HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-25-1963 Regular MeetingSTATE OF ALABAMA County of Baldnin Thw C i ty Counc i I of the C i ty of Fa i rhope met i n .regu I or sass i on at t he C i ty Hall, Monday, February 25, 1963 with the following members presentr Mayor Schneidecr, Counc ilmenr Boone, Gaston, Nelson and Poser. Councilman Schermer being absent. The minutes of the previous regular meeting were read and approved as read. A- group of ci tizens met with the Counci t with request that D. C. Johnson be re i n st a teat' on the pot i ce force. The foil I orwi ng Betters were read to the Counc i I s To Fairhope C ity Counci is TKis is to state that I have no objection to Mickey Johnson*s being: re -instated to the Fairhope Police Depaertment. Sincerely, s/ Dan i e 1 .Pones, Pastor - Fa i rhops,Methodist C hurch Mayor and C ounciI. of the City of Fairhope Gentlemens: Fairhope, Ala. February 23, 1963 ft, the undersigned Ministers of Fairhope, hereby respectfully recommend that Mickey Johnson be reinstated on the Fairhope Police Department. H. B. Shepherd, Pastor F i rstt Bptt i st C hurctr, s/ V . D. Raines, Pastor Fairhope Ave. Baptist Akission s,/ H. C . L i nder. man sf Wi l l ism R. Hi l l W Mrs. Raymond Parks Fairhope, Alabama To the Councill of the February 25, d963 City of Fairhope. Gentlemen: Request is hereby made that f be reinstated on the Police Force of the City of Fairhope. This is in accordance with my letter to the Mayor and Council of the City of Fairhope in September of t960, whereby t requested a leave of absence until t cleared myself of the charges planed against me by the Federal Government. These charges have been cleared and I now request a reinstatement. Respectfully submitted, s/ D. C . Johnson cr., To James E. Gaston Jr. Motion by Councilman Poser seconded by Councilman Nelson that the City accept a application of 0. C. Johnson and take it under advisement, Motion Carried. 3� This being date set for opening bids on police car, the following bids were receivedt K.l umpp Motor Ca:o p Fa i rh ope 2-227.79 Wi 1 son C hevrolet Co., Bay M.i nette 20194.75, Gaston Motor Co., Fai,rhope 2,204*00- Motion by Councilman Boone seconded. by Councilman Poser that the bids be terrned over to Mayor Schneider, Souncilman Nelson and Chief Clemens for study and award to low bidder. Motion -carried. Quotations on new electric sub-staetion equipment consisting of transformers, regulators and circuit breakers were presented and on motion by Councilman Boone seconded by Councilman Gaston were referred. to Councilman Poser, George Dyson, and Jack Kirk for study. Motion carried. Quotaetions on poles, Line and Hardware for electric sub -station were presented. Motion by Councilman Boone seconded by Councilman Gaston that quotations be referred to Councilman Poser, George Dyson and Jack Kirk for study. Motion carried. Councilman Boone and George Dyson were appointed to check complaint on E. Pecan Street and take necessary action, Mot i on by C ounc i I man Poser seconded by Count i I man No I son that #20;000. from Electric Saving Cert i f icatees, #20*000 from Gas Surplus and #54000 from the Water and Sewer Improvement Fund be set up for City Garage Building Fund with any balance? remairring returned to these accounts. Motion carried. A petition from residents of the V otanta are& requesting the C i ty to provide ar safe access to the beach at the foot of Seminole Avenue was presented. Mayor - Schneider, Councilman Boone and Mr, Dyson to make survey, Letter from Mrs. Esther Frederick requesting that ac.t~i,on be taken to stop -erosion of property abutting F I y Creek was read and discussed. Copy of letter to be sent to the U. S. Corps. of Engineers. Motion by Councilman Boone seconded by Councilman Poser that City install four signs in F 1 y Creek area in conf ormance with sign at the Fa i rhope Yacht C i ub to control boot, traffic.. Motion carried. Motion by Counc i I man Boone seconded by Councilman Poser that all streets not eng i neereci aeit this date be turned over to Moore Engineering Co. for engineering work to be>done.for 1963 paving assessment. City Administrator to provide lists of streets to the Engineer. Motion carri#d. Motion by Councilman Boone seconded by Councilman Nelson that the Mayor and City C 1 erk be author i zed to refund C i ty ad -valorem taxes coli l ec ted in error in newly annexed area upon receiving ruling of the City Attorney and uporr presentation of receipt of payment. Motion carried., Motion by Councilman Poser seconded by Councilman Gaston that Moore Engineering �- Coo be authorised to proceed with engineering to pave both sides of Bancroft Stre from Fairhope Avenue to Ballengee Street, install sidewalk on North and South side -- of Johnson Street beginning at Section Street and, running fuI1 length of Riviera R� Building on the South and Cafe Building on the North,",instal`, sidewalk on Section 76. Street from Fels. AV a, to Delmar on both sides of*the street"and to pave both sides of M Magnolia Avenue from Section Street to Bancroft Street. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Poser seconded by Counc i I man Boone that City ask for bids on truck chassis for electric department according to specifications furnished by City Administrator, City Superintendent and .Pack Kirk. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Poser seconded by Councilman Boone than the following Resolution be adopted, Motion carried. _;23b RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION DETERMINING ALL OBJECTIONS AND DEFENSES TO ASSESSMENTS FOR THE COST OF IMPROVEMENTS PROVIDED BY IMPROVEMENT ORD I NAIV E NO, 284 AND ASSESSING THE COST OF SAID IMPROVEMENTS UPON THE SPECIALLY BENEFITED THEREBY. pRvFe-rfy BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, as fo i l owsl SECTION 1. That upon evidence: duly presented to and; considered by it, the City Council does hereby make a finding and determination of the -following farces: ' O The City Council of the City of Fairhope, Alabama* adopted on ordinance on, to -wit, the 27th day of" November, 19,61, entitled, a STREET IMPROVE- MENT ORDINANCE # 284; AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS ON NICHOLS AVENUE, SATSUMA STREET, ORANGE STREET, MARSIM DRIVE AND DOGWOOD STREET IN THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE. le (W) Provision was: made: in said ordl nanc& for the assessing of the cost of said improvements against the property specially benefitedthereby. (c) Said ordinance provided that said improvements should be constructed in accordance with the details, drawings, plans, surveys, specifications and estimates then ordered to be placed on file in the office at the City Hall where property owners who might be affected by said improvements could see and examine the samee. (d) Said ordinance provided that the City Council would meet on the 8th day of January, 1962, at the City Hal in t~hetCity of Fairhope, Alabama, at 7130 otcliock P.M. to hear any objections or remonstrances that might be made to said improvements, the: manner of making the same or the character of the materials to be usedi. (ee) Said ordinance was,published once a week for two consecutive weeks in the Fairhope Courier, & newspaper publ i shedi and of general, circulation in, the City of Fairhope, the first publication being made not less than two weeks prior to the 8th day of January, 1962. (f) A copy of said Improvement Ordinance No. 284 was sent by registered mail, postage prepaid, to each of the persons last assessing for city taxation the property proposed; to be assessed for said improvements at their last known, addresses, said notices having been so mailed more than ten days prior to the 8th day of January, 1962. (g) At an meeting of the City Council, held at the time and place fixed in said published notice, all objections and protests were heard and considered and said ordinance was duly confirmed, and said improvements were finally ordered, (h) Notice wars given on the 2L. th and 31 st days of January, u962, by publication in the Fairhope Courier asking for bids upon all work and materials for the construction of the improvements, the cost of which is hereinafter assessed, and a satisfactory bid was received on the 12th day of March, 1962, and the City Council of the City of Fairhope, as provided by law and said ordinance did, on the 19th day of March, 1%2, let the contract to make such improvements, to H. 0, Weeavefr Construction Company, the kowest responsible bidder. (1) Said improvements have been constructed, completed and accepted in accordance with said ord i nancee and contract* (f), The Mayor of the City of Fairhope has caused to be prepared a rolil or I i st showing the names of property owners, a description of each lot or parcel of land proposed to be assessed for such improvements and the amount proposed to be assessed against each of said Lots. or parcels of land, and the: same has been entered+ in aL book, which was on the 28ith day of January, 1963, at least twenty days before -the date of this meeting, delivered to the City Clerk, and continuously thereafter kept on file and° open for inspection ef'ythe office of the City Clerk, the person authorized to make collection of said assessments. (k) Th&City Clerk has given the following notice a* by publ scat ion in the Fairhope Courier, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Fairhope, i n tthe=,.i ssuea of January 31, 19631: J P " I TO 1OM IT MAY CtINtM s Notice is heraily given that the Assessment Moll or list, prepared in accordance with the law in amok cores node and provided, under an ordinance satitled, 81 PROVElENT' WINANCE 00. Sdt; AN ONBISANCE TO PMMK FOR CERTAIN I PROVElENTS ON NI04OLS Ate, SATMM STREET, OiiANQE STREET, MUM DRIVE and DOGWOOD STREET IN THE CITY OF FAIR OPEN, adopted on the 27th day of November, 1961, and confirmed on the 8th day of January 1962, by the City Council of the City of Fairhope, Alabona, the person outhoritd to make collections of assessments fore improvements constructed under said Ordinance, and that the City Council of the City of Fairhops, Als- bama, will most on the Wth day of Februery, 19639 at the City Hall In the City of Fairbspe, Alabama, at 7:30 o'clock, P. l0., to hear and daternino any objections, protests or defenses that any be filed to such proposed assessments or the amounts thereof. The general character of the improvements constructed under said Ordinance consist of certain paving and guttering on the fol- lowings (a) Nichols Avenue from the east edge of the existing pavement on Section Street to the moot and of the existing pavement on Nichols Avenue at School Street. (b) Sateuna Street from the northeast edge of the exist- ing pavement on Fig Street to the southwest edge of the existing pavement an Pecan Street and from the northeast edge of the existing pavement an Pecan Street to the southwest edge of the existing pave- ment on Pier Street. (c) Orange Street from the northwest adge of the exist- ing pavement