HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-13-1963 Regular MeetingSTATE OF ALABAMA- County of Baldwin The City Council of the -•City of Fairhope met in regular session at the.: City Hall! Monday, May l3, 1963 at!-7130 P.M. with the following members presents; Mayor Schneider, Councilmen: Boone, Gaston and Schermer. Councilmen Nelson and Poser be:i nq; absent~, The: minutes of the previous rregu I ar meet i ng were approved. The application of Larry Hipsh to retail packaged beer on the S W.corner of Grreeno: and Nichols was brought up for discussion. Residents in the area:met with the Council protesting same. Letters of protest were read. Motion by Councilman Gaston seconded -by Councilman Boone that action be post- poned until the next regular meeting; of the Ceuncit. Council requestedopinion of City Attorney as. to.. the, Zoning; restrictions of that locatiom. Motion carried* Mr. Walter Wi 1 son requested that his application be referred back to the Planning;and Zoning Commission for reconsideration. Motion by Councilman Schermer seconded by Councilmen Gaston that the Planning and Zoning Commission, reconsider their decision on rezoning, Wilson-©i;al proprty, Blocks t, 2, 3 of Hoiple-Worcester Addition,, from R-2 to B-l. Motion carried. Mrs. Newnan requested that the City take action on drainage problem om North Bay View alley. Motion by Councilman Schermer seconded by Councilman Gaston than Mayor SchneeVder, Vinci Iman Boone and City Superintendent Dyson be appointed: a commi tf!ee to apprai se: drai=nage problem on th i s pub] is al ley and, recommend: to the CouncH methods of drat•nage. Motion carried& motion by Councilman Boone seconded by Councilman Gaston that the Business Administrator instruct Moore -Engineering to close-out all streets that have been su rviceyedy. rewi wed, engineered; and meet a [: t legal requirements with 51% of property owners in favor of paving. Motion carried, the request of Thomas W: Milham,.to use Municipat Pier -was held for an optnton by the City ]attorney. Motion by Councilman Boone seconded by Councilman Schermer that the Council request` the Manningry and, Zoning Comrrtssion to advvise the City of their opfmian on extend i ng the contemplated: four-1':•anee H i ghway from Span i sh Fort to Fai rhope beyond; the planned] stopping; of said Highway at State Ifs.. I�t is further requested that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend whatr, if any, setbacks or the: necessary sett backs on their proposed extensions. Most i on carrri ed'. Letter of recommendation from the: PbannUng and'Zion ing;commission that the C-i ty acquire I:and adjacent, to the City Hal I: and; proceed with the construction of a new City Hall on this site as soon as the land is acquired was read and accepted by the Councit•. The Business Administrator was instructed to write the F. S. T-. Co requesting than the City be•permitted to acquire land adjacet toCtty Hall on a fee aimpl.e deeds The Business Administrator was further instructed to request sale prices: of improvements on said land* Motion by Councilman Schermer secondediby Councilman Gaston that the fa.1lowing Ordinance be i'ntroduced-o Voting Fort Councilmen Schermer and Gaston. Council- man Boone not vvo t i ng • Counci I men Ne l son and Poser be i ng absen t,i I it .6,E IT Ord a_J.ned, That "';H4REA6,1 it is deemed expedient and to the best interest of the City of Fairbope that an administrative board be created for the purpose of operating a munici2al airport, which boarCIJ shall, at all times, be answerable to and -under the direction and supervision of the Governin;� body of the Uity of 1'airh,)'r­e* J."T 1-3 TH,,RNFUH CF-LAINEL 1. That a boaj-d be and the sarae is hereby created, tr, be named ""HiE, F,IA0PA AIRPORT BOAkD". ?' paid board shall have administrative powers to carry out all 'IJ-he powers invested in the %"'Ity of it airhope by virtue of Chapter 2, 'iitle 4 of the rode of '.labama. 3. 6aid boa..,,dl shall be composed of three (3) members, one (1) of whom shall be a member of the Jouncil of the jity of Fairho�,e and shall be ap,-Iointed by the kJouncilmen of the Jity of f"airhoe for a term of two (2) years; two (2) members shall be residents of the dity of Plairhope and_ ..9hall be a.'