HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-27-1963 Regular MeetingSTATE OF ALABAMA
County of Baldwin
The C i'ty Council of the C i; ty of Fai rhope: met in regu 1 ar session at the:
City Halto' Mondby, May 27,• 19:63 at 7930 P.M. with the following members -
present:, Mayor Schneider, Counci Imenc Boone., Gaston and Poser. Absents°
Counctimens Nelson and; Schermer.
The minutes of the: prewtous regular meeting; were approviced,
The fot I owi ng I otter was: read, to the, Counci: l:
May 27, 1963
City Counc: i
City of Fai rhope
Fai:rhopes, A.I abama
Genttl ement
The Board of Directors for the Thomas Hospital herewith- make their
off icial request for payment of the $10#000.00 due inn accordance with
that Resolution as adopted by the: Counci I for the, Ci ty of Fai.rhope, underwriting
a. two., year loss of operat i one.
Results of the September 300 � 1962, audit by the State of Alabama, Department
of Examiners of Public Accounts, Page 10, certify the accumulated net loss of
We. therefore, respectfully request the Hon. Joe Schneider, Mayor, City of
Fairhope,, call fora motion authorizing the payment of. $10,000.00 to the Thomas
Hospital in accordance with they above mentioned: Reso:lut i on.
also, as.ar means of officially expressing its deepest appreciation and thanks for 0h
the. wonderful. support the Count i l has given the Hospital and to assure the
Council this. support has great meaning to the residents of Fairhope, the Board'
of Directors ask. that this letter be read into the Mi'nuttes of this Counc.i'l
meeting documenting this expression of gratitude.
S. i ncere 1. y,
s/ D. B. Fuller
David' B. Fuller,, Chairman
Board: of. Directors
Thomas Hospital
DBF & re
Motion by Councilman Poser seconded by Councilman Gastam that payment of 4WW
obligated $10,000.00 to underwrite Thomas Hospital d'efocit be authorized, money,
to be: expended: from the:• Electric Fund. Motion carried;'
Motion by Councilman 5oone seconded by Councilman Poser that Ordinance #300,
amending SectIon l3, District Boundaries, Zon i'ng Ord:i nance �295, be adopted as
introduced at the. regu I ar meeting of: Apr i 1 8, 1'963. Motion carr i ed.t
Motion by Councilman Poser seconded toy Councilmen Gaston that Ordinance #299,
an Ordinance. amending; Section 13, District Boundaries, Zoning; Ordinance: #295,
be. adopted as i ntroduced at the regu I&r meetti ng of Apr i 1 8, 1963. Motion
Motion by Councilman Gaston seconded by Counci gran Poser that Ordinance
#303, an Ordinance mending Seed i.on 13, District Boundaries„ Zoning Ordinance
#295,. be, adopted as introduced at the regular meeting. of May 13, 1963.
Motion carried.
Mr. Hipsh requested that action on his application for beer permit be
car rie_d over tor the,, next regu 1 ar meet-i ng, of the C i ty Counc i I . Request gr *EKE
. /
Request from Dr. Yancey and -John Duck. for. water and gas on north side of
FI y Creek. was postponed: until the next regular meeting of the. -City Council
upon the recommendation of the General Superintendent.
Motion bW Councilman Poser seconded bey Councilman Boone that the Mayor be
authorized to sign the. fat lowing; 1 e tter to the 'Sown of Daphne• Motion
carried. May : t963
Hon. Arthur Manci, Mayor
Town of Daphne
Daphne# Alabama
Res Purchase Agreement
Daphne Gas System.
Dear. Mayor Manci r
This will acknowledg¢ receipt of your letter of May 13, 1963
regprdingDaphne's. proposal for the purchase of the distribution system.
owned by Fa1rhope that presently lies within the corporate limits of the
Town of Daphne.
