HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-07-1968 Organizational MeetingSTATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF BALDWIN Minutes of the City Council of the City of Fairhope,.of its meetini held on the.7th day of October, 1968, being the first Monday in October,.the same being the organizational meeting of said council held at the -City Hall in the City of Fairhope at 7:30 p.m. Present at said meeting: R. C. Macon,.duly. elected as. Mayor, and James P. Nix, -Place No..l, John A. Robertson, Place No. 2, Robert H. Cowen, Place No. 3, Henry G. Bishop, Place No. 4, and Sam'e.E. Box, Jr. Place No. 5, duly elected Councilmen, each of whom took the oath of office in words and figures as follows: STATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF BALDWIN CITY OF FAIRHOPE I, .. , sdemnly swear (.or affirm, as the case may be) that I will support the,Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Alabama, so long as I continue a citizen thereof; and that I. will faithfully and honesty discharge the duties of the Office upon which I am about to enter, to the best of my ability, so help me God. The said Mayor and City Council having been duly elected and quali f..ied and all.members being present.the Mayor called the meeting to order. Marie Moore, the former Clerk was present and acted as temporary Clerk. Reverend.Joe Neal Blair of the Methodist Church of Fairhope gave t invocation. Motion by. Councilman Bishop.seconded by Councilman Robertson that Marie Moore be appointed City Clerk and Treasurer. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Cowen seconded by Councilman Bishop that all other Administrative Officers of the Municipality,shall continue in their respective duties temporarily pending such time as the Counci shall make permanent appointments. Motion carried. Motion.by Councilman -Box seconded by Councilman..Cowen that Council John Robertson be elected as 'Chairman Pro-tem for one year ending the second Monday in Octob er, 1969. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Robertson seconded by Councilman Box that the Council meet on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m., at the City Hall. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Nix seconded by Councilman Cowen that the following Ordinance be introduced. ORDINANCE NO. 404 BE IT.ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF FAIRKOPE, ALABAMA,,that the order of procedure in all instances for meetings of the council shall be as follows:.. Section 1. That.the rules or order of.procedure herein con tad.ned shall govern deliberations and meetings of the council of Fairhope, Alabama. ` Section 2. Regular meetings of the Council shall be held on the following dates: The second and fourth Monday of each month. n I v solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be) that I will sup- port the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the 5itate of Alabam-, so lone, as I continue a citizen thereof; and thst I will faithfully and honestly discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter, to the best of my ability, so help me God." Subscribed and sworn before me this the - d a y dJ f �i/ire% , 1968. (iVotary Pub is i/" solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case mar, be) that I will ct1p- port the Constitution of the United hates and the Constitution of the � tate of Pk labama, so long as I cnontinue a Citizen thereof; and that I will faithfully and honestly discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter, to the best of my ability, so h6iip ff Gods' Subscribed and sworn to before me this thee day of 1968 . No ary ub is solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be) that I will sup- port the Constitution of the United States and the Constituution of the Mate of '.labama, so long as I continue a citizen thereof; and th_A I will faith- fully and honestly discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter, to the bestof my ability, so help me God." Subscri b e d and sworn to before me on this the day ofCL,� o nary. Public r r �,.__ , solemnly swear � (or Arrirm, as the case may be) that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Con- stitution of the State of Alabama, so long as I con- tinue a citizen thereof; and that I will faithfully and honestly diGcharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter, to the best of my ability, so help me God." Subscribed and sworn before me this the _ day ©1" �e��, 1968. /-_. Notary Pub �Se�A) solemnly swear (or affirm),(as the case may be) that I will sup- port the Constitution of the United ':Mates and the Constitution of the :atate of ALABAMA , so long as I continue a citizen thereof, and that I will faith- fully and honestly discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter, to the best of my ability, so help me God." 8ubscr, bed and sworn before me this the day of 1968. _]Notary Public %4,,4blemnly swear as the case may be) that I will sup- ppohe Constitution of the United :Mates and the Constitution of the State of Alabama, so long as I continue a Citizen thereof; and that I will faithfully and honestly discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter, to the best of my abil Subscribed and swor day ofT��; ,�-v , l96 o a ry Public/ -rrvrr�a..as-b-�'J 12 z.N,o' S -1 c5� -10 Section 3.. Speci.al meetings may be held at the call of th Mayor by serving notice on each member of the Council not less tha twenty-four.hours before the time set for such special meetings; a special meetings may be held as provided by Section 4309 Title 37, of the Alabama .,Code ,of 1940, whenever two aldermen (or the Mayor) request.in writing that the presiding officer call such meetings; upon the failure or refusal of the presiding officer to call such meetings when requested, the two aldermen (or -the Mayor) Making th request shall have.the right to call.such meetings. NOTE: Items in parentheses would be omitted from this section in municipalities of Less than 12,000 population since the mayor is t presiding officer of the council. They should.be included, howeve in cities over 12,000 population where the mayor is not the pre- siding officer. Section 4. ® Quorum,shal1 be determined as provided by Section 429.,of Title 37, of the Alabama Code of 1940. Section 5. All regular meetings shall convene at.7:30 p.m O'clock at the City Hall and all meetings, regular and special, sh be open to the public. Section 6. The order of business shall be as follows: 1. A call to order 2. Roll call 3. Reading of the minutes. 