HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-30-1964 Unadjourned Regular MeetingSTATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF BALD°WIN The CityCouncil of the City of Fa rho in unad'ourned regular session at the City Mall, U eelt�es�fay, Januar J30, 19649 at 8:00 A. M. with the following members present: 7ouncilmen: Gaston, Nelson, Poser and Spader. Absent: Mayor Schneider and Councilman Boone. Mr. Yeager. and Mr. Herndon of the Federal Aviation Agency, Mr. George Arnold and members of the Airport Board met with the Council. The meeting was called to order and in the absence of the Mayor Councilman Poser was unanimously appointed as Mayor cro tempore upon motion by Councilman Gaston and seconded by ouncilman Spader. Motion by Councilman Nelson seconded by Councilman Gaston that the following Resolution be introduced: 3q�- BE IT RESOLVED that the CITY of FAIRHOPE adopt the "MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR FIXED BASE OPERATORS AT FAIRHOPE AIRPORT" as adopted by the FAIRHOPE AIRPORT BOARD on the 29th day of Janu- ary, 1964, as follows: WHEREAS, the CITY of FAIRHOPE, COUNTY of BALDWIN, be- ing a municipal corporation created under and pursuant to the laws of the STATE of ALABAMA, owns and operates, by and through the FIARHOPE AIRPORT BOARD (BOARD), a duly constituted public body corporate and politic and an AGENT of the said CITY, a public airport known as FAIRHOPE AIRPORT (AIRPORT), the same having been developed through the joint efforts "of the said City, County, ALABAMA DEPARTMENT OF AERONAUTICS and the FEDERAL AVIATION AGENCY (FAA); and WHEREAS, the BOARD desires that certain aeronautical services and activities on said AIRPORT be furnished by and en- gaged in for the benefit of the general flying public and to the benefit of civil aviation by a "GENERAL FIXED BASE OPERATOR" (OPERATOR) as the same is herein described and defined; and WHEREAS, the BOARD in recognition of its and the City's responsibilities as to exclusive rights imposed by Section 308 of the FEDERAL AIRPORT ACT (ACT) and in certain obligations contained in certain contracts and Agreements between said City and the UNITED STATES of AMERICA relative to the development and operation of the said AIRPORT, desires and determines that all such general aviation aeronautical activities be conducted on this AIRPORT by such OPERATORS in a fair and equitable manner; NOW, THEREFORE, the said BOARD does hereby resolve that said aeronautical services and activities at said Airport shall hereafter be furnished by and engaged in by duly qualified OPER- ATORS as determined by the hereinafter set out minimum standards which are by this Resolution formally established and adopted as "Minimum Standards for Fixed Base Operators at Fairhope Air- port", hereinafter referred to also as STANDARDS; to wit: SECTION 1 - DEFINITIONS. A "GENERAL FIRED BASE OPERATOR" 3q► 2 at this AIRPORT shall be only those individuals, corporations or firms that satisfactorily furnish and engage in the full and complete range of aeronautical services and activities which shall include, as a minimum, the following enumerated: (1) Sale of aviation fuel and lubricants. (2) Adequate and efficient ramp service during normal business hours and on call as needed. (3) Aircraft hangar rental space consisting of a min - imam of ten thousand (10,000) square feet. (4) Tie -down space to readily and safely accommodate a minimum of fifteen (15) aircraft. (5) Aircraft rental, charter and air -taxi service, consisting of four (4) based aircraft, one (1) of which must be twin-engined. (6) Sale of aircraft and aircraft parts and supplies. (7) Aircraft and engine repair by duly licensed and qualified mechanics. (8) Flight instruction by duly qualified and certifi- cated Instructors. Additionally, any such "GENERAL FIXED BASE OPERATOR" may, at such Operator's election or option, furnish or engage in any one or combination of the below enumerated aeronautical services or activities; to wit: (a) Agricultural flying service, including crop dusting. (b) Aerial surveying and photography. (c) Aircraft radio and instrument repair. (d) Any other aeronautical service or activity - not otherwise hereinabove listed - for which there may be a demand at this AIRPORT. The minimum capital investment of any OPERATOR shall be ONE HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND AND N0/100 ($1501000.00) DOLLARS. `. ATORS. SECTION 2. - MINIMUM STANDARDS APPLICABLE TO ALL OPER- 1. All such OPERATORS at the AIRPORT shall be full time, financially sound and progressive business enterprises, 3 with adequately manned and equipped facilities, including office facilities, and who observe normal or specifically re- quired business hours. 