HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-23-1966 Regular MeetingSTATE OF ALABAMA, COUNTY OF BALDWIN The City Council of the City of Fairhope, Alabama met in regular session at the City Hall, Monday, May 23, 1966 at 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Macon, Councilmen: Spader, Reynolds, Stipes, Gaston and Stine. Minutes of the previous regular meeting were approved. Mr. Arnold E. Parbons of Polyengineering met with the Council to offer the services of their Engineering Organization on any water and sewer improvements or studies that the City might make at any future date. This being date set for hearing protests on 1963 Street Improvement Program and no protests having been heard, Councilman Stipes iaoved that the following Resolution be adopted, motion seconded by Counc: man Stine. Motion carried unanimously. raa 6 RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING IMPROVEMENT ORDIANCE NO. 358, ADOPTED APRIL 25, 1966. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAIR - HOPE, ALABAMA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That upon evidence presented to and considers by it, the City Council does hereby make a finding and determinatic of the following facts: (a) At a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Fairhope held on the 25th day of April, 1966, Improvement Ordinance No. 358 was adopted and notice of the adoption of said ordinance was given by publication of said ordinance in the Fair - hope Courier, a newspaper published in and of general circulation in the City of Fairhope"in the issues of April 28, 1966 and May 5, 1966, which said ordinance stated that the City Council of the Cit of Fairhope, Alabama would meet on the 23rd day of May, 1966 at 7:30 o'clock P.M. at the City Hall in the City of Fairhope to hear any objections, remonstrances or protests that might be made against said improvements, the manner of making the same, or the character of the materials to be used. (b) A copy of said Improvement Ordinance No. 358 was sent by registered mail, postage prepaid, to each of the persons last assessing for City taxation the property proposed to be asses- sed for said improvements, at their last known addresses; said notice having been mailed on the 13th day of May 1966, more than ten days prior to the 23rd day of May, 1966. (c) No protests, objections or remonstrances against sai improvements, the manner of making the same, or the character of the materials to be used have been filed in writing with the City Clerk or in her office or have been made at the time of this meeting. Section 2. That said Ordinance No. 358 entitled "AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS", is hereby in all things ratified and confirmed. TTEST: MAYOR CITY CLERK Residents of Miller Street requested that the Council reconsider including Miller Street in the 1960 Paving Program. The City Attorney was authorized to prepare the necessary Ordinances. Motion by Councilman Reynolds seconded by Councilman Spader that the City secure the services, --of Robert S. Bateman to work with Mr. Shull, Chiarman of the Recreation Board, to prepare preliminai five year beautification pla8 to be presented to Federal Agencies for 50% Federal Grant. Cost not to exceed $700.00, Motion carries Request of Cummins and OWilson for culvert at their new building on North Section Street.was held for further study. Motion by Councilman Gaston seconded by Councilman Stine that the request of the Baldwin National Bank, Fairhope Branch, to be named as a depository of City funds be denied. Motion caitried . Motion by Councilman Reynolds seconded by Councilman Stine that tY Mayor be authorized to write to the Fairhope Single Tax Corporatic requesting that they reconsider through their normat processes the City's request for fee simple deed on property now occupied by the Casino. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Gaston seconded by Councilman Stipes that the meetingg adjourn in a& unadjourned session to meet on Tuesday, May 249 1966 at 2:00 P.M. at the City Hall. Motion carried. Approved Mayor Attest: PityClatk— r RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR NOTICE ANtwy :?DVERTISEMSNIT 27OR BIDS P014 PUBLIC WORK WITH R.EFE FINCE' TO IMPROVEMENTS L'T.`SCRIEE C IN IMPROV-ZMENT ORDINANCn NO. 358 ADOPTED T11ir 25th DAY OF APRIL, 1966. BE IT RE�;OLVSO BY 7" CITY COUNCIL OP 7-HS CITY 07 ?AIR, HOPE, ALABAMA, A-'` :SDI LO' �, s Section 1. That notice 9`n=11 be atven, asking for bide for public work in making the improvements described in Improvement Ordinance Leo. 358, a -a prov i1ed in ' ect ion 0;?l of Title 37 of the 1940 Code of Al-ibama, as recompiled in 1959. Section ". 'hat the Lollouinq notice sh�tl be publi.shel once a reek for, two consecut.).ve weeks in the Pairhope Courier, y nev,soaper published in -end of general circulation _n the City of F'airhope, Alabama: KOTI u £ TO COJNI 'R. P,CTOR S, .'ealed proposals will be received by the C!ty of Fairhope, Alabryma at the City Nall, unt i . 7,:� 0 _o'clock l'� _• M. C.S.T. on the ��� ^l ay of Pfter which time no bids will-bis raceive�-and and then, sub- • licly opened and remd, for furniahirr^ ill labor, materials, tools and equipment for the complete construction of certain street improvements, including ^ra+!-i.nq, draining, p.avinq, curb and clutter and ill work as set out by the City 1ngineer, :4 copy of which is OtViched hereto, and by reference incor or,ited herein, as though fully scat out, under Improvement Ordinance No. 358 of the City of Fnirhope, Al mbavna . Plans, speci.f .cations and contract documents -,re onen to public inspection in the Office of the City Clerk of T tir- hope, Alabama, or at the Office of the City Fnaineer of Fa irhope, Almbarra, Pnd may be obt R ined from the office of they City, Engineer upon Ie )osi_t of /�� r. set. The full amount of le osit will be refunded to persons or f"rms submitting a bid and all other dsoosits will be re- funle (v, .t'l deduct ions not a .ceedinq the -Ictuel cost of the documents) upon return of 'All documents in gooI con- dition wit'nin Five 1,ys after the ?date of opening bids. The right is rkeser�,e) to reject mny or all b-,ft ,:tnA to vArtive informalities and technicnlaties. No bid, may be withdrawn fter the scheduled closing time :for receipt of bids for -t least thirty days. Only -pro- poemle submitted by bidders duly licenses as required by the Alabama Code of 1.940, Title 49, section 55, et seq. ,vi ll be considere 1. The -onro ima-te 4uantities of such work end the t;==pea of materials, including alternates, if any, are attached hereto and made a part hereof as though fully incornoratel herein. f A eertifi.ed check or bid 'pond in the mmount of 5 of the total bid price must Accompany e ch -jropoeml, the pmNee of such check or the obligee of such bond to be the City of Fiirbooe, Al ibnata. '"he successful bidt9er must furnish P -curet,,* bond for the f A ithful comoleti.on of the work in the amount of 100',,` of the bid pr J.ce, e.�ecuted by a bonding company license it to do business in the ,,t--te of CITY OF FAIRS 041 E, AiABAM+ N'AYCVK CITY ��WGINEZRJ Section 3. That the City Council. will meet on th.e clay of _ __. 1966, at .- o'clock M. C.S.T. for than purpose of -publicly opening and cons .dering biIs received. CITY � J MAYOR