�pointed by the Oouncil of the Ejity of x'airhope., one U) of wbieb shall serve for a tear of one ;,l) year and the other suall serve for a terat of two ,2) years. s the terms of tie ,.aembers expire their successors shall be selected for ter:ms of two �2) years each. Vacancies in the unexpired terms shall be filled in the sane luanner as the original appointments are made. .Lne board shall elect from its membership a chairman, secretary and such other officers as it deems necessary to serve at its pleasure. The board shall adopt riales and regulations covering -4e _procedures of the board and the use of lands, buildings,, equipment and other facilities under its jurisdiction. Members of the board shall serve without compensation. 4. � h e '_�­ I airhope Airport Board shall be responsible for the direction, su''ervision, acluisi ion and operationofa municipal airport. The board shall have control of all lands, ,& P A. buildings, equipment and other facilities assigned for the airport by the Jity of 1'airhope or purchased or leased by it - 1 - a & froLfunds provided by the 6,overning body. 5. The board shall cooperate with the other local agencies and Mate and Yed.eral a,,f,�,,encies for the purpose of maintaining and improving airport facilities for the pity of `,airhope. The board shall have power to accept financial and other aid and grants from any public or ,,rivate a.'ency* 6. !-11 notions of the board shall have the approval of the �Loverning body of the Jity of Fairbope and said board shall not have the power to creat qay debts t bonds or other liabilities a�,ainst the Jitj or Q"ounty, and any and ail monels spent by it s�aall be limited -to the amount on ham...orallocated to it from time to time. J.'he chairman of the board shall be in charge of disbursements and shall enter into a. bond for the faithful perfor.miance of its duties in an amount of TEN THUUSAND DULL_aRS (4"10,000.30) to be approved by tiie board., 7- 'I'he chairman of the board shall give a full report to the amity' every sixty (60) days, and more often as required by the V"'ouncil of tc'le Jity of 2airbope. 'This I:Lesolution goes into effect upon its adoption and publication. c- IC- - Page 2 of two pages - Mot ton by CounciIman Schermer seconded by Councilman Gaston that the following Ordinance: be introduced. Motton carried. n BE I T ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FA IRHOPE that 30 Sect%on 13, District Boundaries, Zoning; Ordinance #295, of the: Q tty of �.►�''� Fa i rhope be amended'. as recommended+ by the: P t ann [ng and. Zoning Comm tss i orm. The rreton i ng; fromi R-►1. to M-1 of Ci ty property located on Sect i on Street South of Pecan Street as described on City Peedl. The rezon i ng fromi a—t to * , ail I. of B l oak. 553 v Magno l i a Beach addl t i on to the- City of Fa i rhope. Proposal from the Town of= Daphne: on Gas purchase was read, discussed. and, held for further study by the Counci 1 and Attorneys. Motion by Counc: i I man Boone seconded by Counc i I roan Schermer that the C i'ty contract with Mr.. ponalld Ai I is, Engineer, to. advertise for bids for addttional wal l and aerator at water tank s i to of ter meet i ng wi th the Mayor and General Superintendent* Cost to be paid from Gas, Water and. Sewer Construction Fund,, not- to exceed, $ 51.,000.00. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Gaston seconded'by Councilman Boone: that the following Ordinance be introduced. Motion carried Ord,i nance 0 _ Q BE IT ORDA I NED BY THE C ITY COUNC I L THE C ITY OF FAIRHOPE,, ALABAMA, that- the City Dog Catcher -be and he is hereby authorized to; issue citations f for- v i of at i ons of Ord i nances per taJ n i ng to dogs. Motion by Councilman Schermer that -the fot-lowing motion be Introduced. The C.ifty of Fairhope is. desirous of Locating, a Junior College within the City of Fa i rhope. The City is willing to procurea; desired site,, after due consideration is given to the site by the=Planning and Zoning Commission, shou I d i t be dec i ded. to 1 