HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-13-1943 Regular MeetingSTATE OF ALABA_ 'A CCU-.TTY O 73ALDTTII' The Town Council of the Town of �,airhope met in regular session at the Town Hall, !Ionday September 13, 1943 at 7:30 P.... with the follo-ain- members present: HEotiv,ard Rut:e, .:ayor, 'Iouncilt�len: 0. Berglin, Sara Dyson, C . A. Gaston, II. P. Kar_-ixrer and J. 0. )tirnrson The riinutes of the previous regular neeting were an ?proved as read. The followinc bills Y.ere allo,,T,:ed: Harris Rockwell, Gen. 1.25 'Iilder ILing pee Oil COY'11pF3n7r, Gen. 42 Ruffles, Gen. 123.00 The Texas Company, Gen. 13.75 Sherrill Oil Company, Gen. 43.57 A. Youngquist, Gen. 8.25 tockwell's Store, Gen. 3.50 S. Darley s, C orapanyT, Gen. 3.111 ,'cIiean Paint °: Hardware Store, Gen. .56 Gaston I..oto r Company 'en. 13.80 Courier, Gen. 7.16 Fairhope Coal r Simply Company, Gen. 34.33 Alabama I `achinery g� Sur_rly Company, Gen. 2 .210 Detroit Lub,-ricator Company, Elec. 4.02 LTacic.zey.r Iron ':'Torks, Elec. 12.00 cYean Paint T; hardware Store, -Jlec. .90 "'estern Auto Store, Alec. Gaston -'-otor=omnan, , jlec. %.70 Ylurnpp -L,.'ofor Company, Flec. 2.70 7.ilder Ding <'ree Oil C oreinany, 7lec . 34.33 .0airbanics orse & Co -,,many, :�lec. 54.94 Fuel Oil Gun -ply Company,-Elec. 623.29 '17ilder Ming ;Free Oil Company, ., °, S 6.35 Klumpp Yotor Cor_,ipany, S 00 Gaston ::rotor Company,. "T - S 5.75 Fairhope Courier, T S 6.00 theison Alkali Works, 'W & S ) .45 cheap Paint & Hardware Store, & S .66 yair'rope Coal & Supply Company, J £ S �-.35 'ender '-Teling R, I,.achine Company, t & S 11.50 Payroll for month of August, 1943 Iioward ;huge, Ilayor Flec. 75.00 V-T & S 2 5. 00 Gen. 50.00 �. C. Yohn, Gen. 175.00 Theresa Lazzari, Gen. _.. 85.00 J. H. Titus, Gen. 159.72 J. •a-. Arnold, Gen. 121.00 George C . Dyson, 77 & S 173.03 Raymond Stapleton, ':lec. 173.03 T. P. Bailey, Tlec. 173.03 '`arvin-richols, "lec. 160.00 Frank '.'c.Kenzie, Flec. 119.73 F. D. Swift, Gen. 90.00 Kenneth Cain, "lec . 150.00 71. C . Bee- Gen. 50 .00 h 0 Councilmen; y, 0. /erglin 4.00 Sall Dyson 4.00 C. % . Gaston 4.00 2. P. I'aa2er . 4.00. J. 0. Sti«\Son &.00 Road: em«rt:ent J*ter G 3e2e2 57.30 S leo±2lc 91.33 Jonatio28; 7R51ic Sc:ool Slec. 7.39 J 5 S 3.50 Public Jibr 2/ Slec. 4.56 2 & S 2.00 0£Eanic School Q1ec. 20.77 S 3.48 Oo iingS Jall \leC. 2.20 Red Cross Room Slec. 3.75 . ! 5 S 2,00 Sher£ Lights 2 1 e c . 12.58 Count// Club Slec. 1.11 2-isc. Mec. 3.54 3.50 - ved \2 Co2Ecil&an 2, 0. 3erglin, seconded 5/ SouncilgaG 22 P. Kar.,mer that attlioatio= for ±eildi2/ per Ct o£ J..I. >it2an for &A2ehouse.be alloyed. lotion carried. Councilman Sag Dyson offered the £ollowin7 ord- inance, CouncilGaa.y. 0. 3e2Elin moved that it 5e . &lace\ upon its first £ea4±2G, said ordinance . < havi5§ been reed in full, was laid over for Second £es&i2E at next meetinE. Councilman 111. P. Yamrer :.,loved that the following resolution be adopted. Seconded by Councilman Sam Dyson. '31] Il' t ,.at R. C . Yohn -)e and Ile is desit natea to ma --",tee ur t1;e arse szlent roll of all property, and subjects of taxation in t'ie Tovin of Fairhore, for tie taxes to bacoae due December 1, 1943. Resolution adopted by t.e Council. .It was du 1-7 moved and seconded t'li t ti:e eati , djour.i. "otion carried. --roved: -ayor ,Attest. e a