail- road right of way to the Mo- bile County line which is the point of ending. DONE this the 12th day of March, 1973. Harry D'Olive Probate Judge 43-3tc-ar The State of Alabama Baldwin County Probate Court For Said County this 16th day of April, 1973 To Nola Poole Bailey, 1209 Goodman Road, Memphis, Tenn,; Ida Poole Key, 622 4th St., South, Columbus, Miss.; H.A. Poole, last known ad- dress, Vicksburg, Miss.; Rayford N. Poole, Route 4, Boa 197, Lucedsle, Miss.; and Any and all, unknown htirs- at-law and next -of -kin. You will hereby take notice, that on this day came Kath- ryn Poole Rickman, a/k/a Kathryn Rickman and pro- duced to the Court a paper writing, purporting to be the last will and testament of John W. Poole deceased, and moves the Court to admit the said will to Probate and Re- cord. You are notified to be and appear before me, at my of- fice in the Court House of said County at 9:30 a.m. on the 17th day of May, 1973 when the motion will be con- sidered, and show, if any- thing you have to allege, why said pacer writing should not be admitted to Probate and Record, as the true last will and testament of said dece- dent John W. Pools. Daniel A. Benton, Attorney Harry D'Olive Judge of Probate, Baldwin County, Al" 43-3tc-ar HUFFMAN SLYE Real Estate Brokers JNO. S. HUFFMAN 928-8393 204 N. Bayview St. For lands In Beautiful Baldwin County, See... Arthur Mannich BROKER FELS AVE - Brick home, 4 bedrooms, den, built in stove and oven, central heat and it, new roof, fenced yard, you - move In at once ............. I ......$21,500.00 PECAN STREET - We have a frame home that needs some fixing up, it's on deeded land and a very good Ioca- Uni , lot 66' x 180', has some satsuma trees on IL .................................. $10, 600.0 0 -- 8 acres for rent or lease on uaes Point Clear paved road, 5 miles east of 43-1tc Fairhope with pasture, „„„„, fences, trees and stream 928- 5071 after 5:30 p.m. 43-lte The sharpest increase in farm real estate values 800 sq It., office, store or since was recorded for home on 2 acres, zoned com- the yeaarr ending Nov. 1, 1972 ercfal, Main Street in D. average value per acre phne or will build to your- specifications. Call 626-2668 jumped 10 per cent nation - or 928-0786. 43-tic-ar ally. Specials These Are Just A Few O(The Good Bargains That Can Be Purchased At Gunter -Dunn Furniture In Robertsdale This Week. One - 5 pc.dinette set, wrought iron chairs, round table, regular $119.95, now $89.00. Four assorted occasional chairs, assorted colors and styles, regular $99.55, now $39.95. One 3 pc. DeVilie living room suite in vinyl cover, regular $4919.95, now $359.00. Two Recliners, tan and orange covers, regular $69.95, now $59.00. Baby cribs.with mattress, regular $59.95 now $44.00. One used sleeper, early american style in good shape, regular $199.95, now $49.00. Whirlpoor air conditioners on sale at special price. Shop Gunter -Dunn In Robertsdale Where You Always Save. Phone 947-4612 BILL PURVIS Building Contractor NEW HOMES REMODELING ADDITIONS iht 616-9761 Day 616-9184 Eastern Shore Builders, Inc. General Contractors P.O. Box 488 Fairhope, Al.. B.L. Moore 928-7811 G.W. Roberds S & H Builders Inc. Formerly C. A. Simmons New Homes - Our Plans Or Yours —Remodeling - Additions Will Help Financing & Plannin Phone Days 928-7459 Nights& After 5:00-947-3037 Earle, McMillan & Niemeyer, Inc. HOME WITH ACREAGE Hwy 31 Spanish Ft. 4 bd., 1 bath home on 13.8 areces Marlow Road, 3 bd., 1 bath home with 1 1/4 acres Near Town - 3 bd., 2 bath brick home on 2 acres 3 bd., 2 bath brick carpeted home on 2.acres WATER FRONT PROPERTY 66 x 400' lot on Bay 2 bd, 1 bath cottage on Little Lagoon at Gulf Shores Brick and frame 4 bd., 2 bath home on River Front Lot HOMES IN OR NEAR TOWN Bon Secour St. 3 bd., 2 bath home $18,300.00 Hwy. 98 Fairhope 928.9248 Daphne - beautiful shaded 1M surrounds this 3 bd, 2 bath brick home Lovely 3 bd., 2 bath brick home with built-in kitchen, fenced back yard Lg, r umpus room in this 3 bd, 2 bath brick home plus martyextras 2 story - 4 bd., 2 bath home with play room LOTS 2 residential lots