HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-09-1961 Regular MeetingSTATE OF ALABAMA County of Baldwin The City Council of the City of Fairhope met inregular session at the City Hall, Monday, January 9, 1961 with the following members present: Neyor Joe Schneider, Councilmen: Boone, Gaston, Nelson, Poser and Schermer. The minutes of the previous regular meeting were read and approved as read. Mr. J. V. Cummings requested that a fire plug be installed on East Fairhope Avenue and that Prospect Street be opened to Greeno Road. The Mayor appointed George Dyson and Councilmen Boone and Poser as a committee to make. a survey. Mr. Woods, representing the Christian Church, requested the City to run sewer line to new church bu;lding. Motion by Councilman Schermer seconded by Council— man Poser that the Superintendent be authorized to secure sealed bids on running said sewer line. Bids to be opened at the next regular meeting of the Council on January 23, 1961. Motion carried. Mr. Stearns requested the City to consider blocking South Church Street only during the hours that school opens and again when school closes. Mr. Lipscomb, Principal, and members of the Elementary school P. T. A. requested that the street remain closed as their first concern was for the safety of the C hi'ldren. Dr. C. A. Gaston stated that the street was essentiial to the traffic of the community. Councilman Poser suggested that the school ground be fenced and an underpass installed. The Mayor then appointed Dr. Gaston, Mr. Lipscomb, ..Mr. Dyson and Councilmen Boone and Poser as a committee to work out a solution to the problem. Councilman Boone: to serve as Chairman. Church Street to remain closed urjtil the committee works out the problem. Amos Wagner, Fire Chief, requested equipment for the Vo l unteer i-Fire Department. Councilmen Gaston and Nelson were authorized to secure sealed bids on the equipment, bids.to be opened at the next regular meeting of the Council on January 23, 1961. Motion by Councilman Schermer seconded by Councilman Poser that the City use services of Hugo Marx and Company as their fiscal agent for four year period ending January, 19,W Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Schermer seconded by Councilman Poser that Ordinance #272 introduced at the regular meeting of Decomber 12, 1960 be amended by deleting the words: 11 interest be pa,i d on" mot ion carried. Motion by Councilman Schermer seconded by uouncilman Gaston that Ordinance 4,272 be adopted as amended. Ordinance #272 Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Fairhope that in pursuance Of Section W48, Title 37, 1958 Code of A I abama,. recompiled, the City Council requires that security be given on public moneys of the City of Fairhope deposited in banks. In the event that the deposits in any one bank are adequately covered by the insurance or security of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, no sepprate surety agreement shall be required. This 0 rdinanceshawl be effective on the 9th day of January, 1961. ay o At test• Ci Clerk y Upon being put to vote the following vote was recorded: Voting for: Councilmen: Boone, Gaston, Nelson,Poser and Schermer. Fgainst: None. The Mayor then declared the Ordinance duly adopted and signed the same in approval thereof. Councilman -Boone introduced the following Ordinance -which was seconded by Council man Poser and read to the meeting. Ordinance 273' BE IT ORDAINED by the. City Counci I of the City of Fairhope, that Section. 32 of Zoning Ordinance of the City of F airhope, Alabama,(Ordinance #231) be amended to read as follows: SECTION 32. CORNER VISIBILITY IN RESI'DENCE AND LOCAL BUSINESS DISTRICTS. In a residence or local business district no fence, wall shrubbery, sign, marquee, or other obstruction to vision between the heights of three and one- half (3') feet and fifteen (15) feet above street level shall be permitted within twenty (20) feet of the intersection of the right-of-way lines, of two streets or railroads or of a street and a,railroad right-of-way line. A1,1 structures on corner l ots in any R, RI or R2 district must be at least fifteen (15) feet from the side street property line. Accessory structures, within twenty-five (25.) feet of the rear lot line, of a corner lot shall be get back the minimum front yard depth required on the side- street. This Ordinance shall go into effect on the day of 1961. Mayor Attest: C i t y C leak Councilman Boone introduced the following Ordinance which was seconded by Council- man Poser and read to the meeting. ORDINANCE # 274 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY CF FAiRHOPE,. that the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Fairhope, Alabama, (Ordinance #231), be amended by adding Section 73 which shall read as follows.: SECTION 73. REPEALING CLAUSE. All ordinance of the City of Fairhope, Alabama, in conflict with this Zoning Ordinance, as amended, are hereby repealed. This Ordinance. sha I, I go into effect on the,. day of Mayor Attest::�� C i y I erk 1961. Motion by Councilman Boone seconded by Councilman Poser that the City Attorney be instructed to notify U. S. Land Development Corporation that with the expiration of their temporary contract with the City the City does not intend to renew, said contract. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Boone seconded by Councilman Poser that the City Attorney be instructed to notify Lake. Forest, Inc. that with the expiration of their temp- orary.water contract with the City the City does not intend to renew said contract. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Boone seconded by Councilman Poser that the City of Fairhope employ Byrd Moore Engineering to do ceirtai n work as authorized by the City Council. The -City Attorney is hereby authorized to draw up a contract satisfactory to both the City and Moore Engineers as per the Council instructions. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Schermer seconded by Councilman Boone that the following bills be approved for payment: Motion carried. General Fund: Southern Auto Parts 4-32 Thre.adgill-Pinson Body Shop 117.94 Melton Garage 13.65 `a"destern Auto 2.32 M & S Service Station 1.50 Moore Handley Hd:,Je. 10.58 W. S. Darley & Co. 39.00 a3 Mobi Le•Welding_ Supply Co. Walter Kidde Sales and Service Radcliff Material, Inc. Bidgood Stationery Co. Western Lumber and -Supply Fairhope Hardware and Supply McKean Paint and Hdwe. Fairhope Laundry Moore Supply Co. Fairhope Service Center J. V asko C o. B. F. Goodrich Nix & Fleming Supply K l umpp Motor Co. Andrews Restaurant Waller Bros. Garden �-enter Ala. Wood Preserving G. F . A. Trans.portat i on, Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co.. Gaston Motor Co.. Fairhope Clay Products Huffman Ins. Agency Lois D. i'-stoup Ins. Addressocdraph Corp. Mal ter Supply Co.. Fairhope Courier Standard Oil Company Electric: Turner Supply Co. Mel ton Garage: Wilson-Dismukes. Hatfield and Co.. Jansen Mfg. Co. McKean Paint and Hdwe. Fairhope Service Center Nix w Fleming Hi I I-Soberg, Co. Gaston Motor Co.. Virgil Herston Riviera Utilities Standard Oil Co.. Gas: Turner Supply Co.. Melton Garage M & S Service Stat i'on Fairhope Upholstery Hands 11,1eI d i nq Universal Controls Corp. Fisher Governor Co,. American Meter Co. Marine Specialty Co. Poser Printing Co.. Material Sales. Co.. McKean Paint &I-10we. Water Dept. r Standard Equipment Co. G. F . A. Transportation Texas Roif%nery Corp.. Allied F encie Co. United Gas Pipe Line Co. Standard Oil Co. Water and Sewer: Turner Supply Co.. M & S Service: Station Neptune Meter Co*. Moore Handley Hdwe. R i ley -Stuart Supply Co. Jansen Mf g. Co.. Hater i ail Sa I es Co. Wholesale Supply Co. Moore Supply Co.. McGowin-Lyons Supply 14.15 34.. 00 72.00 10.45 18.11 14.15 3.24 5.60 44.82 v. 0 4.50 37..12 68.68 14.22 2..15. 3.34 2.38 20.85 3.76 60.L4 2L12.09 56.00 50.00 30.64 14.53 151.17 42.07 282,81 45.16 11.55 8.30 765.47 10..50' 1 O.Ll4 10.71. 68.68 39.49 14.39 20.00 8,047.46 75.52 3.00 20.02 4.00 4.00 98.20 355.00 469.01 196.02 324.b0, 26.65 4.13 .81 114.40 349.6� 20.55 80.45 1.80 , 00 16,717.34 35.90 94.77 4.10 31-9.60 102.65 15.75 .1.50 4.68 ZI.11 4.00 5.87 Standard Equipment Co.. 63.21 Garden Center 2•-75 kkerchants National Bank,. Trustee 100,00 Wittichen Chemical Co. 38.25 Standard. Oil Co.. `35.89 Fairhope Welding and Machine Wks. 6.40 Pay Roll for month of December, 1960 J'oe Schneider 150.00 e ,Moore 320.00 _Mari Eloise W i l s.on 250.00 Audrey Patterson 200.00 Yvonne Whitcomb 150.00 C ec i I. C I emens L120.00 E. E. Newell 365.00. Leo Gilheart 325.50 Henr* Nolte 325.50 James M. Garrett 325.50 F.'P. Buchanon 210.00 Jack Kessler 210,00 Earl Howes, 100.00 Raymond Stapleton 100..00 S. J". Lester, 100.00 Ju I i'us. K i ng 100..00 E. G. Rickarby,, Jr. 50.00 S.im Stevens 50.00 Weekly Pay Roll: 3,105:.46 Electric Qept. E. J. Kirk 472.50 VJm. C .reamer 400.00 J. P. Bailey 100.00 Marvin Nichols 325.00 Weekly Pay Roll 1:586.25 Gas Dept. .George Dyson 249.37 Frank Wiggins 200.00 Weekly Pay Roll 1,545.24 Water and Sewer Dept. George Dyson 2!t9•37 Marie Moore 101.00 Frank 'Higgins 200.00 Weekly Pay Roll 1,819.70 It was dulv moved and seconded that the meeting adjourn: Motion carried. A pr caved ivl a y or, Attest: ; Ci -Ierk Al