HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-10-1963 Regular MeetingSTATE OF ALABAMA County of Baldwin ' The City Council of. the Gity of Fairhope met in regular session at the City Hall, Monday,. June 10, 1963 at 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Schneider, Councitmenx Boone., Gaston, Nelson, Poser and Schermer. The minutes of the previous regular meeting were approved. Motion by Counci I man Boone, seconded: by Councilman Poser that the minutes of the special meeting of- May 29,. 1,963 be approved,. Upon being put to vote the following vote was. recorded: For: Councilmen: Boone, Gaston and Poser. Againstr Councilman Schermer, Councilman Nelson not voting. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Boone secondediby Councilman Gaston that action on the Fairhope Casino be delayed until the next regular meeting of the City Council. Motion carried*, Motion by Councilman Schermer seconded by Councilman Gaston that the City Attorney be instructed to negotiate with present leaseholder and.the Fairhope Single Tax Corporation to procure property adjoining City Halt to the North on a fee, simple basis as a site for new City Hall* Mot ion cerried. A letter from the State Highway Department stating that the City will receive #33,673e00 as their share of the Municipal Aid Program was read and discussed. The Mayor:- appointed Councilmen Gaston„ Poser and Schermer as a committee to study where money is to be spent and report to the Council.. Water pressure on Sea Cl iTf Drive. was discussed., Motion by Councilman Poser seconded by Councilman Schermer that George Dyson, Councilman Boone and Mayor Schneider -be appointed as a committee to prepare proposals for the next regular meeting of the Council.. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Poser seconded by Councilman Gaston than the following Ordinance be introduced: , Ordiinance #309 BE I T ORDAI NOD BY THE C ITY COUNC IL OF THE C ITY OF FAIRHOPE that PgxagraPtr 3 of Ordinance #302, Airport` Board 0 rd i nance. be amended to read "one: of whom shaI. t be an off is-i a,l of the C i ty1E rather than "oneof whom shall be a member of the Council". Motion carried. Manion by Councilman Boone seconded by Councilman Gaston that 01,O00.00 be al 1 otited to the Airport Board for expenses, funds to be processed i,n, prescr i bed! manner of at 1 C. i ty funds., Mot i on carri ed. Motion by Councilman Boone seconded by Councilman Schermer that the following Ordinance:be introduced: Motion carried. Ordinance #304, An Ord i nance- Amending Section 13, D i s.t r i ct Boundaries, Zoning' Ordinance #295, as recommended by the Planning Board'.. BE 1T ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL that Block One and. Block. Three of the Hoy Ie•Worcester Addition be rezoned from R-•2 to B-Ie Motion by Councilman Boone: seconded by Councilman Schermer that the -following Ordinance be introduced and read to the meeting. ORDINANCE # 305 aqj IMPROVEMENT ORDINANCE -NO. 305 (Section 515, Title 37, Code of Alabama. ) AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR CERTAIN IMPROVE- MENTS ON ROSA AVENUE, PERDIDO AVENUE, SEMINOLE AVENUE, TENSAW AVENUE, PENSACOLA AVENUE, PAT- LYNN DRIVE AND CUL-DE-SAC, PATLYNN DRIVE AND VALLEY DRIVE, INGLESIDE AVENUE, TULIP TERRACE, SATSUMA STREET, KIRKMAN LANE, FRANCILLA CIRCLE, IVY CIRCLE, BOONE LANE, PARK DRIVE AND SOUTH PATLYNN DRIVE, MAGNOLIA AVENUE, BANCROFT STREET., AND JOHNSON STREET IN THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, as follows:. Section 1. That the following described streets in the City of Fairhope, Alabama, shall be improved according to the construction methods, requirements and conditions as set forth in the standard specifications for Municipal Improvements for