HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-12-1963 Regular MeetingSTATE OF ALABAI AA COUNTY OF BALDWI N The City Councilof the City of Fairhope met in regular session at the C is ty Ha 11, Monday,. August 12, 1963 wi th t he f o I l ow i ng members presen t* Mayor Schneider,, Pounc i lment: Boone„ Gaston, Nelson. Poser and, Schermer. The minutes of the previous regular meeting were approvede Counci [man Schermer- moved the tnt roducti on of the f. o l towing; Ordinance to be known as BtItboard Ordinance #312, which motion was seconded: by Councilman Nelson*. ORDINANCE #3 M BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA. as f o I- I owst; Section I.. No) sign shall be erected or maintained', i;n the resident"I districtsp R—1, R-►2 and,R-3, as establ i.shed by the Zoning laws of the City of Fairhope, except those speci.fi:cally allowediunder the zoning laws of the City of Fairhope• Section 2. Any person who vlolates any of the; provisions of this ordnance: shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined. in a sum; not to: exceed FIFTY DOLLARS($50-00). Section, 3, That each day such signs or bill. board; i s perm i teed, or allowed, to remain; in such place i.n violation of this, ordinance shall constitute a, separate and, d i sti ncct- offense on the part of the person, f. i rm or corporation,, who, so erected, placed or i�ledf such sign, and each such offense shall be pun%shable by a fine In the sum not to exceed FIFTY DOLLARS.($50.00). Secti:on!4• This ordinance shall become effective 180 days after the -date - of its passage*, Motion carried*, Motion by! Counci [man Poser seconded by Councilman Nelson that adoptiom of Ordnance, #31-0;, an Ordinance rezoning, fromrR�I to R-2 a section. of Fa%rwood; Subdivision, proposed -by the: Planning. Commissiorr, and introduced at the regular meeting of the City Council on July 22,, 1963 be rejected, Motion withdrawn by Councilman Poser. Councilman Nelson,Leavin.g.his second stand. No vote taken.. Councilman Poser movedithat proposgd Ordinance #3[O he returned to the Planning; Comm-ission for ireconsi derat i on. Motion seconded, by Counci Iman Gaston. JID< Upon being; put to vote the fol l owing:, vote was recordedi Fors: Counci lment Boone:,. Gaston, Poser and Schermer. Ag$inst:: Councilman Nelson. Motion carried.' Motion by Councilman Nelson seconded:by Councilman Poser that the: City Council waive -that portion of Ordinance requiring property owners to. have access to their property in order to get a building permit and further instruct the building inspector to issuepermit to Mr. Littleton to build home on: h i s. property• Upon. being., put to vote the fodlow.ing, vote was recordedi Fors: Counci Imens: Nelson, Poser and Gaston. V oting Aga,instr None:. Councilmen Boone and Schermer not voting. Motion carried e Motion by Counci I man Ne I son seconded! by Counc i Iman Poser that the C- i ty or Attney be authorized to offer the owner of the Fairhope: Casino $15,000.00 for h1s property.. Upon acceptance of this offer and del ivery of. ti tie satisfactory to the City Attorney and. transfer of the:Col-ony (lease to the Ci:ty, the purchase? price be paid. from the Electric Fund. Said property to be used for Recreational purposes only* Upon be-i ng, puts to vote the fol I owi ng vote was recordedis Fors: Councilmen Nelson and Poser. Againstt 4uncilmen Boone,. Gaston and'Sc:hevmere Motion defeated, Motlontby Councilman Poser seconded by Councilman Schermer that upon the recommendati.on of the Fairhope Single Tax Corporation, the: City Attorney be instructed to proceed, with condemnation proceedings of eminent domain on the 9 property and improvements directly north of the City Hall. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Poser seconded. by Council -man Schermer that the Mayor - and General Superintendent -be authorizedito proceed with the installation of 6W water line as outlined at the regular mwet i ng of the Oty, C ounc. i I of July 8, 1963 and that water pipe be -bought on a bid basis in preference to bidding; ou t 1 entire.job as voted at -the Council meeting of July 8,. 