Our letter of January 25, 1963 correct-ty states what we consider
to be the correct price for this system according to the contract presently,
in existence between Daphne and.Fairhope. Reference to the a6brementioned
lei`ter wi 11 give your our terms for* the acqulisi tion of the system and %nteest
in the transmI ss i on I i nes in accordance: with a, strict %nterpretati on of the,
We are preparedito offer as a counter -proposal that Daphne acquire
the: distribution system: within the present corporate limits of Daphne at a
price of $94,000.00 and a conveyance by Daphne to Fairhope of any right#
title: or i:n terest it may havre• i n the transmission lines* In addition* there
should be an agreement between Daphne and Fai rhope regarding the sale of
gas to Daphne by Fairhope..
This rrftWW offer is made. in & sp i rri: t of harmony,, and, it is
bel arced', justly. You can wet C understand, 1' am sure, the many complications
attendant with jai nfi ownerrsh i p of the transmission system* if we can be of
any sere i cer i n this regard,, p t ease ad;v se•
Yours very truly,
Motion by CounctIman Gaston ser-onded by Councitman Poser that Ordinance #3020-
an ordinance creating -,The Fairhope kirport-Board, be adopted as introduced
at the regular meeting of May 13, t963. Motion carried`.'
Mayor Schnaider appointed Dr. Mullins,-$fchard Lacey and Peter Byrne to the
Airport Board. Mot ton by Counci Iman Gaston seconded,bL.yt Councilman Poser
that the. appa rrtments be approviced. Mat i on carrried•
Mot -ion by,Counctiman Gaston seconded by CouncIlman Poser that the following
Ordinance be introduced'. Mahlon carried.
0ND,':--W 3 6 L - PO, )"4e- r-)'- �-
Section 1. For the purpose (a) of giving the public
authorities of the City of Fairhope, Alabama, notice in advance
of any parade or procession upon any public street or way in
said City, or its police jurisdiction, so as to afford opportun-
ity for proper policing; (b) to assure the convenience or comfort
of the public in the use of the public streets and ways of said
City; (c) to prevent confusion by overlapping parades or proces-
sions; and (d) to minimize the risk of disorder: no parade or
procession upon any public street or way in said City, or its
police jurisdiction, shall be permitted, unless a special license
therefor shall first be obtained from the City Council of said
City. A parade or procession is hereby defined as a march in
formation, proceeding in an ordered and close file as a collect-
ive body of persons on the City streets or ways. Funeral pro-
cessions are not covered by the Ordinance.
Section 2. Upon application being made to the City Council
of said City for such special license, said City Council must con-
sider the application and hold an investigation thereon at its
next meeting; and if, after such consideration and.investigation,
said City Council finds that the convenience of the public in the
use of said City's streets and ways would not thereby be duly
disturbed, upon such condition or changes in time, place and
manner as would avoid disturbance, said City Council must issue
such special license for the parade or procession applied for,
subject to the payment of the license fee hereinafter provided
Section 3. Every such special license shall be in writing
and shall specify the day and hour of the parade or procession.
Every licensee shall pay in advance for such license, for the use
of said City a sum of money that the City Council deems necessary
for the services rendered for each day that such parade or pro-
cession shall take place. Said license fee is not a revenue v
tax, but one to meet the expense incidental to the administration
-Page 1 -
of this ordinance and to the maintenance of public order in the
matter licensed. In exercising its discretion in fixing said
license fee, the City Council must be guided by the expense inci-
dental to the administration of this ordinance and to the mainte-
nance of public order in the kind, size and type of parade or
procession licensed.
Section 4. Any person violating any provision of this
ordinance shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not
less than one or more than, one hundred dollars or by imprisonment
or hard labor for the City for not more than six months, or both,
in the discretion of the Court trying the case.
Section 5. Should any section, sentence, clause, phrase,
or other part of this ordinance be declared unconstitutional or
invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining
sections, sentences, clauses, phrases, and parts"of this ordinance
shall not be affected thereby, but shall continue in full force
and effect as though such section, sentence, clause, phrase, or
other part of this ordinance had not been declared unconstitutional
or invalid.
