HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-23-1946 Regular Meetingk t.a S, OF ALABAMA. ,L COUNTY OF BAT,DtVIN The Town -Council. of the Town of Fairhope met in regular session at the Town HallvTuesday July 23rd.,I946,at 7%30 P.M.,with the following members presenttHoward Ruge,Mayor, Councilmen J.H.Bennett,C.A.Ga.s.ton,H..P.Kamper€W.O aeeble andi J.O.Stimpson.. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. It was moved by Councilman Gaston, seconded by" Councilman Stimpson,that the application of H.R.Hall & Co. for con" struction of building on lots I3 and I4931k.59,Inglesidev be approved, subject to' its- being located at least 30 feet from Prospect Ave. and not less -than 20 feet from Grand. Motion carried. It was moved by Councilman Kampenseconded by Councilman Bennett that the application of Floyd Phillips to const- ruct a front porch on'house located on Church Street,bet- ween White and Gaston,.be allowed.Motion Carried. Councilman Gaston moved that the following resolution be adopted,,second.ed by Councilman S-timpsont BX IT RESOLVED: BY THE TOMT COUNCIL OF THE TO= OF FAIRHOP$,, ALAB AI+ICA , FIRSTt That an erection be held andl is hereby or- cierec2 to. be call-ed and held' in the Town of Fairhope,,AAlabama., on the 3xd.day of September,I946s for- the purpose of deter -- mining whether or not a' majority of the qua°lified electors of the Town of Fairhope**Alabama,fivor the: Townts levying an(i collecting- rive mills•_ excess. rate of taxation for the years:- I946 to I965,;both. inclusives£or the purpose of ac- quiring -,maintaining and installing- street lights- and fire fighting equipment and for - the purpose of cone-tructing,grad- ingmaintaining and improving public streets•,avenues and sid.ewalks• anal. for - the purpose of constructing,acquiring, maintaining and ' improving public buildings,parks and other public property.. Second=Be it further - RESOLVED that said election sh&IT be held at the Town Hal .,in the, TOVN OF FAIR -HOPE, ALABAMA.,:on the 3rd.day of September-,1946,:that the polls be kept open between the hours -of a .G1.X and 5 P.M,and that the following are,hereby appointed' as' the officers to ho.lc such election: f? A • �Ar4 S s�l� �4 L�9 �u r•//'C _ti • LQa a tp and- ,.Inspectors ,,GJ te cn( 1 L s o 4 and r(�!C0 C N r4lo/� ,Glergs, / �.SHo Returning Officer. Third.B e it further Resolved that the" Mayor and Clerk cause notice of such election and. the proposition to be voted on to be given by publication,once 4 week, for three consecutive weeks the first publication being 30, days before the election,in the Fairhope Gourier,a newspaper published.in Fairhopa Alabama;in'its issues of August 1stjAugust-_8't wand August 15th,I9460,tha.t the said notice shall be subs.tantiall', in words and figures as followsty Notice Of SpeciAl Municipal Tax_ Election. By*authority of and in compliance with a, resolut4 ion of the Tom Council of the Town of 'Feirhope,Alabama,, adopted on the 23rcl day of Tuly,I946,notice is hereby given that a special election has been and is hereby called anti ordered. to be held in the Town of Fairhope,in the Town Hall,on September 3rd:.J946,between the hours of a A.M. and 5 P.M.,to° determine whether :or not a majority of the 1ifiad electoi the Town of FaikhopesJklabama,favor le and coll- ecting by the Town of Fairh.ope*Alabama,;five mill a ess rate of taxation for the years: I946 to I9.65 both inclusive,for the purpose of acquiring,installing and: maintaining street lights and fire fighting equipment and for the purpose of constructing, grading-,,=in.taining,draining and improving public streets,avenues a.,nd sidewalks,and for the. purpose ofacnstruoting,aoquiringtma:int� a:ining and improving public buildingstparks and -other public property. --- Witness this the Weaday of JulyyI946. r -O e 1-yor FourthtBe it Further Resolved,:that the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized and directed to notify said off- icers of their appointment to. hold said election and to.prep- are and deliver to said election officers herein named,all nec- eawkry baallots,,and other -necessary election supplies and equip- ment;and that the ballot tobe supplied therefor be in words and. figures; as• foilowas w