4. Reports of standing committees 5. Reports of special committees 6. Reports of officers 7. Reading of petitions,: applications, complai appeals, communications, etc. 8. Audi•ting .accounts 9. Resolutions, ordinances, orders, and the • other business. Section 7. No member shall speak more than twice on the s subject without permission of the presiding officer. Section B. No person, not a member of the council, shall allowed to address the same while in session without permission of the presiding -officer. S ection A . Every Officer, whose duty it is to report at the regular meetings of the council, who shall be in default th re may be fined at the discretion of the council. Section 10. Motions shall be reduced to writing when re- quired by the presiding officer of the council or anymember of the council. All resolutions and ordinances shall be.in writing. Section 11. Motions to reconsider. must .,be by a member who voted with the majority, and at the same or next succeeding meetin of the council. Section 12. Whenever' it shall be required by one or more members of the "yeas" and "nays" shall be recorded; and any member may call for a division on.any question. Section.13. All questions of order shall be decided by th presiding officer of the council with the right of appeal to the council by any member. . . Section 14. The pees#iding officer of the council may, at his discretions, call any member to ,take the chair, to .allow him to address the council,, make a motion, or discuss any other matter at issue. " .Section 15. Motions to lay any matter on the table shall be first..in.order; and on all questions, the last,amendment, the most distant day, and the largest sum -shall be put first. Section 16. All meetings of the council shall be publie`i. Section 17. A motion for adjournment shall always be in order. Section 18. The rules of the council may be altered, amen, ded or.,temporarily suspended by a vote of two-thirds of the member: present. e �11 its me e f , z Section 19.1 The chairman of each respective committee, or the councilman acting for him in his place, shall submit or make all reports to the council when so requested by the presiding of- ficer or any members of the council. Section 20. All ordinances, resolutions or propositions sul mitted to the council which require thees.,expenditure of money shall lie over until -the next regular meeting; provided, that sucl ordinances., resolutions,.,or propositions may be considered earlie by unanimous consent of the council; and provided further that this rule shall not apply to the current expenses of, or contract! previously made with, or regular salaries of officers, or wages o employees,of the city. Section 21. The clerk, engineer, attorney and chief of 0- lice and such other officers or employees of the city (or town of Fairhope shall, when requested, attend all meetings,of the cou cil and shall remain in the council room for such length of time as the council may direct. , . Section 22. No or dinance or resolution of a permanent na- ture shall be adopted at the meeting at which -it is introduced un, ana!nimous.,.consent be obtained for the immediate consideration of such or dinance or resolution, such consent shall be by roll call and the vote thereon spread on the minutes. I Section 23. This ordinance shall go into effect upon the passage and publication as required by law. As set out on Pages 80,81 and 82 of the Handbook for mayors and Councilmen published by the Alabama League of municipalities 8or the year 1968. Motion by Councilman Bishop seconded by Councilman Cowen that the following Ordinance be introduced. ORDINANCE NO. 405 BE IT ORDIINED by the City Council of Fairhope, Alabama, the Section 31 of the Ordinance No. 295 covering zoning and mobile home park ordinances of the City of-.Fairhope,-Alabama, be..amended by deleting the section as now written and re-griting it to read as follows: SECTION 31, PROVISIONS FOR ADJUSTMENT ess [1 All matters which would have come before.the Board of Adjus - ment in accordance with Title 37, Chapter 16, Article 2, Section 819 Code of Alabama, as the same may be amended, are to be reconsider d by the Planning Board.as the same would have been previously con- sidered by the Board of Adjustment and the Planning Board is to ,r - consider said action and report their reconsideration to the City council for final acts. Councilman Robertson moved that all rules governing the Council, which might, unless suspended, prevent the passage and adoption of said Ordinance at this meeting, be and the same are hereby suss endedfor the purpose of permitting the said Ordinance to be final: passed and adopted at this meeting. Councilman Box seconded the motion and upon roll call the vote was as follows: Yea: Mayor Maci Councilmens.Nix, Robertson, Cowen, Bishop and Box. Nay: None. Motion adopted by unanimous vote of the members present. Councilman Cowen moved that siad Ordinance No. 405 be finally passed and adopted as introduced. Councilman Bishop seconded..the motion. Mayor Macon put the..question of final passage and adop tion of said Ordinance to vote of the Council, and on roll call tl results were as follows: Yea: Mayor Macon, Councilmen: Nix, Rober- son, Cowen, Bishop and Box. Nay.:,None. Mayor Macon declared the Ordinance finally passed and adopted. Motion by Councilman ..Cowen, seconded by Councilman Nix that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. ATTEST: Mayor y 19 e City Clerk