Adbpted this l=day of -� 1963•
1, Marie Moore, City Clerk of the City of Fairhope, Alabama, hereby
certify that the oreaoing Crdinance is a true and correct copy of
Crdinance No. 3 C , cxdo,?ted by the Council of the City of Fazrhope,
Alab a, in an oen meeting at the regular session thereof held on the
�` -day of - �-,�� , 19 and duty published in the Fai rhope
Courier, on the day o
ity Clerk
- Page' 2 of 2 Pages-
Motion by Counci Iman Boone. seconded: by CounciAman Poser that the following
Ordinance be I ntroducedt Mot ton carried.
that Chapter 21, Code of Ordinances of the: City of Fa i rhope be amended. by
deleting. Section 21,*8,
Moti on by/ Counc i Iman Gaston seconded by Counc i I -man Boone, that 0 rdi nance #301,
an Ordinance authorizing the City Dog Catcher to issue ci:tati:ons for v lolations
of Dog; Ord-inances, be adopted as introduced at the regular meeting; of May/ 13,
1963. Motion carried*.Ui
Request of Mr. M11ham to use Municipal Pter was rejected.
Mat i on by Counci I man Boone seconded by Counci I man Gaston that Mr. Dywn and
Mr, Wiggins attend the A1.abama Water and. Sewage Association School at the
University of Alabaman on June 5,,6 & 7, the City to furnish transportation.'
Motion carried•
Motion by Councilman Boone seconded. by Councilman Poser that the: Mayor and
City Attorney appear at -Congressional Hearing on Water Pollution Act.
Motion carried:.
Moore Eng i neer: s presented. plans f. orr Church Street tunnel • No, action taken.
Motion by Councilman Boone seconded( by Councilman Poser that the following
Reso 1 u ti on be adop tedt Motion carried;*
The application made by W. F. HAWIE, Sr. to the CITY OF FAIRHOPE for.
Dance, L i cense was cons i dared by they C I-TY COUNC.I L and, as the Bu i I d i ng
linspector reportedthat said building did not comply with the: Building
Regulations of they C i ty of Fa i rhope, the application was then i edi and pay—
ment tendered by Mr. Hawia i:s. ORDERED REFUNDED.
Motion by Councilman Poser seconded by Councilman Gaston that the fol lowing°:
WHEREAS, the easement granted by JULIAN C. PRINE
and EMILY W. PRINE, his wife, to the CITY OF FAIRHOPE for the
municipal airport was not properly described and contained
easements on portions of land not needed for public or
municipal purposes;_ and
wife, are now deeding to the CITY OF FAIRHOPE an easement
correctly describing the property needed for the municipal
deeds to JULIAN C. PRINE and EMILY W. PRINE, his wife, all
that portion of that easement conveyed by the said JULIAN C.
PRINE and EMILY W. PRINE, his wife, to the CITY OF FAIRHOPE,
by deed dated April 11, 1963, and recorded in Deed Book 330,
Pages 141-146, of the Probate Records of Baldwin County,
Alabama, which property is described as follows, to -wit:
Begin at a concrete marker, the Northeast
corner of the Northeast Quarter of the
Southeast Quarter, Section 33, Township 6
South, Range 2 East, thence South 00 06'
West, a distance of 2,678.3 feet to a
point in the center of Marlow Road; thence
West along the center line of Marlow Road
a distance of 2,129.5 feet; thence South
90 23' West a distance of 4,541.6 feet to
the Point of Beginning of a parcel of land
hereinafter described: Thence North 800
37' West, a distance of 157.5 feet; thence
South 150 06' West a distance of 678.4 feet;
thence South 800 37' East a distance of 450
feet; thence North 30 40' East a distance of
678.4 feet; thence North 800 37' West a
distance of 157.5 feet to the Point of
Said parcel of land containing 5.93 acres,
and being in the Southeast Quarter of the
Southwest Quarter of Section 4, Township
7 South, Range 2 East, Baldwin County,
- 1 -
And that the Mayor be authorized to execute a conveyance for
the CITY OF FAIRHOPE, conveying said property to JULIAN C.
