HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-08-1963 Regular MeetingL W STATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF BALDWIN The City Council of the City of Fairhope meat in regular session at the City Hall, Monday, July 8,-1963 at 7930 P.M. with the following members presents Mayor-Schneider,.Councilment Boone, Gaston, Nelson and. Schermer. Council- man Poser being absent,. The minutes of the previous regular meeting were approved. Motion by Councilman Schermer seconded by Councilman Nelson that the follow- ing Resolution be adopted. e RESOLUTION WHEREAS,. the UNITED STATES OF AMER ICA, acting by and throughthe Ass i stant- Administtator,. Southeq'jRegion of the FEDERAL AVIATION AGENCY,.. has tendered, to they C I TY OF FA IRHOPE, a: municipal, corporation of- the STATE OF AL' ABAMA,. a "Grant Agreement" embodying a "Grant Offer" dated July 1, 1963 of. Federal f i nanc.i a.1 ass i stance for cerfa i n deve I'opment of the FA IRHOPE MUN IC I'PAL AIRPORT, the same devel.opmenit being and const i�tut i ng Project- No. 9-ol--024-C401' Contract No. FA so-3406. NOW,, THEREFORE,, be it resolved;by the Mayor: and Council of. said City that the said:"Grant Offer"" be and hereby is accepted and that the Chairman of THE FIARHOPE. AIRPORT BOARD, Dr. H. C. Mullins, be and he hereby is,, authorized, empowered and directed: to execute such acceptance, by the taking of such action as necessary or required: to accept the said Grant offer, a copy of which is attached to this Resolution and; specifically made a part hereof the same as if sett out in full herein. Be it further resolved that the. said Board be and hereby is sped fically authorized, empowered and, directed to execute and submit to said FEDERAL AVIATION AGENCY all documents required, including Requests for Grant Payments, in connection with said Airport and said Project* Adopted this the.8th day of July, t963. Mot iron carried. This being date set f.or publ ic. heari ng,, on 1963 Street Improvements under Ordinance: No. 305,, the: following protests were heard. Mr. Claude H. O'Gwynn - tnglesida Avenue: Extension would. only benefit Real, E.stad* Developer. Mr, James E. CFay Tensaw Avenue- Objecting-. to leaving a portion of: PC_)1Scti.C-0 la- unpavedt. Mr. Fred Long — Tensaw Avenue — Ob jecti ng to 1 eav i ng a port i on of Tens. r. unpaved. Mr. Richard Spader for the: Fa i rhope Christian Church V-Va,l lay Drive frorm Fa i rwood to Mars i m — Paving would not increase the value of property oR be of any benefit to the church. Mrs. Doug I as Faust` Tensaw Avenue — Ob jecti ng to I eav i ng a: port i on of PmTsa{'tjlS�•ae�c� r unpaved. "Louise P. Maury — Written protest to pavA ng Perdido from Section to Mob! 1a* Motion by Councilman Schermer seconded.by Councilman Boone that the preceding protests having been heard. and cons:idered.be disallowed and Street Improvement under Ordinance No. 305 be confirmed. Motion carried. Mr. Ricka.rby reportedlon his meeting with Mr.. Lemler of Riviera Utilities on recent power failures in the City. Mr. Lemler: to submit a written report to the: C i ty at an early date. /,M*otion by Councilman Nelson seconded by Councilman Boone that the City advertise for bids on 6" water main, approximately 40.00 feet on North Section Street to SeaC I i,f'f Drive, South on Sea: Cl i f:f. Drive to end of pav i ng,283? feet on Dogwood Street, A'za.l ea to Section,, South on Section to Kirkman Lane:, West oab- K i rkman Lane to Church Street, 2600 feet on Church Street south of Pier, East on Pecan to Horton Lane, south on Horton Lane:to Oft Ftg, west on Fig to Church Street, including fire hydrants and, valves. Motion carried./ ,Motion by Councilman Nelson seconded by Councilman Gaston that the City donaft $214.38' to Volunteer Fire Department for insurances, Motion carried. Request of Rad i o. Stat i'on WABF to be connected to C i ty emergency power pI ant was rejected* B iJ I. subm i t tted, by the Chamber of Commerce was rejected, anti I the Counc i 1! has been advised that a Manager has been hired* Motion by Counc i I man Ne:l'son that the f of I owi ng H6so l ut i on be adopted. RESOLUTION BE I T RESOLVED BY THE CI TY C.OUNr I L OF THE C 1 T( OF FA I RHOPE that, Whereas, certain b i I l boards> have been erected.; wi thin the City of Fa i rhope' s