HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-22-1963 Regular MeetingC
County of Baldwi m
The Ei'ty Counci't of: the City of Fa i rhope me.t in regular: session st the
City HaC1, Monday, April 22, 1963 of 7130 P.M.. with the following, members
present:: Mayor Schneider, Counci 1men1 Boone,. Gasftcxn, Nel sorts. Poser and
The minutes. of: they previous regular m3:_eti ng; were approved.
Residenfts Fn the VQtant& acre& met with the Counci 1 pertaining to steps down
the., bluff of, the end of Perd' i do: Street. Ed' Shel don reported that he had no
ob jecti:ons i+ t t was for the peopl a i"n the area: and, i f the. C i ty wou l d poll ice
the airea. Motion by Councilman Gaston seconded'bouncilman Poser that the
steps be instal led down the bluff at the end of P4,61do Street* Upon being
put tp vote the fel'towing; vote was recorded% Fort Councilmenr Gaston,. Nelson
and Poser. Aga i nstr Counc 11 men Boone. Counc i I man Schermer not voti:ng.. Mot i on
Motion by Councilman Schermer seconded by Councilman Boone that; if Bailey and Lacey,
Attorneys work:i ng on the: Riviera Contract, deem it necessary to obtain
addtt-iona:l engineering service they be authorized" to megotiate with Mr. St.
Johrn for -his services on a per diem bases as per his proposition to the
C i ty Counci L date&. Apr! t 22, 1.963. Mot -ton cam ed'.
This being date set for opening bids on communication equipment the follow-
ing bids were receivredt
Mari ne E lest ron i cs Co.., Gen. E I ecte # t,597e00
R iAey Hinkle,, Gen. Elect. 1,393e00
Mob i Ce:, Commun icat, ions Servai:ce:,, Motorola 1,,2l14e90
Motion by Councilman Nelson seconded by Qouncilman Poser that the City accept
tow bid of $1;2L4.90 subm i tited by Mob i I e Communications Service . Motion
Motion by Councilman Boone seconder. by Councilman Poser that upon the
r. ecommendat i on of the State: F i re Marshal the second. fl oor of the Fa i rhope
Casina remain c:losed. Motion by Councilman Nelson seconded by Councilman
Schermer that the: mot i on of Counci 1 man Boone be tab I ad. Upon be i ng putt to
vote the f o lA ow i ng vote was recorded* Fort: Councilmen Gaston, Nelson and
Schermer. Agaeinstr Councilman Poser. Councilman Boone not voting. Motion
Mot i on by Counc i I man Gaston seconded' by Counc i I man Boone that Ord i nance #298101
amending the building permit ordinance:, introduced,at the regular meeting of
Apr i I 8, 1963 be adopted as Fntroduced'. Motion unanimously adopted
Th# f od I ow in%, b i ds on beach rest rooms were opened, at 28 00 P.M. on Apr i 1 19,
1963 aft the ity Hall, and held for action by the City Counci 1.
Fa i r. hope Pav i ng Co., I:nc. t 12,995-e00
Brumf. Feld Construction Co., 12,900e00
Linden Construction Coe, 15,228.00
Motion by Councilman Nelson seconded by Councilman Boone that the (-ity accept
toter bid of # 12,900.00 submitted by Brumf tell Construction Coe. Upon being
put to vote the. fat[owing vote, was recorded: Fors Counci Iment Boone# Gaston*
Nelson and; Poser* Agai:nstt Councilman Schermer.` Motion carrieda
The. Libray Commi tttee reported' on thei r meeti ng wi th a committee: from the
Single Tax Corporation in regprds to the City taking over the Public Library
now being operated' by the Single Tax Corporation. Mr. Rtckarby was instructed
to; draw up proposa l for approves l' by the, Counci I il
Motion by CounciI.man Schermer seccnded by Councilman Nei -son that the Mayor
appo:-irrt a comnifHtee to di:sruss with an Architect tbt preliminary outl ine
of Municipal buildings to be located om property that the Planning and Zoning
Commission recommends that the: City buy. The commi:ttee:to consult with
various interested groups so as to enable the Architect to make a:constructive
prel.Fm:inar.y plot.-pianoMotion carried.
A letter from the UtrIl7tfes Board- of: the Town of Foley authorizing: the Cttyy
tea; take over al:l of the lines and customers now in existence along Volanta
Avenue i:n the City of Fairhope and three customers on Greeno.Road:which now
belong to. rivierer Util.i:ties was accepted: by the.Counc.il.
Airport Board Resolution was held for the next regular meeting of the -,Council*.