Fairhope, Alabama, issued by the City Engineer in-1961, as follows:. Both edges of a twenty (20) foot minimum roadway, the centerline of which shall be approximately the centerline of the following described portion of said street, shall be curbed and guttered with Portland Cement concrete combination roll type curb and gutter. The curblines of said gutters shall be connected with the curblines of all intersecting streets or alleys, with a suitable radius; the street area between the curb and gutter shall be paved with a one and one-half (1)�) ince compacted plant mix bituminous wearing course on a six (6) inch thick compacted sand clay base course; said improvement shall include grading and a]:l`.,necessary drainage structures, t � ., r including concrete culverts, concretejor_metal pipe, drop •.� � � r � "i• r sue+' . +:.''�..e..- ....:.. , .._ .� ..a . . ,..:"" 1�..., ;,,;,�,,, inlets, junction boxes and man holes, etc., as specified and detailed on the project plans, and as hereinafter provided between the respective terminal points hereinafter set forth: A. Residential Areas. (1) Rosa Avenue shall be improved from the East edge of the pavement on Section Street to ah.point ten (10) 'M feet West of the centerline of Bon Secour Avenue-, a distance of IMPROVEMENT ORDINANCE NO. , CONTINUED: eight hundred four and three tenths (804.3) feet; (2) Perdido Avenue shall be improved from the East edge of the pavement on Mobile Avenue to the West edge of the pavement of Section Street, a distance of nine hundred ninety-six and six tenths (996.6) feet; (3) Seminole Avenue shall be improved from the East edge of the pavement of Mobile Avenue to the West edge of the pavement of Section Street, a distance of - one thousand fifteen (1015.0) feet; (4) Tensaw Avenue shall be improved from the East edge of the pavement of Mobile Avenue to a point on the Southwest right-of-way line of Pensacola Avenue, a distance of five hundred seventy-six (576.0) feet; (5) Pensacola Avenue shall be improved I--- from the East edge of the pavement of Section Street to the North right-of-way line of Grand Avenue, a distance of eight hundred fifty-one (851.0) feet; (6) Patlynn Drive and cul-de-sac shall be" — improved from the North edge of Gayfer Street in a northerly direction, a distance of four hundred eighty-five and seven tenths (485.7) feet, and easterly from the West edge of North Patlynn Drive, a distance of two hundred seventy-one and eight tenths (271.8) feet to the center of a thirty-seven and five tenths (37.5) foot radius cul-de-sac; (7) Patlynn Drive and Valley Drive shall be -I-- improved from the South edge of the pavement of Gayfer Street to the East edge of the pavement of Fairwood Boulevard, a distance of one thousand two hundred seventy-four and six tenths (1274.6) feet; (8) Ingleside Avenue shall be improved from�� the North end of the present pavement northly for a distance of nine hundred (900.0) feet; (9) Tulip Terrace shall be improved from / - 2 - IMPROVEMENT ORDINANCE NO. . CONTINUED: the North edge of the pavement of Gayfer Street northerly to a point in the center of a forty-five (45) foot radius cul-de-sac, a distance of two hundred forty-five(245) feet; (10) Satsuma Street shall be improved from a point ten (10) feet Northeast of the center of Laurel Street to the Southwest edge of Fig Street, a distance of three hundred eighty-one (381.0) feet; (11) Kirkman Lane shall be improved from .i the Southeast edge of the pavement of Church Street to the West edge of Section Street, a distance of one thousand four hundred twenty-three (1423.0) feet;, (12) Francilla Circle shall be improved from the Southwest edge of the pavement of Kirkman. Lane southwesterly to a point in the center of a thirty-seven and five tenths (37.5) foot radius cul-de-sac, a distance of two hundred thirty-four and two tenths (234.2) feet; (13) Ivy Circle shall be improved from the Southwest edge of the pavement of Kirkman Lane southwesterly to a point in the center of a thirty-seven and five tenths (37.5) foot radius cul-de-sac, a distance of two hundred f forty-two and five tenths (242.5) feet; (14) Boone Lane shall be improved from the South edge of the pavement of Ann Street to the Northeast edge of the pavement of Kirkman Lane, a distance of eight hundred forty (840) feet, and from the Southwest edge of the pavement of Kirkman Lane southwesterly, a distance of two hundred fifty (250.0) feet• (15) Park Drive and South Patlynn Drive -o shall be improved from the Northeast edge of the pavement on Fairwood Boulevard running easterly and southerly to the Northeast edge of the pavement on Fairwood Boulevard, a distance of one thousand sixty-six (1066) feet; B, Business Areas. The following streets shall have either - 3 - IMPROVEPMENT ORDINANCE NO. , CONTINUED: Portland Cement concrete combination roll type or standing back curb and gutter, four (4) part Portland Cement concrete sidewalks and the minimum street width shall be fifty (50) feet: (1) Magnolia Avenue shall be improved from the normal East edge of pavement on Section Street to the normal West edge of pavement on Bancroft Street, a distance of two hundred sixty (260) feet; (2) Bancroft Street shall be improved from the normal South edge of the pavement on Fairhope Avenue to the normal North edge of the pavement on Morphy Avenue, a distance of one thousand seventy five (10?5) feet;, (3) Johnson Street shall be improved from the normal East edge of the pavement on Section Street to the normal West edge of the pavement on Bancroft Street, a distance of two hundred sixty (260) feet. Section 2. That the full details, drawings, plans, specifications and surveys of the above described work and estimates which have been prepared by Byrd L. Moore and Company, who has been duly designated and appointed City Engineer by this Council, have been fully considered and studied by this Council and hereby are adopted. Said details, drawings, plans, specifications, surveys and estimates shall be immediately placed on file in the Office the City Clerk where property owners who may be affected by such improvements may see and examine same. Section 3. That the improvements hereinabove described shall be made in accordance with the grades heretofore establish- ed by ordinance and according to the full details, drawings, plans, specifications and surveys of said work and estimates herein adopted, all under the supervision of the City Engineer. Section 4. That the cost of constructing said improve - meats shall be assessed against the property abutting on the portions of the streets so improved, provided: - 4 - IMPROVEMENT ORDINANCE NO. , CONTINUED: (a) That the cost of improving any intersection or any part thereof shall be assessed against the lots or parcels of land abutting on each of the streets, avenues, alleys or other highways so intersecting for a half block in each direction therefrom; provided that for the purpose of computing assessments, no block shall be considered as extending more than 1,000 feet from any intersection so ems---� improved. (b) That the cost of sidewalk improvements, including curbing and guttering on street and avenue corners shall be assessed against the lots or parcels of land abutt- ing on or nearest to said improvements, and the cost of sidewalk improvements, including curbing and guttering at the intersection of any alley with a street, avenue or other highway shall be assessed in fair proportion against the respective lots or parcels of land abutting or cornering on the alley at