HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-24-1961 Regular Meetingw STATE OF ALABAMA County of Baldwin The C i ty Counc i I of, the C i ty of Fa i rhope, k-I a, met i n regu I or sess i on at the C i ty Had 10 Monday, Ju I y ?J4, 1961 at 7130: P.M. wi th the fol I ow,i ng members present: Mayor Schneider, Councilmen: Boone, Paston., Poser and Schermer. Motion by Councilman Schermer seconded by Councilman Gaston that the minutes of the previous regular meeting be approved as read. Motion carried. M i ss Helan-:Cal:l met wi th the Counc i I i n regards to traff i c on, Magnol i a Avenue. Motion by Counci Iman Boone seconded by Counci Iman Poser that the fol lowin Re tion be adopted: Motion carried. /BE IT RESOLVED BY THE C ITY COU1- IL OF THE C ITY OF FAIRHOPE that upon, �basjs the request of 54%�, of the ptroper ty owners on. Marsim Drive that Byrd L. Mooreompany be authorized to make plans and specification on. an assessment on Marsim Drive from Jan Street to Valley im compliance? with the pro- V- ions of the Fairhope? CFty Planning Commission.. Mot Uon by Counci Iman Schermer seconded by Counci Iman Gaston that the C it y accept Insurance program covering Fire, LightbIng and Liability Insurance at the terms as presented in the Agent's overall analysis. Motion carried. Motion by Counc i I man Boone seconded by Counc i I man Schermer that the following Resolution be adopted: Motion carried. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE C ITY COUIC IL OF THE C ITY OF FA IRHOPE that the C Ity/ will continue the salary of City employees while orn their two week tour,' of duty with the Nast i onal Guard during the calendar year 19610 Mot i oni by C oune i I man Boone - seconded by Councilman Gaston that the City will assume. the El;ectric light bi I:1 of the Fairhope Chamber of Commerce in their Fa i rhope Avenue Of, i ce. Motion cazrr• ied. It was duly moved: and seconded that the meeting adjourn, Motion carried. Approved , Mayor '- Attest:` City Jerk