HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-10-1961 Regular MeetingSTiATE OF ALABAMA County of Baldwin, The City Council of the C i ty of Fairhope met in regu 1 ar session at the City HslLl, Money, Atpri'l IQ, 1961 at 7::30 P.M. with the: following members present: Mayor Joe Schneider, Councilman: Boone, Gaston, Nelson, Poser and Schermer. The minutes of the previous regular meeting were read and approved as. read. Residents in Colonial Acres area met with the Council pertaining to zoning in the PoLicee Jurisdiction ofr the City. A letter from the. Planning Commission recommending that the Council amend Zoning Ordinance #231 to include the Police Jurisdiction of the City was discussed and tabled for further study. This being date set for receiving bids on electrical equipment the hollowing bids were received: H i' 11-Soberg Co., Inc. t I .EP64.90 General Electric Co. 1,550o00 Hatf+iel,d and: Co., Inc. 1,874.87 Turner Supply Co. 1.,908.21 Motion by Councilman Nelson seconded by Gouncilman Gaston that the City accept low bid of General Electric Company. Upon being put to vote the following vote was recordeclt Voting For:, Counci Imens; Boone, Gaston, Nel son, Poser and Schermer. Voting Against: None. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Boone that Alcohol Ordinance #278 introduced at the regu 1 ar meeting of March 27th, 1961 be adopted as introduced. Mot i oni secondedi by Councilman Gaston. Upon being put to vote the following vote was recorded: Voting Fort Counc i Iment Boone., Gaston, Nelson, Poser and Schermer, Voting Agains.ty None, The: Mayor thereupon declared the Ordinance duly adopted. Motion by Councilman Qa ston seconded by Councilman bills be approved for payment. Motion carried. General Fund': Klumpp Motor Co. ; Moore Supply Co. E. G-. R ickarby M S Service? S tat ion Fairhope Clay Products Mobile Book Store Fairhope Laundry Poser Printing Coo Goodyear T i re and-, Rubber Coo A I abame Wood Preserving Coo Racy Brooks Machinery Co. Radcliff Materials Vulcan Materials Carson Printing Co. Fairhope Hardware Garden Center ` Fairhope ServiceeCenter Weiler Bros. Fa i rhope Courier Meer i t t G i I Coo Bay Supply Co. FairhopeeTitle and Survey Armco Drainage and Metal Products G. F. A. Transportation Fairhope Welding and Machine WorksMel ton Garage Coastal Concrete Co. Trailway Oil Co. Burford-Toothake:r Tractor Co. Gulf Mates Sales Poser that the following 17.65 51 .14 75-O0' 1.00 60.00 15.99 5.60 52.39 64.28 221.20 L8.75 72.00 529.92 9,18 16.8'1. 3.24 3.00 29.00 36.43 23.82 38.35 480-,AO 256.81 3.30 15.80 32.45 88.50 2.00 16,80 11,20 Standard 0 i I Company 3%"82 McKean Paint and Hdwe. 10.74 01 ivere• Restaurant 52.05 Bidgood Stationery Co. 5.76 C onven t_i on E )Ven se 92.23 Gaston, Motor Co. 56.Q7 Southern Auto Parts 23.69 Electric, Department:: Riviera Uti l ities $8.086.82 Klumpp Motor Co. 6.50 Fairhope Pharmacy 7.71 Moore-Hamd ley Hdwe. 0,00.00 V i rg i l Herstorr 20.00 Goodyear Service Stores 31.87 Goodyear Tire and,Rubber Co. 85.80 Mob i l.e_ Welding Supply 6.50 H i 1 I.-Soberg Co. 371.25, Fairhope:Hdwe. 1.80 It Turner Supply Coo 42.23 Hat if lisld and Co., ' Inc, 853.70 Tippecanoe Press I:nc. 40.00 Ba I d0i rr, Trans, i or 3.00 Standard Oil Co. 143.43 McKean Paint and Hdwe. 6.30 Nix and Fleming Supply Co. 139.30 Gaston Motor Co. 9.62 Gas Department: Un i tied Gas P i pea Line Co. 8y594.21 M & S- §ervice Station. 4-65 Standard Equipment Co. V13.42 Mariner spec i abt t y Co. 99.98 Material za l es Co. 77.06 Maury Ins. Agency 17.50 Tippecanoe Prress Inc. 40 -00 American Meter Co., 263.23 Standard Oil Co. 65.27 McKean Paint and Hdwe. 1.27 Southern P i peg Coating Co. 3*L 5.20 Water and Sewer Moore Supply Co 5.20 M & S Service Station 4.95 Standard Equipment Co. 50.15 Wittichen Chemical Co. 38/25 Mobile Weeding Supply 7.07 Badger Meter Co. 350.88 Fairbanks Morse & Coo, 2•35 Riley -Stuart Bldg. Materiiis 16.50 Standard 0 i I Co. 65.26 Pay Rolls Genera I Funcb C ec i I C I emens 420,00 E. E. Newerl 365 -00 Leo Gilhearrt 325.50 Henry Nolte 325.50 James M. Garrett 325.50 .lames R. Bowers 250.00 Jack Kessler 210.00 Walter Mack Yohn 210.00 Martin Nelson 216.00 Earl Howes 100.40 Mari a Moore 320,00 Joe: Schneider 150.00 E. G. Rickarrby 50,00 Sim Stevens 50.00 Weekly Pay Rol, l' 3,100.80 Electric Departments J. P. Bailey 106.00 Audrey Patterson, 2000-00 5,9 E. J, Kirk S 472.50 Wm. W. Creamer- .400000 Marvin Nichols, 357.5A Weekly Pay Roll 1*579.22 Gas Department' George Dyson 249037 Frank Wiggins: 200600 P, J. Byrne 400,00 Raymond Stapleton 100.00 Eloise Wilson 275:00 Yvonne Whitcomb, 150.00 Weekly Pay Roll: 1„379.88 Wsterr and Serer Fun_ d: George Dyson 249.37 Frank Wiggins_ 200.00 Marie Moore 105.00 Weekly Pay Roll 1,638.97 Motion by Councilman Boone seconded by Councilman Poser that the following Resolution be adopteds Motion carried. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE C I TY C OIJNC I L OF THE C ITY CF FA I RHOFE, ALABAMA, than Byrd L. Moore Co, be authorized to make plans and specifications owan assessment basis on Nichols Street, starting at Section Street and ending,at School Street intexrsecttion. Motion by Councilman Schermer seconded by Counc i 1 man Poser that the: meeting adjourn.. Motion carried. Approved mayor, Attest City Clerk Ll�j