on Charbon Drive $5,500 each 98' on Mobile Bay 2 3/4 acres off Fairhope Avenue Wooded lot on Pier St. Bluff lot in Montrose Acreage with live stream near town Near town-3 large lots ideal for Commercial Hwy, 98 Daphne nv-2621 ­,ni, Engines Rebullt - As Low As $189 (Porsche and Performance Engines Available) All Prices Include Parts & Labor The Board of Registrars will Southern V.W. be at Baldwin County Court- house May 7, 21 according to Clinic Schuler McDaniel, chairman, Call For FREE Estimate 43-3te-ar 1 9474684 We have 116 acres close to Fairhope, could be Subdivided, or farmed. Located on paved and gravel roads. Needs 3 or 4 persons to purchase and divide into equal parts. Financing available. Mannich's Real Estate 928-0404 Wm. Olsen Building Contractor New Homes (Blueprints Available For Selections R*Todcling, Painting, Brick Work, Electricai Work, Plumbing Roofing & Additions Heat & Air Conditioning Installation Financings Available Call 928-7559 Day or Night & G Construction Co 31 Years Experience in Building Residential Homes and all types of Remodeling & Room Additions 964-2570 928-2084 LOXLEY FAIRHOPE if you don't take a good look at this home, 2 large bedrooms, fireplace, very nice living room, den, very nice. There are many other features we would love to show you in this fine home .............................. $19,000.00 MORPHY AVE.-next to Shell station, 266 feet frontage and 166 feet deep. This would make a nice business slte. The home is an older home, however, the lots are worm ask- ing price...........................$25,000.00 GREENO ROAD - 3 bedroom, We home on 2 acres deeded land if you want room, lots of fruit trees, pecan trees, also one smaller house with a ann"Ibusinessbuildingneir town. .. . .............................$32,050.00 We have some buyers for river property. It you have some you don't want, let us get you some Cash for them quick. VOLAN-IA AVE: This three bedroom,one bath new brick home is ready to move inandpricedlo sell. .... $18,000.00 We have several pieces of property on the four lane. OLD 98 IN DAPHNE: Split level brick home, 2 bedroom, 1 1/2 baths, large basement on a beautiful lot, 101' x 222 ............................... $22,289.50 SCHOOL STREET: Nice 3 bedroom, 2 bath, living room and dining area, on a nice lot .............$19,900.00 WANT A NICE RETREAT - Have trailer, 2 bedroom on two (2) 50' x 120 lots, 6 miles from Magnolia Springs, access to bay and place to launch twat or leave in wa- ter, $5,900.00. and are worth asking price. FOR RENT: 3 bedroom, 1 bath home with living room and den, $150.00, lease. "We have a buyer that wants a 3 bedroom home on 20 acres or 'More'. " RENTALS - 2 bedroom, 1 bath home near town, $150.00 One, 1 bedroom upstairs apartment, $75.00 COUNTRY and close to town, this 4 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath brick home has many extras, a large living room, dining room, den, built-in kitchen, gameroom, brick Datlo and fenced yard, all on one acre of land. CLIFF DRIVE - You must see this lovely home, 3 bedrooms, 2 laths, large living room and dining room, a kitchen that any wife would enioy. The finest cabinets, nearly new stove and freezer -refrigerator. They don't build them as good as this one anymore...........................$26,000. NICE BUSINESS Ioton Grand Ave.,60'x180'1 ....$7,200.00: 100' x 135' deeded lot in Ingleside. Two 66' x 132' lots, Perdido and Seminole St. 132 acres in Barnwell. NORTH SUMMIT STREET - Avery nice home for rental property, 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, large kitchen, part brick and part wood We think it is a real buy. .......$12,000.00 LIBERTY STREET - 6 rooms, 2 large bedrooms, 1 bath, fireplace, large living room, den, kitchenis realnice, com- e; fortable home......................