HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-29-1963 Special Meetings STATE OF ALABAMA County of Baldwin The C i ty Counc i l of they C i ty of Fa i rhope met i n spec i e) less i on at the City Hall, Wednesday, May 290, 1963 at 2:00 P.M. sith the following members present: Mayor Schneider, Councilmen:. Boone, Gaston, Nelson and; Poser. Counc i I man. Schermer being absent. The Mayor announced that the meet i ng, wass cirt led f or the purpose of discussing the acquEsrt ion of the Fa-i rhope Casino for Munlictpal purposes. Mot ion by Counc i I man Poser seconded; by Counc i I man Boone that the, Mayor instruct the Ci:ty Attorney to negotiate with the owner of the Fairhope C asstno relative to purchase of. same and to prepare Ordinance for acqu tsilt i on of said; property for mun i c iparl use. Upon being put to vote the following vote was irecord'edt Fort Mayor Schneiderr, Councilmen: ffoone, Gaston and Poser. Againstx Councilman Nelson. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Boone seconded by Councilman Gaston that the meeting adjourn.. Motion carried. r Attes i.z� rty Clerk r Approved '�.' '/ 0�' Mayor 91 V. STATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF BALDW I N We, the undersigned members of the City C ounc i I of the C i ty of Fa,irhope,.Alabama, hereby waive notice of the calling of a special meeting of the: C i ty Counc i I of the -City of Fa i rhope for the purpose of i nest i gat i on of operant i on of the Fai rhope C as i no and do consent that said meeting for said purpose be held at the City Ha I I, in the City of Fa i rhope, kl abama:, at 2s00 o*c i ock: P.M. on the 29th, day of May, 1963,. WITNESS OUR HANDS THIS THE 29th DAY OF MAY, 1963.