Shall the: Town of Fairhopetlilabama,levy and collect five mill excess rate of taxation for the years- 1946 to I965 both inclus-s- ivezfor- the purpose of acquiringwins-talling and maintaining street lights and fire fighting equipment and for the purpose of acastruating,gre.ding,draining,maintaining and improving publiv streets,awenuea'and sidemlks and for the purpose of cone.truatingpala(pxiri:n&Wmlntaining and improving public build- ings and other public property? For 5 milts excess rate of Taxation for the years 1946 to 1965, both inclusive. Against 5 mills excess rate of taxation for the years 1946 to 1965 both inclusive. BK It Purther-Resolvecitthat the said election be call- edwheld and the results- thereof be canvassed and returned in all respects in full compliance and in strict conformity with the laws applicable to ,Municipal corporation elections for the issuance of Municipal bonds. The foregoing resolution having been read was put upon its passage and on. roll call the following voted for the sames Mayor Howard RugetCouncilmeii J.H.BennettpCA.Gastong.HoPoKampert TO aeeble and. J".O.Stimpson.Voting 'ANON None. Whereupon the Mayor declarect the resolution duly adopted. Councilman H',P.Kamper moved -that the following resolution be adoptedpCouncilman Keeble seconded the motions 10 IT RES003D by the Town Council of the Town of Fair-- hope,Arabama; that 'the Mayor of said tovri be and he hereby is authorizedto file in behalf of said town with "the State 'Depart- merit of -Finance of the State of Alabama such petition and other documents, as- he may deem necessary to,'secure the consent of said Department to"' the sale and- issuance by said Town of not exceed- ing 03559,000.00 principal amount of its - Gas System Revenue Ant- icipation Bonds to be -dated August Ist=.;I9469,which it is cont- emplated will be i stall by -said Town -for the purpose of" financ- ing the construction and equipment- by said Town of a gas -dist- ribution system,,including the -transmission mains= -anci'appurten- ancestequipment and supplies in connection therewith. The foregoing resolution having been read was: put upon Its passage and on roll call_ the following voted for the• sa-mesl%yor Howard RugetCouncilmen T*H.BennetttG *&.GastonvH.P, NAmpertW.O.Keeble and T*O.Stimp son *Vo ting"Yo "' None. The Mayon declared the resolution duly adopted. Gouncili C.A..Gad-ton offered the following amend to seen_ three o dinance number I47va:c .,ptecfi June I2,I93 i Hff IT ORDAI M BY THE -TOWN CO FC IL qF THR TOWN OF FAIRHOFE, a S fo ilowss; .t That Section three of ordinance number I47,adopted June IR,I939*be amended. to react as follows: Section 3;-It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle on the West side of Mobile Avenue,from Fairhope Avenue to Fels Avenue, and on' the East Side of said Avenue,from Fels Avenue to Pier Street.ancl on said street,at the intersections therewith. Councilman RoH.Bennett moved that all rules and regulations which would prevent said ordinance being considered at this meeting suspended and such motion having been s•econded,by Councilman. Ii.F.Ka"mper,wa s put by the Mayor with the following result: Voting for the same,Howard Ruge,Mayor�jCounoilmen J.H. Bennett ,C".A.Gaston vH.P.Kamper,W.O.Keeble and' J.O.Stimpson. Voting'againsttNone declared the motion. carried and' The Mayor thereupon/declared the rules suspenced.Thereupon Coun- oilman.J.O`.Stimpson moved thatthe ordinance be put upon i.ts pas-sage.The said motorr. being seconded by Gouncilman W.O.Keeble upon ro7G 1 cell Mayor Howard Ruge,ouncilmen S.H:Bennett,C.A. G&ston,H.P.Kamper,�P.O.Keeble and T,O.Stimpson voted for the same aV. o ting- against the same alone . The. Mayor declared'the motion carried;The amendment having been read in full ,,Gouncilman G.A.Gas:ton moved that the same be &ctopt- ed.The said. motion. having been seconded by Councilman K.P.Yju p-- er,, the Mayor put sacA mati.on;.voting for' the same €Howard Ruge, 1%yar.,Councilmen J'.H.Bennett,C.A,Ga►dtenyHoP.KiampRriW-00.Keeble, . und. T&OXtimpsori&Yotin& against_ the sametVonetwhereupon. the Mayor declared: the' ordinance• adop-ted &nd signed the same in approval. Meeting adjourned to meet. s:tea• �� ApprovedtHoward RugezMay.or