HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-28-1963 Regular MeetingSTATE OF ALABAMA County of Baldrrirn . The City Counci I of the C ity of Fairhope met in regular session at the City HaIi1s, Monday, January 28, 1963 at 7830. P.M. with the following members presentr Mayor Schneider, Councilmen: Boone, Gaston,, Nelson, Poser and Schermero The ivinutes of the previous regular meeting were read and approved. Mr,W R. Ruffles, representing the Fairhope and Eastern Shore Chamber of Commerce, presented the plan of the Chamber to employ Manager and requested the City to contribute a minimum- of $1,00,OQ, per month for twelve months to help support the program. Letter from the P l;ann i ng Board with their recommendations on vacating Tensaw Avenue was read, the City Attorney advised that the proper procedure was for the appticants to advertise their request to Vacate and relocate Tensaw Ave. and detailed plans be prepared so that proper documents can be duly executed, The request of Robert` R. Nahrgani, to, vacate certain lots of Fairteood Sub -- di v i si on #7 was wsi thdrrawn by Mr. Nahrgang). A I;eater from Mr. Claude Evans requesting permit to open the Pier Clint at-Fairhope Casino was read to the meeting. The f oli 1 ow i ngj Resol ut ion of the Chamber of Commerce was read to the meet ing• RESOLUTION (Fa i rhope Chamber of C ommerce 1-24 63) The Board of D i rectors: of the Fairhope and Western Shore Chamber of Commerce hereby petitions the Mayor and City Council to proceed with the commendable public buildings pram, including recreational facilities for the young and old of our citizenry, which you have been undertaking* It is also requested by this Board that you proceed immediately with the bocation and construction of a recreational facility to serve the most basic needs of Fairhope tourists, Fairhope civic organizations, and a ` goodly portion of the Fairhope youth. This facility has been sought after by the Fa i rhope Touri st C 1 ukre It is further resolved by the Board of Directors of this; Chamber that the building specifically being mentioned contain a meeting room large enough to accomodate our civic organizational meetings, as well as a small kitchen, adequate rest room faciIities, a ndl other far- iIities as have aIready been outlined to you* We believe it most important that this building be built now with no further delay. END OF RESOLUTION Sam Price, Jiro, President of Chamber of Commence The following letter from Cecil Ward was read and on motion by Councilman Boone seconded by Councilman Poser was made a part of the minutes of this meeting. f��T�oK Ca �rrr�a Fairhope, Alabama January 28, 1963 Fairhope City Council If Fairhope, Alabama Attn. Mayor Jos. Schneider Dear Sir;; I was approached by Mayor Jos. Schneider in regards to an easement for the airport site immediately adjacent to my property on Marlow Road. The mayor asked if I would accept 450.00 per acre on 5 acres needed to extend the glide path. This glide path would have a minimum. height of 20' at my property line. I told him the ti 50.00 per acre i%ras far less than the damages that would result if the airport was located on the proposed site. I have since met with Mayor Schneider and he has informed me that the City of Fairhope intended to place the air strip 500 feet further south so that my easement would not be necessary. At this location the minimum height of the air craft glide path would be 50 to 55 feet high when passing over my property line. Even at this height the damages to my property will be quite sizeable. I would like to inform the City Council that I intend to sue the City Of Fairhope to the extent -of my damages re- sulting from building aal airport on the proposed site ad- jacent to my property. I would like to request that this letter be attached to the minutes of the City Council meeting of January 28, 1963. Sincerely, W Cecil M. Ward Copy to Councilmen James Gaston W. J. 1 elson Alton Schermer Walter Poser Lester Boone 0 January 28, 196-3 Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Company Mobile, Alabama Re City _ of . Fal rho,pe I Pay Tel n_A The City of Fairhope wishes to express its appreciation to the Southern Bell Telephone 9 Telegraph Company for its replacing in the City of the Public Pay Phones with the better type of phones when requested by the City Council.. It to a pl a asure to find a business which will go to the t expense and effort to cooperate in the betterment of this City when requested to do se by the City. j Especially do we appreciate the efforts of your Mr. Kreis who arrevVed this. Sincerely, 14 WX MIULN, mayor r cc: Falrlope Courier The Mayor reported that Councilman Nelson had resigned -as Police Commissioner and had been appointed as Fire Commissioner, Councilman Gaston has been appo i n tted as Pot i ce Commrss i over. The following, monthty pay schedule was seat up for the Police Department to be of feet i be February 1, L963: Chief W&.00, Assistant Chief $400.00, Patrolemn $375.00. Starting pay set at $300eOO per month with $25:.GG per month increase every four months up to $375.00. Motion by Counc i I men Gaston seconded. by Counc i I man Boone that Leo G i I heart be appointed as Assistant Chief of Police. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Nelson seconded -by Councilman Poser that the three ful,1 time firemen be given a $25,40 per month pay increase effective February 1, t9$3.. Motion carried. Motion by Counc i I man Nelson seconded by Councilman Poser that the C i ty ��✓ C purchase a compressor pump for starting auxiliary diesel generator and---" that Earl Howes be inartructed to test operate the compressor pum afi leash once a week. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Boone seconded! by Councilman Poser that the folliowing Resol-ution be adopted: Motion carried. BE IT RESOLVEDBY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAI RHOPE, thats The City registers its disapproval of the application to the Alabama Pubtis Service Commission for as rate increase, asked for by Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company, and that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Alabama Public Service Commiission. Motion by Councilman Nei son seconded: by Councilman Gaston that the follow- i ng; Reso t ut i on be adopteds Motion carried* BE IT RESJ LVEU THE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE C 1 TY OF FA.I RHOPE, ALABAMA, thats WHEREAS, ELL I S NEWELL had rendered 1 on% and, f a i thfu I. sery i ce as a. law enforcement officer and held the confidence and respect of everyone with whom he came -in contact; And. WHEREAS, the City Council' wish to ev.i de nm their appreciation of his services and their sorrow at this death; NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Resolved that this expression of appreciation, respect and: sympathy be sent to his family and entered upon the official minutes of this Council. Motion by Councilman Poser seconded,,by Councilman Nelson that the:foliowing Resolution be adoptedr Motion carried* Be It R�sol ved by the C i ty Counci I of the C i ty of Fei rhope. that the C 1 ty pay to the Fai rhope and Eastern, Shore Chamber of Commerce the s urw of $1001.00 per month for advertising when the Fairhope and Eastern Shore Chamber of Commerce hire a Manager so as to Initiate a program of advert is.+ ihgs. Said payments to continue for one year and be paid from the Gas Fund. P,rovided.f.urther that if by August 1, 1963,.the Fairhope and Eastern Shore Chamber of Commerce has not employed said Manager said appropriation Is vo i d de I it was duty moved and seconded that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Attestt ` Crty Clerk NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the Assessment Roll or list, prepared in accordance with the law in such cases made and provided, under an ordinance entitled, "IMPROVEMENT ORDINANCE NO. 284; AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS ON NICHOLS AVENUE, SATSUMA STREET, ORANGE STREET, MARSON DRIVE and DOGWOOD STREET IN THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE", adopted on the 27th day of November, 1961, and confirmed on the 8th day of January 1962, by the City Council of the City of Fairhope, Alabama, the person authorized to make collections of assessments for improvements constructed under said Ordinance, and that the City Council -'of the City of Fairhope, A1a- bema, will meet on the nth day of February, 1963, at\the City Hall in the City of Fairhope, Alabama, at 7:30 o'clock, P. M., to hear and determine any objections, protests or defenses that may be filed to such proposed assessments or the amounts thereof. The general character of the improvements constructed under said Ordinance consist of certain paving and guttering on the fol- lowing: (a) Nichols Avenue from the east edge of the existing pavement on Section Street to the west end of the existing pavement on Nichols Avenue at School Street. (b) Satsuma Street from the northeast edge of the exist- ing pavement on Fig Street to the southwest edge of the existing pavement on Pecan Street and from the northeast edge of the existing pavement on Pecan Street to the southwest edge of the existing pave- ment on Pier Street. (c) Orange Street from the northwest edge of the exist- ing pavement on Pamela Street to the southeast edge of the existing pavement on Satsuma Street. (d) Mersim Drive from the southwest edge of the existing pavement on Jan Drive to the northwest edge of the future pavement on Valley Drive. (a) Dogwood Street from the east edge of the existing pavement on Section Street to the west edge of the existing pavement on Valley Street. (f) The west side of Section Street in front of the Baptist Church from Fite Avenue to Nichols Avenue. Resurfacing with curbing and guttering on the North side. (g) Orange Street from the northwest edge of the existing pavement on Satsuma Street to the northwest property line of J. Walter Huggins. �a