HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-25-1963 Regular MeetingSTATE OF ALABAM& County of Botdwtn: The C:Uty Counc i I of the Qtty of Fai rhope met In reguiArr session at the, Ctty Hatt, Monday, March 25;, 1963 at 7930 P.M. with the following members presents-, Mayor Schneider, Councilmene< Boone,, Gaston, Nelson, Poser and Schermer,* Motion by Councilman Gaston seconded by Councilman Nelson that the m1nutes of the prowl meeting be corrected as foI lows: Byrd L. Moore Co. b, author i zed: to make preliminary survey for lift station and: sewer' 1 i nes in the beach area. Minutes approved as corrected. The fallowing bids were received: on electric truck chassis: Had Iey Motor Co.i Bay A nette No bid Eton Motorr Co., Fai rhope 2,673.00 Klumpp Motor Co., Fairhope 2*731.71 Motion- by Councilman Poser secorded by Councilman Boone that often evaluation of b i d's by Mr. Dyson and Mr. Kirk that the City accept, low b:i d of:$2,673•00 submitted by Gaston Motor Co., Inc. Upon being. put to vote the following vote wss recordeds Fort: GouncIImen:, ffoone, Nelson, Poser and Schermer. Against:: None, Councilman Gaston not voting. Mr. Lacey subani ttad: report on Riviera Ut i l i:ttes Electric Contract negottati ons. A;Resolution pertaining to purchase of Gas system in the Town of Daphne was read to the meeting. Mr. Lacey was instructed: to set up a meeting of the Daphne and F a i rhope CGounc. i Is to discuss contract. Moore Engineering Co. presented plans for sanitary facilities in the beach area. Motion by Councilman Nelson seconded by Councilman Poser that Moore Engineering..C:o* be authorized to advertise for bids on sanitary facilities and pumping station in beach arew. Motion carried. Motion by Counc i I man Schermer seconded by Counci I man Gaston that the fol': I ow- ing ResoIut i on be adoptedY: BE iR RESOLVED BY THE CITY C.OUIC I OF THE C, ITY OF FA1RHOPE, ALABAMA, 7,hat WHEREAS, water polluttion i:s a major menace to the public health of the State of A 1 arbama; and WHEREAS,, in particular, the water pollution is destroying the public and private beaches on Mobile Bay; and WHEREAS, water pollution is decreasing property values of the shore and beach installationst and WHEREAS, water pollution is causing destruction of fish, oysters and other marine and wild life and destroying the breeding grounds for marine life; and WHEREAS, water pollution is now causing unemployment to the seafood industries in this -area and consequential loss of taut revenue to the State and Counties; and WHEREAS,.* B t I t is now being prepared and sponsored by the; Alabama Wild: Life Federation to correct these evils; NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Fairhope urges the Alabama League of Municipalities to adopt a resolution tntroducing the Bill for controlling pollution of the water in Ailabamn, sponsored by the Alabama Wild Life Federation, for passage before the State Legislature at the earliest time. Mot i on-unarrimousl y adopted. Letter from Mr. Kitchens, State Fire Marshal, was read and discussed. Letter from, F. A. A. approving air* space clearance and site for Mun i c i'pal Airport was read: The foal 1 owi ng R#slut ion of the kAl dwi n County Board of Education was read to the meretringt RESOLUTION: Baldwin County Board of Education hereby conveys to the City of Fairhope an easement or right-of-way across school property at Fairhope Junior H i gP School for the -purpose of extond i ng Summit Street directly south from Ste James Street to Morphy. Avenue. R i gh tt-of-wray! Is to. be sixty-s i x' feet wi ft. The Board of Education retains control of this new section of Summit Street during school hours and during such other hours as it des necessary for the safety of the children and personnel of the school. This control is to take whatever foam the Board deems appropriate including the right to cliose it completely with suitable obstructions or gates, The Board of Education will now and in the future cooperate with the City of Fai rhope- i n keeping; this street open at times when the# safety of school children and school personnel will not be endangered* Timber removed from the right -of" -way will remain the property of the Baldwin County Board of Educatione Motion by Counc i I man Boone seconded by Councilman Nelson that the City accept Resolution of Baldwin County Board, of Education as presented# Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Nelson seconded by Councilman Boone that Byrd L. Moore Cate be authorized to proceed with engineering for a 12 foot pedestrian tunnel under Chugeh Street in front of the Grammar -School * Motion carried. Letter from U. Se army Engineers on F I y Crook erosion was read and placed on f i l ee. Counci lmon Schermer suggested that a Resolution on 5 mI11 tax redret ion in the C iity be prrepared. No act ion taken. Motion by Councilman Gaston seconded by Councilman Nelsom that the City correct dratnage on School Street.asas recommended by the committee, cost not to exceed $1,000.00. Mot i on carr i ed. Mot i on by/ C aunc i lmen Poser seconded by Counci loran Gaston that George Dyson, Councilmen Boone and Schermer, be appointed committee to make study of water customers now being servwiced outside the City Limits and make: recommendations for a more equitable rate. Motion carrried. Motion by Councilman Poser seconded by Councilman Gaston that Mr. Oysoa be authorized torrent necessary equipment neededto complete job at the City Garage. Mot i'lon carried* Motion by Counc i I man Schermer seconded by Counc i I man Boone that the f o 1 l ow- i n% Resolution be adopted. BE IT RESOLVE© BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE that the City express its appreciation of the Post Officals decis:ton to establish a new Post Office in the City* Mot, ion cairrrieele Motion by Councilman Poser seconded