1963. Upon being put to vote the following vote was recordeds Fors Councilmens Gaston, Nelson,, Poser and Schermer. Councilman Boone.. coo-t—voting. Motion Carr i edi. Motion by Councilman Boone seconded by Councilman Schermer that the following Resolution be adopteds P. IL A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR NOTICE AND ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR PUBLIC �VORK WITH REFERENCE TO IMPROVEMENTS DESCRIBED IN IMPROVEMENT ORDINANCE NO. 305, ADOPTED 1 r , :), -e_ / , 1963. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, as follows: Section I. That notice shall be given, asking for bids for public work in making the improvements escribed in Improvement Ordinance No. 305, adopted ,on the .i � day of 1963, as provided in Section 521 of Title 37 of the 1D40 C e o Alabama. Secti n 1l. That the following notice shall be ublished once a week for two (23 consecutive weeks in the FAIRHOPE COURIER, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Fairhope, Alabama: NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Seated proposals will be received by the City of Fairhope, Alabama, at the City Hall, until 7:30 P. M., CST, on the 9th day of'September, 1963,.after which time no bids will.be. received, and then publicly opened and read, for furnishing all labor, materials, tools and .equipment for the complete construction of certain street improvements, including grading, draining, pawing and combination curb and gutter under Im- i rovement Ordinance No. 305 of the City of Fairhope. Plans, pecifications and Contract Documents are open to public inspection in the Office of the City Clerk at the City Hall in the City of Fairhoppe and maybe obt ined from the office of BYRD L. MOORE & CC�9PANY,. En ineers ?36 North Section St.; Fairhope, Ala.) upon deposit of Twenty Dollars ( 2000) .Pe set, one-half of which will be refunded to persons ofirms u n return of all documents in good condition within five (5) days after the date for opening bids. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and technicalities. No bid ma be withdrawn after the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids for at least thirty (30) days. Only proposals sub- mitted by bidders duly licensed as required byy the Alabama Code o f , 1940, Title 46, Section 65, get §U. , will be considered. The approximate quantities of such work and the types of materials, including alternates, if any, are as follows: UNI CIUANT 1 TY Clearing and Grubbing Ac 12.35 Unclassified Excavation ff 14375 Unclassified Culvert Excavation CY 2090 Watering MGU 260 Granular Soil Base Course CY 8425 Plant Mix, 1fa" thick SY 33920 Bituminous Leveling Course Ton 115 15" Pipe LF 1450 18" Pipe LF 675 21" Pipe LF 540 24" Pipe LF 1900 30" Pipe LF 130 42" Pipe LF 80 22" x 13" Pipe LF 55 25" x 16" Pipe LF. 30 36" x 23'_' Pipe LF 320 Inlets _ Ea 40 Headwalls Ea 5 Junction Boxes Ea 10 4" Sidewalk SY 1265 Curb & Gutter LF 25745 Ribbon Curb LF 355 Seeding roc 3.35 Sprigging SY 16220 Solid Sodding SY 2610 Slope Paving CY 8.65 3�� i A certified check or bid bond in the amount of five percent (5%) of the total bid price must accompany each proposal, the payee of such check or the obligee of such bond to be the City of Fairhope, Alabama. The successful bidder must furnish a surety bond for the faithful completion of the work in the amount of one hundred percent (90 %) of the bid price executed by a bonding company licensed to do business in the �tate of Alabama. The successful bidder must furnish a surety bond for the payment of labor and materials in the amount of fifty percent d of the bid price executed by a bonding.company licensed to o business in the �tate of Alabama. BYRD_, L. MOORE & CO. Engineers CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA By mayor Section Ill. That the City Council will meet on the 9th day of September, 1963, at 7:30 P. M., CST for the purpose of publicly opening and considering bids received. SEAL Attest: !