HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-23-1935 Regular MeetingII
The regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Fairhope was
held Monday, vecember 23, 1935 with the following members present,
noward huge, Mayor;. M. U. berglin, u. A. Gaston, W. U. Keeble, T. d.
iilumpp, and J. O. Stimpson, Councilmen.
The minutes of tge previous meeting were approved as read.
The t_)llowing resolution was offered by Councilman C. A. Gaston,
who moved it adoption; the same being read at length, the motion of
adoption was seconded by Councilman U. 0. Berglin.,The same being put
upon its passage was unanimously adopted; said resolution being as
BE T KESOLVLD that Langston-xurphy uonsjruction
uomi_�any, Contractors having complete their contract in .a&
connection with the construction of the 6treet Paving
Contract under P.W.A.Docket i1o. 5162, for the Town of
.vairhope, Alabma, and after careful inspection and on
the recommendation of its Engineers, J. B. Converse &
Company, incorporated, the said Town of I'airhope does
hereby accept same as being entirely completed in accord-
ance with contract, plans, specifications and approved
changes, and the Town Clerk is hereby instructed.to_
notify the Federal Emergency Administration of Public
Works of this acceptance and that the 'own of r'airhope
is haw in full possession and using said Paved Streets.
Gladys v�ell, clerk Howard Auge, Mayor
The following- resolution was offered by Councilman J. U. 5timp-
son, who moved its adoption; the same being read at length, the motion
of adoption was seconded by uouncilman T. J. aumpp. The same being
put upon its passage was unanimously adopted, said resolution being
as follows:.
WRERUAS the J.. b. McCrary company, incorporated, ha, 6
havecompleted their contract in connection with the
construction of Jeetion "BO )Waterworks, under P.W.A.
Docket ivo. 6762', in full accordance wi.th contract,
plans, specifieatiugs and approved changes; and sub-
sequent to their completion there has developed certain M
minor defects in the Concrete reservoir, namely five
small cracks in the outside walls which show evidence
of small leakage through said walls; and WHEREAS, it has
been fully determined that said defects are not the
fault of the contractor, the Town of Wairhope has agreed
by resolution dated December 9, 1935, to accept the
responsibility for making the necessary repairs to meet
the requirements of the Public Works Administration;
BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of
kairhope, Alabama, as follows; That J. B. McCrary Com-
pany, inc. having entirely completed their contract ih
connection with the above and foregoing, the said Town
of r'airhope does hereby accept same as being entirely
completed in accordance with contract, plans, specifica-
tions and approved changes, and the 'Town Clerk is hereby
instructed to notify the rederal $aergencey Administra-
tion of Public Works of this acceptance and that the
!own of i•ai.rhope is, now in full possession and using
said Waterworks-.
ATTEST; Howard Huge, "layor
Uladys Lowell, Clerk
The motion by Councilman G. '41. Gaston and seconded by uouncilg
man W. U. Keeble that the Town accept the audit of the 0outheastern
Audit Uompany and that dame be published, carried.
kotion was made by Councilman U. A. Gaston and seconded by
Councilm�.n J. U. 5timpson that the Town appropriate :$20.00 per month,
to be. paid monthly, to the t`ounty welfare Yund for the purpose of
matfhing Irederal r'unds appropriated, provided the needy Fairhope
citizens are elegible to the benefits. Aotion carried.
the follwwing resolution. ivas offerd by W. O.Keeble, who moved
its adoption; the same being read at length, the motion of adoption
iYas seconded by uounci loran T. J. Klumpp. The same being put upon its
(rah •,.-r'o'^-"'"""""
was unanimously adopted; said resolution being as follows:
WEP�.EAS it is believed that the Town can now grant a
lower electric rate to its cash subscri.bers,but
WHEREAS'the cost of collection of delinquent accounts
is such a. heavy expense to the Admint6tration that the
I-ateCkeduction benefit cannot be. extended to those hav-
ing delinquent accounts, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED that the present discount of 5,% for pay-
ment before the loth of the month be increased by 107o'
making -the total discount 157# for pb AQUt before the
i'l0;tth ofnthe month. And that this increased discount
be effective January 1st, 1936,
Attest: Howard Huge, mayor
Gladys Lowell, Ulerk
Meeting adjourned to meet