HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-12-1944 Regular Meeting0 STATE OF COL77TY OF 13Jaa-rl' The Town Council of the Town of Fairhope met in regular session at the Town Hall, 111onda7l June 12, 1944, at 7:30 P.'". with the following members present: Howard Ruge, '..ra7,or, Councilmen: Sam Dyson, C. A. Gaston, H. P. Kanner, r'. 0. Keeble and J. 0. Stim-oson. The minutes of the previous regular meeting were an -proved as read. The folioTin` bills were allowed: Tex Ed7,ards, Gen. 942.00 I.1 cKean Paint & 'Hardtis7are Store, Gen. 1.58 Greer's Store, Gen. 2.30 Didgood Stationery Company, Gen. 3.78 DuBrock Laundry, Gen. 1.75 Fairhope Courier, Gen. 6.52 Turner Supply Company, Gen. 33.56 Sherrill Oil Company, Gen. 43.75 Gaston 'rotor Company, Gen. 5.35 .,Coal & Supply- , Gen. 46.57 Y.lumpp IT-otor Company, Gen. 1.00 'Rurford-Toothaker Tractor Go., Gen. 18.41 7ilder Ping _T{'rcc Oil Co., E lec. 94.88 Fairbanks Yorse ?- Company, Elec. 68.75 =arine Specialty Company, :^lec. 33.13 1.attheti,s Jlectric Supply Co., illec. 26.73 Coal & Supply, .Elec. .34 1"cI•,ean Paint Harditra.re Store, 77 & S 3.87 Gaston Rotor Company, 7 &' S 1.35 Klumrp I.Io for Company, 7, & S 1.30 James Be Clow C omnany, 7& S 158.69 Payroll. for month of May, 1944. Ho<<F,ard Ruge Elea. 75.00 7 9, S 25.00 Gen. 50.00 R. C. Yohn, Gen. 175.00 Theresa Lazzari, Gen. 95.00 T. H. Titus, Gen. 173.03 7. D. Swift, Gen. 90.00 D. 11. 7cLarin, Gen. 121.00 7. C. Beebe, Gen. 50.00 Raymond Stapleton, 71ee. 173.03 J. P. Dailey, 71,lec. 173.03 1'larvin-INichols, Elec. 160.00 Ozie Freemar, 7lec. 140.00 7y.n. Zepp, Elec. 125.00 George C . Dyson, 7, & S 173.03 Councilmen: Sari Dyson 4.00 C. A. Gaston 4.00 H. P. Kamper 4.00 17. 0. Keeble 4.00 J. 0. Stimpson 4.00 • r_� Payroll continued: Road Department 520.46 'later & Sevier Department 119.03 ,lectric Department 106.14 Donations: Public School Elec. 13.88 W & S 3.50 Public Library Elec. 4.47 71 & S 2.00 Organic School Alec. 31.55 ,, & S 5.30 Corr,gings Hall Elec. 3.60 Red Cross Room Flec. 1.49 TV & S 2.00 "harf Lights rlec. 8.86 Country Club 'Cleo. 1.11 ILisc . Elec . 3.93 1.7 & S 3.50 Motion by Councilman C. A. Gaston seconded by Council- man T7. 0. Keeble that the application of. John 7ienand to change entrance to building be approved as ner sl;.etch on file. 'Lotion carried. 7,lotion by Councilman C. A. Gaston seconded by Council- man i. P. Kam -per that the Town accept the. bid of Southeastern Construction Cowman;, for placing Liquid Asphalt seal on the Tovin's paved Streets as per their proposal of June 8, 1944. I"otion carried. Councilman Sam Dyson voting ??'ayr. I-otion by Councilman J. 0_. Stimpson. seconded by Councilman C A. Gaston that building application of '.Lrs. J.' H. Beasley be approved subject to fire zone restrictions. motion carried. I.�otion by Councilman C. A. Gaston seconded by Council- man H. P. Ka.mper that the application of "'Ir. Dupree R, Starcher for concession on beach be referred to the Park Cormitte for consideration. LLotion carried. ':Lotion by Councilman H. Y. Damper seconded by Councilman. J. 0. Stimpson that the Yayor appoint com- mittee of two to act with him with power to act in the matter of providing facilities for the Red Cross, Service ?`ens Club and other public purroses. ".Lotion carried. - It ?;,as duly roved and seconded that the .~meeting adjourn. I.Totion carried. Attest: _ C 1A rk Annroved —ayor M