HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-27-1961 Regular MeetingSTATE OF ALABAMA
County of Baldwin
The City Counc i I of the City of Fairhope met in re9j tar session at the City
ftl 1, Monday, March 27, 119161 at 7t:A P.M. wi th the f o I lowing members present:
Mayor Schneider, CouneiImen t Boone, Nelson, Poser and Schermer, Councilman
Gaston being absent.
The, m i notes of the prowl ous: regu 1 ar meet i ng were read and approved as react,
Mr. George Fuller and Mr. David Fuller met wi tht he C ounc i I ia. reference to
the termination of their Gas and Water contracts with the: City of Fairhope.
Mot i on by C ounc i I man Schermer seconded by Counc 11 man Boone t hat act i on on
contracts be tabled. Motion carried. The Mayor then appointed George Dyson
and Councilmen Boone and Poser as a committee to meet with Mr, Fuller to work
out detailsof termination of contracts.
Rev, Wm. R. Hi I I presented a lie4tter from the previous Mayor and; Counci 1 pertain -
in% to street i mprovaments under Ordinance #2 4o Mot i om by Councilman Nelson
seconded by Councilman Schermer that the letter be accepted and made a part of
the minutes of this meeting, Motion carried.
Motion by Councilman Nelson seconded! by Councilman §chermer that the City extend
sewer 250 feet from Grand Blvd, west on Fairhope Avenue, D. C. Byrne to pay
cost of material* Motion carried*
Dr, Mullins and Mr. Nolte presented petition for paving Nichols Street.
Motion by Councilman Schermer seconded by Councilman Poser than the City
appropriate $379*80 to the Volunteer Fire Department`. Motion carried.
Motion by Councilman kchermer seconded by C.ouncilmam Poser that the following
Resolution be adoptedt:
that the Mayor and C i t y C l erlc be jointly authorized to withdraw balance of
"Water an& S#ner Construct i orr Funds of Water, 4.ewer and Gas Rafundi ng Warrants*
Series 1958., now in the Merchants, National Bank of MOW le and transfer said
funds to a "Water and Sewer Construction Fund"' in the Bank of Fairhope, Alabama.
This resolution supersedes the requirements of the above mentioned warrants
that the G i.ty Managerts the authorized wi thdrawa I officer inasmuch as the
City of Fairhope does not have a City Manager at this time. The orrig i nal
construction requiring this warrant is, now completed'and the funds mentioned
herein are to be used; for water andi sewer extensions and repairs as required.
Upon being put to vote the following vote was recordedt Voting Fort
Counci Iment Nelison, Poser and Schermer. Voting; Not, None. Counci Iman Boon&
not voting. Motion carried.
Motion by C ounci I man Poser seconded by Councilman Ne I son that the following
Resolution beadoptedt Motion carried.
City accept phase #1 of repaving; streets with the State of Alabama and considier
phases #2 and #3 at W laterr date#.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to
issue check inn the amount of 360,181.67 in payment of same.
Motion by Counc i 1 man Schermer seconded, by Councilman Nelson that the. City
place Ad with the Daphne May Day Association. Motion carried.
Councilman Poser introduced the following Ordinance which was seconded by
Counc i I man NeI son and .read to the met i ng•
March 14, 1961
To The Honorable Mayor & City Council
City of Fairhope
Fairhope, Alabama
Ile, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City
of Fairhope during the October 1, 195b to October 3, 1960
City Administration, do hereby certify that we were advised
by the then City Attorney, Mr. W. C. Beebe, that the City
of Fairhope could not legally assess property owners, The
Rev. & Mrs. Wm. R. Hill for street improvements made under
City Ordinance #254, that the said property owners were
present at*the Public Protest Meeting at which time the City
was so advised. Also at a later and final Protest Meeting
said property owners were again advised by City Council there
would be no assessment in accordance with City Attorney, W. C.
:Beebe origi advise to the City.
Walter 0. oser
Barney S ul
Charles Belew
Section 1. It shall
(a) For any minor person, directly or indirectly, to pur-
chase any malt or brewed beverages9 any wine or liquor, or any alcoholic or
intoxicating beverage, or to attempt to purchase any of said beverages.
(b) For any minor person to possess or to consume any malt
or brewed beverages, any wine or liquor, or any alcoholic or intoxicating
beverages in any public place, or in any business establishment or club.
(c) For any person to sell, furnish, give to, or purchase
for any -minor person any malt or brewed beverages, any wine or liquor, or any
alcoholic or intoxicating beverage, or to attempt to sell, furnish, give to,
or purchase for any minor person any of said beverages.
(d) For any minor person, directly or indirectly, to
falsely represent that he is not a minor or is not under twenty-one years of
age, and by means of such false representation buys, receives, or otherwise
obtains, or attempts to buy, receive, or otherwise obtain any malt or brewed
beverages, any wine or liquor, or any alcoholic or intoxicating beverages.
(e) For any person, directly or indirectly, to falsely
represent or attempt to falsely represent that a minor person is no_t_a minor
or is not under twenty-one years of age, and by means of such false repre-
sentation aids or abets, or attempts to aid or abet, such minor person to buy,
receive or otherwise obtain, or aids or abets such minor person to buy, receive,
or otherwise obtain, any malt or brewed beverage, any wine or liquor, or any
alcoholic or intoxicating beverages.
(f) The definitions of malt or brewed beverages, wine or
liquor, or alcoholic or intoxicating beverages, shall be the same as they are
defined in Code of Alabama 1940, Title 29.
(9) It shall be considered a false representation that a
person is not a minor or is not under twenty-one years of age, that the pur-
chaser fails to disclose that the person making the purchase9 obtaining, or
securing such malt or brewed beverages, or such wines or liquors, or such al-
coholic or intoxicating beverages, is a minor person or has not reached the age
of twenty-one years.
(h) In the event that any clause, sentence, paragraph,
section, idea, or other part, portion, or provision of this ordinance is
held illegal or unconstitutional, such holding shall not affect the remainder
of said ordinance; it being hereby declared to be the intention that should
any 'part or portion whatsoever of this ordinance be held illegal or uncon-
stitutional, the remainder shall be in full force and effect, and that part
or portion which is legal and constitutional would have been enacted as an
ordinance without such invalid portion.
(i) The violation of any above sections of this Ordinance
No. - % shall constitute a misdemeanor and shall be subject to
a fine not to exceed One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars, or imprisonment not to
exceed ninety (90) days, or both.
The City sole is i ted bids on a Rem i ttancee Control Machine with one bid sub-
mitted. Councilman Nelson moved that/ adoption of the following Resolution
which was seconded by Councilman Schemers
National Class 41, Remittance Control Machine be purchased from the National
Cash Rpg i ster Company at a cost of g2,432.76. Motion carried.
Motion: by C ounc i I man Nei -son seconded by Counc i I man Boone that the C i ty purchase
a standard manual typewriter at a cost of #202,50 and a Calculator Tape
Printing Machine at a cost of #480,00 from Lem Myer Company as per bid sub-
mitted. Upon being put to vote the following vote was r.+ecordeds Voting For:
Counci I men: Boone, Ne tson and Poser. Counc i I man Schermer not vot i ng, %t €on
Motion by gouncilmen Poser seconded by Councilman Netson that Jack Kirk be
authorized to secure bids on electrical equipment for new shopping `CNrsr
center. Motion carried;
I't was duly moved and seconded that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried,
Attest t