�� C'ty Clerk WA Motion carri.edv Motion by Counc is I.man �5cher'me:r seconded, by Councilman Nelson thaw the Cl ty Attorney be authorized. to check the f i nanc i at proposal, I. as presented, by the 1st Nat tonaI Bank. of Fairhope for f i nanc i ng. the 1963 Street Improvement Program• Mot ion car: ri ed • Motion by CouncTiman Poser seconded, by Councilman Gaston that transfer of 05,000.00 from the Gas Fund and 85r000.00 from. the Electric Fund. to the General Fund: be authorized. Motion carried.. A.I.etter from.Mr.. John M. Beasley pertaining to Summit Street was held for further study.. Letter. from R. G. Nester on water pol'lu(tiona i.n Ft.y Creek. was read and:: discu.ssedf Letter from, Mrs.. Berta Corte. requesting sidewalk in front of her property was ref erred to the C.i,ty Attorney f or means of f inane i ng. Motion by Councilman Poser seconded by�Councilman Nelson that the following Resolution be adoptedr BE tT RESOLVED BY 1HE CITY COUI IL. OF THE. C ITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA that - the, City purchase. the track of Land, better known as the, Smith Tract, for #64,000.00. The same: bounding, on the North side of Volanta Avenue 1.246 feet an& on Greeno, Road 1068: feet, consisting of. approximately, 60. acres. This land is to, be used for Municipal purposes« BE IT FURTHEP. RESOLVED that the: map and. Topo Map on this tract be turned! ov. er to Robert S. Bateman and Associ ates, Landscape Arch i tects, now work.i ng, with the.,Fairhope Ptanning,Commiss.ion; for study andi recommendations for a long range development program." BE 17 FURTHER RESOLVED than the. Mayor be, and hereby is authorized to make, such purc.hase.f.or the City of Fairhope upon recommendation from the gity Attorney as to clear title, and, that payment be made: and: chargod as followsr 4VIo from the Natural Gas Fund and 6OY- from the Electric Fund• BE 17 FURTHER RESOLVED that an Architect be hired and: instructed to proceed, with plans and specifications for an Assembly Hall and that this building be constructed- and,'financed' through a. General Obl.tga ion Bond issue to be approved. by the voters of' the; City of Fa i rhope.' Upon being; put to vote the following. vote was recorded:Forr Mayor Schneider, CounciI!meni: Poser, Nelson and Schermer. 41FW t A fry -4 Boone �' woting. Motion careied,° Againstr Counc:iIman Gaston. Councilman The request of Mr. L. 1'. Boone that his property located across from the City Garage on South Section Street be taken into the City Limits was held for the ne..xt regu la r meet i ng of the E i'ty Counc i I . Motion by Councilman Gaston seconded: by Councilman Schermer that the committee be authorized to proceed.with purchase of resuscitator as requested: by Police. and. L Fire, Departments and First Aid Cha.i rmanw Mot i:on carried.' Mat i on. by Councilman Poser- seaonded<` by Council -man Schermer that Ordinance #31 1,. An Ordinance making Board of Adjustment the Board of appeals for Building Cods introduced at the regular meeting of J.ul.y 22, 1963 be adopted as introduced'. Motion carried,' Motion bye Councilman Boone seconded by Councilman Gaston that a committee be appointed to work on development of Municipal buildings. Mayor Schneider and: Councilment Schermer, Nelson and Poser appoUnted.as committee. Motion carried,' Letter from Mr. John Duck and Mr. T. H. Yancey requesting ut i l i t tes at C.haribon Woods. was. read and di scussed• Motion by CouncH man Poser seconded by Councilman Nelson that` the following, Ordinance be introducedt ORDINANCE NO. / AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE .ASSESSMENT AND COLLECTION OF THE AD VALOREM TAXES AND DEFINING THE AREAS OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE SUBJECT TO SAID TAXES BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 11 That the municipal ad valorem taxes for the City of Fairhope for the fiscal year ending October 1, 1963, and