$19,000.00. "We don't just list your property, we sell it for you. NIANNICH'S REAL ESTATE 8 Bancroft Street Fairhope Phone 928-0404 Or 928-8879 Days Nights Mrs. E. P. Beasley, Broker 928-8280 Lorene Gregottus, 928-9694 f Mrs. Wilma Patter, Broker, 928-2947 - Marine Specialty Company, Mobile, Ala, Item 1 66.54 ea. Item 2 99.95 ea. Item 3 26.46 ea. Item 4 65.36 ea. Item 5 12.60 ea. Item 6 209.88 ea. American Cast Iron Pipe Co., Birmingham, Ala, Item 1 42.87 ea. Item 2 92.80 ea. Item 3 23.64 ea. Item 4 61.74 ea. Item 5 18,?9 ea. Item 6 216.80 ea. Wholesale Supply Co.40 Pascagoula, Miss. Item 1 38.5o ea.., Item 2 93.00- ea ` Item 3 22.50 ea.,. P Item 4 51.50 ea. Item 5 845 ea. Item 6 197.00 ea. } Motion by Councilman Barney Shull seconded by Councilman H. G. Bishop that the City accept low bid of Wholesale Supply Co. provided bid meets specifications. Motion carried. The following bids were received on gasoline for City use$ Standard Oil Co. - Unable to quote at this time. Gulf Oil Corporation, Robertsdale, Ala. 100 Plus Octane @ $.2350 ex tax 94 Octane @ .2000 ex tax No equipment to be furnished by Gulf Volume not to exceed 369000 per year Price to escalate with C T W schedule., Motion by Councilman H. G. Bishop seconded by Councilman Ed Bishop that the City accept bid of Gulf Oil Corporation provided bid meets specifications.! Motion carried. Motion by Councilman H. G. Bishop seconded by Councilman Sam Box that the City ask for bids on 15' flat bed dump truck. Motion carried. The following two bids were received on two truck loads of power poles$ American Creosote Works, Inc., Pensacola, Fla. Total $493o3.10 Baldwin Pole and Piling Co.', Inc. Bay Minette, Ala. Total $3,850.56 Motion by Councilman Ed Bishop seconded by Councilman 011ie Deese r ELECTRIC Baldwin Computer Service 264.53 Fuel Oil Supply 6.50 Gaston Motor Company 4.61 John R. Greer 254.52 Hatfield & Company 59018.75 Hill-Soberg Company Inc. 381.80 Matthews Electric Supply 396.85 Pitman Realty 29825.55 Southeastern Power Assoc, 39723.90 Southeastern Testing Laboratory 22,09 Southern Auto Parts Shepherd Printing 630.,91 8,79 U,S.C.O, Power Equipment Co, 915,00 Nix & Fleming 399.65 Material Sales 27.69 Moore Handley 39827.79 Turner Supply Company 493.50 atec Incorporated 182..29 TOTAL 18,852.42 PAI D Alabama Power Company 219775.14 F that the City accept low bid of Baldwin Pole and Piling Company provided bid meets specifications. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Ed Bishop seconded by Councilman Sam Box that the City ask for bids on 4/0 Aluminumk wire. Motion carried. - Motion by Councilman Barney Shull seconded by Councilman H. G. Bishop that the City purchase Friden Printing Calculator, No. 1102 for $395.00. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Barney Shull seconded`by Councilman H. G. Bishop that the bill of Fairhope Roofing and Construction Co. be approved for payment when approved by the Recreation Department Motion carried. Motion by 4'Councilman Sam'Box seconded by Councilman Barney Shull that the following Resolution be adopteds Motion carried. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council of the City of Fairhope are desirous of establishing a public authority, and WHEREAS, it will be necessary to have a Special Act by the State Legislature of Alabama setting up the said authority, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Cound proceed to contact the State Representatives and State Senator from Baldwin County, Alabama, to begin work on having a special act of the State Legislature giving the Mayor and City Council of the City of Fairhope the power to appoint a parking authority, with the power to condemn private lands, for off-street parking, to build and maintain public parking lots, to set the fees for the use.by the citizens thereof, and the method of appointing the said public parking authority. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be sent to the Honorable L. D., Owen, Jr., State Senator, Honorable Dan Kinsey, State Representative, and to the Honorable Buck Bentol State Representative,, ADOPTED THIS THE 9th DAY OF APRIL, 1973. Attests City Clerk] Ff � Y t A Motion by Councilman Sam Box seconded by`Councilman 011ie Deese that the bills be approved for payment as presented..Motion carried. It was duly moved, seconded and carried that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. C. Attesto "If. to 7 City of Fairhope - March Bills General Fund Marine Specialty Sairhope Auto Parts Mobile Electric Garage, ]Inc. Ingleside Grocery Fairhope Hardware Gaston Motor Company Glenn Thompson Equip. Co. Dick's Wrecker Service Western Lumber T. G. & Y John M. Warren Co. Tieco Gulf Coast, Ib3c. Rudy's Automotive Steber Chevrolet Sears Reobuck and Co. So. Auto Parts M & S Service Station Silverhill Farmers Assoc. Coastla Concrete Co. Key G. M. C. Fairhope Ambulance Service Shepherd Printing - Police D L D Parking Lot Striping Julwin's Parker House Eastern Shore Restaurant 225.01 28.48 284.52 4.34 4.29 77.49 325.66 25.00 332.88 �r5.87 137.42 192.30 3.95 65.47 288.83 69.73 1.00 32.00 281.30 20.29 (Nov.- Mar.) 275.00 Fairhope Courier RXZX Baldwin Computer Service Fairhope Laundry National, Linen Service Fairhope Pharmacy Marshall's TV Service Lee Groves - Xeroxing Don's Shoe Store Bedsole's Waller Bros. McCain Uniform Co. John V. Duck 18.92 800.00 18.45 2.45 94.05 208.75 94.40 31.30 10.00 3.00 11.25 54.10 49.00 7.90 73.16 471.42 31.87 Thomas Hospital - Prisoner V 4, $ 6.50 Fairhope Ambulance Service -..prisoner 50.00' Electronics Services 98.95 Shepherd Printing 25.87 Radcliff Materials, Inc., 94.40 97.57 Electric Fund: 294.29 Turner Supply Co. Western Auto 8.5 Mader Bearing Supply 1.53 Hill-Soberg Co. 538.52 Hatfield & Co. 17085.96 Southeastern -Power Paid 3:580.64 Alabama Power Co. Paid 189912.50 Moore Handley 883.38 Atkinson Armature Wks. 3,720.00 Southeastern Testing -Lab 677.54 Western Lumber 34.07 Nix and Fleming 424.00 So. Auto Parts 2 .46 206.00 Coastal Concrete Baldwin Computer Service 264.53 -St. John Fhgineers 1 1 6.80 4Y9633-72 Paid 22,423.14 - 2930. b� Gas Department: Gulf Coast Marine Supply Co. Foley Tractor Company Singer -American Meter Div. Gaston Motor Co. Pringle Gas Meter Repair Rudy's Automotive Dixie laboratories L. B. Foster Steber Chev. Control, Ihc. So. Auto Parts Jesse S. Thornton Baldwin Computer Service Marine Specialty Water and Sewer: Moore Handley Fairhope Auto Parts Mobile Electric Garage Vasko Electric Co. Moore Handley Gaston Motor Co. McKesson Chemical Ponder Company Gulf Coast Foundries Rudy's Automotive So. Auto Parts Silverhill Farmers Assoc. Coastal Concrete Co. Baldwin Computer Service Thornton, Farish & Gauntt, 3ho, Recreation: Pioneer Mfg. Co. Vasko Electric Uni jax, Inc. Meyercord Co. West Baldwin Water Valta Constr. Co. Valta Constr. 148.81 5.18 29432.71 2.24 312.25 38.62 25.00 59622.90 .62 12.95 3.05 105.00 26 •53 227.36 99228.22 33•01 19.37 31.08 265.00 12181.00 4.74 223.50 71.39 74.00 8.75 67.08 99.60 3�.8o 26 •53 9,7 0.00 12,12 .85 247.50 . 2 0.00 63.75 282.50 4.50 280.00 997.00 29105.25 AN ;ACT To provide for the planning, design, location, financing, acquisition of property for, construction, alteration, enlargement, use, maintenance, operation, and fostering of off-street automobile parking facilities in the City of Fair hope; authorizing the City Council to create a parking authority or parking committee, and providing for its membership, authority and duties. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF ALABAKA: Section 1. It is hereby determined and declared that in the City of Fairhope the free circulation of traffic of all kinds through the streets of said City is necessary to the health, safety and general welfare of the public; that in recent years, the greatly increased use by the public of motor vehicles of all kinds has caused serious traffic congestion in the streets of said City; that the parking of motor vehicles in the streets has contributed to this con- gestion; that such congestion prevents the free flow of traffic in, through and from the city of Fairhope and impedes the rapid and effective fighting of fires and disposition of its police force, threatens irreparable loss in the values of urban property within the city which can no longer be readily reached by vehi- cular traffic and endangers the health, safety and welfare of the general public; that this traffic congestion is not capable of being adequately abated except by provisions of