PRINE and EMILY W. PRINE, his wife.
Councilman Poser moved that unanimous consent be granted for the immediate
consideration of the said Ordinance, which motion was seconded by Counctl-
man Gaston and upon the motion being put to vote tha folloaring vote was
recorded: Yeast: Counci Iment: Boone, Gaston and Poser. Nayst. None. The
Mayor thereupon dec 1 ared that the motion for the granting of unanimous
consent for the i mmed i ante consideration of the: said Ordinance had been
unanimously adopted. Councilman Boone: then moved that the said Ordinance
be adopted, which motion was seconded by Councilman Poser and upon the
mot i on bei ng put to vote the fo 1 1 owi nq. vote was: recordis&. Yeas: C ounc i I-
ment. Boone, Gaston and Poser; Nays: None:. The Mayor thereupon dec 1 ared
than the motion for the adoption of said Ordinance had been :unanimously
carried and the said Ordinance duly adapted.
Mayor Schneider presented and react the following, letter to the City/
- Page 2 of two pages -
Fairhope, Alabama
May 27, 1963
City Council,
City of Fairhope
Fairhope, Alabama
After due consideration and investigation, I feel it
necessary that I approach the Council with a problem that
requires an immediate solution. The problem is the failure
of our Police Department, and in particular its Chief, to
provide our City with the type of protection which, as a
Council, we are duty-bound to provide the citizens. In view
of this, I hereby recommend that the Council take immediate
steps to'remedy this situation, based upon the following:
A. Repeated requests and demands by myself as Mayor
that certain loiterers be removed from public places has
been ignored and disobeyed.
B. Contrary to my express instructions, teen agers
continue to frequent certain places in violation of City
Ordinances, which points to a lack of respect among the
teen agers for the Police Department.
C. Incidents where individuals have been arrested,
placed in the City jail, and subsequently released without
being docketed or tried.
D. Our population increases, and the number of complaints
to me have increased, but with a considerable decrease in
arrests and fines since our present Police Chief assumed his
E. The over-all efficiency of the Police Department
has greatly suffered due to lack of organization and coordi-
nation amongst the patrolmen. It is apparent that the present
Chief cannot effectively lead his Department.
F. The number of violent incidents resulting in hospital-
ization has greatly increased since our present Chief assumed
his duties.
The people of Fairhope expect and deserve better law en-
forcement, and it is our duty to provide this.
Joe Schneider, Mayor
It was du I y movedh and seconded that the meeting a4kjourn. Motion Carr i ec4
A'Pprov" -,44
City C: l erk
May 27, 1963
City Council
City of Fairhope
Fairhope, Alabama
The Board of Directors for the Thomas Hospital herewith
make their official request for payment of the $10,000.00
due in accordance with that Resolution as adopted by the
Council for the City of Fairhope underwriting a two year
loss of operation.
Results of the September 30, 1962, audit by the State of
Alabama, Department of Examiners of Public Accounts, Page
10, certify the accumulated net loss of $49,200.68.
We, therefore, respectfully request the Hon. Joe Schneider,
Mayor, City of Fairhope, call for a motion authorizing the
payment of $10,000.00 to the Thomas Hospital in accordance
with the above mentioned Resolution.
Also, as a means of officially expressing its deepest
appreciation and thanks for the wonderful support the
Council has given the Hospital and to assure the Council
this support has great meaning to the residents of Fairhope,
the Board of Directors ask that this letter be read into
the Minutes of this Council Meeting documenting this expres-
sion of gratitude.
David B. Fuller, Chairman
Board of Directors
Thomas Hospital