such intersection. (c) That no assessment shall exceed the cost of the improvements or the increased value of such property by reason of the special benefits derived from such improvements. Section 5. That the City Council shall meet on the 8th day of July, 1963, at seven thirty o'clock, P.M., at the City Hall in the City of Fairhope to hear any objections, remonstrances or protests that may be made against said improvements, and the manner of making the same or the character of materials to be used. Section 6. This ordinance shall be published once a week for two consecutive weeks in the Fairhope Courier, a newspaper published and of general circulation in the City of Fairhope, the date of the first publication to be not less than two weeks before the 8th day, of July, 1963. Section 7. A copy of this ordinance shall be sent by registered mail, postage prepaid, to the persons last assessing - 5 - IMPROVEMENT ORDINANCE NO.. CONTINUED: for City taxation the property which may be assessed for said improvements, at their last known addresses, said notices to be so mailed by the City Clerk not less than ten days prior to the 8th day of July, 1963. OF 11 0 .n- IDER,v �" Or Mayor ATTEST: MARI MOOR , _Citt Clerk. 1, Marie Moore, City Clerk of the City of Fairhope, Alabama, hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. �� adopted by the Council of the City of Fairhope, Alabama, in an open meeting at the regular session thereof held on the day of f ;tl , 19 , and dulv published in the Fairhope Courier, on the /�.rW day of City Clerk — Page 6 of six pages — Councilman Boone moved that unanimous consent be granted for the. immediate consideration of the said Ordinance, which motion was seconded by Counc i l- man Schermer and upon the motion being put to vote the following vote was recordedt Yeast: Councilment Boone.-, Gaston, Nelson, Poser and Schermer. Nayst: None. The Mayor thereupon declared -that the motion for thq granting; of` unanimous consent f'or the immediate consideration of the said Ordinance had! been unanimousty adopted. Councilman Boone then mov.ed.: that said Ordinance: be adopted which motion was: seconded by Councilman Poser and upon+ the motion be ingj put to vote the: f o C lowing vote was recorded:'t. Yeast: Count i l- menr Boone„ Gaston, Nelson,. Poser and Schermer. Nayst: None. The Mayor thereupon declared:that the motion for the adoption of said Ordinance had been unanimously carried: and the said_iOrdinance duly adopted. Mat ion by Councilman Boone seconded by Councilman Poser that thef ollowing Ord:i nance- be introduced and; read to the meeting.` ORDINANCE # 307, - Grade Ordinance, . '! _1 - 4 GRADE ORDINANCE NO. (Section 520, Title-37,� Code of Alabama.) AN ORDINANCE FIXING AND ESTABLISHING THE GRADES OF THAT PORTION OF ROSA AVENUE, PERDIDO AVENUE, SEMINOLE. AVENUE, TENSAW AVENUE, PENSACOLA AVENUE, PATLYNN DRIVE AND CUL-DE-SAC, PATLYNN DRIVE AND VALLEY DRIVE, INGLE- SIDE AVENUE, TULIP TERRACE, SATSUMA STREET-, KIRKMAN LANE, FRANCILLA CIRCLE, IVY CIRCLE, BOONE LANE, PARK DRIVE AND SOUTH PATLYNN DRIVE, MAGNOLIA AVENUE, BANCROFT STREET, AND JOHNSON STREET_, AND THE GRADES OF THE CURBS ON BOTH SIDES OF SUCH PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS, AND THE GRADES OF THE SIDEWALKS ON BOTH SIDES OF SAID STREETS4 ABOUT TO BE PAVED. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, as follows:- • Section 1. That the grade of Rosa Avenue from the East edge of the pavement on Section Street to a point ten (10) feet West of the centerline of Bon Secour Avenue, a distance of eight hundred four and three tenths (804.3) feet; Perdido Avenue from the East edge of the pavement on Mobile Avenue to the West edge of the pavement of Section Street, a distance of nine hundred ninety-six and six tenths (996.6) feet; Seminole Avenue from the East edge of the pavement of Mobile Avenue to the West edge of the pavement of Section Street, a distance of one thousand fifteen (1015.0) feet; Tensaw Avenue from the East edge of the pavement of Mobile Avenue to a point on the Southwest right-of-way line of Pensacola Avenue, a distance of five hundred seventy-six (576.0) feet,; Pensacola Avenue from the East edge of the pavement of Section Street to the North right-of-way line of Grand Avenue, a distance of eight hundred fifty-one (851.0) feet; Patlynn Drive and cul-de-sac from the North edge of Gayfer Street in a northerly,direction, a distance of four hundred eighty-five and seven tenths (485.7) feet, and easterly from the West edge of North Patlynn Drive a distance of two hundred seventy-one and eight tenths (271.8) feet to the center of a thirty-seven and five tenths (37.5) foot radius cul-de-sac;, Patlynn Drive and Valley Drive from the South edge - 1 - GRADE ORDINANCE.NO. , CONTINUED: of the pavement. of Gayfer Street to the East edge of the pavement of Fairwood Boulevard, a distance of one thousand two hundred seventy-four and six tenths (1274.6) feet; Ingleside Avenue from the North end of the present pavement northerly for a distance of nine hundred (900.0) feet; Tulip Terrace from the North edge of the pavement of Gayfer Street northerly to a point in the center of a forty-five (45) foot radius cul-de-sac, a distance of two hundred forty- five (245.0) feet; Satsuma Street from a point ten (10) feet: Northeast of the center of Laurel Street to the Southwest edge of Fig Street, a distance of three hundred eighty-one (381.0) feet; Kirkman Lane from the Southeast edge of the pavement of Church Street to the West edge of Section Street, a distance of one thousand four hundred twenty-three (1423.0) feet; Francilla Circle from the Southwest edge of the pave- ment of Kirkman Lane Southwesterly to a point in the center of a thirty-seven and five tenths (37.5) foot radius cul-de-sac, a distance of two hundred thirty-four and two tenths (234.2) feet; Ivy Circle from the Southwest edge of the pavement of Kirkman Lane Southwesterly to a point in the center of a thirty-seven and five tenths (37.5) foot radius cul-de-sac, a distance of two hundred forty-two and five tenths (242.5) feet; Boone Lane from the South edge of the pavement of Ann Street to the Northeast edge of the pavement of Kirkman Lane, a distance of eight hundred forty (840) feet, and from the Southwest edge of the pavement of Kirkman Lane Southwesterly, a distance of two hundred fifty (250.0) feet; Park Drive and South Patlynn Drive from the Northeast edge of the pavement on Fairwood Boulevard running easterly and southerly to the Northeast edge of the pavement on Fairwood Boulevard, a distance of one thousand sixty-six (1066) feet; Magnolia Avenue from the normal East edge of the pavement'on Section Street to the normal West edge of the pavement on Bancroft - 2 - GRADE ORDINANCE NO. , CONTINUED: Street, a distance of two hundred sixty (260) feet; Bancroft Street from the normal South edge of the pavement on Fairhope Avenue to the normal North edge of the pavement on Morphy Avenue, a distance of one thousand seventy-five (1075) feet; and Johnson Street from the normal East edge of the pavement on Section Street to the normal West edge of the pavement on Bancroft Street, a distance of two hundred sixty (260) feet, be and the same are hereby fixed and established as shown on the plans and specifications heretofore exhibited to the City Council and now on file and open for inspection in the Office of the City Clerk. Section 2. That this Ordinance shall be published in the FAIRHOPE COURIER, a newspaper published and of general circulation in the