on Panels Street to the southeast edge of the existing psysmest on Satsess SWrest. (d) Mersin Drive from the southwest edge of'the existing pavement an Jan Drive to the northwest edge of the future pavement on Valley Drive. (a) Dogwood Street from the meet edge of the existing pavement an Section Street to the meet edge of the existing pavement on valley Street. (f) The west side of Section Street in front of the Baptist Church from White Avenue to Nichols Avenue, Resurfacing witk curbing and guttering an the North side. s Straot from the northwest edge of the existi I pavement on Satsuns Street to the northmot preps lips of J. Molter*Mine. ( t) The 251th- day of February, 1963,, at the City Mal I in the City of Fa i rhope was mentioned inn the forrego i ng Notice as the time and pt ace: a+t which the City Council of the City of Fairhope would meet to hear and determine any objections or defenses that might be made to such assessments or the amounts thereof and no objections were made. Section 2. That the mount of the assessment against each tot or parcel of land described and included in said assessment rol.1 be and the: same is hereby fixed in accordance with said Improvement Ordinance No. 284, in the amounts of $4*00 per front foot. Section 3. That it is ascertained by this Council and determined and so adjudged, that the cost of constructing said improvements is $ 6 ,000.00, and that the total amount assessed against all the property by th resolution does not exceed the total cost of said improvements, and is not in excess of the increased value of all such property by reason of the special benefits derived from such improvements,, and that no charge assessed upon or against any Lot or, parcel of 1,and is greater than the increased value of such property by reason of the special benefits derived from the aforesaid improvements, and that all of the lots or parcels of land so assessed abut on the part of said streets or highways so improved, or on a street or highway intersecting,said part of said improved streets or hi;ghways within a half a block of the streets or hi§hways so improved, and that all of the hots or parcels of land so located are included in said assessment. Section 4P // That as and for the assessment each lot or tract of land described and included in said assessment roll, there be and hereby is fixed and ordered, thee respective amount and amounts f xed, set out and shown for each lot or parcel of Land in and by the said '*Assessment Book, for Local I mprovmen t s" as filed with the City �-IerK of the 28th day of January, 1,963 and hereinabove referred to. Section 5. That all, such assessments shall from this date be and constitute &.lien on the respective l,ots.or parcels of land upon which they are levied, superior to MI other liens except those: of the State and County for taxes. Adopted this the 25:th day�f Fatru, lam. Attest tt City Clerk It was duly moved and seconded that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Attes .fit ity Jerk e Approved �. Mayor r The Fairbope Courier ESTABLISHED 1894 E. B. GASTON ESTATE, PUBLISHERS This is to certify that the attached legal notice appeared in The Fairhope Courier, a weekly newspaper published in the City of Fairhope, County of bald -,.in., State of A labama on the date of January 30, 1963. Editor \ St^te of A labama County of 1a7_d:rin S,..,orn and subscribed this 5_ day of , 1963, before me. .. - ---------------- Notary Public, Baldw n P. O..BOX 26B Publijkerj and Arinterj PHONE WAS-91SE FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA roper TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the Assessment Roll or list, prepared in accordance with the law in such cases made and provided under an ordinance entitled , "IMPROVE- MENT ORDINANCE NO. 284; AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS ON NICHOLS AVENUESATSUMA STREET, O R A N G E STREET MARSIM DRIVE AND DOG- WOOD STREET IN THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE", adopted on theh 27th day .of November, 1961, and confirmed on the 8th day of January 1962 by the City Council of the City of Fairhope, Alabama, the person authorized to make col- lections of assessments for improve- ments constructed under said Or- dinance, and that the City Council of the City of Fairhope, Alabama, will meet on the 25th day of Febru- ary, 1963, at the City Hall in the City of Fairhope, Alabama, at 7:30 o'clock, P. M., to hear and deter- mine any objections, protests or de- fenses that may be filed to such proposed assessments or the amounts thereof. The general character of the im- provements constructed under said I Ordinance consist of certain pav- ing and guttering on the follow- ing: (a) Nichols Avenue from the east edge of the existing pavement ,on Section Street to the west end of the existing pavement on Nich- ols Avenue at School Street. (b) Satsuma Street from the northeast edge of the existing pave - .pent on Fi Street to the south- t. wes a ge o e ment on Pier Street. (c) Orange Street from the northwest edge of the existing pavement oil Pomelo Street to the southeast edge of the existing pavement on Satsuma Street. (d) Marsim Drive from the south- west edge of the existing pave- ment on Jan Drive to the north- west edge of the future pavement on Valley Drive. (e) Dogwood Street from the east edge of the existing pavement on Section Street to the west edge el the existing pavement on Valle Street. (f) The west side of Sectio Street in front of the Banfli 1 _-a _ _ u)