res i dent i a,l area, contrary to the Zoning Ordinance of. the City of Fairhope, the police. of they City of Fa i rhope are. hereby, i.nstr. ucted tot; Find out who erected, or eausedato be erected. the billboards bordering on Section Street and al sop Highway #104, both within the residential area.. and notify said parties that unless the billboards are removed within 30 days from date of receiving notices, the matter will be referred to the Building Inspector -of the City of- Fai rhope., for enforcement under Article 2,. Section 21, of Ordinance: 295,. Zoning and Mob i I e Home Park: Ordinance of: the City of Fa i rhopee Motion diedi for- lack of. second. Motion by Councilman Nelson seconded by Councilman Schermer that the Mayor enforce C i ty I'aw,. Sectlons 10-10.. 10-1.1 and 10-12, Pages 70-►71 in City Code of Ordinances and Code of Alabama,. Title 37, 505• Action on section 10-10 be consideredifirst by giving owners 30. days to comply with same. Motion carried. Recommendation for appointment to Coun4ty/ Board of Equal Usti on was discussedi and tabled until the next regular meeting;of the: eouncile- Motion by Counci I man Boone seconded by Councilman Gaston that Code of Otd.i.nances of the.,Ci.ty of Fairhope be brought up to date by the Municipal Code Corporat i on. Upon be i ng put to vote the: tot I ow i nq vote was recorded:t Fort Counci Iwn,t: Boone and Gaston. AgaLinstdJone. Counci Imen Nelsons and Schermer not- voting,. Motion carrri ede Motion by Councilman Schermer seconded.by Councilman Nelson that the -!City send approvedil963 Street Improvement plans to State Highway Department -with request that Municipal Aid Allotment be appl,ied;to this program. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Schermer seconded by Councilman Nelson that the follow- inT Resolution be adoptedt e RESOLUTION BE I RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, THATt Thefollowing shall be the schedule of monthly charges for water furnished consumers living outside the corporate limits of the City of Fairhope, such rates to become of feat ive w,i th the August, 1963 hi 1.1 i ngt First 3000 gallons,, or fractiron thereof, per. months Minimum charge of 03.50 Next 5,000 gallons, or fraction thereof, per -months. At the rate of 0.35 per 1,000 gallons. Next 10,000 gallons,, or f.racti:on thereof, per- months At the rate of $.25 per 1,000- gallons. All over 18,000 gallons per months. At the rate of $ .15. per 1,,000 ga 1 I ons. Except as herein changed.,, the said schedu I e of: rates now estab 1 i shed, by the City of Fa.i rhope shall rema.in in full force and effect. Mot i-on carried.' 0 N Mot i"on bye C.ounc i t man Boonenn seconded, by Counc i I man Schermer that the f o 1 t owing Resolution be adopted; In�011'#ft G a.r ri � d A RESOLTU I ON CONFIRMING IMPROVEMENT ORDINANCE N0. 305, ADOPTED JUNEAO# 1963. BE I T RESOLVED BY THE. CI TY COUW I L. OF THE C I TY OF FA IRHOPE asf o t I owst Sectti'on t. That upon evidence; presentedi to and considered; by it, the Ctty Council does hereby make a.finding and determination of the following factst (a)1 At a regular meeting of. the C[ty Counci 1 of. they C i ty of. Fa i rhope held on the COth day of June,. 1963, Improvement Ordinance No• 305 was adopted; and,notice of the adoption of said Ordinance was.g[ven by publication of said Ord nance in the FA IRHOPE COUR IER, a newspaper puW i shed i n and of general circulation In the City of Fairhope in the issues of June 19, 1963 and June 26, 1963,. which said Ordinance state -that -the City Council of the City of Fairhope woul d meet* on the: 8th day of J:u I y,. 1963, at 79 30 P.M. at the C i ty Ha I 1 to the C-ity of Fair:hope to hear any objecttons„ remonstrances or protests that might be made: against said improvements, the manner of making same, or the character of the materials to be used,. (b) A copy of said Improvement Ordinance No. 305; was sent by reg,i stered ma1i, postage prepaid„ to each of the. persons. last, assessing for City taxation the property proposed to be assessed for said improvements, at their Last` known addresses; said notice.having been mailed.on the 21st. day of. June., 1963, more than ten days prior to -the 8th day of. July, 1963. (c) The protests of Mr. Claude H. OfGwynn to improvements. on Ingleside Avenue,. Mr. James E. Cl,ay, Mr, Fred: Long„ and. Mrs. Douglas Faust to the improvements on Tensaw Avenue, Mr:. Richard. Spader f.or: the Fairhope:Chri;stian Church to the improvements on Val, ley Drive and the written protest of Louise P. Maury to the improvements on Perdido Street have been heard., considered and. d tsa I I owed. (d) No -other protests,, objections or remonstrances aga-inst, sa i dl i mprouements, or the character of materials. to be usedi and the manner of mak.ing said improvements have been fi ledl [n whiting with the City Clerk, or in her office,. or -have been made at this meeting. 