of each succeeding year thereafter, and due September 30, 1963, and of each succeeding year thereafter, shall be assessed by the Tax Assessor of Baldwin County and collected by the Tax Collector of Baldwin County, under and in accordance with Article 2 of Title 37, of the Code of Alabama, 1940, as recompiled, 1958, and any amendment to said .Article 2 heretofore or hereafter adopted. And any and all provisions of the said Article 2 and amendments relating to the assessment and collection of mumicipal ad valorem taxes be and the same are hereby adopted as a part of this Ordinance as effectively as if the same were incorporated herein. The Tax .Assessor and Tax Collector shall be paid for services rendered under this Ordinance such commissions and fees as are liable by law, the same to be retained by the Tax Collector and deducted before remittance to the City of Fairhope and the portion thereof owing to the Tax Asse-asor by him paid over to the Tax Assessor at the time and in the manner provided by law. Section 2, There is hereby levied for general municipal purposes for the fiscal year commencinc October 1, 1962, and for each fiscal year thereafter a tax of one-half of one percentum of the value of all property and subject of taxation as assessed for State taxation during the proceeding year in the City of Fairhope. Section 3. Under Amendment No. VIII to the 1901 Constitution there is hereby levied for the fiscal year - 1 - 300 7 commencing October 1, 1962, and for each fiscal year thereafter, for the purpose of paying bonds issued and outstanding by the City of Fairhope, a tax of one -halt of one percentum on all properties and subject of taxation within the City of Fairhope. Section 4. Under Amendment No. VIII of the 1901 Constitution there is hereby levied for the fiscal year commencing October 1, 1962, and for each fiscal year thereafter for the purpose of acquiring, installing and maintaining street lights and fire fighting equipment, and for the purpose of constructing, acquiring, maintain- ing and improving public property, sewers and disposal plants, a special tax of one-half of one percentum of the value of all..property and subjects of taxation in the City of Fairhope as assessed for State taxation during the preceeding year, as authroized by an election held September 3, 1946. Section 5. The description of the area which has previously been subject to City ad valorem taxation is described as follows, to -wit: PARCEL I - OLD(ITY LIMITS: Beginning at the intersection of the Southern boundary of the North Quarter of Section 19, Township 6 South, Range 2 East, and the Eastern margin of Mobile Bay, running thence East to the South- east corner q.f,_.the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 20, Township 6 South, Range 2 East. Thence run North along the Section Line ll/ miles to the Northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 39, Township 6 South, Range 2 East; thence west ya mile, more or less to a point on the East boundary of Section 37, DeFerriet Grant; thence run North 1 mile; thence run West Y2 mile, more or less, to the East margin of Mobile Bay; thence run Southwardly along the margin of Mobile Bay 236 miles, more or less, to the POINT OF BEGINNING. -2- ►N PARCEL II. IN THE MAGNOLIA BEACH AREA: All of Block 18, 37-42, and 47-53, Magnolia Beach Addition to the Town of Fairhope, per Map re- corded in Miscellaneous Book 1, Page 331, Probate Records, Baldwin County, Alabama; Part of Blocks 23, 27, 36, and 43, (Making these blocks now fully assessable); Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 24; Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 26, Magnolia Beach Addition to Fairhope. RIDGEWOOD ESTATES SUBDIVISION: Lots 1-9 and 28-31, Inclusive. Tract of land known as "The South J� of the Jane Stanley Claim", in Section 19, Township 6 South, Range 2 East, bounded on the North by Ridgewood Estates, on the West by Church Street, on the South by Pecan Street, and on the East by Section Street, being 