HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-22-1963 Regular MeetingSTATE OF ALABAMA County of Baldwin The: city Council of the. City of Fairhope m t in regular session at the C.i:ty Hall, Monday, July 22, 1963.at 7s30 PA.. with the. following members, present: Mayor Schneider, Counci I men: Boone,, Gaston,. Nei son, Poser and Schermer. The minutes of the previous regular meeting, were approved,... Motion by Councilman Nelson secondediby 4ouncilman Poser that the follow+ i ng Ordinance be. introduced. Motion carried.. ORDINAWE # 311 BE 1T ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE thatr The Board of Zoning Adjustment, heretofore appointed by the City of Fai rhope„ be and the same. are hereby appointed: as the, Board of Adjustment and Appeal under the C itty Bwi I ding Codee Motion by Councilman Boone seconded, by Councilman Poser that the fol low- �K RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR NOTICE AND ADVERTISE- MENT.FOR BIDS FOR PUBLIC WORK WITH REFERENCE TO IMPROVEMENTS DESCRIBED IN IMPROVEMENT ORDINtiNCE NO. 305, ADOPTED 10 JUNE 1963. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, as follows: Section I. That notice shall be given, asking for bids for public work in making the improvements described in Im- provement Ordinance No. 305, adopted on the loth day of June, 1963, as provided in Section 521 of Title 37 of the 1940 Code of Alabama. Section II. That the following notice shall be published once a week for two (2) consecutive weeks in the FAIRHOPE COURIER, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Fairhope, Alabama: NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals will be received by the City of Fairhope, Alabama, at the City Hall, until 7:30 p.m., CST, on the 12th day of August, 1963, after which time no bids will be received, and then publicly opened and read, for furnishing all labor, materials, tools and equipment for the complete construction of certain street improvements, including grading, draining, paving and combination curb and gutter under Improvement Ordinance No. 305 of the City of Fairhope. Plans, specifications and contract documents are open to public inspection in the Office of the City Clerk at the City Hall in the City of Fairhope and may be obtained from the office of BYRD L. MOORE & COMPANY, Engineers C36=North Section Street, Fairhope, Alabama) - 1 - upon deposit of TWENTY DOLLARS ($20.00) per set, one-half of which will be refunded to persons or firms upon return of all documents in -good condition within five (5) days after the date for opening bids. The right=is reserved to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and technicalities. No bid may be withdrawn after the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids for at least thirty C30) days. Only proposals submitted by bidders duly licensed as required by the Alabama Code of 1940, Title 46, Section 65, et seq., will be considered. The approximate quantities of such work and the types of materials, including alternates, if, any, are as follows: ITEM UNIT QUANTITY Clearing & Grubbing Ac. 12.35 Unclassified Excavation CY 14375 Unclassified Culvert Excavation CY 2090 Watering MGU 260 Granular Soil Base Course CY 8425 Plant Mix, 1*Y2" thick SI* 33920 Bituminous Leveling Course Ton 115 15" Pipe LF 1450 18" Pipe LF 675 21" Pipe LF 540 24" Pipe LF 1900 30" Pipe LF 130 42" ° Pipe LF 80 J (continued on next page) - 2 - ITEM 22" x 13" Pipe 25 '81 x 16" Pipe 36 "' x 23" Pipe Inlets He adwal 1 s Junction Boxes 4 "' Sidewalk Curb & Gutter Ribbon Curb Seeding Sprigging Solid Sodding UNIT. QUANTITY IF 55 IF 30 IF 320 Ea 40 Ea 5 ` Ea 10 SY 1265 IF 25745 IF 355 Ac 3.35 SY 16220 SY 2610 Slope Paving CY 8.65 A.certified check or bid bond in the amount of five percent (5%) of the total bid price must accompany each proposal, the payee of such check or the obligee of such bond to be the City of Fa:i.rhope, Alabama. The successful bidder must furnish a surety bond for the faithful completion of the work in the amount of ONE HUNDRED PERCENT (100•1) of the bid price, executed by a bonding company licensed to do business in the State of Alabama. The successful bidder must furnish a surety bond for the payment of labor and materials in the amount of fifty percent (50•9) of the bid price, executed by a bonding company licensed to do business in the State of Alabama. BYRD L. MOORE & COMPANY, Engineers, BY: CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, BY: Mayor Section III. That the City Council will meet>zon the 12th day of August, 1963, at 7:30 p.m., CST, for the purpose of publicly opening and considering bids received. SEAL , ayor ATTEST: City Glerk. 3 - 3 Motion by Councilman Poser seconded by Councilman Nelson that Pensacola. Avenue., between Section and' Tensaw, be referred to Moore Engineering Co,. for paving. The City Attorney is i.nstruc.ted to prepare necessary Ordinances for i nc.l usi on of this: street in the 1963 Street Cmprovement program,, Motion, carried. The request- of C hester B i I I i e to i nc I ude Concord Street i n the 1963 S-tr: eet Improvement programi was referred to Moore Engineering Co. for cost estimate. Motion by Councilman Boone secondedi by Councilman Gaston that the b l 1 of� Moore, Engineering Company in the amount of 4 3,874-89 be approved for payment upon, adv ice f. rom the Business. Adm.i n i strator- that the b i l I i. s in order, Motfi on carried. Motion by Councilman Nelson seconded by Councilman Schermer that the. following,; Ordinance. be introducedt Motion carried. ORDINANCE #310 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1..3,, DISTRICT BOUNDARIES, ZONING ORDINANCE NO.. 295. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNC IL OF THE CITY OF FA IRHOPE that Section 13 of Zoning Ordinance #295 be amendedias recommended by the, Planning Commission by r: ezon i ng; f romi R-1 to R-►2 the following descr i bedi proper. ty t Commencing at -the NE corner of FairWood S.ub. No. 3, running thence Northwardly 2,,050 Ft., more or less. along the East Line of. the Baron DeF err i et- grant to the, SE corner, of Fa i r— wood Sub. No. 8, thence Westwardly 1,20 ft* aIbng4ft the South Line of Fairwood Sub. No. 8 to the East Margin of'Patlynn Drive -Val ley Drive Right�-af-way thence: Southwardly and coat i nu i,ng on Southwestward l y 1,1.50 f t. More or less, along, the said margin of- Pat lynn Dr i vea a,l I ey Drive Right-of-way to the SE margin of Fairwood Blvd** thence. Southwestwardly and con,t'inuing on Southeastwordl.y 880 Ft., more or less, aaong: the said margin of. Fairwood Blvd* to the NW corner of Fair wood No. 7, thence Northeastwardly 120 Ft., along the NW line �y of- Faji rwood No. 7 to the: NE corner of Fa i rwood No. 7, thence }� Sou;theastwardly 780 Ft., more or less„ along the NE 1 ine off'^"�' Fairwood No. 7 to the NW margin of Park Street,. thence North- eastward l y and continuing on Eastward I y 502 F t-., More or less, along,,. said margin of Park Street to the point of beginning. Described: lands lying in Section 17, T6Ss R2E, City of Fair - hope, Baldwin County, Alabama. �- Motion by Councilman Schermer seconded by Counci Lroan Poser that Y the time limit on the appropriation to the Chamber of Commerce, Resolut-ion adopted January 28, 1963„ be extended three months. Motion carried* Motion by Councilman Nelson seconded by Councilman Gaston that the! City appropriate $2100.00 to purchase 20 Plectron Sentry Receivers and. 1 Tone Generator for the F i re Department as per I etter from Harry Harless Enterprises, dated June 19, 1.963. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Boone seconded by Councilman Poser that the fol Lowing RFso,l uti on be. adopted. Motion carried. e BE IT RESOLVED that Byrd Moore Engineering Company be employed to�prepare plans for and.supervise the removal of the 6" gas line and the rellaying,of the 8" gas line working with the State Highway Department and ob..-tai n i ng all approvals necessary for refund as this work comes under Pubs i.c Law #474 where al I. these: funds, are reimbursed by the State to the Qi ty of Fairhope. The City Adm i n i str-ator to prepare all necessary reports and i nforma. tion and submit to engineers on the financial condition to assure that this program comes under Public. Law #474 where the Highway Department wi'II: reimburse aal engineering and work; under this project. Motion by Councilman Schermer secondedi by Council man Nelson that- the-fo.l lowing Resolution be adoptedt A RESOLUTION REQUESTING STATE MUN IC I: PAL AID FUNDS FOR CERTAIN NEEDED STREET IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS, the:, City has been advised by the Xiabama State Highway Department that certain State Funds have been tentatively allocated for assistance to municipalities of the: State of AIabame in the improvement of street's and roads; and WHEREAS.,, it is hereby found: and determined by this body that certain street and road improvements are necessary, and WHEREAS,, the City des.i ryes to request State assistance in the: construction of such improvements. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED. by the, C 1 ty Counc. i I of t he C i ty of Fairhope as foflowst (a) The Mayor is hereby au thori zedT to request State F i nanc i a I partic i pati on in the. improvement of the roads and., streets within the City of Fairhope: listed in the attached State Highway Department Form. SMWa-1-63. (B) Tha-t the. State Highway Department be advisedl that ft Is the request of this body that the above projects be considered for improvement in the priority order listed' on said forms. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED- that the;Mayor be and he hereby is authoriz}d to execute such requests as may be necessary for rece:iwing consideration by the: State for assistance: in the above construction, and he hereby is directed to submit State Highway Department Project Data Sheets. (,Form SMWA--I-63) on each of: the: above projects anda, copy of th is resolution to -the State Highway Department". Upon being put to vote the f.o 1 I ow,i ng vote. was trecorded.t VdA i ng fort Councilmen Schermer and. Nelson. Councilmen Boone, Gaston and Poser not voting. Motion by Councilman Nelson seconded, by Councilman Gaston that the Resolution authorizing Advertisement for Bids and the Resolution requesting State Municipal Aid. Funds, recorded in the! minutes of th i s meeting., bei tabled until: the next regular meeting of the City Council• Motir.n carried. Motion by Councilman Nelson that the Mayor appoint a committee to report to: the Council. on Street Improvements with Municipal Aid Funds. Mayor Schneider appointed Counail.man Schermer, City Attorney Rickarby and Moore Engineering Company. Motion by Councilman Gaston seconded by Councilman Poser that Mr. R. C. Macon be recommended to the Department of Revenue for appoin t ment to the County Board of Equalization. Upon being put to vote the following vote was recordedt Voting Forr Counc.ilment Boone,. Gaston, Nelson and Poser*. Againstx Councilman Schermer. Motion carried. Councilman Poser requested that a committee be appointed to secure a: site f or R ecreat i'on Building, obtain a- rough sketch of building by an AtchIitect and have adefinito recommendation to present to: the City Council. C:ounc i, lman Nelson moved' that the -Mayor invest i gate, the possibility of a Bond Issue,. approximately $ 300,000.00,. and hire, an Architect to proceed with building, program- including a. swimming pool, recreation building and City Ha 14.. Motion by Councilman Poser seconded by Councilman Gaston that the, -� request of Gladys Lovell to retail: packaged beer at Fairwood Grocery be approved. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Gaston seconded byCouncilman Poser that the meeting adjourn* Motion carried. Approved.