HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-25-1941 Regular Meetingr
The Town Council of the Town of Fairhope met in regular session
at the Town Hall, Monday, August 25, 1941 at 7030 P.Pf. with
the following members present: Howard Ruge, Mayor, Councilmen:
M.O. Berglin,; Sam Dyson, C.A. Gaston,. H.P. Kamper., and J.O..
Stimpson, the same constituting full membership of the Town
The minutes of the previous regular meeting were approved as
It was moved by Councilman C.A. Gaston and sec.onded by Council-
man 1I.0. Beeglin that the Town contribute $35.00 for advertis-
ing purposes on the Baldwin County Float in American Legion
Parade. Motion carried.
The following ordinance was introduced by Councilman C .A.
Gaston, read in full by the Clerk and considered by the Council,
the said Ordinance: #160 being as follows:
�� la sand by an ordinance entitled "Street
prof eut S;0w mwL;e" of July 200. .941, Imber " duly
adopted by the Tom Council of the Tom of �'41rhope l Alabama
at a aeetiM thereof duly held. on #Tuly 28, 19410 tha improve.
montss Of 00itain streets, avenues and all lye within the *or-
porato limits of the Totems of Fa rhope,e. Alabama, was detomiued
upon„ ordered and authorized;
AND V'fiMR1Wq said -UVrovexent Ordinance -of July 28#
1941:0 was duly published ono$ a week, for two consecutive weeks
in the F4rhope 0ouriesr, a newspaper published in the 'fmw of
ft rbopes, spa , said publiqations agp In tb of
said paper o '1941
AND AS copies of Said aStreet Improament Ordl-
namee of iuly 28, �
19 , Number / ." were sent by
registered �, postage prepaid,, persons last assess ;'e
for town taxatle�t thes► property to be awessssesd for ouch p vo-
ments at the it .last known address* more than ten (10) days be-
fore the meeting of the Boun,ail therein provided for,, said
topless beW, so sailed � t
AND WM,S, in and b said orid>nanoe and the noticesthesre of it aAd Isordered and provided that the 'Town Counoll
# of the Town of ftirhope Alabama# swot at SWO oto�.E�ok V* e .
the Town of Yairhopee A abama, at the► ,ort ae of the Town Clark
4 thereof on the 25th clay of August#. 191,. for the purpose of
hesrina and that at such time it would hear my objections or
tr #* that spy be Made to said IWrove wnt, the manner
r of making the ssaa s or the character of mated or materials to
be used;
AND VMMUAS, this being the date, time and plane so
.fixed by said ordinances- and the .notioess thereof for the holding
of such meetIM and to hear any Such ob je ationss, protests or re-
saastranoesas that may be sseide- those present being called upon
to protests, object. or resonstvato la pesrson., by attorney or by
petition agai rikl it suoh rove rants v the nAterials to be used or
the manner of saking. the Sam should they so desires,and,said-
persons having been �»nforssd that the Counan lrsou.14 oonsider any
and all such ova jeot OW.# protests or resionstranose
AND ? WaPSAS, an Objection. and protest having been wde
to the =king of said Improvement, aaid objection or protest,
being. =do by loss than a majority In frontage of the property
owners to be affected theresby, there being no further or other
yob joationsa-protostss or roxK ►at. s$ against Such proposed In ►
prove ments ;
Section 1* That the protests, objection and remanstranoes
43 made against said proposed Improvement be and the $arse hereby
IS overruled*
Seotion 2• That the said originl ordinance ent tl e
: "Street improvweat Ordi>a►=oo of Zu y 280 1941, . number "
heretafave uftpt is by 'tho Town Council of the Town of ft1rhope,
AlAbamsttit a motingthersof rogularlyhold on July 28s, 1941#
be and the same hereby is rep-a4ogtod and In 411 » t
......_..; fled and oon�t'�.=*4,, and the said ivrov utrs ordero to be made
therein speaLfUde
` ;Seation 3. That this Ordinanos is hereby termed and.
~files tods shall be i umm and may be olted an 'Strevemdot
ftufimatory Ord nanoe of August 25, 1941g NUaber ."
Duly ftdopted lay the Town Cou►nail of the Tom of fttrhop*#:
iAlabama, at a e t4laa thereof xveuUrly h*ld on the 25th Qar of
AtWWt # 19 *.
As Myer o e e o 7077ope
TOM Seal)
_LAffft It was moved by Councilman J.O. Stimpson and seconded by Council-
man C.A. Gaston that all rules and regulations of the Statutes
of the Town Council of the Town of Fairhope which might prevent,
unless suspended,. the immediate consideration and final pa.ssaEe
and adoption of said ordinance at this meeting.
This question being put upon the- adoption of said motion and the
suspension of the said rules and regulations the roll was called
with the following results:
Voting Aye: Howard Ruge, I:layor, I.T.O. Berglin, Sam Dyson, C.A.
Gaston,, H.P. Kam -per and J.0'. Stimpson, Councilmen.
Voting Tray; None
!.�ayor declared the motion carried.
Councilman Sam -'Dyson therefore: moved that the swid Ordinance
be finally passed and be adopted as introduced. Councilman J.O.
Sti-irson seconded the motion.
The question ')eing put upon the final passaue and adoption
of the said ordinance, the roll was called vrith tl.e follov-ing
Voting Aye: Howard Ruge,; Ioiayor; Councilmen Y.O. Berglin, Sam
Dysx)n, G.A. Gaston, H.P. Kamper and J.O. Stimpson.
Voting Nay: None.
Thereupon, the Mayor declared said motion carried and the
Ordinance finally passed and adopted. the ;favor thereupon signed
said Ordinance in approval of the same.
It was moved by Councilman Sam Dyson and seconded by Council-
man C.A. Gaston that the application of C.N. Atkins to move
building to Lot 4, HLk. 13, Div. 1, be approved. y°otion car-
it vlas moved by Councilman C.A. Gaston and seconded by Council-
man J.O. Stimpson that the application of Owen R. Ilinnich for
building permit #1 and 2 to construct a 5 room cottage on his
lot be approved. Motion carried.
It was moved by Councilman I.T.O. Berglin and seconded by Council-
man Sam Dyson that the building application of O.K. Cummings
to construct a 5 room cottage on parts of Lots 6 and 7, Blk.
10, Div. 2, be granted, subject to filing required plat and
specifications, and'to.check`of.measurements by Town Surveyor.
Notion carried.
It was moved by Councilman C.A. Gaston and seconded by Council-
man Y.O. Ferglin that in addition to the public 'libLb'iiitg3 in-
surance now carried on the Town Police car, there be added fire,
theft and fifty dollar deductible insurance and that public
liability and property damage insurance be given on the Town's
two dump trucks in the amount of five and ten and $5,000 pro-
perty damage and that the Tfa.yor and the Finance Chairman be -
authorized to secure such insurance. Motion carried.
It was moved by Councilman C.A. Gaston and seconded by Council-
man J.O. Stimpson that the LIayor and Finance Chairman be auth-
orized to secure adequate insurance: on all properties, policies
of which expire August 31, 1941. Motion carried.
It was duly moved and seconded that the meeting adjourn. Motion
ma.yo r