15 acres, more or less; various owners. In Section 20, Township 6 South Range 2 East: The West 500 feet of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter thereof. In Section 16, Township 6 South, Range 2 East: The West 500 feet of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest 'quarter; The West 500 feet of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter. In Section 9, Township 6 South, Range 2 East: The West 500 feet of the West ;2 of the Southwest Quarter. In Section 8, Township 6 South, Range 2 East: All of the South 871.7 feet thereof lying East of Greeno Road. In Section 39, Township 6 South, Range 2 East: the East 500 feet of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter thereof, to- gether with so much of a strip of land 500 feet in width along,west of, and adjacent to Greeno Road as is not included in the first portion of this paragraph. All of Colonial Acres Subdivision, Part I, per Plat recorded in Map Book 4, Page 259, and Part II, per Plat recorded in Map Book 4, page 263, Probate Records, Baldwin County, Alabama. In Section 5, Township 6 South, Range 2 East: The South 500 feet of the West /6 of the South- west Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; The South 500 feet of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter lying East of U. S. Highway No. 98 - Alabama Highway No. 104. - 3 - V1 Section 6. The new area within the boundaries of the City in which the City Council is now rendering to the property owners and persons residing therein police protec- tion, fire protection, garbage collection, water services and City planning and zoning, or are made available to them for the fiscal year 1963 and is now subject to City ad valorem tax- ation under the provisions of Act #902, State Legislature, ap- proved the 8th day of September, 1961, and is described as follows, to -wit: PARCEL NO. I BEGINNING at the intersection of the eastern margin of Mobile Bay and a waterway known as Big Head Gully; thence easterly along Big Head Gully to the southwest corner of Lot 2, Block 8, Magnolia Beach Addition to the Town of Fairhope; thence north- easterly along the northwest boundary of said Lot 2 to the south boundary of the north half of the north half of Section 19; thence west along the said south boundary to the point of BEGINNING. PARCEL M. II BEGINNING at the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of Section 9; thence east 500 feet; thence north 871.7 feet; thence west 350 feet, more or less; thence northwesterly along a line 500 feet east of and parallel to Greeno Road 1150 feet, more or less; thence west 500 feet to Greeno road; thence south- easterly along Greeno Road 1150 feet, more or less; thence east 350 feet, more or less; thence south 871.7 feet to the point of BEGINNING. All the lands described herein are in Township 6 South, Range Two East and are within the corporate limits of the City of Fairhope, Alabama. Section 7. The area within the boundaries of the City of Fairhope where all of said services are not being rendered and which is exempt from City ad valorem taxation is described as follows, to -wit: PARCEL NO. I BEGINNING at the intersection of the south boundary of the north half of the north half of Section 19 and the northwest boundary of Lot 2, Block 8; thence south - westwardly along the northwest boundary of said Lot 2 to a waterway known as Big Head. Gully; thence south- easterly and easterly along; Big Head Gully to the South- west corner of the north half of Section 20; thence east orloN20 the south boundary of the north half of Section 1 3 20 feet more or less to the east boundary of the west half of the west half of section 20; thence north along the said east boundary 1320 feet more or less to the south boundary of the north half of the north half of Section 20; thence west along the said south boundary 1320 feet more or less to the east boundary - 4 - /0 Parcel No. 1, Cont'd) of Section 19; thence west along the south boundary of the north half