HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-24-1961 Regular MeetingSTATE OF ALABAMA' COUNTY OF BALDW I N The City G ouncil of the City of Fairhope meet in regular session at the City Hal1, Monday, April 24, 1961 at-7:30 P.M. with the following members present& Mayor Joe Schneider, C ouncilmens Boone, Gaston, Nelson, Poser and Schermer. The minutes of the previous regular meeting were read and approved as read. The Mayor turned the meeting over to Mr. Alton Schermer, Mayor Pro Tem, and then expressed,his:views on the pier, assuring the citizens of Fairhope that the pier would be repaired,to a degree to be determined by the City Council, The meeting was then turned back to the Mayor for the continuation of City business.. After a general discussion by the citizens attending the meeting and the.City C ounciI pertaining to the pier the following Resolution of the Recreation, Boardi was read to the meetings WHEREAS the Fairhope Municipal pier was constructed many years ago for commercial use and continuity of swi:d use was abandoned:, and, WHEREAS repairs have been made from time to time in order to maintain said pier in an approximate safe condition for walking traffic with emphasis on economy in maintenance cost, and, WHEREAS extensive repairs were made on the pier from the shoreline to the last crabbing pbatform over the last two years, and, WHEREAS the condition of said pier from the last crabbing p l,atf orm to the and was: declared unrepairable economically, THEREFCRE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That the City Council,. City of Fairhope, take under advisement the feasibility of replacing that portion necessary as stated above, beginning at the last crabbing pier and extending as far out in the Mobile Bay as advisable. 2. That the City Recreation Board be advised in order that they may work in close harmony with the. City Council in order to achieve the most possible. 3• That the f i rrst portion of the pier be maintained so long as economically advisable and replaced in accordance with an overall plan covering complete replacement of the present structure. Mot ion by Counc. i l.man Poser seconded by C ounc i I man Gaston that the C i ty Counc i I flake under advisement the Resolution of the Recreation Board. Motion carried. Honorable L. W". Brannon, State Representative from Baldwin County, was present at the meeting to hear the views expressed by residents attending the meeting who would be affected bq the proposed annexation. After hearing from these residents Councilman Boone moved that no further action be taken on annexations until Mrs. Katie Myers has completed the official survey at which time a new map will be advert i sedi and a: hearing hold. Motion sec ondedi by C ounc i I man Poser and c a rr i eed, The following petition to incorporate ae Public Building Authority of the City of Fairhope was presented; to the Council and accepted, action to be taken at a later date, TO THE MAYCR AND CITY COUW IL OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPEs We, the undersigned natural persons who are duly qualified,electors of and property owners in the City of Fairhope, Alabama, do hereby apply for authority to incorporate a public corporation under the provisions of Act No. 493, adopted at the 1955 Regular Session of the Leg i s 1 at u re of Alabama, approved September 9, 1955, (Ac t s of 1955, pp. L116-, et seq.); and we do hereby request that said application be granted and:that a proper resolution be adopted by you authorizing suco incorporation. S.3 Witness our -signatures, this 24th day of April, 1961, 5Wm, N., West s% Ciaude A. Jansen s/ R. C. Macon The above corporation is being formed In order to make plans to finance a Civic Center which probably would contain. an Auditorium, an Assembly Meeting Room and City Hall Offices for the operation of. the Municipal functions. Motion by Councilman Schermw seconded by Councilman Gaston that the application presented at a previous meeting seeking permission to apply for the incorpors- ftion of an Industrial Development Bo4d of the City be taken off the table and considered at the next regular meeting of the City Counc i I . Mot i om carried. Mayor Schneider reappointed -Mr, Ernest Bailey to serve on the Rgcreation Board for a period of five years. Motion by Councilman Schermer seconded by Councilman Gaston that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Approved mayor f A tte s.ts•_ pity Clerk 15- "L-