by Councilman Gaston that the follow- 1"f. __•_�.f __ L_ �J._4�2ll�l��� w�rrZ w�' BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, That WHEREAS., it is desirable to vacate Tensaw Avenue as now located; and WHEREAS, John W. Craig owns the property located on both sides of Tensaw Avenue and is deeding to the City of Fairhope a parcel of land described as follows, to -wit: PARCEL "B"' From the intersection of said Northwest corner of Block 23, Volanta, as a point of beginning; run thence North 200 East, and parallel to Mobile Avenue, 626 feet, more or less, to the West line of Railroad Avenue; thence run North 25° West, along the West line of Railroad Avenue, 93.33 feet, more or less; thence run South 20° West 626 feet, more or less, to the East line of Pensacola Avenue; thence run South 25° East, 93.33 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. Being the proposed location of Tensaw Avenue Extension, and containing 41,316 square feet, more or less, and being hereby noted as Parcel "B", and re- placing old Tensaw Avenue as vacated, and being a street 66 feet wide. WHEREAS, Tensaw Avenue, as now located, is not needed for public or municipal purposes; and WHEREAS, John W. Craig is deeding to the City of Fairhope Parcel "A", which is that part of Tensaw Avenue directly in back of the City pumping station on said Tensaw Avenue: NOW, THEREFORE, the City of Fairhope is authorized to convey to the said John W. Craig said Tensaw Avenue as now located between Pensacola Avenue and Railroad Avenue, which is described as follows, to -wit: From the intersection of the Northwest boundary line of Block 23, Volanta, and the East boundary of Pensacola Avenue in Volanta, which point is the Northwest Corner of Block 23, Volanta, accord- ing to map thereof recorded in Miscellaneous Book 1, Page 341, Probate Records of Baldwin County, Alabama, as a point of beginning: Run thence North 640 44' East 396.45 feet to the West line of Alabama Highway No. 89; thence run North 2° West 70 feet, more or less, to the North line of Tensaw Avenue, hereby being vacated; thence run South, along said North line of existing Tensaw Avenue, 64° 44' West, 421.8 feet to the East line of Pensacola Avenue; thence run South 25° East 65.98 feet to the point of beginning, and con- taining 26,961 square feet, and being the part of Tensaw Avenue between Pensacola Avenue and Alabama Highway No. 98. In consideration of the said John W. Craig deeding to the City of Fairhope the new proposed Tensaw Avenue, which is described as follows, to -wit: PARCEL "B", Described Above. p - page 2 of two pages - Coumilman Nelson moved that the following Ordinance be introduced. Motion seconded by C:ounc i t man Poser. ORD I NAICCE NO.. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNC IL OF THE CITY OF FA IRHOPE,. ALABAMA;, Tihets There is hereby created an Airport Board composed of three (3) members selected by the City Council, one shatl be a Councilman from the Council, selected by the Council of the City of Fairhope,, and two of whom shatt be residents of the City of Fairhope who have a recognized interest in aviation activities. Said members of the Airport- Board shall first be appointed as follows: One (l ); for a term of one ( k) year; One ( t) for a:. term of two. (2). ears; and One ( li)' fora term. of three (3� years. As the terms of the members expire, their successors shalt be selected for terms of two(2)i years each. Vacancies in the unexpiredi terms shal l be M ted4lin the same manner as the original appointments are made. The Board sha i t el ect from its membersh i p a cha i rman, secretary andi such otherofficers as it deems necessary, to se"m air its pleasure. The Boardshall adopt rules and regu lay t i ons cowering the procedures of the Board and the use of lands, buildings, equipment and other facilities unddr its Jurisdictton. Members of the Board shal k server without compensation* The k1rportt Board may emptoy a C: i ty Direct —or of the airport ta be its executive officer. The Director, with the approval of the Board,, rick shalt empt oyt such staff as may be ne>cessarry to affect the ai si t i on and operation of the airport in accordance with the plans ddtermined by the Board; The tenure of the Director and the staff shalt be at the pleasure of the Boardi. T-raveling and other expenses of the Director and the staff white in performance of their duties shalt be provided for by/ the Board. The AtrporttBoard shall be responsible for direction, supervision, acquisition and operation of a municipal airport. The Board shalt have contrat, over all. lands, buildings, equipment, and other facilities assigned for the. airport!- by the City of Fairhope or purchased or 1 eased: by it from funds provided by the- governing body. They Board sbal t cooperate with other local agencies and State and Federal agencies for the purpose of buying, maintaining and improving airport facilities for the City of Fair — hope. The Board shall have power to accept financial and other aid and grants from any public or private agency. All action of the Boardshall be subject always, however, to the superior, control of the City CourAlt of the City of Fairhope, Alabama. This Board is, created under Section 27, of Titte 4, of the Code of Alabama. This Ordinance goes into effect upon its adoption and: publication. Let tier f rom the Fa i rhope? Pub I: is L i brary request i ng ass i stance from the C: i ty was read, discussedand held until the Library committee reports to the C I ty C.ounci l . Mr. Rickarby was authorized to send bills on AcWalorem automobile tax escapes Un the City of Fairhope• New Uniforms for the. Fairhope Nigh School band: east was discussed but no action taken. It was duly moved and seconded that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Approved Mayor Atte:s;Itc . ty Clerk::