HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-22-1961 Regular MeetingSTATE OF ALABAMA County of Baldwin Tihe C i ty Counc,i I of the City of Fa i rhope, A -I abamai t, met in rregu 1_a.r_ session at fte C i ty Hot 1, Monday, M'ay 22, 196t wi th the fol lowi ng members priesentr Mayor Schneider, Councilmen: Boone, Gaston., Poser and Schermer. Councilman Nelson being absent. The minutes of the, previous regu I a rr meeting; wer# react and approved. Mir. Wi I Lett presented additional` information on, Spee"rete treatment for piling. The followings application was presented to the City Councils: 6� TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA We, the undersigned natural persons, each of whom is a duly qualified elector of the City of Fairhope, Alabama, and a taxpayer and the owner of property in said city, do hereby file with you as the governing body of said city, this application in writing, and do hereby make application for permission and authorization to in- corporate an industrial development board of said city, pursuant to the provisions of Act No. 648 adopted at the 1949 regular Session of the Legisd!ature of Alabama, as amended, by Act No. 854 of the 1953 Session of the Legislature of Alabama, and do hereby request that said application be granted and that a proper resolution be adopted by you authorising the incorporation of an industrial de- velopment board of and in said City under the name of "The Indus- trial Development Board of the City of Fairhope". We submit herewith for your consideration a form of the certificate of incorporation proposed to be used in organizing said corporation, to which shall be attached a certificate of the Secretary of State of Alabama that the name so designated is not identical with or so nearly similar to that of another corporation already in existance in this state as to lead to confusion and un- ertainty. WITNESS our signatures this the day of 196$. FRI i CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION OF THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE TO THE HONORABLE W. R. STUAR:F, JUDGE OF 'PROBATE IN AND FOR BALDW I NI COUNTY, ALABAMA: The undersigned, I#I , and 0 each of whom is over the age of twenty-one years, each of whoa is a resident of the City of Fairhope, Alabama, and each of whom Is a qualified elector of and a taxpayer and property owner in the said city, desiring to organize a body corporate under the Laws of Ala- bama and particularly under Act No. 648, adopted to 1949 Regular Session of the Legislature of Alabama, as amended, and being all of the incorporators of the corporation hereby organized, do make, sign and file this certificate of incorporation as follows: (1) The name of the Corporation is and shall be: THE IN- DUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE. (2) Permission and authorization to organize the corporati nt, has been grAnted by resolution duly adopted by the governing body of the City of Fairhope, Alabama, on the day of ,a 196o (3) The location of the principal office of the corpora- tion shall be the City of Fairhope, in the State of Alabama and r iri the post office address of the corporation and of said principal r, office shall be Fairhope, Alabama, (4) The purposes for which the corporation is formed are the acquisition, ownership, lease, and other disposition of pro perty by the corporation to the end that it may be able (a) to promote industry and develope trade by inducing manufacturing, in" dustrial and commercial enterprises to locate in the State of Ala- bama and (b) to further the use of the agricultural products and,, o v k., natural resources of the State of Alabama. In furtherance of then said purposes, the corporation s.nall have all powers eonFecred a a : corporations of like nature by Act No. 648 adopted at the 1949 Regular Session of the Legislature of Alabama and any amendment there- of heretofore or hereafter made, and all other powers conferred up- on corporations generally by the Laws of Alabama not in conflict with the said Act No. 648, as heretofore or hereafter amended. (5) The governing body of the corporation shall be a board of Directors, which shall consist'of members, who shall be elected by the governing body of the City of Fairhope, Alabama, in the .manner and for the terms of office provided by law. (6) The duration of the existance of the corporation shall be perpetual, unless it shall be sooner dissolved by proceedings taken pursuant to Section 14 of said Act No. 648. (7) The corporation shall be a non-profit corporation, and no part of the net earnings thereof shall inure to.any indivi. dual or private corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned incorporators have hereunto subscribed their signatures this the day of 1960. STATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF BALDWIN 1, , a Notary Public in and for said County in said State, hereby certify that and , whose names are signed to the foregoing certificate of incorporation, and who are known to me, acknowledged before me on this day, that being informed of the contents of the Certificate of Incorporation, they lexecuted the same voluntarily on the day the same bears date. i, Given under my hand and seal of office this the day of , 1960. Notary Publ c 1. 