HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-11-1963 Regular Meetinge STATE OF ALABAMA County of Baldwin The City Council of the City of Foirhope met in regular session at the City Ha14, Monday,_ February l 1, 1963 at 7930 P.M. with the following members presents Mayor Schneider,, Counci Imenr Boone, 4aston, Nelson, Poser and Schermer. The minutes of the previous regular, meeting were read and corrected to read "'that Ear 1 Hs be instructed to operate the diesel engine: at least once a week."'. ►k-inutes approved as corrected* t+ s This being: date set on. opening. bids on two dump trucki.:ifhe following bids were received and. read to the Councilt. Sweat Motor Coo., Robertsdale — 2 un i is $ 70&9'0O Gaston Motor Co., Fa i rhope — 2 un i tts. 6*593:W- W i t son C ho wrol at,, Bay M i nett.* 2 units 6,873,50 Had 1 ey Motors , fay M i nette 2 units. 7,5W.0<T K 1'umpp Motor Coo, Fai rhope? 2 units 6^6108 Motioa;by Councilman Boone seconded by Councilman Nelson that the Mayor and City Superintendent check the bids and award to lowest bidder. Upon being put to vote the foi I owwi ng vote was recorded= Fort C ounc i I men: Boone, Ne 1 son, Poser and- Schermer. C ounc i I man Gaston not vot i ng. Mot i on carr i ad. Moore Engineering Co. presented, plans and: specifications on proposed C i t`y Garage buif4ing. The Council, requested that plans be changed to includ* a 14door. Mot i orar. by C ounc i I man Poser sec onded, by Counc i I man Ne I son t hat Moore Engineering Company be instructed to advertise for sealed bids on City Garage as per p Fans and specifications* Bids to be opened, at the City Hat I, om Tuesday, March 5. 1963 at 2900 P.M. Motion carried* Motion by Councilman Nelson seconded by Councilman Boone that the following Resolution be adoptedt; Be lit Resolved by the City Council of the City of Fairhope that the City joim in with other owners of land abutting Tensaw Abenue between Railroad and Section Streets in their declaration for vacation of said street upon. receiving, s deed for the new location of Tensaw and deedto that area needed to square up the City Pumping Station tot, and further, that the City deed to John Craig that` triangular piece of land which was Tensaw Avenue north of the City Pumping Stat ion rot and, that` the C i ty aassent to such vacat i on. Mot i on carrri ed. The following letter was received from the Fairhope and Eastern Shore Chamber of Commerce and read to the meeting. 0 �MRBOP4 MO [ASIIRN SHORE CHAMBER ff COMWREI FAMHOPE, ALABAMA February 11, 1963 Mayor Joe Schneider and' City Council Fairhope, Ala. Dear Friends: We would like to outline some improvements to downtown streets, which are virtually the same as those submitted to you last May. We were named by the Retail Trade committee at that.time last year to make a plan for furnishing additional parking for employed people, and in turn for our customers. Part of the plan we drafted was for long range consideration. We are outlining here the part which we would like to see gotten underway as soon as possible. Our suggestions follow: 1. Pavement widened on Bancroft Street from F'airhope Avenue to Morphy, and diagonal parking marked off for use on both sides of the street. 2. The east half of the block on Magnolia, between Section and Bancroft be widened on both sides, and diagonal parking marked off. • 3. We recommend that Johnson Street, from Section to Bancroft be paved to a curb, and diagonal parking marked off on one side of the'street if this is leasable, This would be a help with•cus- tomer parking also. 4. Will you examine Del Mar street to see if some yellow mark- ings can be eliminated? There is virtually no parking left in this block. Our committee, consisting of Be Be Gwyn, Mrs. Jessie Davis and 1, in a meeting on Friday, brought these recommendations up to date. Sincerely, 4 a4JA Ben Barnhill BB sBg Os Mobile Bay and U. S. Highway 88 0 Motion- by Councilman Nelson seconded by Councilman Poser that the Mayor appoint a committee to study street improvements, work.with the Colony on joint` program for curb and gutter and report -to the Council. Motion carried. C ounc i I man Poser presented I et ters from various civic clubs and i nd i v i dua I s requesting " City to proceed with recreational building for tourist and youth center. These letters will. be presented to the Planning Board committee working on this project. A request from R.. Nahrgang and other property rDYexxxon owners: for