2. All construction required of or desired by such OPERATORS on this AIRPORT shall be in accordance with design and construction standards required or established by the BOARD for the facility or activity involved. All OPERATORS shall be re- quired to furnish the BOARD payment and performance bonds com- mensurate with any construction required under the minimum standards herein fixed or under any contract or lease by and be- tween such OPERATOR and the BOARD. Only OPERATORS as herein de- fined may erect any structures on this AIRPORT and all construction thereon shall be in complete conformance with a MASTER PLAN, which plan is made a part of these standards. 3. All such OPERATORS at said AIRPORT shall provide ample sanitary lounges and restrooms for their customers and shall make telephone service conveniently and readily available for the puT lies use. 4. All such OPERATORS shall conduct their activities and render their services in a safe, responsible and efficient manner and shall be solely responsible for all of the acts of their agents and/or employees and shall save and hold the BOARD and City harmless from any act of the OPERATOR, its agents and employees. 5. The rates or charges for any and all services and activities of such OPERATORS shall be determined by the OPERATORS, subject to the approval of the BOARD, and subject, further, to the requirement'that all Bich rates or charges shall be reasonable and be equally and fairly applied to allusers of the services. 6. All such OPERATORS' contracts and leases shall provide for adequate insurance and safety requirements commen- surate with and applicable to such OPERATORS and their individual services and activities. 7. No OPERATOR shall be permitted to operate at this AIRPORT without a fully executed lease agreement with the BOARD containing provisions for strict compliance with these STANDARDS 1.3 and containing such other special provisions as may be deter- mined by the BOARD to be necessary on account of any building or other construction which may be required under such lease or s any other special circumstances which may be applicable to such particular OPERATOR. 8. All such OPERATORS shall abide by and comply with , all State, County and City laws and ordinances, the rules and regulations of this BOARD governing such AIRPORT, and the rules and regulations of the FEDERAL AVIATION AGENCY. 9. All contracts and leases between such OPERATORS and the BOARD shall be subordinate to the provisions of any existing or future agreement between the said CITY and the UNITED STATES, relative to the operation or maintenance of the AIRPORT, the execution of which has been or may be required as a condition precedent to previous or future expenditure of Federal funds for the development of the AIRPORT properties. 10. No such OPERATOR shall sublease or sublet any premises leased by such OPERATOR from the BOARD, or assign any such lease, without the prior written approval of the BOARD, and any such subletting or assignment shall be subject to all of the minimum standards herein set forth. SECTION 3. SAVING CLAUSE AND AMENDMENTS. 1. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as to limit the right of the BOARD to enter into a contract and agree- ment with a "GENERAL FIXED BASE OPERATOR" with respect to the maintenance and overall supervision of this AIRPORT and to desig- nate such OPERATOR as the GENERAL MANAGER of this AIRPORT. 2. These STANDARDS may be supplemented and amended from time to time in such manner and to such extent as the BOARD may deem proper in fair and equal terms to all such OPERATORS. T'I.T'E OF B L:Yti7IN COUNTY Thi- L7 ,SE greement is executed on this the 30th day of January, 1964., by and between. the City of FPirhone (Cite), a. Muni- cipal cor>�ora lion of the State of 1=�b--m-- , sting by and through the Fa irho?e ir;3ort Rom r,a (Board) , its duly constituted gent (Lessor), end the Ar Service, Inc., corporation, Mobile, labaM: (Lessee) 7 WITNESSETH: I. The said :'ity is the Owner of ? public airport known r_s .airho)e Muni ci,,al irport (':.ir°3ort), situate, lying and beinc in B,ldwin County, 1-qbama, which it -cart is under the jurisdiction = nd o.Der-t ion- 1 control of the said Board. II. The LESSEE herein desires to oper<pte on said Airport as .