City of Fairhope, Alabama. *JESCHNEIDER, Mayo ATTEST: MARIE MOORE, City C1 rk. 1, Marie Moore, City Clerk of the City of Fairhope, Alabama, hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 30Z , adopted by the Council of the City of Fairhope, Alabama, in an open meeting at the regular session thereof held on the day of , 19 _, and duly published in the Fairhope Courier, on the __ day of , 19 C CLERK - Page 3 of three pages - t Councilman Boone moved: that unanimous consent be granted for tha immediate consideration of the said Ordinance, which motion was seconded by Council— man Poser and:upon themotion being put to vote the following vote was. recorded: Yeast! C:ouncilment- Boone, Gaston, Nelson, Poster and Schermer. Naysr None, The Mayor thereupon dec.lared.that the motion for the granting of unanimous consent for the immediate consideration of the said Ordinance had been unanimously adopted* Councilman Boone then moved that said Ordinance be adopted,. which motion was seconded by Councilman Gaston and upon the motion being put to; vote the: foal lowing vote wqs recorded: Yeast: Counci I menr Boone, Gaston,, Nelsons Poser and Schermer. Nays None. -the Mayor thereupon) declared that the motion for the adoption of said Ordinance had, been unanimously carried. and the said Ordinance: duly adopted, =-- Mot -ion by Councilman Poser seconded: by Councilman Gaston that any action on Elks property be tabled until the.Elks report to the Councils Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Poser seconded by Councilman Schermer that Ordinance #306, Parade.. Ord i nance,, i"n troduced at t he regu I ar meet i ng of." May 27, 1963 be adopted asintroduced. upon being put to vote the following vote was recorded:t Yeast Councilment: Boone,, Ga.ston, Nelson, Poser, and Schermer. Naysr. None. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Boone seconded by Councilman Poser that Ordinance #308, An Ordinance: de I et-i ng SeatIon 21-8 of Chapter 21', Code of Ordinances, be adopted -as introduced; at the regular meeting of, May 27, 1963.: upon being; putt to vote the following vote was recorded.& Yeast: Counci lment. Boone, Paston, Nelson,„ Poser and. Schermer. Nayst None. Motion carried* Motion by Councilman Nelson seconded by Councilman Gaston that Beer and L i.quor License be issued to K i prenet's Restaurant at- 311 Fai rhope Avenue. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Nelson seconded:by Councilman Poser that the City purchase., fireworks for the 4th of JuIy, cost not to exceed $400.00, the J.r. Chamber of Commerce to work with the Volunteer Firemen on this project. Mot -ion carried. Motion by Councilman Gaston seconde4 by Councilman Nelson that the Business Administrator secure bids on Alerting System for the -Volunteer Fire Department, bids to be opened at the reggIar meeting of the Council on June 24,. 1963, Motion carr-i ed'. The following;Ietter to the City Council wasread to themeetingt 28 May, 1963 City Council. City of. Fai rhope: Fai rhope, Alabama: Gentlement This is written to advise you that t have removed Cecil Le Clemens from the office-, of Cls,i ef. of Pot ice of the Ci ty of Fa i rhope. This action was taken for the reasons as listed in my letter to the City Council as presented at meeting of 27 May, 1963 on this subject. Subsequent to that, I have appointed Mr. Leo Gilheart to be the Acting Chief' of Pot ice: for the Ci'tye Yours very truly„ s/ Joe- Schne: i:der Jog Scho .ides Counc-itman Schermer asked Ef any Counci lmanwould offer a sustaining motion to the Mayort's action. No motion was made, Councilman Schermer then requested an opinion from the City Attorney as to the status of Cecil L. Clemens as Chief of Police of the City of Fai rhope. The Attorney reported that the