HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-23-1939 Regular MeetingS TA TF OF ALABAT iA
The Town C ouncil of the Town of Fairhope met in regular
session at the Town Hall, Llonday, October 23, 1939 at 7:30
P.M. yrith the following members present: Hovaard Ruge, I>ayor
Councilmen: H.P. Kamper, II.O.Berglin, Sam Dyson, C.A. Gaston,
and J.O. Stimpson, the same constituting the full membership
of the Town Council.
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read.
The following ordinance was introduced by Councilman C.A.
Gaston and read in full by the Clerk.
Authorizing the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph
Company to use the public streets of the Town of Fairhope,
Alabama, for the purpose of placing poles and electrical
conductors therein.
.Section 1. Be it ordained by the Tovrn Council of the
Town of Fairhope, Alabama, that permission be and the same
is hereby granted to the Southern Bell Telephone and Tele-
graph Comrany, its successors and assigns, to erect, oper-
ate and maintain lines of telephone and telegraph, includ-
ing the necessary poles, fixtures and electrical conductors
upon, along, under and over the public roads, streets and
highways of the Town of Fairhope, Alabama, as its business
may from time to time require, provided that all poles shall
be neat and symmetrical.
Section 2. The work of erecting poles by virtue of
this Ordinance shall be done unddr the supervision of the
street committee, and said Company shall replace and pro-
perly relay Qnld sidewalk or street that may be displaced
by reason of the erection of such poles, and upon failure
of the Company to to do, after twenty days' notice in virit-
ing shall have been given by the mayor of said Town to
said Company, the Town may repair such portion of the side-
walk or street that may have been disturbed by said Company
and collect the cost so incurred from said Company.
Section 3. In consideration of the right and privil-
eges herein granted, said C oaipany shall, upon demand and
without charge to said Town, provide on each pole erected
hereunder space for one crossarm for the attachment thereon
by the Town of the wires of its fire alarm and police tel-
egraph system; provided, however, that no use shall be
made of such space by said Town which will result in inter-
fering with or impairing the operation or use of said Com-
pany's property or service, or will endanger the property
or employees of said Company.
Section 4. Said Company shall at all times be subject
to the Town ordinances now in existence or which may be
hereafter passed relative to the use of the public streets
by talephone'and telegraph companies.
Section 5. Said Company shall indemnify said Toym
against„ and assume all libalities for, damages v-hich may
arise or accuaue to said Town for any injury to r.ersons,
or property from the doing of any .,=k herein authorized,
or the neglect of said Company or any of its employees to
coizply with any ordinance relative to the use of t'!e streets
of said Town, and the acceptance by the Company of this
Ordinance shall be an agreement by it to pay to said Town
any sum of money for which the Town may become liable from -
or by reason of such injury.
Section 6. Said Company shall file with the Town
Clerk of said Town its acceptance of this Ordinance within
sixty days from the date when it shall take effect.
It was moved by Councilman C.A. Gaston and seconded by
Councilman 11.0. Berglin that the Clerk be authorized and
directed to transfer $500.00 from the Electric Light fund
to the General Fund, to a -ply on interest due November 19
on Refunding Bonds. T.iotion carried.
Ordinance: No. 146having been introduc6ddat the prev-
ious regular meeting and having been read and ordered to
lie over to this meeting, the same was called up by Council-
man Dyson, who moved that it be put upon its passage, such
motion having been seconded by Councilman Kamper, was put.
by the Mayor and on roll call the vote was as follows:
Voting yea: Councilmen Dyson, Stimpson, hamper and Berglin.
Voting ITo: Councilman Gaston. Yayor Ruge, not v@ting.
The 1:ayor declared the motion carried.
Whereupon the ordinance was read at length in words and
figures as followse
Section 1, That Howard Ruge,. Mayor of the Town of Fdir-
hope, be and he is hereby required to act as Superintendent
of the municipal light and pourer system and as Superindted-
dent of the municipal water and sewerage system, and as such
he shall serve as Purchasing Agent for such systems, make
all purchases authorized by the Town Council therefor, Keep
a check.on meter readings and billings for service and the
collection thereof, see that the systems are kept in pro-
per repair and operation, keep an inventory showing the
supplies and equipment on hand for such systems, keep a full
and complete monthly financial statement of all operating
costs and receipts, keep a proper inventory of the physical
assets of such systems, and have all such data and inform-
ation relative to such systems available for the Town Council
at its first meeting in each calendar month.
Section 2. That in addition to the salary now fixed
and paid to the said Mayor of the Town of Fairhope under
the general law of the State, there shall be paid to Howard
Ruge, as Superintendent of the light and power system for
the sergices required of him in Section 1 hereof, the sum
of $60.00 per month,. payable on the first day of each cal-
endat month out of the receipts to the Town of Fairhope
from such light and power system , and also for his services
as Superintendent of the water and sewerage system required
under Section 1 of this ordinance,. the sum of $20.00 per
month, payable on the first day of each calendat month out
of the receipts to such town for such water and sewerage
Section 3. The Town Council of the Town of Fairhope
may at any regular meeting or special meeting called there-
for, discontinue the services of the I.Tayor as Superintendent
of the municipal light and power system and as Superintendent
of the water and sewerage system, and in the event of such
discontinuance of his, services as such Superintendent of such
systems, all compensation authorized to be paid in Section
2 hereof shall lapse
Section 4. This ordinance shall become effective I,ov-
ember 1, 1939 and shall expire October 1, 1940.
Councilman 1'L.0. Berglin moved its adoption. Councilman
J.O. Stimpson seconded the motion.
the ordinance was put upon its passage and on roll call
Councilmen Dyson, Stimpson,; Berglin and Kamper voted yea.
Voting No: Councilman C.A. Gaston. ITayor Ruge, not voting.
The ordinance was declared duly adopted.
The motion was duly made and seconded that the meeting
adjourn. Httion carried.
Approved: Gr/
Attest: W111 O�44t/