41 TI,ON 2. That said Ordinance: No. 305, entttledl" An Ordinance to provide for certain improvements on ROSA AVENUE, PERDI:DO AVENUE, SEMINOLE AVENUE, TENSAW AVENUE, PENSACOLA AVENUE, PATLYNN DRIVE AND CUL-DE-SAG, PATLYNN DRIVE AND VALLEY DRIVE, INGLESIDE AVE., TULIP TERRACE,. SATSUMA STREET, KIRKMAN LANE, FRANC.ILLA C IRCLE, IVY C IRCLE,. BOONE LANE,, PARK, DRIVE AND SOUTH PATLYNN DRIVE, MAGNOLIA AVE,, BAICROFT STREET, AND JOHNSON STREET in the City of Fairhope,, Alabama, is hereby i.n al-1 things ratified: and confirmed'* Adopted., this the.8th day of July, 1963.4 F i re, AI ert i ng. Systemi vas discussed and held for action at the next regular meet- ing of the City Council. Motion by Councilman Boone seconded by Councilman Schermer that the follow- ing bills be approved for payments Motion carried J GENERAL. Nix &. Fleming --City Garage 150.51 Gen. 19.21 Material Sales Kluu�pp Motor Co. --Police 105.74 Fire--19.90 Gaston Motor Co. Coastal Concrete --City Garage 510.95 Virgil Herston (Police) Fairhope Hardware --City Garage 90.76 :western Auto T. R. Yoakum Trailway Oil Co. (Police) Star Loan Company (Police) Ray -Brooks Mach. Co. Poser Printing Co. (Police) Ponder Co. --City Garage Metton Garage Ebb Tide (Prisoner's Meats) Olivere's (Prisoner's Meals) Maury Insurance Agency Len Meyer Co. Donald S. Lavigne, Inc. (Police) Garden Center Jansen Mfg. Co. Gen. 65.82 Gen. 51.79 l'iestern Lumber --Police 9.31 City Garage Public Information Counselors McKean Hardware Reynolds Firestone (Police) Standard Equipment Co. Kiprene's (Prisoner's meals) John R. Cawley & Bros., Inc. Fairhope Shell Service Forbes Electronics Fairhope Laundry (Police) Fairhope Wleld ing & i4achine Works Fairhope Duplicating Service Fairhope Courier Electric Shoe Shop (Police) City Market Carson's Bedsote's (Police) Burrough's Corporation Ace Auto Top Shop (Police) E. G. Rickarby Armco Metal Products Division ELECTRIC Superior Hardware Nix & Fleming Hill-Soberg Co. McKean Hardvccre Southern Auto Parts 1? /l fo1era_ Ltf11.11t 1C-S e- x 6,. �Aa" 7: a n, 129.43 _? 31,Q. 169.72 95.21 125.64 23.68 576.77 20.00 142.55 2.80 23.25 1.95 18.00 212.65 21.10 13.00 128.00 5.92 6.65 17.50 22.23 54.25 13.31 3.66 138.74 24.00 4.71 57.12 14.00 5.80 36.00 6.00 10.77 5.15 4.00 9.05 119.70 10.25 1.98 194.00 17.93 495.00 57.50 55. OD 12.28 1.40 624.99 522.22 8.61 19.46 __7 O c7 -2- Huffman Insurance Agency 3.68 General El. Supply Co. 101.40 Graybar Electric Co. 111.15 Fairhope Shell Service 84.39 Fairhope Pharmacy 6•60 Hatfield & Co. 1491.34 Moore Handley Hardware 21.68 Turner Supply Co. 174.60 Moore Handley Hardware (Sub -Station) 16364.23 GAS' Ruffles Co. 3.10 Material Sales Co. 141.28 Poser Printing Co. 29.20 Mueller Co. 73.34 Vestern Lumber 9•00 Melton Garage 6.00 McKean Hardware 2.11 Reynolds Firestone 56.04 Standard Equipment Co. 400.43 Hand' s We l d i ng 189.39 Fairhope Shell Service 1•00 Foley Tractor Co. 123.97 1,ATER & SEWER Material Sales Co. 21.97 Coastal Concrete 65.36 Wittichen Chemical Co. 95.63 Victory Electric Co. 9•50 F. H. Ross & Co. 150.47 Neptune Meter Co. 5.93 McGowin-Lyons Hardware 13.20 Standard Equipment Co. 219.85 Fairhope Shell Service 30.46 Flexible Pipe Tool Co. 253.11 Badger Meter Co. 185.67 RECREATION Nix & Fleming 10.28 National Wholesale Distr. 750.19 Material Sales 87.29 Coastal Concrete 15.00 Fairhope Hardware 3.98 Industrial Photographic Suppliers 23.60 t'lestern Lumber 13.76 McKean Hardware 2.71 Abie Stratis Photography 16.00 AIRPORT BOARD Huffman Insurance agency 35.00 19.30 Fairhope Courier 90.00 E. G. Rickarby 13.75 Waller Gros. Inc. a- K 4 V- t t was duty moved and seconded: that the meeting adjourn. Motion cartried. li f 1 Approved, �L , M yor Attests- City Clerk