HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-14-1942 Regular Meeting1 STATE OF ALA.BAMA COUNTY OF BALDWIN The Town Council of the Town of Fairhope met in regular session at the Town Hall, Monday, September 14, 1942 at 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Howard Ruge, Mayor, Councilmen: 11.0. Bergl in, C .A. Gaston, H.P, Kamper and J.O. Stimpson. The minutes of the previous regular meeting were approved as read. " The following bills were allowed: Fthope Ins. Ago Elea. $48.00 a it of Genf 20.96 Carl Bloxham, Gen. 8.25 Johnson, Overton Co, Gen. 53.55 it n Elea. 20.96 Central Cafe, Gen. 20.00 A. Youngquist, Gen. 4.10 Klumpp Motor, Gen. 16.15 Gaston Motor, Gen. 24•70 Dement Ptg. Co. Gen. 13.87 a It W & S 5.21 Baldwin Times, Gen. 10.00 Fthope Coal & Sup, Gen. 18.54 �t It it W & g 13.44 It of Elea., 63.19 Victory Elea. Elea. 93.60 Fthope Courier, Gen., 11.44 Ala. Mach. & Sup, Gen. 16.15 Ruffles, Elea. 7.14 Wilmer Pt. Store, Elea. 6.80 Gregory Elea. Elec. 29:0:00' Fairhope Clay Prod. Elec. 48.00 E.S. Sibley Lbr. E'lec. 1.92 Gaston Mot. Elea. 10.65 Fairbanks, Morse & Co. Elea. 207.18 Sangamo Elea. Co,; Elec. 102.61 Math. Alkali Workst Vq & S 9.45_ - Badger Meter Co. W& S 283.68 M.•B. Skinner Co, W & S 1.51 Rockwell's Store, £ en. 5.76 Wilder -Ring -Free Oil Co, Elec. 63.25 it It Q to W& S 6.3 5 Payroll for month of August 1942 Howard Ruge, Mayor Elec. 75.00 W & S 25.00 Gen. 50.00 Evalyn B. Porter, Clerk 88.00 •R.0 . Yohn,, Bookkeeper, 121.00--- Geo. C. Dyson, W & S 143.00 J.H.. Titus, Ch. of Pol. 132.00 Raymond Stapleton, Elec. 143.00 J.P. Bailey,, Elec. 143.00 Marvin Nichols, Elea. 126.50 Frank McKenzie, Elea. 99.00 Elmer Butgereit, Elec. 90.75 E.D. Swif t, Gen. 74.25 Vl.0 . Beebe, Gen.- 50.00 C ounc ilmen: M.O. Berglin, Gen. 4.00 S.A. Gaston,: Gen. 4.00 H.P. Kamper, Gen. 4.00, J.O. Stimpson, Gen, 4.00 Roadst 517.32 Electric 158.88 W & S 65.95 Fire, Hydrant Rental 63.00 Taiscl. 7.00 Sewer 1.05 Wharf Lights 18.68 Commings Hall 2•20 Donations: Organic School Elea. 8.40 w & S 4..10 Public School Elec. 5.12 w & S 11.16 Tourist Club Elec. 1.11 vd & S 2.00 Miscl. Water 5.00 Elec. 3.81 Public Library Elec. 6.51 w & S 2.00 It was moved by Councilman H.P. Kamper and seconded by Councilman M.O. Berglin that the Mayor be directed to purchase the outstanding Street Imp. Bonds fkdmtthe Reconstruction Finance Gorp. at par plus accrued inter- est. Motion carried. It was moved by Councilman C.A. Gaston and seconded by Councilman M.O. Berglin and the Town make an ap- ropriation to the Ala. State Guard Company #55 of 20.00 monthly to help defray expenses. $15.00 from the Electric Fund and $5.00 from the General Fund. Motion carried. It was moved by Councilman J.0. Stimpson and seconded by Councilman C.-A. Gaston that a committee of Council- men Z.O. Berglin, H.P. Kamper and the Llayor be appointed to consider the purchase of a Resuscitator. Motion carried. It was moved by Councilman 1I.0.Iarglin and ueconded by Jouncilman H.P. Kamper that the application of Mrs. Clara Young for a building permit be passed subject to fire zone regulations. Notion carried. It -eras duly moved and seconded that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Appruved : Mayor Tovwfi Clerk