sufficient off-street parking facilities; that adequate off-street parking facilities have not been provided and aprkinq spaces now existing must be forthwith supplimented by off-street parkins facilities provided by public undertaking; and that the enactment of the provisions of this Act is hereby declared to be a public necessity. Section 2. The city council or other municipal (joverning body of the City of Fairhope hereby is authorized and errpowered to acquire, receive, take and hold, arhether by purchase, rift, lease, devise, or condemnation, or other.1ise,property of every description, whether real, personal or mixed, and to manage said pro- perty and develop any undeveloped property owned, leased or controlled by such Citv for thepurposes hereinafter set out; to execute such contracts and other instruments and to take such ether action as ray be necessary and convenient to carry out the provisions of this Act or to exercise the power granted hereunder; to plan, establish, acquire, construct, enlarge, improve, maintain, equip, oper- ate, regulate and nrotect parking facilities; to lease or let such facilities or any one or more of them to such tenant or tenants for such tear,or terms, at such corpensation or rental as the council or other aoverninq body may from time to time direct; to issue interest bearing revenue bonds payable from the limited AN ACT - Page 2 sources hereinafter referred to; to pledge for payment of such bonds any revenues or funds from which such bonds are made payable; to make and enter into contracts, leases and agreements incidental to or necessary for the accomplishment of any purpose or purposes authorized by this Act; to makq and enforce rules and re- gulations governing the use of any parking facilities owned or controlled by said city; to cooperate with the state, any county, city, town, public corporation, agency, department or political subdivision of the State, and tommake such con- tracts with them or any of them as the council or other governing body may deem advisable to accomplish the purposes of this Act; to receive and accept grants for or in aid of the construction, extension, improvement, maintenance or operation of any parking facility from the United States of America or any agency thereof, from the state, any department or agency thereof and any political subdivision thereof and to receive and accept money, property, labor or other things of value from any source whatsoever; and to do any and all things necessary or convenient for the exercise of any power herein granted. Section 3. The council or other governing body is hereby specifically authorized to lease any said parking facilities constructed under the previsions of this Act; provided, however, that prior to leasing any such parking facility the council or other governing body must determine and find the follo%,,ing: the amount necessary in each year to pay the principal of and the interest on the bonds proposed to be issued to finance such project; the amount necessary to be pain each year into any reserve fund which the council or other governing body may deem it advisable to establish in connection with the retirement of said bonds and the maintenance of said parking favility or facilities; and, unless the terms under which the project is to be leased; provided that the lessee shall maintain the project and carry all proper insurance (i ncl udi no liability insurance) with respect thereto, the estimated cost of maintaining the parking facility in good repair and keeping it properly insured. The lease agreement shall provide for the payment of rentals based on such findings arid determinations as are sufficient (a) to pay the principle of and interest on the bonds issued to finance the parking facility, (b) to build up and maintain any reserves deemed by theCouncil or other governing body to be advisable in connection therewith, (c) unless the a.?reement of lease obligates the lessee to pay for the maintenance and proper insurance (i ncl udi ng liability insurance) of the parkin,- facility, to pay the cost of ,nai ntai ni ng