of the north half of Section 19, to the northeast boundary of Lot 14, Block 43; thence southwesterly along the northwest boundary of said Lot 14 to the northwest corner of Lot 13, Block 43; thence southeasterly along the northeast boundary of. Lots 13,- 15, 16, 17 and 18, Block 43, to the northwest margin �of" Church Street; thence southwesterly along the northwest margin of Church Street to the southeast corner of Lot 9, Block 37-42; thence northwesterly along the northeast boundary -of Lot 10, Block 37-42 to the northwest corner of said Lot 10-; thence southwesterly along the northwest boundary of :aid Lot 10 to the north- east corner of Lot 13, Block 37-42; thence northwest- erly along the northeast boundary of Lots 13, 14, 15 and"16 of Block 37-42 to the northwest corner of Lot 16, Block 37-42; thence southwesterly along the northwest boundary of said Lot 16 to the northeast margin of Fig Street; thence northwesterly along the northeast margin of Fig Street to the southeast margin of Pomelo Street; thence northeasterly along the southeast margin of Pomelo Street to the south boundary of the north half of the north half of section 19; thence west along the said south boundary to the point of beginning. All of the above -mentioned Lots and Blocks are in the Magnolia Beach Addition to the City of Fairhope. PARCEL NO. II BEGINNING at the southwest corner of Section 16; thence east along the south boundary of Section 16 660 feet more or less; thence north 5280 feet more or less to the south boundary of Section 9, thence continue north 5280 feet more or less to the south boundary of Section 4; thence continue north 1320 feet more or less to the north boundary of the south half of the.- south half of Section 4; thence west along the said north boundary 660 feet more or less to the east boundary of Section 5; thence west along the north boundary of the south half of the south half of Section 5 2640 feet more or less to the west boundary of the east half of Section 5; thence south along the west boundary of the east half of Section 5 820 feet more or less; thence east 660 feet more or less; thence south 500 feet more or less to the north boundary of Section 8; thence east along the north boundary of Section 8 1120 feet more or less to the northeast margin of Greeno Road; thence south- easterly along the northeast margin of Greeno Road 650 feet more or less; thence east 500 feet.._more _or l.e.ss; thence southeasterly along a line 500-feet east of and parallel to Greeno Road 1150 feet more or less; thence east 350 feet more or less; thence south 3510 feet more or less to the north boundary of section."16; thence continue south 585 feet more or less; thence west 500 feet more or less to the west boundary of Section 16; thence south along the west boundary of Section 16 2100 feet more or less to the south margin of Fairhope Avenue; - 5 - Parcel No. 2 Cont'd) thence east along the south margin of Fai-rhope 77 Avenue 391 feet more or less; thence south feet more or less; thence west 391 feet more o to the west boundary of Section 16; thence south along the west boundary Section 16 2123 feet more or less to the point of BEGINNING. PARCEL NO. III BEGINNING at the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 8; thence 1 east along the south boundary of the north half of the south half of Section 8 2100 feet more or less; thence northwesterly along a line 500 feet west of and parallel to the west margin-of"Greeno Road 2680 feet more or less to the south boundary of Colonial acres Subdivision; thence west along the south boundary of Colonial Acres-150 feet --more or less; thence northeasterly along the southwest boundary of Colonial Acres ?40 feet more or less; thence west along the south boundary of Colonial Acres 9%5 feet more or less to the southwest corner of Colonial Acres Subdivision which is on the west boundary of the eadt, half of Section 8; thence south along the west boundary of the east half of Section 8, 3210 feet more or less to the point