HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-11-1966 Regular MeetingSTATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF BALDWIN The City Council of the City of Fairhope met in regular session at the City Hall, Monday, April 11, 1966 at 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor"Macon, Councilmen: Spader, Reynolds, Stipes, Gaston and Stine. Minutes of the previous regular meeting were approved. Motion by Councilman Gaston seconded by Councilman Reynolds that Ordinance #356, AN ORDINANCE TO REPEAL SECTION 20-9 OF THE "CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA", introduced at the regular meeting of March 289 1966 be adopted as introduced. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Councilman Stipes seconded by Councilman Spader that Ordinance #359, AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE SOUTHERN STANDARD BUILDING CODE BY ADDING THERTO AS FOLLOWS: THAT ALL HOOD FANS FOR KITCHENS AND APPLIANCE TO BE VENTED THROUGH THE ROOF OF THE STRUC TURE OR BE VENTED THROUGH TO THE OUTSIDE ATMOSPHERE, introduced - at the regular meeting of March 289 1966 be adopted as introduced. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Councilman Stine seconded by Councilman Stipes that Ordinance #360, AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND ORDINANCE N0, 211 OF THE SCHEDULE OF LICENSES OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA BY ADDING SECTION 2039 TO REQUIRE ANY PERSON, FIRM, CO -PARTNERSHIP OR'CORP- ORATION FROM WITHOUT THE'CITY LIMITS OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, WHO DOES NOT HAVE A LOCAL CITY BUSINESS LICENSE, AND WHO IS NOT ENTITLED TO A LOCAL CITY BUSINESS LICENSE, TO PAY THE SAME FEE THEREFOR AS WOULD BE REQUIRED BY THE MUNICIPALITY FROM WHICH THE PERSON, FIRM, CO -PARTNERSHIP OR CORPORATION HAS ITS ORIGINAL MUNICIPAL LICENSE, THAT IT REQUIRES FOR OUT-OF-TOWN PERSONS, FIRM CO -PARTNERSHIPS OR CORPORATIONS DOING BUSINESS WITHIN ITS CORPOR- ATE LIMITS, -IN THE SAME OR SIMILAR TYPE BUSINESS, introduced at t regular meeting of March 28, 1966 be adopted as introduced. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Councilman Reynolds seconded by Councilman Gaston that Ordinance #357 be re -introduced as follows: Motion carried. le? GRADE ORDINANCE NO. 03 % IAN ORDINANCE FIXING AND ESTABLISHING THE GRADE OF A CERTAIN PORTIO OF AZALEA STREET, BON SECOUR STREET, BLUE ISLAND AVENUE, ETTLE STREET, GRAND AVENUE, INGLESIDE STREET, PATLYNN DRIVE, PECAN STREE , PERIDO AVENUE, POMELO STREET, RONFORTH STREET, WILFRED STREET, WHITE AVENUE AND GRMNASIUM DRIVE. BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Fairhope, Alabami as follows: SECTION 1 - That the grade of Azalea Street, Bon Secour Street, Blue Island Avenue, Ettle Street, Grand Avenue, Ingleside Street, Patlynn Drive, Pecan Street, Perdido Avenue, Pomelo Street, Ron - forth Street, Wilfred Street, White and Gymnasium Drive, be, and the same are hereby fixed and established as shown on the plans heretofore exhibited to the City Council and now on file and open for inspection in the office of the City Clerk. SECTION 2 - That this Ordinance shall be published in The Fair - hope Courier, a newspaper published and of general circulation in the City of Fairhope, Alabama. ADOPTED this the day of 1966, R. C. MACON - MAYOR ATTEST: f� MARIE MOORS - CITY CLERK • /o6 Motion by Councilman Stine seconded by Councilman Stipes that Ordinance #358 be re -introduced as follows: IMPROVEMENT ORDINANCE N0. 358 AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS ON AZALEA STREET BON SECOUR STREET, BLUE ISLAND AVENUE, ETTLE STREET, GRAND AVENUE INGLESIDE STREET, PAYLYNN DRIVE, PECAN STREET, PERDIDO AVENUE, POMELO STREET, RONFORTH STREET, WILFRED STREET, WHITE AVENUE AND GYMNASIUM DRIVE. BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Fairhope, AlabaA as follows: SECTION 1 - That the following described sjrreets in the City of Fairhope, Alabama shall be improved as hereinafter provided between the respective terminal points hereinafter set forth: (a) AZALEA STREET: From the North edge of existing pavement of Dogwood to the South edge of existing pavement of Nichols, 660 linear Feet, more or less. (b) BON SECOUR: From the kttl edge of existin g ng pavement on Gayfer to an intersection with a line parallel to and ten (10) fee SoU-t h of the established oenterline of Grand Avenue, 416 linear fee ; more or less. (c) BLUE ISLAND AVENUE: From the South edge of existing pavement on Gayfer to an intersection with the West projection of the South line of Winn Street, 995 linear feet, more or less. (d) ETTLE: From the existing pavement on Ettle to an inter- section with a line parallel to