the parking facility in 7ood repair and keeping it properly insured. A;.' ACT Page 3 The lease agreement may, at the discretion of the council or other governing body, contain provisions prescribing minimum operating hours, maximum operating hours, maximum charges to be collected by the operator, and other terms to be observed by the lessee. Section 4. The principal of and interest on any bonds issued uner this Act shall be secured by a pledge of the revenue out of which such bonds may be :jade payable and may be secured by a mortgage covering all or any part of any project or projects from which the revenues so pledged may be derived, and may be secured by a pledge of the lease of such project. The proceedings under which such bonds are authorized to be issued or any such mortgage may contain any agree - rents and provisions customarily contained in instruments securing bonds, includ- ing, without limiting the peneralily of the foregoing, provisions respecting the fixing and collection of rents for any project covered by such proceedings or mortgage, the terri►s to be included in the lease of such project, the maintenance and issuance of such project, th=i creation and maintenance of special funds from the revenues from such project, and the rights and remedies available in event of default of the bond holders or to the trustee under a mortgage, all as the c►overning body shall deers advisable and as shall not be in conflict with the pro- visions of this Act; provided, however, that int.waking any such acreements or provisions the City of Fairhope shall not have the power to obligate itself except with respect to the project and the application of the revenues therefrom and shall not have the power to incur a pecuniary liability or a charge upon its general credit or against its taxing powers. The proceedings authorizing any bonds here- under and any mortgage securing such bonds may provide that, in the event of de- fault in payment of the principal of or the interest on such bonds or in the per- formance of any agreement contained in such proceedings or mortgage, such payment and perforriiance may be enforced by mandamus or by the appointment of a receiver in equity with power to charge and collect rents and to apply the revenues from the project in accordance with rich proceedings or the provisions of such mortgage. Any such mortgage may provide also that, in the event of default such payment or the violation of any agreement contained in the imortgage, the mortgage may be foreclosed either by sale at public outcry or by proceedings in equity, and may provide that any trustee under such mortgage or the holder of any of the bonds secured thereby may become the purchaser at any foreclosure sale if the highest bidder therefor. No beeach of any such agreement shall impose any pecuniary liability upon the City of Fairhope or aka charge under its general credit or against its taxing powers. AN ACT Page 4 Section 5. Any bonds issued hereunder and at any tire outstanding may at any time an( from time to time be refunded by the City of Fairhope by the issuance of its refunding bonds in such a ..amount as the governing body may deem necessary but not exceeding any amount sufficient to refund the principal of the bonds so to be refunded, together with any unpaid interest thereon and any premiums and corrI ssions necessary to be paid in connection therewith. Any such refunding may be effected whether the bonds to be refunded shall have then natured or shall thereafter it+ature, either by sale of the refunding bonds and the application of the proceeds thereof for the payment of the bonds to he refunded thereby, or by exchangO:� of the refunding bonds for the bonds to be refunded thereby; provided, that the holders of any Fonds so to be refunded shall not he compelled without their consent to surrender their bonds for payment or exchange prior to the date on which they are payable, or if they are called for redemption, prior to the date on which they are by their terms subject to redemption. Any refunding bonds issued under the authority of