� "Gener-1 Fixed Base O-)erator" as the same is defined -anr determined to be in that cert.--in Board Resolution Number , dated January 29, 1964, and entitled "Minimum Standards for Fixed Base Oc)er?tors" (S- ndards) wherein the specific minimum standards for such operations .sre !rticularized :nd enumerated. The LESSEN here- by covenants and agrees that these Stand=rds are specifics:lly P r)art of this LE-�_Or,' the same as if set out in full herein. The LESSEE desires to and hereby does lease th,t -.)option of the said ;.irport as is delineated and described on t. att-ched hereto and specifically made a part hereof as Exhibit 11.11, for an initial period of five (5) years from the date herein,above enumer:-t- ed, for Pn -nnual rental of One Dollar (1.00), commencing on the 29th day of Janu-ry, 1964, and ending on the 28th &y of January, 1969- with the option on the o-art of the LE',SFE to renew the le --se for three (3) additional periods of five (5) ye-rs e-.ch on the same terms -nd conditionF herein expressed, however, the r.entril to be said by the LESSEE to the LESSOR shall be negotiated between the p7,rties hereto but in no event to exceed the rates set forth in Ex- hibit "B" which is made -a part hereof the same as set forth in P;,r- ticular herein, The LESSEE shall give notice, in writing to the City of intention to so extend the lease by the exercise of this option not later than ninety (90) days bafore the expirlt_- tion of the original period. IV. The L further herein c-)venFnts -nd �-ctreess to eng,:icre 1ki "aia Coilduct _,i! Gl Ln=- anci -'elvicez, .is In the said Standards for such 11,,3eneral Fixed B;-.,Se Operator" in the ma,nner and scope ;is provided in the said standards. V. The Lessee further herein covenants and agrees to carry TWO MILLION DOLL RS ($2,000,000.00) Liability Insurr:nce to adequate- ly protect all users of LESSEE'S services. VI. The LLSSEE agrees to i:%erform all routine airport mainte- nance with the exception of soil erosion and major repairs and im- provement to the paved surf -aces. Vil. The LESSOR agrees to provide adequ."te water supply and w-ste disoos­,l facilities -nd the LESSEE agrees to maintain said I facilities. Vill. The LESSEE agrees to pay for all utilities used by it in connection with its -ctivities. The LESSEE agrees to )_teeu full and adequate rscords --nd ��.ccounts and permit to the Board access is required for the full implementation of the terms of this greement. The LESSEE agrees that it will purchase =ll of its petro- leum products at the Fgirhope Arbort,, when its aircraft are con- veniently located ne,-r said airport. L XI. The LESSOR 1grees that the :?mortization period on fixed f=cilities (structures) shLlll be fifteen (15) years at which time these improvements become the exclusive property of the City, and the LESSEE agrees to le -se said structures to LESSOR for the period or =ny extension thereof of this le -.se --:agreement for the sum of One Dollar ($1.00). Upon the breach by the LESSEE of any of the terms or con- ditions of this Lease or the referenced Minimum Stand^rds, the LESSOR m,zy, upon giving written notice to the LESSEE of the breach- ed conditions and which bre:7 ch shall remain uncorrected for ninety (90) d»ys from s=<id notice, enter into possession of the le-sed pre- mises and structures then owned by the LESSEE shell become the ex- clusive property of the LESSOR subject to the rights of .any mort- g=,gors. In such event the LESSEE covenants and agrees to v-cate peaceably and surrender the leased premises. XIII. Upon the bre.=,ch by the LESSOR of any term or condition of this lease or ?Minimum Stpndards, the LESSEE shall have the right to terminate this lease and be reimbursed for the then unamortized capital improvement expenditure (structures) or, =t the LESSEE'S option or election, the LESSEE m=y remove the said structures. If the LESSEE fails to exercise its option at the expira- tion of this Le�:se, the LESSOR may purchase all perm--.nent improve- ments to the irport ;It their then unamortized value. ;Should the Lessor not exercise this option, the LESSEE may remove said struc- tures. �W . The LESSOR hereby also le--ses unto the LESSEE an Drea =de- quate to provide underground storage for fuel and lubricants adja- cent to the demised premises set forth in Exhibit "," herein. VVI. Should .additional area become available for such F- ctivities the LESSOR L,,grees to give LESSEE equal opportunity to lease same or any part thereof with any other prospective LESSEE during the terms of this lease or any renewal thereof. 