and twenty (20) feet distant from the northeast right of way line of Fels Avenue 170 feet, more or less. (e) GRAND: From the East edge of the existing pavement on Section Street Eastward to the West boundary of Fairwood Subdivi No. 109 1700 linear feet, more or less. (f) INGLESIDE: From the South edge of existing pavement on Gayfer to an intersection with the projection of the North of Winn Street, 945 linear feet, more or less. (g) PATLYNN: From the North edge of existing pavement on Park Drive to the South edge of existing pavement on Patlynn 1467 linear feet, more or less. (h) PECAN: From the East edge of existing pavement on Church street to the West edge of existing pavement on Section street, 1897 feet, more or less. (i) PERDIDO: From the East edge of existing pavement on Section to the Southwest edge of existing pavement on Pensacola jAvenue, 220 linear feet, more or less. (j) POMELO: From the North edge of existing pavement on IFig Street to the South edge of existing pavement on Pecan Street, 1938 linear feet, more or less. (k) RONFORTH: From the North edge of existing pavement on Park Drive, 600 linear feet more or less along the established (centerline of Ronforth to a point of ending. (1) WILFRED: From that point where the established center- line of Wilfred Street intersects a line parallel to and 15 feet West of the East right of way line of Ronforth, a distance of 400 linear feet, more or less, along said established centerline to a point of ending. (m) WHITE: From the East edge of existing pavement on Whit Avenue at Oswalt to the West boundary of Block 5, Central Park Sub-1 division, 380 linear feet, more or less. (n) GYMNASIUM DRIVE: (At Fairhope High School) From the INorth edge of existing pavement on Bayou Drive, North, West and South to the existing pavement on Bayou Drive, 485 linear feet, more or less. Improvements to the hereinabove described streets shall be as follows: Both edges of a 25 feet roadway, the centerline of which shall be approximately in the center of the dedicated right of way, shall be curbed and guttered with Portland Cement concrete combined curb and gutter 6 inches thick and 2.5 feet wide; the curb lines of said gutters shall be connected with the curb lines of all inter secting streets, with Portland Cement concrete conbined curb and gutter as above described, of suitable radius and the surface be- tween the gutters to be constructed shall be improved by paving with Bituminous Plant Mix 13� inches thick on a 6-inch compacted sand clay foundation; said improvement shall include grading and all necessary drainage structures, including concrete culverts, concrete pipe, valley gutters and drop inlets; manholes of brick with cast iron covers shall be constructed or reconstructed where needed. SECTION 2 - That the full details, drawings, plans, specifi- cations and surveys of the above described work and estimates which have been prepared by Moore Engineering Company, who has been duly designated and appointed City Engineer by this Council, have been fully considered and studied by this Council and hereby are adopted. Said details, drawings, plans, specifications, surveys and estimates shall be immediately placed on file in the office of the City of IFairhope, Alabama where property owners who may be affected by 'improvements may see and examine them. SECTION 3 - That the improvements hereinabove described shall be made in accordance with the grades heretofore established by Ordinance and according to the full details, drawings, plans, specifications and surveys of said work and estimates herein adopteld, all under the supervision of the City Engineer. SECTION 4 - That the cost of constructing said improvement shall be assessed against the property abutting on the portions of the streets so improved, provided: (a) That the cost of street improvements, including curbing and guttering on street and avenue corners shall be assessed again the lots or parcels of land abutting on or nearest to said improve ments, and the cost of street improvements, including curbing and guttering at the intersection of any alley with a street, avenue other highway shall be assessed in fair proportion against the respective lots or parcels of land abutting or cornering on the alley at such intersection. (b) That no assessment shall exceed the cost of the improve- ments or the increased value of such property by reason of the special benefits derived from such improvements.. SECTION 5 - That the City Council shall meet on thee � ,3&�,_ day of 1966, at 7,',2 6 o'clock I M. at the CityHall an the City of Fairho e Alabama to hear an ob'ecti ns Y P Y J , /a5 (remonstrances or protests that may be made against said