ocAte the co I I ege i'n the., C i ty. The comrmittee appointed. to study the, water :rates outside: the City Limits recommended, that the minimum,. rat �rG3,000 ga i s, of water be: set at 13.5A. They further recommended that�a . water entensions be patdi by the customer wilth the lines remaining the property of'the City* Action to be taken at the next r-egu I or meet 1 ng of the Count i I .,« Moore Engineering reportedi that the State Aeronautics Department has approved the Eng i never i ng; plans for Mun is i pal A-irport.. Moot* Engineering reported! that the Grade Schoo.i Street Tunnel, engineering has been completed. Held for next meeting; of the Council. Motion by Count1.1man Boone seconded;by Councilman Gaston that the following bills be approved for. payments- Motion carried• Genaml Fundt May., Machinery Cio.: # 45*00 Len Meyer- Co* 26400 Donald S. LaucTWrre„ t nc. Pol i ee ID765 Lunsforad Sign Service 195.00 Ki dde. Sal.es and Service, 411.75 Kulumpp Motor Co. Fire 3„38, Po ice 126.30 129*6S Waal Ier Bros. 3•87 Jansen Mfg. Co.. 5.40 Hal lettt Mfg. Co. 76.80 Wrgi t Herston 20.00 Dtnkler HauteI 921112 Huffman Ins. Agency, 19.35 Hand* s WeA d i ng 29.13 General: E l ectrri c Co. 666.00 Garden Center 19.60 Faley Tractor Co.. 21.66 Fl.ettcher & King 20.90 Farhopa Title and' Survey 25.00 Fa i rhope. Courier LO I.O6, Fa i rhope SheL t Serwiic a 84,45 F, aa:i rhope Clay Products: 60.00 Don*'s Teleevvi-sion 4.50; John, R. Cow t e.y & Bro. 36-00 C i. ty Mkt. ' 3.;18 Burford-Toothaker 15.60 Robert S.. a teman 222.50 Armco Metal Products, 734.5a western Auto .83 Fa i rhope Dupl tcati ng; Servvi ce 2.50 Western Lumber and Suppty- 6.5t John M. Warren - 45.72 W61ler Bros. 432.35 Tippecanoe: Press, Inc. 42.100j Superior Hdwe. 19,022 E. G. R icka rrby 25.00 Ray Brooks Machinery Co 1*010.75 Puritan Chem i ca4 Co. U7*7.a Poser Printing; Cow Police 79.50 UN and FIeming 23.31 011vere R-stauran t 1. t 045 Nati orrat Cash Reg i star Co. 4.63 Melton Garage ._ 104•20 Standard Equipment Co.. 7-52. McKean Hdwe. 6-39 18.5w Ruoyrrs Automotive Matey. tat Sales 1.7a Jannett & Co. 8.19 Coastal, Concrete 31•50' Standard ON Co*# S.ts. 25(4.34, POI i CO 195.36 F ire, 5..16 450*86 Fa;i rhope, Hardware 62•4G Armco, Meta[ Products 587.28 Radc l:. i f f Msiter i al s 18623 Reynolds F t restonee - Pot ice 34.08 7.98 Bedsolevs - Police- Electric Fundr Matthews Electric 3ow' Hautf to l d and Cow I .489-89 253-L H it t- SobOrg Co. Co. L •60' Graybar E lectt. 11.30 Fairhope Shelt S.erwice_ 158,22. Bet tlaeze Baldwin Transfer 14.75 Bal d;wi rt: Pot a and P is l i ng Car.. Sub. Station & Line 1476.16 AG" Wood Preserving 6.00 A5g r Electrier Western Lumber and Suppi 28.26 Turner 4upply Co., Sub.tatio& Line 637.52 Nix end FIemingl 38.81 Moore -Handley 15900 McKean Hdwe. 2P•555� Standard 011 Go.. • %124.42. Rtvter& UtiIFties Gas:< Hand• s Welding, 73.32 Foley, Tractor Coe. 267*48 United Gas Pipe Line,: C'o.. 6#278.97 W R. Stuart& Probate Judge 1.50 378.84 Standard Equipment Cow McKean Hdwee, 2.55 M. & $ Service Station . 5.75' Standard QiI Co. • 35 H & R instrument Serwice 231.,66 4244 Reynai.ds Firestone 36-00 Redid i:ffe Meter ials Water and. Sewer 40.16 Davis Meter and Suppiyt 5! ,21' Crane Co. Simplex: Time Recorder CLo. 17070; F . H. Ross and Co. 1.12.22 Wittichen Chem,fcab Co. 57•36 Superior Hdwe. 1.16 20.28 W; 9.. Duncan Co. Standard Equipment Co. 496.12 M & S Service Station 5•75 Meter i al Se es. Co. 94.73 85*35 Coastal Concrete Standard 0i1. o« 1435 Fairhope Hardware 30.•00 Neptune Meter Co. Recreation M i r. ac. I a Equ t pmen t- Co.. 367.76 8a:1 dwi n Pole and P 1.1 i ne Co. 206.76 Poser Printing Co. 14.90 Standard 6q4ipment-Co.: 7•94 Fa,i rhope Hardware 14•G4 CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA SERVICE MAY BE DISCONTINUED WITHOUT NOTICE AT ANY TIME WHEN BILL IS DELINQUENT. AMOUNT CODE i DATE I PRESENT I PREVIOUS NET RATE BILLING — PENALTY ADDED IF NOT PAID BY THE IOTH CODEI G — GAS AG — ARREARS GAS EL — ELECTRIC AE — ARREARS ELECTRIC WA — WATER AW — ARREARS WATER SW — SEWER RENTAL CR — CREDITS CASHIERS STUB CITY OF FAIRHOPE ALABAMA AMOUNT CODE PLEASE ENCLOSE THIS STUB WHEN PAYING BY MAIL I