3 5, Counc1Imam Poser introduced the following Res6lation which was seconded by C ounciIman Schermer. Upon being put to vote the following vote was recordeds Voting; Fors C ounc i I men Gaston, Poser and Schermer. Voting; Agai n sts Council— men Boone'.. Mot -ion carried. A RESOLUTION GRANTING PERMJSSION AND AIJ THOR I ZAT I ON FOR THE I NDOR PCR AT I ON OF THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE AND APPROV— ING THE FORM! OF CERTI F ICAT:E OF IN— CORPORATION PROPOSED THEREFOR ,WHEREAS, Wm. M. West, Ben. Co Barnhill andiE. B. GwiEm, have filed with the City Counc_i I of this C i ty an appl icat ion in sr. i t ing signed by sajid appl icat s for permission and!authorization to incorporate a corporation to be known as "The I!ndustr i a I Development Board of the C i ty of Fa i rhope" ', and the said -City Counci I have ascertained and found that the said appI icants are natural persons and are duly qualified electro s of and taxpayers and property owners in said city; and WHEREAS, the City Council of said city have examined the said application and have found that the same is regular in all respects and conforms with the requirements of the Lags of Alabama, under which the said corporation is proposed to be organized, and the. said City Council deem it wise, expedient, necessary and advisable that said corporation be formed; and WHEREAS, there was submitted with said application a form of Certificate of Incorporation proposed to be used in organizing said corporation, which form is deemed appropriate and satisfactory by said City Councill NOW,, THEREFORE,, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Counc i I of the City of Fai rhope, Alabama as. follows (1) The: recitoIs. containld in the foregoing preembles are hereby found and declared to be true. (2) The sa i d- app I i cation and the said proposed form of cent i fidate of incorporation are hrerby ordered to be spread; on the minutes. of this meeting. (3) It is hereby ffound and declared to be arise, exped i ant, necessary and advisable that there be formed the corporation for the incorporation of which the said application has been made. k7 (4) Said'application is hereby allowed, and permission and authorization are hereby granted to the persons signing the: said application to file and record a certificate for the indorporation of the Industrial Development Board of the G i ty of! Fa i rhope i n the manner prov i ded by the laws of Alabama under which said Corporation is proposed to be organized. (5) The said form of certificate or incorporation proposed to be used in organizing said corporation is hereby r approved. Motion by Counc i i man Boone seconded by Councilman Gaston that the C ounc i I agree with the Planning Board on need for -maps of the City and+ request the Planning Board to recommend to the Council a Company to make the maps. Mot i on carried. Motion by Councilman Boone seconded by Councilman Poser that all delinquent 1959 Paving assessments be turngd over to the City Attorney for collection. Mot i on c arr i ed.. M Motion by Councilman Poser seconded by Councilman Schermer that the application of T. Nonnenmacher for retail beer permit at Dogwood Lanes be approved. Upon being put to vote the following vote was recorded: Voting fore Mayor Schneider, C ouncilmens Boone, Gaston, Poser and Schermer. Voting Againstr None. Motion carried: Motion by C ounciIman Poser seconded by Councilman Gaston that the City pay $200.00 towardthe Baldwin County Welcoming Association as a cooperative measure with other municip&lities in Baldwin County. C ounc i I man Schermer moved that the mot i on be tabled. Mot i orr, died f or lack of: second. The Mayor then called for ae vote on C ounc i I man Poser's motion with the follow- ing results: Voting fors Mayor Schneider, C ouncilmens Boone, Gaston & Poser. Voting Against:• C ounc i I man Schermer. Motion carried. Mot ion, by C ounc i I man Poser seconded by Counc i I man Boone that the f o l l owl ng; Resolution be adopted. Motion carried, BE IT RESOLVED by the, C i ty Council that the C i v i tan C I ub be given permit to operate ar. Carnival. from June 30, through Ju ty 8, 1,961, license fee to be $40.00. Motion by Councilman Poser seconded by C ounciIman Gaston that the-foltowing. Resolution be adopted. Motion carrriedi. BE IT RESOLVED that the City of: Fairhope request that the State Legislature take no action which would repeal the Brannon Act and allow the, City of Mob i I e to aracom exerrc i se any jurisdiction over property in Baldwin County. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that our Representative, L. W. Brannon, Jr., be requested to present this: Resolution to the State Legislature when he sees fite tt was duly moved' and seconded that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Approved c,.f Attest