HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-14-1941 Regular MeetingSTATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF BALDWIN The Town Council of the Town of Fairhope met in regular session at the Town Hall, Monday July 14, 1941 at 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Howard Ruge, Mayor, Councilmen;.M.0. Berglin,, Sam Dyson,; C.A. Gaston, H.P. Kamper and J.O. Stimpson, the same constituting the full membership of the Town Council. The minutes of the previous regular and special meetings were approved as read. The following bills were allowed: 0. Forster Bros. Elec. $551.77 0. Forster Bros. Gen. 103.40 Turner Supply, Elec. 44.62 Smith, Dukes & Buckl ew, E'le c . 12.50 F*hope,Coal & Sup, Elec. 14.58 Gaston Mot. tlec. 1.16 Sangamo Elec. Elec. 16.81 Mobile Elec. Gar, Gen. 11.92 Charley Bishop, Gen. 12.50 F'hope Courier, Gen. 15.04 The Catholic Week, Gen. 10.00 Gill Ptg. Ca,. Gen. .65 D.Z. Grove, Gen. 22..50 Gaston Mot, Gen. 6.10 McKean Pt. & Hd ewe, Gen. 2.90' Klumpp Mot, Elec. 33.09 Klumpp Mot, Gen. 24.55 Peoples Ice Co, Gen. 1.50 Reilly Tar & Chem, Gen. 294.58 E.S. Sibley Lbr. Gen. 4.02 R.R. Moyer,. Gen. .89 Wgganer•s Cafe, Gen. 4.75 Dr.. C .G. Godard,. Gen. 2.00 A. Youngquist., Gen. 6.20 L.A. Zieman & Co,; Gen. 27.55 Vhope Coal & Sup, Gen. 28.78 Math. Alkali Works, W & S 5.99' Ft'hope Single Tax, Gen. 5.77 Union Ex. Fr. Co, Gen. 13.16 Union Ex. Fr. to. Elec. 10.19 Union Ex. Fr. Co, W & S .86 F "hope Coal & Sup. W & S 19.51 Wilder Ring -Free Oil Co,, Elec. 65.20 Wild. Ring -Free Oil Co,; W & S 3.40 Wild,. Ring -Free Oil Co, Gen. 34.10 McKesson-Bedsole Colvin, W& S 18.00 Pittsburgh Meter Co., W & S 12.00 W.S. Darley, Gen. 2.60 Lighting Fix. Elec.. 81.07' Payroll for month of June 1941 Howard Ruge, Mayor Flec. 75.00 W & S 25.00 Gen. 50.00 Evalyn Berglin, Clerk 75.00: R.C. Yohn, Bookkeeper 100.00 J.H. Titus, Ch. of Police 100.00 Geo. C. Dyson, W & S 120.00 Raymond Stapleton, Elec. 120.00 J.P. Bailey, Elec. 120.00 Kenneth Cain, Elec. 90.00 Marvin Nichols, Elec. 100.00 Frank McKenzie, Elec. 85.00 W.0 . Beebe, Gen. 50.00 Payroll continued: Councilmen: M.O. Berglin, Gen. 2.00 Sam Dyson,. Gen.. 4.00 C.A. Gaston, Gen. 4.00 H.P. K.amper, Gen. 4.00 J.0. Stimpson, Gen. 4.00 Payroll: Roads 290.64 Electric 77.82 W & S 4.20 Fire Hydrant Rental 63.00 Mi s c 1. 7.00' Sewer 1.05 Wharf Lights 13.10 Donations: Organic School I;lec. 53.01 W & S10.76 Public School Elec. 6.44 W & S 5.20 Public Library Elec. 5.91 W & S 2.00 Country Club Elea. 1.11. Red C. Sew. Room Elec. 1.11 Miscl. Water 3.00 It was moved by Councilman J.O. Stimpson and seconded by Council- man C.A. Gaston that the application of Kenneth Johnson for a building permit as per plans and specifications on file, be. grant- ed. Motion. carried. It was moved by Councilman Sam Dyson and seconded by Councilman J. 0. Stimpson that the application of Mrs. D.W. Nelson to erect sign over sidewalk as per plans on file be approved, subject to approval of George Dyson. Motion carried. It was duly moved and seconded that the meeting adjourn. Lotion carried. Approved: __ Attestff7 C1 k