HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-11-1944 Regular Meeting. STATE OF ALABATIA: COUNTY OF'BALDWIN The Town Council of the Town of Fairhope met in regular session at the Town Hall,. MondAy September ll, 1944 at 7830 P.M. with the following members preslnt: Howard Ruge, Mayor, Councilmen: C. A. Gaston, H. P. Kamper, W. 0. Keeble and J. 0. Stimpson. The minutes of the previous regular meeting were approved as read. The following bills were alloweds Ruffle & Son, Gen. .50 McKean taint & Hardware Store, Gen. 4.80 Coal & Supply, Gen. 29.00 Western Auto, Gen. 7.70 Bradford Garage, Gen. 3.00 Gaston Motor Company, Gen. 9.55 Price Cafe, Gen. 10.00 'Central Cafe, Gen. 3.20 Nick Ludwig, Gen. 6.75 Burford Toothaker-, Tractor Co., Gen. .76 Federated Hardware Mutuals, Gen. 30.12 Sherrill Oil Company, Gen. 40.00 Fairhope Gourier, Gen. 17.04 A. Youngquist, Gen. 3.25 J. B. Gonverse & Company, Gen. 200.00 Rlumpp Motor Company, Gen. 4.05 Riviera Utilities, Elea. 4.32 Fuel Oil Supply, Elea. 2243.52 Klumpp Motor Company, Elea. 16..50 McKean Paint & Hardware Store, Elea. 3.60 Kampers, Elea. 5.25 Milder Ring Free Oil Go., Elect. 94.89 Turner Supply Company, Elea. 17.72 Sangamo Electric Company, Elea.. 205.23 Union Express, Elea. 123.17 Turner Supply Company, W & S 479.64 Goal & Supply, W & S 6.89 Dyson & Company, W & S 17.86 Mathieson Alkali Works, W & S 16.52 Acorn Refining Gompany, W & S 13.00 Gaston Motor Company, W` & S 3.25 Payroll for month of August, 1944. Howard Ruge, Mayor Elea. $.75.00 W & S 25.00 Gen.. 50.00 R. C. Yohn, Gen. 175.00 Theresa Lazzari, Gen. 95.00 J. H. Titus, Gen. 173.03 B. D. Swift, Gen. 90.00 "J. H. Arnold, Gen. 150.00 W. C.. Beebe, Gen. 50.00 11otion by Councilman W.. 0. Keeble 'seconded by Council- men H. Y. Kanph-r that the follovin�- Resolution be adorted. 7."otion carried. B" IT R71SC`LU730 TT� T, due to t'.).: ,ifr-im)lties t11-.t have arisen in the ToTsrn' s attmmrts to carry out the terms of an ?.`.reem.eilt dated _, .'''C r 3 1�,40, iCh title to Cor.iir_-s Tall ,,as Cony" •.d to t1le Toi-rn t'^e SC'_Y?CJl of (>rE anlc ducation, t'_`- 'a —or, TXv "-ard Ru-e is authorized and directed to reconvey to t',ie Sc",00l, title to the 'buildingand t'_e nreYlis<:s, ,cent a. lot on the "',a9t side of Bancroft Street on which is located the Fairhope Clinic; and that the ]'�ayor be- authorized and directed to ne-otiate r.,ith the Fairhope Single TDx Corporation for a suitable conveyance of such clinic lot to the Town. It was duly moved and s "lotion carried. A t t e st�, .' e rk 1 733 IT PESO= by the Town Council that the --unici.na.l election to be held. SepteLiber 18, 1944 for the election of a ' ayor and Council.iien be held in the Town Hell, that the persons apr,ointed as the officers to hold said election are* P. A. Grassfield, F. A. Frederick and Felix Reiser as Inspectors, Guernsey Clark and `". "'. "Rood as Clerks and <"_. 'T. ershon ReturrinE Officer. R? TT FTTR777,1Z =310= that notice of Vie election to be 'geld Sertember 1^, 1944 to elect a ';Tayor and Councilmen be `iven by publication in 7airhore Courier in it's issue of -Au�;I st 31, 1344, that the "".a.yor is directed to cause such notice to be published in "or'ds and -f i cures sub s tant ial ly- a s :Af ollov s 1,0=7, OF "JNTC IP,,.L FI:,,!C T IOiT Under and b7. virtu.e of the authority and direction of the Town Council by resolution adopted Auzust 14 and ALajZ,ust 2P, 1944, notice is hereb;, Liven t'1,-t an election . ill be held in t'_ e Town of Fairhope at the Tot:n "Tall Serte rer 1C, 1944 for tl-e purpose of electinL a_ 71a7lTor and five Councilrien, that the polls open -.�.t 8 A.'". and close at 5 F."". a_nd that F. A. Gra,ssfield, Y. A. Frederick and T'elix Reiser as Inspectors, Guernsey Clark a.nd 7. ". 7cod as Clerics and ^.. 'T. 7.'ers1lion as Returninz Officer are anpointed to hold such election and canvass and return the res_-lts 7itness t'^_is nujzuct -70, IDAA Ta 7 r 0,•