Mayor -is authorized to suspend the Chief of Police- and report his actions in writing to the -City Council.. If no sustaining vote of the Counci U on the Mayort s act i on i s: of feed; the Ch i of of Pot ice, I. IS reinstated. a °1 5 Councilman Boone then offeredthe following -Resolution and moved its adoption which was seconded by Counc.i [man Schermer -and carried unanimously,,* RESOLUTION: BE IL RESOLVEDt. Inasmuch as. the Mayor did not receive a sustain i ng mo:t i on to his action of suspending Ctnief. Clemens or upholding his written charges as shown i n the East Counc 11, meet i ng, and requ i red by Parr. J(18g5)( l 179), Quote "Mayor may remove any officer for good. cause, except those elected by the people, and.fill the vacancy caused thereby, permanently, if the appointment of such officer is made by the Mayor, and temporarily,, if such. it officer was elected: by the council or appointed. with itsconsent, inl either of which lash two cases, -he must report such removal and, his reasons therefor to the council at its. next regular meeting, when if. the councit shall sustain the act of removal by the Mayor,.by a majority vote of those el ected' to the Counc 11,, the vacancy sha 1' 1 be f i I 1 ed- as herne!i n prov.1 ded" ; and since the future program of this. administration such as, to attract a J'un f or Cofil ege to Fa i rhope, to attracit suitable industry, to complete the p lj.anned Mun i:ci pa l Airport, to; prorvi de, a: suitable civic center,, and many other worthy projects that are adversely affected. Et is unanimously recommended by this Council that the. Mayor cease and desist his arbitrary and vindictive action in regard to Potice matters, and to work.in harmony with his Council to prevent further undue and unwarrantedi adverse• pub I i.c is ty for the City of F a i rhope,' Motion by Councilman Poser seconded, by Council -man Nelson that the following bills be approvedifor payment:: Motion carried. General. Funds Western Auto Store 2.49 Threadgi[l Body and Paint Shop 28.05 Stern Chemical Corp* 45.41 So. B i dg. Code Publishing Go. 6.25 E. G. Rickarby 162.60 Ponder Co. t4.39 Ebb Ti de: 11.85 01ivere Restaurant, 32.00 Na:tf 1 Scxreenprinters, Inc. Police 151.40 Mob i I e, Press Register 7.28 Sam Mutchnick .- Police 157.74 M. & S Serwi ce St -at- i'on 3.30 may Machinery Coo. 129•l7 Ma,ter i a 1. Sales 27.29 Jno. S. Huffman 75.07 Hand! s We.l d i ng, 4.13 Holmes and Geer 250000, Ha Gtett Mfg. Co.. 211.35, Fairhope Laundry 7.85 Fairhope Shel't Service 6.20 Fairhope Welding and Machine Works 7.00 Fairhope Hdwe. 49.95 Falrhope Clay Products Co. 60.00 John R. Cowt'ey & Bro. 36.00 Baird S.teel,, Inc. 74.25 Bedsol.et s .► Pot i ce, 14.95 Hi'l1-Soberg Coo. (City Garage) 170*63 Nix- & F I.emii ng; (City Garage)= 382.28 Texas Ref i nefy Co. 74.25 Stan" rd;Equipment Co. 7.59 Superior Hardware 4.91 Western Lumber and Supply 8.16 Coastal: Concrete Co. 66.94. Coastal Concrete Co. (City Garage) 871-74, Jansen Mfg. Co. 53.08 Ray -.Brooks Machinery co* 18.03 Melton Garage 161.58 McKean Hdwe. 9.28 Garden Center 8•t0 Virgil. Herston 20.00 Joe: Schneider & Son. I: nc. 668.75 Waller Bros. Gen. 28.39 C-ity Garage 332.90 361.29 Fa i rhope: Cour i er- 116.96 Burroughs Qorp. 24•60 Ponder:- Co:. City Garage. 1.50 City Market Gaston Motor Co.