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04-05-1935 Special Meeting
NOTES OF SPECIAL MEETING APRIL 5, 1935 STATE OF ALABAMA BALDWIN COUNTY THS Council pf the Town of-rairhope, Alabama met in sepcial session, at the 'Town Hall, .April 5, 1935 at 11:00 o'clock A. M. when and where the following members were present. Howard Ruge, Mayor; M. 0. Berglin, C. A. Gaston, T . J. El.ump4P, and J. 0. St impson Councilmen. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Howard Kuge, whd. stated that the meeting was held for the purpose df opening sealed bids on the Street Improvement Project No 5162. After reading the bids the Council retired until 12:15 o'clock P.M. At 12:15 o'clock P. M. the Council reassembled with the f'ollowi.g in- members present; Howard Kuge, Mayor: M. 0. Berglin. C. A, Gaston, T . J. Klumpp amd J..0. St impson, Councilmen The Engineer, J. B. Converse, reported the following low bidder; Langston -Murphy Construction Co. of Orlando, Florida $33,961.25. After hearing the .engineer's report motion was made by CQuncil- man Gaston and seconded by Councilman Berglin that the contract be awarded to the lowest bidder as set out# subject to the appf;oval. of State Engineer of Public 'ti',iorks Administration. Motion wr o adjourn was made by Councilman Gaston seconded by Councilman ►Llumpp and carried. t 3; 7 STATS OF ,rA.LMWK * TUS T's n Coin.l. of the ,Tolm of Valzbovel in the County of Baldwiall AlAboms, met In spelolel, session ut the VbW4 KftU at lye,, otelooh ,,Yet 032 the day 0f A►pri1, USDA wha n arid. Where the following Members Wore Present, to —wit: Howard Huge, Uftyor; Coua a usen, the SM30 0onatituting the fUU membeMhip of the Town �aux�oi 1R f The said MeetW heVing been speolally ealled for the pWpOl36 o p Q2 and eaoh of the m mbers of the COU4011 having valved notloe of the said meeting, which seld waiver 1s inwords aw flawme as follows!: "We, the undersigma'MMbera of the TM counou of the Town of Palrbopes AUbema, hereby valve notice of IAa MUlne oP a special amtlng for the ptapose of gggaing Aa arnpopa'a the Town Hall- in the TOM or a # attic k �,,,,,� • ...Ap��.�..�...r• the following business ucae trannaoted The following ordin"00 1100 and entitled: 'NAN ORDIWOB AURDM AND LWTIM COMMOT 0 ! ` GyiL CONMMTION OF OF fi I i. ! t ►s ' !1 t TO ny aiz�,• 4.� t ' L �iiX.`.3 ��:+.'. • -tit ^ t+ t . was intmduoed by read in full by the Olerk and c>>E1t'Aldered by the Couaaoll, set ordimnoe being as follows: �'* C' t�,f •fit' �' •;' d t r. �- P.--Ir4 Awil. ramaw, heretofore, by Ordintinoe tow VA Us Tom► sCouno l of the Tout of Fatrhope, Alabama►, did finally 9rdef they pavment of 0. oertain streeto, allays and satde au ks in the Toast of Felrhopol Ala - ban, whioh said ©rdlnM00 Is lotted the Pbthh dsy of Mmabor, 19349 em numbered 124, and uhloh said streets are in said or4lMaae spe- oifloally Mmetd and desorlbed; Sad MS, under OV41nance! Neil ., datodMarch 11, 1935 0 of the said Tenn +Counail of the Tom of Pairhope, 41abam*g aotloea of the time and plane for reaelving bids for the constraotlon of sold Improvazwnts was given by publloa i+on in the manner and for that 1130 presoribed by law, and 11t00 of olook A ,, 91 * 0 on the 8th flap of APAIt 1933, was Mee as the time for the olooing of the x60e10) Of Bald bidsa, and at maid tUw and, pl os bide were reoeived for the oonte►txua- r tion of said eo M Still Langston -Murphy Construction Company offered the loxeat bid therefor, and being the lowest responsible blades!', is entitled to they award of the oont "ot for sold co!nstruo- k tion; ` 010 Or �', VSOPs, That the oontraot for the oonsttvUbtion of street UMovemente euthorlsed to be made by the said ordinance first above desoribexd be and the a" to hereby awarded to Langston -Murphy Construction Company Myor of the Tdun of Pgirhopo and Its sneer be -and they are hereby SutborlZed 044 dir+eeted to enter Into 0ontraesft ilth the said L n aston- for this oonstruotion of the sold wo* for and at they prioeo bid by the said Langston Murphy Construction Company that all fbamalitiess and requirements modes by law and by the Federal Administration of Publlo Works be fUllly and oomptetely amplied wl�h in the letting of the said couttaot. -2w OMUM that thle OrdUOU09 be pooted at w the p2ACess in the der, sM for the time required by 3 AWs f Ixay adopted by the 'tom coIt of the Tom of ftlItOW � lebfta * at a meeting tbarevf epeate l y ;held on the 5th ' of A As ro6A IMUSOPS# AlAb&M r, ATMTs 4 - bops s AlAbOdat a a 4-3 -22 Xt was moved by M. 0. Berglin . 11 wom_ and, seconded by T . J. K1umpP that au rules of the TM Cc Uwtl of the TOVM of x- 1rhope, e►baua * WA*b Might pier o t„ unless suspend- ed, the fusel passage and adoption of sold OV41 AOS at VIIS aWt Ing, ba And then same► are hereby suspended for the purpose of pair - mitt ng the flWl paesafp and adoption of said ordl=Qea at this m9ly*1US. The question being upon the adoption of sMd motion Glad the suspension of auah rAle s s. #ie roil was called v dth the follow - Lag reau�l.ta i AyES. Ruward Rue Sa o r • M. C. Ber l in C A. pp and J. 0. St im eon Councilmen W s IJo ne V* mayor de3olared gala motion carried and such rules sus- C.oun*IUaan J..O. StjMson than moved that said or• dinanoe be now pleoed upon. Its flnnl p688e80. CounollmMn „.,. T . J. $lumpp seconded the motion* The question being put upon the plaa►oltig of Maid orQ nan►oe upon its final passages the well was called with the following aultaz ,&yg;: Hovard Ruge, Mayor; U. 0. Ber lin C.A. Gaeton 7, J. K12ap and J. 0. S4:im son Councilmen MYS t done The mayor declared the motion csarried. Counoilman Kl!MR....-,..-. thereupon moved that the said o3 tlnanoe be firolly passed and adapted as introduced and, read. Councilman B ergl in aeoonded the motion. The question being put upon the final passa(P and nd'D t ion of said ordinenoe s this roll was oalled With the following Multss Ana. Aovard Ruge, TS or M. 0. Ber lin C. A. K and J. 0. Stim a n Counc e /lD N,; Non® The mayor thermyon doolured said Uou c avr ed and is Ordtmeae flWlly paSSed and adoPted4t The moor theVM e19M eai ordttpttoe in aggxovel bba;o' it was stoved by Counollmr and aceoonded by Coung ma►n SA US% the SeetJj* edjo=* MoU04 carried* (SML). �a : /�9