3 r IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parteis hereto have hereunto set their official signatures on the date set opposite their names. FAIRHOPE AIRPORT BOARD lzyzz 2 By( ('TTES • 1/30/64 SECRETARY .APPROVED: CITY OF FAIFHOPE f' 1/30/64 MAYOR ✓� ��-; ,1/30/64 CLERK AAA AIR SERVICE, INC. .- 1/30/64 'ZL GSi NT ATTEST: ° "- ^ 1/30/64 STATE OF ALAB4AMA B.ALDWIN COUNTY I, the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for said County in said State, do hereby certify that and, ti , whose names as Chairman and Sec- retary of The r=iirh pe Airport Board, the duly constituted agent of the City of airhope, Alabama, a. municipal corporation, are sign- ed to the foregoing instrument, and who are known to me, acknow- ledged before me on this day that, being informed of the contents of the instrument, they, as such officers and with full authority in their representative capacities, executed the same voluntarily for and as the act of said Fairhope Airport Board the duly con- stituted agent of the City of Fairhooe, a municipal corporation. Given under my hand, 1964. S T' TF OF " L ' B. R. '.tLD'r?IN COUNTY i this the day of , �- Not a ry _4bl is I, the undersigned, a Notary Public in nd for sp id County i in said State, do hereby certify=nd t' C` whose n-mes .as President and Sacre- t--ry of the ` ` fir Service, Inc., an �labamn corporation, are signed -to the foregoing instrument, -nd who .-re known to me acknow- ledged before me on this day thet, being informed of the contents of the instrument, they, as such officer. M.nd with full authority, executed the same voluntarily for and as the act of --aid corporation. Given under my h nd, this the, day of 1.9c4. Notary ubl is i B L uWIN COUNTY I, the undersigned, a Notary Public in rnd for said county in s:Ad State, do hereby certify that Joe Schneider and Marie Moore, whore names as Mayor -nd City Clerk of the City of Fairhope, 1- b=m-,, a municipal corporaation, are signed to the foregoing instru- ment, end who re known to me acknowledged before me on this dray that, being informed of the contents of the instrument, they, -:.s such officers and with full-uthority, executed the s-ime voluntarily for and as the Fct of municipal corporatio7--day riven under my hand, this the >C of 1964. Not,. PulAic -5- • r 0 EXHIBIT "B" 1. 4t per gallon - aviation gasoline. 2. 2% of oil or lubricants. 3. 15% of gross aircraft sale profit. 4. 2% of gross income- aircraft parts. 5. 2% of gross income- maintenance and repair work. 6. No of gross income- charter and air taxi service. 7. 20 of gross income- aircraft rental. 9. 2% of gross income- flight training. 9. 2% of gross income- hangar rental. 10. 2% of gross income - tie -down space. Councilman Nelson moved that unanimous consent be given for immediate consideration of and action on said resolution, which motion was seconded by Councilman Spader, and upon the motion being put to vote the following vote was recorded: Yeas: Mayor pro tempore Poser,.Councilmen: Gaston, Nelson and Spader. Nays: None. Carried unanimously. Councilman Spader thereupon moved that said Resolution be finally adopted which motion was seconded by ,Councilman Nelson and pon be put to vote th follo zn v, to was recorded: eas: nor pro tempore Poser, ouhcztmen: Gaston, J Nelson, Spader. Nays: None. The Mayorpro tempore there- upon announced that the motion for adption of said resolution had been unanimously carried. Lease agreement between the City of Fairhope through the Fairhope Airport Board and AAA Air Service, Inc. was pre- sented for consideration. Motion by Councilman Nelson seconded by Councilman Gaston that aggreement be approved as written and that Mayor and City lerk be authorized to evidence approval by signing same. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Councilman Nelson seconded by Councilman Gaston that letter be written and published in the FAIRHOPE COURIER commending the Federal Aviation Agency, Airport Board, State Department of Aeronautics and others connected with Municipal Airport. Motion carried. Council discussed extending paving Tensaw Avenue from Mobile Avenue to bluff. No action taken. It was duly.moved and seconded that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Mayor pro tempore Attest: City Clerk 3g 1