improvements on F ai rwood Blvd. was read. Motion by C ounc i I man Schermer seconded by Counc i I - man Poser that the request be referred,to committee for study. Motion carried. Uti I.ity del inquest charge of l(P� up tot1.50 maximum instead of flat Icpc penalty was discussed. Motion by Counci Iman Nelson seconded by Counci Iman Poser that all C.itry employees, with the. exception of the Police and Fire Departments who were given a pay increase ait a prev i ous meeting, be g i vAm a 9C pay Ncrease of f.ect i ve wi th t`he February 15. pay period. Motion carriede Motion by Counc i I man Boone seconded by C ounc i I mar, Ne l son that the f o l 1 owi ng Reso 1 u t i on bg adopted: Be It R solved by the City Council that the City appropriate #2500.00 fronv the, General Fund of the. C i ty to purchase drai rm p i pe and do' necessary prellwinary work to build the Summit Street fill to provide better and saferr access t to thw Fairhope Grammar School when permission from the State Board of Education for right-of-way has been received. Motion carried. Motion by/ C oune i lman Gaston seconded by Councilman Nelson that the City ask for, bids on new pot ice car. bids to be restricted to Baldwin County and opened art the next regular meeting of the City C ounc i I on Feb. 25, 1963. Council man Schermer moved: that the motion be tabled until further study is madw:. Motion died for lack of- second. The Mayor then called for a vote on C ounc i I man Gaston' s motion with the following vote recorded:: For:. C ounc i I mefr. Boone, Gaston. Nelson and Poser. Voting; Against: C ounc i I man Scherrmer. Motion carried. A petition requesting the City Council to consider the reinstatement of "Micke_y" Jbhnsorr was presented, accepted and placed on f i I e. The fofIowing bilk were presented for paymentr �'s�1tf �t »`< #samormili Funds —►ar—ar►tall Guide .. Joe, Selma Pdrr i Sono ttrac. ; Gann. E teat. Cos, Vulcan Moterrfella — Bancroft Street ' IMobi l e Prose -Reg i eto r So. 6*11 Tale. Coo t{{' Auplk-Au i t 1 Wr*ph Corp* x l3edaorea a C It y Mkt. ♦ fwmer W S. Dar I w i C e. t4orrtc Shoe shop Sk" t seiry i ce Fat rhope Upho 1 stoaary F*"ope Walding `x Fei rhope Court or Fa i rhope laundry Fa Ir hope Pherarasy Fat rhope Hardware Swidrn Center er mm ftfor Cob. F ire 35o Me Gen o 1 *46 a Poolice &tog. Tpmk 116ow v tvt 1 Hereltwa Ptuthmm rne. Agency ttanor1 s Wb"I no J. C. C ab i 1iet C er.. K lumpp ftto r C oo-co l Ice 57*47, F i Roe 5QJ&7 at a. t9A5 i sf Iturara A*Iton ta Swage poser Printing Coo. PIK 11 n Papaw Coo. Rudy** llntoaw t i vre SNPO y ttaf-lifl-ooks Mach.. Coy. SA G. Ricker" Reyootft f i resto n. StwWard IEew i P. C 4w John M. wthrrrerr saaidw w Trenefer Rey 11reckle Macho Cow Walter K Idate Sales i Serve is e Saullhern Auto Perm •St on erd Of t Coop" trios Furrlc '9140M 6 T — survey R iviDore Uti l it i" . Sot I Tdl*w COO F. &I vhwe shel l Service Fa i rhope Hardware go0on #Ato #r Coo Raa?ti eld and Cow Jtanw lAfg. Co. K'l motor Co. IftKeen HaN►daase Nix and Fleming Fowr Pr i n t i nog Coo li . q.. R i ckaRrby Relporrids Frirreetone tf i V i ti M; U t i I 1 t i tpreo Power S&wthorn Auto ports a b SawV10ce StO l ow 'St andaried 011 Cow" 'AMWICOP AOW C o& nett Tol t a C epo i+:� aaes 4 ¢ an Aloptaw Coo ' S 16000 137.50 429.05 404-00 33,00 195.06 14.77 a." 1.ot 50.60 8,95 10090 8.00 I1075 116.00 .06 1 31.1-6 745 61,54 t5.00 M.5►0 $308 to 136.5a Mo 2000 1W.00 3 s65 21#40 33060 14*34 54.32 138*0 12.00 49.60 101 *87 71077 47•W L5,•54 371, / � 95*" 4to 6JA 6.14- 2.95 IMew 194,69 9.95 2* 10 7.34 19#32 98,74 38.00 9444 9,756JO 94r09 3.50 /a>f•/1 #31 605 7600 10.`0 67*73 14064 C� d,3 0 r • C7 IiaewM �s �,t di iatl �! ees MWI ne Spec i aq1 fy CO* Pow Printing; Coo "to Autom&tive Supply Reynolds F i rea►tone ftuthern Pips Costing Co. Standard RWi t Cs. Un i tsdl gas Pi po L i ne? Cs,, iohm d. Worel on 91milhern Auto Pairts Itsmisrd 011 CompmW t b*4W & Sanwa AM Cal Ie09W so. &W I Te I*. Co. Ce "frol ComrraRs Coo F lamb b l e Pipe Tool Co. ftston AA0or C e. ;vatnfr i dal 1 ass 9trana s game F. N. R*me 6h Cav standard 6qW i ia..0 vt- *IttiC han CkmiCo.l C Si Ivsrhi(W Farmarm.Assm, d & S S*rvice *t I>° s �y rd !".. 0)oo re +- I 3500" 2.75 20, 94-330 10" 32.&4 46,11 e34 215../9 23ASO.04 65#80 15009 S410 25.19 5-40 27 «94 11.85 6.60 3.71 12,90 73 -97r 193.54 57*38 2.15 1.1000 at7 t was dui y moved and secrxtded that the iiset i ng adjourn, Mcct l on Carr iefl, Approved •:'4K•. �'✓fir - Attest _ t t- , � ty a ler .._.._