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03-11-1963 Regular Meeting
J STATE OF' A LABAMA County of Baldwin The City Counci I of the City of Fai rhope met in regular session at the City Hain, Monday, March It, t963 at 7230 P.M. with the following members presents: Mayor Schneider, Counciiment, Boone, Gaston, Nelson, Poser and Schermer. The minutes of the previous regularmeeting were corrected to read that Electrical Equipment proposal contract to be awarded to the lowest bidder. Minutes approvAd as corrected. 1 Mayor Schneider recopized a ,tup of people present on behalf of the reinstate- ment of Mickey Johnson. to the Cfty PoliceForce and: suggested that a reply to Jbhnsonts letter of request was probably indicated. Motion by Councilman Poser seconded by Councibman Nelson that the following Resolution be adoptedt. Wherreas& the hiring of Mickey Johnson as a policeman is a controversial i ssue d i scussed on the streets of our f i ne C. i ty, and WHEREAS, the hiring of said appli scant under these conditions is not cambic i ve to necessary civic harmony and cooperation. Now Tiherefore Be tt Resolved that the Mayor advise said: applicant that his services are not requ i reds et this time. A� petition with approximately L65, names, addressed to Mr. James Gaston, Jr. Police Comaissioner, requesting that the City empl6y Mickey Johnson on the police force was presentied. Mr. Parker, as spokesman of the group present spoke on behalf of Mickey Johnson. Councilman Schermer moved that Councilman Poser's motion be tabled as It was out of order to reinstate a man whose term of office had exp i red. Motion died for lack of second. The Mayor then ca 1 i ed for a vote on C ounc i I man Posed s motion with the fol lowing;, rresultat Voting fort. Counci Iment Booney Gaston, Nelson, Poser and Schermer* A►ga i nstt. None. Motion carried* A� group of citizens in the Sea C.i if;f area requested that they be annexed into the City with a group present pretesting sano. The Council advised that 51% of quael i f i ed voters in the area with a description of the area to be annexed be presented* k committee of City Attorney Rickarby, Councilmen Boone and Poser was appointed to study feasibitity of annexation. Motion by Councilman Boone second** by Councilman Poser that the Mayor be authorized to sign contract with Brumfield Construction Co.* SiIverhiI1, At&., low bidder of #3Z*000.00. for the construction of City Garage. Motion carried. Recommendat ions from South -Eastern Underwriters Association were presented to the Council for study and: action at a later date. Motion by Councilman Nelson seconded by Councithran Poser that City renew beer and business license at Fairhope Casino downstairs only,, as in the pest. Motion carried.. Motion by Counci I man Boone seconded by C ours: i I man Poser that the Mayors write to Mr. J. V. Kitchens, State -Fire Marshal, in reply to his letter of March 4, 1963, addressed to Mr. W: F. HawieAn regard to inspection of the F•airhope Casino. Mr. Howie stated that the Casino would be ready for inspection. after March 15, 1,963. Councilman Nelson, Fire Commissioner. requested that Mr. Kitchens contact him upon starting the: inspection. Motion carried. `/ j Mot I on by C ounc i I man Loser seconded by C ounc i i man Boyne that the f o 1 I ow i ng amend the previous description of the City Street Laving Program In accordance with the C Ity motion for now paving, doted Feb» 25M 19631 To add curb and gut for and sidewalks on both s i des of Bancroft S treet .� , zs from Fai rhope Avenue, to Morphy Avenue. To add curb and gutter and sidewalk for the remaining distance on Johnson Street on the South side. Motion carried. The Business Administrator was instructed to writo the Single Tax Colony btating that the paving, curb and gutter would be done on an arwsament basis with the exception of Organic School property on Bancroft Street. The Business Administrator was instructed to obtain right-of-way for sidewelk,p curb and gutter on hest side of Section Streets Kenneth Cain met with the Council in regards to drainage on School Streets 'Councilmen Boone and Councilman Poser and George Dyson were appointed am as a committee to check this problem. Robert Green requested that paving be extendod approximately 900 feet North on Ingleside at a cost of $600 per foot. The Council agreed that it could be included in the next Street improvement program. The Becineas Administrator was instructed to write, property owners in Kirkman lane area between Church and Section Streets that this area could be Included in the next Street Improvement Program at a cost of $i. *00 per foot. Firs Henry requeateed that signs be installed at docks at F Iy:CreeX to stop dumping of trash in this area. Council agreed to install signs as requested. Motion by Councilman Gaston seconded by Councilman Nelson that the'Suoiness Administrator be authorized to purcha4o fireproof filing cabinet and ledger files. Motion carried. motion by Councilman Poser seconded by Councilman Boone that Byrd L* Moore Cos be outhorised,to engineer and advertise for bids for build ng.for sanitary