HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-13-1961 Regular MeetingSTATE. OF ALABAMA County of Bel dwi`n The, C i ty Counc i I of the. F i ty of Fa i rhope met I n regu I or less i on at the City Halip Monday, March 13, 1961 at 7930 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Schneider, Gouncilment Boone, Gaston, Nelson and Poser. Councilman Schermer being absent. The minutes of the previous regular meeting were read and corrected as follows:; CBE IT FURTHER RESOLVED' that plans for sewer, curb and gutter and paving be prepared for Kirkman Lane between Section Street andL Church Street and C u l-de-sacs as per plan of subdivision approved: by they Planning Board. The above plans to be drawn on the assessment kmxft method."` Minutes approved as corrected. The Mayor appointed Councilman Boone and George Dyson to work with the Postmaster on setting mail boxes in the City. Mcl—ton by Councilman Nelson seconded by Councilman Gaston that the City appropriate #750.00 to send five volunteer firemen to Fire School for one week. Motion carried:, Motion by Counci I man Boone seconded by C ounci I man Poser that Gorbage Ordinance # M be adopted as introduced at the regular meeting of -Feb- ruary 27, 1961, Upon being put to vote the following vote was recorded: Voting Fort Counci 1 menr Bode, gaston, Nelson and Poser. Against: None. Motion carried. TthIs bye i ng the date set for opening bids on police car, the following bids having been received were opened -and -read to the meetings Ktumpp Motor Company, Inc. $1,750.00 Gaston Motor Company, Inc. $1484.90 Motion by Councilman"Nelson seconded by Councilman Poser that the City accept tow bid of $1,184.90 submitted by Gaston Motor Co., Inc. for police car. Upon being: put to vote the following vote was recorded:: Voting For: Counc i lmms: Boone, Nelson and Poser. Voting Against: None. Counci lmast� Gaston not voting. Motion carried. Mot i ca by C ounc i I man Poser seconded by C ounc i I man Nelson that the f of l owe ing Resolution be adopted. Motion carried, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE C ITY COUNC IL OF THE C ITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALA. that the City will not issue any permit to k*ep chickens or any other domestic fool within the C i ty of Fa i rhope. Motion by Counci Iman Boone seconded by Councilman Nelson that the C i ty emp oy Claude Arnold to establish right-of-way. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Boone seconded by Councilman Nelson that the fol;loww ing Resolution be adopted: Motion carried. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAI RHOPE, ALA. that Byrd L. Moore Engineering Lompany be employed to do the engineering work on Dogwood Street from Section Street to Middle Street preparatory to curb - and gutter. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Nelson seconded by Councilman Poser that the following bills be approved for paymenff Motion carried. tf t General Fundy. Fairhope:Laundry and Cleaners 5.25 E. Go R i cka rby 1.50 "Gaston Motor Coo, Inc. 71.23 Carson Printing Company 13.25 Waco Venetian 81 i nd Coo 24.60 Goodyear Tire and Rubber e:o. 62.17 Nix & Fleming Supply Co. 3.12 Ruf f I es Co. 45.37 Fairhope Service Center 10.25 Material Sales Co. 6.54 Western Lumber and Suppty 2.71 Koen Upholstery Co. 8.00 Fairhope Clay Products 120.00 Waller Bros. 27.50 Ala, Wood Preserving Co* 30.72 Southern Auto Parts 37.03 Huffman Ins. Agency 298.50 Radcliff Materials, Inc. 72.00 John M. Warren 54.73 Merritt 0 T 1 Go* 72 M & S l5ervice Station 1.30 Ot iverre Restaurant 34.60 Bay Supply Co. 17.26 Merton Garage 49.40 Fairhope Hardware low Moore Supply Co. 95.27 Virgil Herston 20.00 Armco° Arai nape & Meta I Products 774.64 Jansen Mfg. Co. 6.70 Standard Off Qo. 281.70 Carlin Typewriter and §upply 99.50 Fa i rhope Courier 63.47 KI umpp Motor Co. 73.38' Handt s Welding 4.50 Huffman Ins. Agency 1,7.50, Malter Supply C:o. 7.50 McKean Paint & Hdwe. 68.24 Pelican Supply Co. 110.05 Eugene Booby t75-.DO Electric. Funds: Gaston Motor Compin y 8,05 G. F.. A. Transportation; 6.73 Riviera Utilities 7,899o56 Nix & Fleming Supply 60.43 Fairhope Service Center 6.5a Matthews Electric Supply 42.29 Gen, Elect. Supply Co. 740.40 Ala. Wood Preserving 685.42 Standard: Equipment Co. 27.48 Southern auto Parts 2.54 TCurnerr Supp 1 y Coo 1.383 Hi l Moberg Cow. 116.80 MooraDHandley Hdwe. 3840 V- i r• g i I Heroin 96.00 JansenMfg. Co. 9.85 Standard Oil Co. 89.35 Fa i rhope C our i err 48.35 Kl:umpp Motor Co. 177.84 Marine Speciality Co. 26.90 Hatfield and Co. 236.09 McKean Paint & Hdwe. 4.18 Gas Fundy Gaston Motor Co.; Inc. 4.85 Niw & Fleming Supply Co. 3.12 Material Sales Co. 276.11 a') Standard Equipment Co.. 113.86 M7 & S Sery ice S-tat ion 8.65 Virgil Herston ' 25.00 Standard Oil C-o. 37.82 Serino Spec i elry Co,, 29..11 United Gas Pipe line Co. 10:739:57 Universal, Controls Corp. 355.00 Steele & Associates 114.00 Superior Meter Co. 290.60 Dresser Mfg. Divfisiorm 2e7.45 Water and Sewer Funds Material Sales Co. 12,5g' F. H. floss & Co.. 73.97 Wittichen Chemical Co. 38.25 Moore: -Hand I ey Hdrre, 6.00 A & S Service Station 25.00 Melton Garage 1,45 Moore Supply Co.. 2,74 W, S. Dickey C i any Co. 534•59 Virgil Herston 25-00 Jansen Mfg. Co. W5-.M Standard) 011 C.o. 37,82 Gas Dept. 515.38- Pay Rolls General Funds- C ec i I C I emen s #420600 E. 9. Newer 1 365--00 Leo Gilheart 325.50 Henry Nolte 325.50 James M. Garrett 325.50 James a. Flowers 25000 F. P. Buch argon 21 O;A© Jack Kessler 2lQOQ Wal ter Mack Yohm Earl Howes 100:00 P. J. Byrne 200:00, Marie Moore 320.00 Joe Schneider 15000 E. 0. Rickar-by 50.00 Sim Stevens 50,00 Week) y/ Pay Rot l 2428.15 E I ectr is Funds. J. P. Bailey 1000,00 Audrey Patterson, 200*00 E. J. Kirk 472.50 Wm. W. Creamer 40 -00 Marvin Nichols 357.50 Weekly Pay Ro I I, 1,286.12 Gas Fundr George Dysorr 249.37 Frank W-Igg i ns 200.00 P. J. Byrne 200,00 Raymond Stapleton 100-00 Eloise Wilson 275.Q0 Yvonne Whitcomb 1500-00 Weekly Pay Roll Id423.1i4 Water and Sewer Fundr George Dyson 249.37 Frank Wiggins 200*00 Marie Moore 105.00 Weekly Pay Roll 10113.42 X pet Lion dated March 9, 1961 requesting removal of trees below the bluff at the West end of Powell Street was presented,. Rejected by the Countii. Motion by Councilman Gaston seconded by Councilman Boone that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Approved May At testa•_` a