HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-12-1961 Regular MeetingSTATE OF ALABAMA County of Baldwin 'theC i ty Counci I of.' the City of Fa i rhope, A I a6ama met in regu I ar session at the City Hat i g Monday, June 12, 1961 at 7a 30 P.M. with the following members presents Mayor Schnei'der,, CouncIImens Boone, Easton, Poeer, Nelson and Schermer. The m-i nutes of the pr ev i cress r. egu I ar meeting were read and approved as read. T§is being date set for opening bids for industrial trailer, the following bids were receiveds- May Machinery Company > G560.00' Ray Brooks Machinery Co. 1,526.95 Conan Equipment Coo 1,359.00 Councilman Boone recommended that the bids be turned over to Superintendent Dyson for approval, w A letter from the Chamber of Commerce requesting that the alley between Church and Section Streets be opened was turngd over to the Planning Board for .recommendation. Motion by Counci I man Poser seconded by Councilman Gaston that the following Resolution be adopted= BE I T RESOLVED BY THE C I TY COUNC IL OF THE C ITY OF FA I RHOPE, ALABAMA, that the - ordinances of the City be edited, indexed, codified and published in Code Form by Municipal Code Corporation at- a cost of # 3,450;00, cost to include 50 copies, 200 pages. Upon being put to vote the following vote was recorded: Voting for: C ounc i Imen Boone=, Gaston, Poser, Ne 1. son and: Schermer.. V of i ng Aga i nst x None; Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Nelson seconded by Councilman Schermer that the Planning Board be authorri zedto hi re C i'ty PIann i ng; Engineer tcr make maps as requested by the Planning Board. maximum cost to be #4,000.00. Motion carried. Motion by Counc i Iman Poser. seconded by Counci Iman Gastom that Court- Cost Ordinance #2W,; 6ntroduced at the regular meeting of May 8, 1961 be adopted as introduced. Upon being; put to vote the following vote was recordeds V of i n% Fors- C ounc i I men Boone, Gaston, Ne 1 son,. Poser and Sch ermer. V of i ns Against: None. The Mayor thereupon declared the Ordinance duly adopted; Mot i on by C ounc i I man Boone seconded by C ounc i 1 man Poser, that the? C i ty emp I oy Claude Arnold, Engineer, at & cost of #600.00, to get right-of-wavys and. survey Middle Street from Young Street to Ingleside Avenue, Mr. Arnold agrees to get 9.* of right-of-ways. A� motion was then made by C ounc i I men Schermer to table the motion.. Councilman Nelson seconded the -motion and upon being put to vote the: following; vote was reeordeds Voting; fors Counci Imen Schermer, Nel.sorr. and Gaston. Vot inq aegainst:. Counci Imen Boone and Poser. The Mayor thereupon declaredthe motion carried and right-of-way motion tabled. Most i on by C gunc i I man Nelson seconded by Counc i I man S-chermer that the City purchase air conditioning unit for the Police Station. Motion carried. Motion by C ounc i I man Schermer, sec cnded by Counc i I man Gaston that the fo I I ow- ing bills be approved for payment: Motion: carried. Fairhope Hardware and Supply Fairhope Service Center McKean Paeint and Hardware Ni* and Fleming H 111 I,-Soberg C o - Ala. Wood Preserving Gaston Motor Company Dialgas Corporation Garden Center Bay 4.upply Company Wallace & Tiernan # 23.14 13,00 12.43 173.83 491.6o 177.34 53.42 1.47.36 9.10 8.00 39.49 4� Hackmeyer Iron Works Busy Bee Garage Repub I is C reosot i ng Co. - Fa i rhopee Laundry Lighting. Fixture andElectric 5uppliy Fisk Turner Supply Co. Wittichen Chemical Co. City Market Klumpp Motor Co. Davis Meter and Supply Fa i rhope` Auto Parts Barra Jewelers John R . C owl ey & Bro. Vulcan Materials Forbes Electronics E. G. R ickarby Southern Meter and. Supply Southern Pub I i sh i ng Company M"err i tt Oil Company United Gas Pipe L i ne C ompany Foley Tractor Co. Ha Iat, t Mfg. Co.. Wa I 1 ter Bros. Witt ichen Chemical Co. Sportsmans Store Riviera Utilities Moore SupFl y Co.- M',& H Valve and Fittings Co. BidSood Stationery Co. Fa i rh ope: C ou ri or Andrews Rrstraurantt Carson Printing Co. Fairhope Clay products Material -a I es C o. Wagonerr* s Body Shop Poser Printing Co. Virgil Her.ston Melton Garage Amer i can Cast Iron Pipe Co. W4 R. Stuart, Probate Judge Joe Schneider & Son, Inc. Walter K i dde Sales & Seiry i ce American Meter Co: Mue I t air C o. Jansen Mfg. Co. Marine Spec i a 1 ty Co. Moore -Handley Hdwe. Ma I ter Supply Co., Inc. Hatfield and. Co. Radc I i ffF Materials McCain Uniform Co. Weatern Lumber and Supply Southern Pip& Coating Co. Burroughs Corp. S tan dard 0 -A Co. Burford -Toot halter Tractor Co. John M. Warren W. R. *i tcheel:l Southern Auto Parts Pay Rot t t J. P. Bailey Janes. R . Bowers. P. J:, Byrne Cecil C 1 emens, Wm. W. Creamer George Dyson James M. Garrett Leo Gilheart Earl Howes. Jack Kessler s 24"0 1 .25 10135.43 13.30 56.67 74.85 57.38 6.90 66..00- 296.50 3.32 3.00; 18,00 680,00 9.57 5.00 L 4.30' 50.00 51.76 4,899.89� 47.28 92.1,1 I! I+.55 19.13 103.10 6M9,.63; 68.59 39,89, 4.70 ry00a 23.55 56•65 180.00 19.08 48 40 I' O ow 20.00+ 53.15 2,700.08 2.50 t70,00 8.25 10.86. 154.36 13.84 82.80 239,00 23. l.0 379.5%7 154.,69 175.66 301.70 54;7.14 7.80 461.50 85.82 127.28 52.92 16.52 100,00 275.00 400.00 429.09 400,00 525,00 339.60 341,95 100,00 210,00 Edward J:Kirk 472•50 Maria Moore 420;00 Martin Nelson 21000 Ellis: E. Nowe I l 365.00 Marvin Nichols 357.50 Henry F', Nolte. 534-90 Audrey Patterson 225...00 E. Ca, R•ickarby 5,O.r00 Raymond' Stap tat'on 100.00 Sim Stevens 50.00 Yvonne Whitcomb 112.50 Frank Wiggins 400,00 Eloise W.i l son 275.00 Walter M. Yohn 214.56 Motion by Councilman Ne l:son Seconded by C ounc i I man Poser that the: meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Approved' Mayor r Ai,. test& City -lerk