far.I I i t lea on the, beach in accordance with the Mayors and General Superintendent's recommeendationss Motion carried. Motion by Councilmen Gaston seconded by Councilman Nelson that Byrd Le moore Wx Cos be outhoriaed to make proIiminary survey for IIft station and I disatan.t in the beach areas Motion carries s, Copy of ©rdinanco for setting up on Airport Board was precseeted to the Council for study and action at a later dated* motion by Counci Iman Boone seconded by Counci lman Schermer that $30g000 City funds from thug Electric Department be set up to underwrite building of Municipal Airport% I: socuring aid from Federal, Staten County and Southern lndustrie:.S; Electric Department to be reimbursed all reimbursable funds. Mot Ion c err Iced. ' Motion by Counciiman•Poser seconded by Councilman Boone that tho,motion of February 259 1963 to refund City AdValorem, taxes collected In error be amended as followas The City Clark is hereby authorized to refund City AdValorem taxes collected In error In the newly annexed area on application by the taxpayer on form furnished by the City when sold applicaftTon and accompanying documents are presented by the taxpayer prior to July 1, 1963s Motion carried. a \ J Counci-iman Boone and George Dyson were apointe3d as committee to Wild steps to bench in Volanto area ,as requested by residents of this area. The following bids wdro received on poles for Electric Substation and feeder lines* * Alabama wood Preserving 1 #916#50 Repubt is C reosot i ng Co. 1082447 Baldwin Polo and Pining Co. A #776.16 mot on by' Counci Iman Possor ssc-lndead by Counc 11man Gaston that the City accept low bid of Baldwin Polo and Piling Co. Motion carried. Mot i bra by Counc i I men Gaston cocondted by Counc i lman No 1 son that the C i t y send fiver volunteer firomen_1o, Fire School In ilstcaloos3e Aprit 7 thru 12o r.1ot ion caarried. W I ( r } Mot ion by Counc i Imam Boone esecondQd by Counc i lmon Goston that C i ty wr i to We Pander in appreciation of his+ assistance to the volunteer Fiesmon at the Grand Hotel Fire. motion carried* blot i on by Councilman Boone solo onded by Councilman Nilson that the bills be approved for payment. Motion carriod. The Counc i 1 itequeated- that Mr.' Lacey meet with thou Council at their next regular meeting to report an progress of Riviera Contraact•. Then Business Administrator was instructed to write to Greere in regard* to Improving the handling of garbage at the store* It was du 1 y moved end socondedi that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried,, r2'd, '; /� -.Now Ap prvoed -mayor P Attesto city Clark - I?t)C;__' Genera I F uacks Kidde Sales and Service C*q,$t`arn r Luther and Supply Tireai I way O i I Co. Poll ice Standard; Eiqu i pment Co. Superior Hdive. Co. Joe Schneider & Son, I nce Regent Standard Forms Ruftles Co. - Red Cross Bldg. Reyno°1 d• s F i restone - Po ice E. G. R Eckmrby Poser Printing Co. 01 verre Restaurant Juiwiants McKean Hdwe. Melton Garage McCain Un i form Co. Len Mayer Co. K I umpp Motor Co., Po t ice 88'.55, F i re 15.52 Hotz GAC Western Auto Fa-i rhope Qup1 icatti ng Service Waller Bros. Huffman Ins. Agency V i rg i I Herston Garden Center Gaston Motor -Coo. Forbes Electronics Fairhope Pharmacy Fa-i rhope Laundry Fa i rhope Tti t I e and Survey Fa i rhope Shel I Seri ice Fairhope Hardware EI!ectric: Shoe. Shop City Market C oesta 1i Concrete Co. Fai rhope Courier BedsolV e Robert So Bateman B i 1, I t s, Standaffl Station Thomas Hospi tall W i l son & Yohn- - Tax. Survey J . C . C ab i neat & Insulation Co. Radcliff Materi a I s Bancroft Sft, May Machinery Co. Ea i rhope Tt i t 1 e: & Surrey Electric Fundy Turner Supply Co. Cowin Equipment Co. S i Iverh i l l Fawners Association Nix and F l.em i ng Supply Co* McKean Hdwe. McGowin-Lyons K I umpp Motor C o. Hatfield and Co. Gaston Motor Coo Fa rhope Shell Service B i 1 l• s Standard Station R iv/iere Utti tIties Rudy9s Automotive Supply 441,.66 Glen- 37.46 106►55 75.42 -65 1 1.Lto I .L 4 625.oa 3-65 26.82 34.08 10,00• 36.40 8.7a,. 2.32 3.87 15.2'3 55.54 3U.•50, 104.a7 4.W 2.49 102.55 39.95 67.25 21-5G 15.37 6.95 3.48 48.77 10.00 157.85 8.95 1.96, 1,7.36. 67.97 5.00 74.17 7.60 6.00 400-00 67.85 479,12 276.0.0 48.77 19.1'6 52 7.00, 4.60 21.54 4.48 29.45 6.00 282.99 140.53 4.70 6.40 10,025.88 71.00 F W 1 Gas Fundr United Gas Pipe Lint Co.. Standard: Equip. Co. Superior Hdwe. Southern Pipe Coating Co. McKean Hdwe,. Marine?4pecialty Co. Material Sa I es Mue l 1 err Co. Moore Handley Hdwe. Universal Controls Corp. Hands s IW61 d 1 ng. GFA Transportcat i on Foley Tract -or Co.. Fair. hope Hdwe. Davis Meter and Supply R:a:liph B. Carter Co. Busy Bee Garage Bill's Standard Station Wafter and Sewer Funds turner Supply Co. Threadgill—Pinson Standard Equipment Co. Material Sales Co. W,ittichen Chemical Ca, Fairbanks -Morse Fairhope Hardware W. S. Dickey Clay Mfg. Col C oasta 1 Concrete Badger Meter Co. Bill's Standard Station 21,362.61 454.57 1:.25 51.68 .75 91.08 3.38 148.96 7.1°7 71.0.Ao 144.48 9.30 1!02.04 2.19 135.72 7.20 2.75, LL.50 1'74.67 8.85 229.85; 40.39 76.50 12.79 22.70, 425,.48 85.56 2.65 4.5:0 qC