this Act shill be payable solely from the revenues out of which the bonds to be refunded thereby were payable, and shall he subject to the provisions contained in Section 4. of this Act, and may be secured in accordance with the provisions of Section 3. of this Act. Section 6. The proceeds from the sale of any bonds issued under au tnority of this Act shall be applied only for the puroose for which the bonds were issued; provided, however, that any accrued interest and premium received in any such sale shall he applied to the paymQnt of the principal of or the interest on the bonds sold; and provided, further, that if for any reason any portion of such proceeds shall not be needed for the purpose for which the bonds were issued, then such unneeded portion of said oroceeds shall be applied to the payment of principal of or interest on said bonds. The cost of acquiring any project shall be deemed to include the followinn: the actual cost of the construction of any part of a project which may be constructed, including architect's and engineer's fees; the purchase price of any part of a project that may be acquired by pur- chase; all expenses in connection with the authorization, sale and issuance of the bonds to finance such acquisition: and the interest on such ponds for a rea- sonable time prior to construction, during construction, and for not exceeding six months after completion of construction. Section 7. The City of Fairhope may pay out of its general funds or otherwise contribute any part of the costs of acquiring a project, and may use land already owned by the municipality, or in which the municipality has an equity, for construction thereof of a oroject; and the municipality may accept r An Act Page 5 donations of property to beLsed as a part of any project and money to be used for defraying any part of the cost of any project. Section E. Bonds issued under the provisions of this Act shall be legal investments for savings banks and insurance companies organized under the laws of this state. Section 9. The bonds authorized by this Pict and the income therefrom, all mortgages executed as security therefore, all lease agreements made pursuant to the provisions hereof, aid all projects and the revenues derived from any lease thetmf shall be exempt from all taxation in the state of Alabama. Section 10. The city council or other municipal governing body may, by local ordinance, create a parking authority or parking committee to which it may delegate all authority heretofore or hereafter held by said council with respect to the development, creation, operation and general supervision of any and all matters related to public parking. Said parking comnittee shall be composed of not less than seven nor more than thirteen members as the city council may de- cide, and all such members shall be residents of the City of Fairhope and over the age of twenty-one years. In so far as is nearly mathematically possible, of the members first appointed, one-third shall be appointed for terms of two years, one-third for terms of three ,years and one-third for terms of four years. Thereafter all members of the committee shall serve for terms of four years. Upon the creation of the parking committee, it shall assume authority of the city council with respect to public narking in the City of Fairhope, and perform all duties in matters related thereto. Section 11. "neither this Act nor anything herein contained shall be c - strued as a restriction or limitation upon any powers which the City of Fairhope might otherwise have under any laws of this state, but shall be construed as cumulative; and this Act shall not be construed as requiring an election by the voters of said city prior to the issuance of bonds hereunder by such municipality. Section 12. If any section, provision, or clause of this Act shall be de- clared invalid or unconstitutional, such declaration shall not affect the part or parts which remain. Section 13. This Act shall become effective immediately upon its passage and approval by the Governor, or upon its otherwise becoming a law.