improve- Iments, the manner of making the same or the character of materials Ito be used. SECTION 6 - This Ordinance shall be published once a week for two (2) consecutive weeks in The Fairhope Courier, a newspaper published and of general circulation in the City of Fairhope, Ala- bama, the date of the first publication to be not less than two (2) weeks before the Aj day of , 1966. SECTION 7 - A copy of this Ord z ance shall be sent by Registered Mail, postage prepaid, to the persons last assessing for City Taxation the property which may be assessed for said improve- ments, at their last known addresses, said notices to be so mailed by the City Clerk not less than ten (10) days prior to the o23 Ali day of 1966. ADOPTED this day of , 1966. R. C. MACON - MAYOR ATTEST: MARIE GORE - CITY CLERK I Motion by Councilman Stine seconded by Councilman Reynolds that a nonexclusive franchise be negotiated with S. E. Giles and Josephi Giles for the installation of a community Antenna Television syst within the Police Jurisdiction of the City of Fairhope, lotion carried unanimously. Mershon Street extension tabled until next regular meeting. George Dyson reported on approximate cost of eatoh ibasii�i and in- stallation of pipe for drainage and cost per foot for bulkheading on the beach area. Motion by Councilman Stipes seconded by Councilman Spader that the City fill in Stacks gully and proceed with bulkhead from the pier South to the first property line. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Councilman Gaston seconded by Councilman Reynolds that City place $25.00 ad in Annual May Day program. Motion carried unanimously. The following bids were received on Gas pipe: Consolidated Pipe and Supply Compr4o 109000 ft. - 2" Std. .90 29000 ft. - 1" Std. , 21. 5 29000 ft. - 3/4" Std. 16.55 L. B. Foster Company 109000 ft. - 2" Std. 39.95 1" Std. 22.50 3/4" Std. 16.75 2% - 10 days. Motion by Councilman Gaston seconded by Councilman Spader that bids be turned over to George Dyson, Pete Wiggins and Councilman Reynolds for evaluation and acceptance of best bid. Motion Carr unanimously. The Electrical Superintendent was authorized to accept bids on electric material, with the exception of insulators, necessary to tie in with Alabama Power Company. Motion by Councilman Stipes seconded by Councilman Stine that the following Ordinance be introduced: Motion carried. ORDINANCE # 3LO B IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUN ITHL CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALA- BAMA, that SECTION 139 DISTRICT BOUNDAKES OF ZONING ORDINANCE - # 295 BE AMENDED AS RECOMMENDED BY THE PLANNING AND ZONIND COMM--- ISSION by rezoning the following described property from R2 to _ N. 80 ft. of Lots 13914 & 15, Block 6, Magnolia Beach Sub - Division, City of Fairhope, Alabama. Motion by Councilman Stine seconded by Councilman Gaston that the City blacktop 16 ft* alley behind new Firestone store from School Street East. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Councilman Stipes seconded by Councilman Spader that the City Attorney meet with Mr. Lacey who is handling sale of Fairhope Casino to the City, and proceed to negotiate for final purchase as stipulated by first motion made to purchase Casino. Motion Carrie Motion by Councilman Reynolds seconded by Councilman Stine that the Mayor be authorized to negotiate with the Single Taxx Corporation for beach land now occupied by Casino. Motion carried unanimously. �r tton by Councilman Spader seconded by Councilman Reynolds t]upoh the recommendation of the Manor and Poi i c:P n^rartmrz„4- t Matthew Ladd be employed as apprentioe patrolman.- Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Councilman Spader seconded by Councilman Stipes that Orville Prather Yoakum be employed as meter reader at a salary of 0250,00 per month. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Councilman Reynolds seconded by Councilman Stipes that the bills,be approved for payment. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Councilman Reynolds seconded by Councilman Gaston that $259000.00 from gas funds and $259000.00 from electric funds be transferred to the General Fund for operating expenses and that $109000.00 be transferred from gas funds to the Airport Account. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Macon appointed Councilman Spader to the Planning and Zonin! Commission to replace Councilman Stine whose duties prohibit him from attending the meetings. A general discussion of the beach area followed but no further action taken at this time. Motion by Councilman Reynolds seconded by Councilman Stipes that the meeting adjourn.l Motion carried. A pproved: Mayor Attest: a: MWI - /a a