(Pol ice 34.13 Gen. 9.40 1.22 43-54 K.l umpp Motor Co.,(Po l i:cs 48.30, F i;re 43.23) 9 t •53 Southern Auto Parts 88.56 Wa l ter: Ki dde Sa.l es (Sts. 203.00 Fire t80.00)'- 38.3,00 Standard.0ul Co. (Sts. 386.30 Police 219.95) 606.25 RocheBrown•Service (Police) t93.70 lectr.ic Department:. urner Supply Cow 47•00 Puritan Chemical Co.: f4.00 McGowin*Lyons Hdwe. C0.76: 14-50 Matthews Electric Supply Jno, S. Huff"man Itns. 15.53 52.94 Hatf i et d and Co,. / 5.18 W: M. Bash i En Coy. 1,24807 H i l t-Soberg Co.. 56.35 N i;*x and Fleming, 5.00 Superior Hard -ware *39 l- McKean Hdwe. Alva. REA Safety & Job Training 30.00 r't 1.4j Gaston Motor Co:*- r Rivri:era Uti 1 It, #9,545.35 Coastal. Concret Coo Volants Sub-Sta. 150.332 Welter Kiddie. Sales 61..20 Standard ON Company 95.99 Gast Marine -Specialty Co. 297.W M & S Serwice=Station- 5-50 Mueller Coo. 72.67 Ma.ter i a l Sa,lies Co. 128..39 Hand.' s Welding 430•33 Foley Tractor Co.. 93.50, Davis: Meter and: Supply 1.06.95 Consolidated Piipe and. Supply Co. 4#539.12 Busy Bee Garage 7.00 Standard! Equipment Co.. 248.57 Superri or Hardware 11.30 Metton Garage Li-75 McKean Hdfae, 1.23 United Gas Pipe Line, Cow 50307-28 Mari ne- Speci al:ty Co. 13.50 Nix: and: Fleming 1.50 Hand*' s We L d i ngj 186.31 We I ter K. i dde: Sal es 61.20 Standard. 0. i I Go. 74-55 Water and, Sewe.rt Vi t iti chen Chemical Coo. 1.72..13 runner Supply Co. 24.53 Southern Meter and Supply Coo. 284.91 Neptune Meter Cow 363.68 M. & S Serwice Station 2.70 Material, Sales 3,01 Fairhope Hardware. 10.80 Standard Equipment Co. 535.26 Coastal Concrete. Co. 39.37 McKean Hdwe. 3.15 Badger Meter Cow 15.79> Bama Foundry 11nc. 1180.00 Standard Oi.l Co.. 74,55 Recreate i oraa Byrd: L. Moore and Co. 199.0OJ Turner. Supply Go. 841,•20 Thoss 4porting, Good's 8.1'go The Sporttsmans Store 205..15 National Wholesale Dist. 67.83 Arthur Keller 115.00 Fairhope Hdwe. 33-44 ABC Fence: Lndustri es 45.75 1111, I-Seberg; Co. 29,840. N i x and: F lem;i ng: 1-6.20, McKean Hdwee.. 29 .55 It was, duly moved and; seconded that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Approved Mayor Attests City Clerk THS CITY ITS WATMWORKS, KLZCTRIC DISTRIBUTION SYSTSM. OAS SYST[M , TRASK SYSTZM City of air4o e p `SON BEAUTIFUL MOBILE BAY' JOS SCHNKIDWR MAYOR P. O. BOX 293 PIETER J. BYRNE FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA SUS. TRATOR MARIt MOORE GQ May, ✓V63 CITY CLKRK City Council City of Fairhope Fairhope,. Alabama Gentlemen: COUNCILMKN. LESTER I. BOONE JAMES K. GASTON, in. WILLIAM J. NELSON WALTER O. POSER ALTON E. SCHKRMKR This is written to advise you tfrt l have removed Cecil L. Clemens from the office'of Chief of Police of the City of Fairhope. This action was taken for the reasons as listed in my letter to t'�e City Council as presented at meeting of 27 May, 1963 on this subject. Subsequont to that,/ h7ve appointed Mr Leo Gilheart to be the Acting Chief of Police for the City. Yours very truly, .� Joe Schneider D 4 1• ♦•I i"k' 14w ba it reeelm *is am arch as tIW iiatpw did sort rossivs a mstaisat 4 matim tc Us ucU" sC mapuAi1xs Mist Claaram yr vylseli xa hie tarp.{*waa cbarva as; ftwex la t t o IaLt Cw4xcU sA ctlmro" ;. m- by ice. 4PAYOR wary 1~0 any offisor for so" Ommm."0191 Ur►ss *lest*& by the pesplogand fill the vasaacy swxer� thersbir,.if the qpo atia alk of marsh srMser is me" by ttae D4syaa .ass& tenpowari,ly, if marsh offtlsier Was slosted by the csussil or appeiatted wild Its caes seat. I& eithw of t614 , saarR ** hs report suaX rreval eW his reasons Sker4w is Wo OsOMOa $ AU awl wo pptlar aesatiaa &vh s x it W *MIM I shalt wastaia the tt of *mpml arty fto lfaywt 1tr a mjwW vm% 0 s" siloes4d is the sew C�aus4stlOMw vasmW shall be tilled as hsreia patwtttri"O good since Us littktro program sf this admisi otra tiara s aas to attract a :uxlaar College to S&Irhspe.ts attract sst1tabl,e Imbue W9 to fists Us plaawd Xaaisipd AU704pto Provide a mlUUe city" ematWOM mm ear Vvwft wojeots riot We a6modr Af ecto, It is uxan1wrsly ra►ommaded by Uls Csuseil Us* 'ors Bayer tease a" desist his arbitrary aad vI Mlist Lve actiea is regard the P*l io* asatters.aial U wak is kairmeary iid.th his Osuasil to prevent furtlti *atwo sai! altaal saitsai sivorso jubtielty for the City of ftIrhsps•