of BEGINNING. All the lands described herein are in Township Six South, Range Two East and are within the corporate limits of the City of Fairhope, Alabama. Approve( *oeSchneider, ayor ATTEST: :Mar'SiteMloorejLCi&:11-lerk - 6 - /t- F GENERAL Trailway Oil Company - Police. Shell Service Station McKean Hardware Material Sales Drawing Board, Inc. Coastal Concrete - (Bancroft 24.38, Walter Kidde Sales - Fire Department Gaston Motor Company Fairhope Pharmacy - Police Fairhope Laundry Fairhope Hardware Armco Metal Products Mrs. Fred Wilson - Drafting Supplies Western Lumber Harold West - Police Expense Western Auto - Police Southern Auto Parts M & S Service Station - Dog Truck General 8.13) Klumpp Motor Co. - General 55.03. Police 96.21 Arthur Keller Jansen Mfg. Co. Selig Company Ray -Brooks Machinery Co. Regent Standard Forms Rudy's Automotive Reynolds Firestone - Police 126.01, Puritan Chemical Co. Poser Printing Co. Mobile gelding Supply Co. City Market & Grocery Mobil Communications:: Melton Garage Len -Meyer Co. Virgil Herston - Police Expense Griffin Motor Supply Carl Grant Tractor Co. Fuel Oil Supply Fairhope Welding & Mochine Works Bedsole Surgical Supply - Police Montgomery Advertiser Lbnald S. Lavigne, I bc. - Police W A. Olsson - Clinic General 12.47 41.66 20.85 2.98 1.85 16.00 32.51 61.00 44.90 6.41 4.05 49.54 12.28 10.00 10.01 5.75 1.66 16.33 3.00 151.24 10.00 4.08 ` 29.40 40.32. 12.95 131.31 138.48 162.55 145.10 3.40 15.94 8.00 6.00 30. 93,' 20.00 189.93 17.90 17.00 4.50 74.81 24.34 54.25 110.00 Ponder Co. - Police Expense 28.44 Nix & Fleming - General 3.12, Police 3.12 6.24 Standard Equipment Co. 124.66 Joe Schneider & Son, Inc. 68.75 The Fairhope Courier 93.15 Walter Bros. - General 42. 45, Police 99.95 142.40 Ebb Tide - Prisoners Meals 21•20 Bay Ford Tractor Corporation 29•45 Superior Hardware - Police 14.29 Prince Castle - Prisoner meal .75 Standard Oil Company 475.50 ELECTRIC McKean Paint & Hardware 2.70 Coastal Concrete (Substation) 19.57 Gaston Motor Co. 22.32 Fairhope Hardware 2.55 American Public Power Association 5.85 Victory Electric Co. 225.60 Southern Auto Parts 1.29 Hatfield & Co. 367.97 Busy Bee Garage 23.40 Radcliff Materials ( Substation) 202.31 Rudy's Automotive 31.60 John R. Greer 20.50 Forbes Electronic Dist. 3.03 Riviera Utilities 15172.60 Nix & Fleming 517.46 Standard Oil Co. 65.60 Turner Supply 88.32 Hill - Soberg - Substation 376.80, Stock 321.50 698.30 Moore - Handley - Substation 23826.50 s T eA/a97. g-7 GAS United Gas Pipe Line Co. 5170.39 McKean Hardware 3•45 Material Sales 176.90 Gaston Motor Co. 28.19 Ruffles Co. 1.50 M & S Service Station 7.75 .�A� H & R Instrument Service 253.72 Rudy's Automotive 6.14 Marine Specialty 30.00 Hand's Erie l d ing & Machine Shop 173.68 Standard Equipment Co. 326.04 American Meter Co. 1919.26 Standard Oil Co. 43.45 DATER & SEWER Chicago Pump Co. 385.57 Material Sales 12.51 Coastal Concrete 12.19 Gaston Motor Co. 1.40 Fairhope Hardware 34.58 Badger Meter Co. 127.51 Wittichen Chemical Co. 76.50 'Wallace & Tiernan, Inc. 31.54 Superior Hardware, Inc. 8.90 Rudy's Automotive 8.04 F. H. Ross & Co. 95.63 Neptune Meter Co. 40.02 City Market & Grocery 12.03 Melton Garage 1.00 McKesson & Robbins 152.19 Bidgood Stationery Co. 39.28 Standard Equipment Co. 582.25 Standard Oil Co. 24.83 Turner Supply 95.45 5 r RECREATION The Sportsman's Store 149.00 McKean Hardware 3.60 Material Sales .85 Western Lumber 12.42 Specialty Dist. Co. of Alabama 154.45 Thoss Sporting Goods 22.50 Miracle Equipment Co. 367.76 Water Department 150.00 Green Nurseries 84.00 Gulf Plating Co. 20.00 Nix & Fleming 32.40 Sr 996, 9g AIRPORT BOARD Poser Printing Co. James R. Owen Huffman Insurance Agency E. G. Rickarby Byrd L. Moore &,Co. C17Y GARAGE Coastal Concrete Fairhope Hardware Western Lumber Laidlaw Contracting Co. Ponder Co. Nix & Fleming Joe Schne i der & Son, Inc. Waller Bros., Inc. T6T,4L_ 11. 95 34.25 35.00 90.00 294.71 ST �14 'r 131.16 29.00 49.54 236.34 109.27 109.49 566.75 99.95 -5 T / 33 /. so -57607Z/. 7 9 4 � 1