HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-10-1945 Regular Meeting• 41. STATE OF ALABAjA GOULr T`_,' OF BAL9.7I1�T The T ov,n Council of the Town of Fairhope met in re .ulcer session at the Town. Hall Tue^day April 10, 1945 at 7:30 ?'. `. -7ith th.e followinZ members -ore-sent: 27o:,iard Ru e, 77ayor, Councilmen: J. T-. Bennett, C. A. Ge,ston, 'i. P. Kanner, 7. 0. K-eble and J. 0. ;timpson. Thti minute, of the previous re,-zlar meetin;;-were "1�?}1", oved _ r eE d. The follo:Frinf, bill, s•tere ^llo-ed: Probate JudEe, Geri. 36.70 ;ITo.-)ile Electric Garage, Gen. 9.34 Du -Brock Laundry, Gen. .56 ,rebb & I7aters, Gen. 43.00 ;.`c'siean Paint 8- HardT?are, Gen. .15 Phil's Cafeteria, Gen. 13.20 Sherrill Oil Company, Gen. 39.21 Fairhope Department Store, Gen. .98 Fairhope Coal & Supply, Gen. 7.40 Burrou&h xddine Yach inc Go, Gen. 2.25 Milder Rind free Oil Company, Gen. 31•�30 Gac-ton 11rotor Co., Gen. 35.01 Electro Rust -proofing Co, W & S 534.00 I< cl:ean Paint , Hardware, 1,7 & S •33 May. Supply Compaq,,, W & S 17.21 Fairhope Coal Supply , W & S 29.15 Klapp Notor Company, Ili S 1.55 Klumpp 1111otor Company, Elec. 2.45 New Sanitary 1''arYet, 3lec. .75 ., McKean Paint Ha.rdc.,a-re, Elea. 3.82 Wilder RinZ Free Oil Co., Elac. 93.90 7.fatthe,,- s Electric Supply, Elec. 211.83 Turner Supply C o7:n�a_ny, Elea. 47.03 Pairbar3cs, 11!orge °� Com rany, Elec. 74.97 aston T'otor Company, Elec. 8.44 Price Furniture Go., Elec. 6.10 Payroll for month of ISarch,1945. lior:a.rd Ruse, ay Elec. 75.00 W 1 S 25.00 Gen. 50.00 R. 0. Yohn, Gen. 187.50 Theresa Lazzari, Gen. 102.50 J. H. Titus, Gen. 137.50 E. D. Swift, Gen, 96.00 J. H. Arnold, Gen. 150.00 Raymond Stapleton, It! lee 187.50 J. P. Bailey, Elec. 137.50 .i-arvin Nichols, Elea. 167.68 Ozie Freeman, rlec. 67.68 yarl Howes, Blec. 125.00 . zaaos Wanner, 3lec. 115.00 George Dyson, 17 & S 187.50 W. G. Beebe, Gen. 50.00 r- ' ' Payroll continued: Councilmen: J. li. Bennett C. A. Gaston H. F. Kanper W. 0. Keeble .. C. Stimpson Road Department .slater ^: Se7�;rer Electric Department Donations 820.09 75.00 275.03 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 Public School Elec. 34.05 W & S 5.40 Public Library Elec 4.56 W x S ti.00 Or*anic School Elec. 37.60 71 & S 6.30 Wharf Lights 8.47 Country Club Elec. 1.11 i 3c. Elec. 3.93 W & S 7.50 Councilman C. A. Gaston offered the follovring resolution the same hPving been read T«as considered by the Council, Councilman J. H. Bennett moved its adortion, Councilman "i. 0. Keeble seconded the motion, and upon roll call the resolution was unanimously adorted exce-nt the Itayor not voting, such resolution being in vrords -and fiEures a s follows: .v E]KF.AS, it has become apparent to the Town Council of the Town of y'airhore that the adminigtr<�,tive business of of the Town has drown to such an extent that it is not rractic=al nor possible for the Uayor to �- ttend to all the administrative needs of the To-vin on the ;part time and limited salary -provided in the etatuteg and `Tfi;t AS, the statutes nrovidinf- for a City 71anaoer arc not anr-licable to the Tovan of ra.irhope, therefore B IT ?�SQL� D that the Town Council of the Town of Fairhone consider netitioninm the Le -islature of the State of Alabama for a special act ; ivin-7 the TozRm Council of the Town of Fairnope leLral authority to employ its I<iEz�ror to serve as its City' Tana er, each act to contain giAstantially the -provisions of Article 2 of Title 37 of the 1940 Code of the State of Alabama. It was duly moved and seconded that the meetin, adjourn. ;:.Lotion carried. App r o v e"-T� :'ay o r Attex �erk