A letter from the Elementary Pe To A. Accepting the proposal of the: City to
put tunnel under Church Street -in front of the school providing all adequate
safety provts.i ons are i nc lauded and maintained before Church Street Is opened
was read to the Counc i l e.
Counci I man Poser reported1 that Mr. Harry Anderson had. been employed: as full time
Retreat i on D i rectore.
Mouton by Counct iman Poser setonddd+ by Councilman Gaston that the meeting.
adjourn. Motion carried*-
ApprovAW, dA
AttesSs �
City C•I erk
April 22, 1963
City Of Fairhope,
Gentlemen s
This is to confirm certain matters agreed upon in oon-
ference on April 22, 1963. In accordance with the conclusions
reached in said conference, this is to authorize the City of
Fairhope to take over all of the lines and customers now in
existence along Volanta Avenue in the City of Fairhope which
belong to Riviera Utilities. Also, this is to , authorize the
City of Fairhope to take over customers Valentine, Walker and
Britton on Greeno Road.
It is our understanding that the cost to be paid for these
customers will be the same unit price as will be paid by the
City of Fairhope for all customers and equipment purchased by
the City _of Fairhope.
Also, we agret that transformers involved, not usable by
the City, will be repurchased by Riviera Utilities at a sum
equal to cost less depreciation and such sums to be credited
to the price arrived at for the purchase of all customers.
BYt _
Gonsulting Engineer
P. O. BOX 404
April 22, 1963
Mr. Joe Schneider, Mayor
City of Fairhope
Fairhope, Alabama
Hear Sir:
You and the City Council of Fairhope are
most kind to consider may application for engineering
services. It is my belief that the services of an
experienced electrical consulting engineer will provide
the Council with needed technical advice in negotiating
for new power supply contracts, the acquisition of elec-
trical properties within the police jurisdiction, and
than integration of those into the Fairhope system. Since
I had the pleasure" of working for Fairhops 'in previous
yea:rs'and have a background of experience within your own
area, and in your own city, there is without doubt some
advantage to you in utilizing my past experience in the.
solution of present problems.
Should you and'the City Council desire me to
work for you I would Pike to submit to you the following
proposed basis for my engineering services to be utilized:
1. Inventory and evaluation work on distribution
lines including,mapping of such facilit:.as to be pro -
lined fnrafee equal to'3j per cent of the reproduction
cost `new of such facilities.
2. Preparation of plans and specifications for
distribution line extensions to be provided for a fee
equal to.4j% of,the direct cost of labor, material.
and transportation required to construct such facilities.
(This does not include supervision or inspection of work.)
3. Preparation of plans and specifications for
transmission line construction (including switching
stations) for a fee equal to 5 per cent of the total
direct coats of labor, material and transportation
requlred'to .construct. (This does not include any super-
vision or inspection of work.)
4. Providing engineering service and advice on
rate negotiations, power contracts, policy matters,
and other such engineering studies and, matters that
may be referred to the engineer by the City not included
Oonsulting Engineer
P.O. BOX 404
( Fagi Two)
in the above three paragraphs, for a per diem
fee of $80.40, plus ,per trip travel expenses of
45.00 whore it is necessary for the engineer to
make an overnight round trip from Troy to Fairhope.
As a part of the consideration hereof, it is
understood and agreed that the engineer shall not be
responsible or liable for damages to property, either
real or personal, belonging to the City or to any
other person, f1rm, or corporation; and the engineer
shall not be liable for personal, injuries received
by any of the employees of the City or any of the
employees of any independent contractor, nor members
of the public, nor anyone else, during the execution
of worker any part thereof, and the engineer shall
not be liable for 16as or damage to material, equip-
ment, personal or real property, by fire, theft,, or
other causes. And the City shall indemnify and save
harmless the' angineer' from loss or expense arising
from such claims, demands, or law suita, it being
understood that the execution of the work is the
sole responsibility of the City.
Should this proposal be accepted and approved
by you and the City Council, I will appreciate your
evidencing that fact by signing one copy and returning
to me for my files.
Yours very truly,
H. S. St.John, Consulting Engr.
Alabama Registry #95
Approved and accepted this ,the
day of 1963
for the City of Falrbope, .Alabama
Mayor Jos. Schneider
and City Council
Fairhope, Alabama
Fairhope] Alabama
April 11, 1963
At the regular meting of the Fairhope Elementary Parent
Teachers Assn. fast Tuesday, April 9th, the members
asked for an expression
otoobenput under iqn on eChurch Street in
construction school.
front of the elementary
Motion was made and passed that we accept the proposal of
the City Council to put a tunnel under Church Street in
front of the school, providing all adoquate saf6'Yy pro-
visions, such as fences and
dgates onisthe
tunnel, are included
and maintained before Church
Arden D. Ward, secretary