HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-24-1934 Regular Meetingt:. 1 STATE OF ALABAMA. BALDWIN COUNTY. The Toim Council of the Town of Fai.rhope, County of Baldwin, Alabama, met in regular session at Town Hall at 7:30 of clock P. M., on the 24th day of December , 19W4, when and where the following members were present, to-v`rit: Howard Ruge, mayor; Messrs. C. A. Gaston, 7. 0. Keeble, T. T. Klumpp, J-. ®. Stimpson, AEI. 0. Berglin, Councilmen; the same constituting the full membership of the Town Council. The following Ordinance No. 126 and entitled An Ordinance to authorize and direct the Mayor and Clerk of the Town of Fairhope to advertize in the manner and for the time required by law for sealed bids to purchase $42,000.00 of "Special Assessment Street Improvement Bonds authorized to be issued underSpecial Street Improvement Bond Ordinance of November 261,1934, numbered 125, and adopted by this Town Council November 26,1934. was introduced by C. A. Gaston read in full by the Clerk and considered by the Council, said ordinance being as fol- lows: I t� ORDINANCE NO.126 AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE AND DIRECT THE MAYOR AND CLERK OF THE TOWN OF FAIRHOPE TO ADVERTISE IN THE MANNER AND FOR THE TIME REQUIRED BY LAW FOR SEALED BIDS TO PURCHASE $42,000.00 OF "SPECIAL ASSESSMENT STREET IMPROV*— MENT BONDS AUTHORIZED TO BE ISSUED UNDER SPECIAL STREET IMPROVEMENT BO r ORDINANCE OF N0VM1BER 26,1924,'� ADOPEED BY THIS TOWNCCOUNCIL NOVEMBER 26,1934 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF TOWN OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the Mayor and the Town Clerk be and they are hereby dnthotided-and directed to advertise in the manner and for the time required by lawfor sealed bids to purchase $42,000.00 of Special Assessment Street Improvement Bonds" of the Town ot-'Fairhope, authorized to be issued under "Special Street Improvement Bond Ordinance of November 26, 1934, numbered 125,adopted by this Town Council November 26,1934. Section 2 That this ordinance be posted as required by law. -2_ It was moved by C. A. Gaston and seconded by M 0. u�= , that all rules of the Town Council of the Town of Fairhope, Alabama, which might prevent, unless suspended, the final passage and adoption of said ordinance at this meeting, be and the same are hereby suspended for the purpose of permitting the final passage and adoption of said ordinance at this meeting. The question being upon the adoption of said motion and the suspension of such rules, the roll was called with the follow" ing results: AYES: Howard Rigel 19a3uL: M.--n 8ergljn C. A. Gaston, NAYS: bone pendea. The mayor declared said motion carried and such rules sus- Councilman W. 0. Keeble then moved that said ordin- ance be now placed upon its final passage. Councilman J. 0. Stimpson seconded the motion. The question being put upon the placing of said ordinance upon its final passage, the. roll was called with the following re- sults: .YES: Horard Ruge, Mairor: Rai 0 Bergl_in— C, A_ QnRtor, NAYS: none The mayor declared the motion carried. Councilmanj_ n .Stimso- thereupon moved that the said ordinance be finally passed and adopted as introduced and read. Councilman r. J. KlymP seconded the motion. The question being put upon the final passage and adoption of said ordinance, the roll was called with the following results: AYES: Howard Rum Id.,_avor; M o RPrgl in, n, A Gafitnn w_ n.VPP'h1 NAYS: None 2�1 -3- The mayor thereupon declared said motion carried and the ordinance finally passed and adopted. The mayor thereupon signed said ordinance in approval thereof. rt~ Thereupon the following Ordinance No. 1?7 and entitled An Ordinance directing the manner and fora of signing checks against all funds of the Town of Fairhope, Alabama was introduced by .T- n, gt; mpSnn , read in full by the Clerk and considered by the Council, said ordinance being as fol- lows: n ORDINCE NO. 127 AN,ORDINANCE DIRECTING THE MANNER AND FORM OF SIGNING CHECKS AGAINST ALL Ft IMS OF THE TOWN OF FAIRHOPE ALABAMA BE IT ORDAIIiED `BY THE TOXIN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMAJ AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That checks drawn on any and all funds of the Town of Fairhope Whehter of funds derived from taxation, operation of any of its Civic Activities and/or of funds raised through Loans and Grants fromthe Federal Emergency Administra- tion of Public Wotks under P. W. A. Dockets numbered 6762 and 5162, and/or funds derived from sale of bonds or other securities to any pebson, and/or funds borrowed from any source, be signed by the Town Treasurer and Countersigned by the Mayor. by law. Section 2 That thisoordinance be posted as required z -4" It was moved by T. J. Kl_Lmpn and seconded by C. A. that all rules of the Town Council of the i)n of Fairhope, Alabama, which might prevent, unless suspended, a final passage and adoption of said ordinance at this meeting, be and the same are hereby suspended for the purpose ,,of permitting the final passage and adoption of said ordinance at this meeting. The: question being upon the adoption of said motion and the suspension of such rules, the roll was called with the follow- ing results: - . .. •--. NAYS: non - The mayor declared said motion carried and such rules sus- pended. Councilman M. 0. Berglin then moved that said or- dinance be now placed upon its final passage. Counci loran T. g. Klumpp seconded the motion. The question being put upon the placing of said ordinance upon its final passage, the roll was called with the following re - suits: NAYS: None The mayor declared the motion carried. Councilman T .T_ ui,,,,,PP_ thereupon moved that the said ordinance be finally passed and adopted as introduced and read. Stimpson seconded the motion. Councilman J. 0. The question being put upon the final passage and adoption of said ordinance, the roll was called with the following results: AYES: Howard Ruge, Mayor, M. 0. Berglin, C. A. Gaston, W. 0.Keeble, TZ. y, : None a `t ".5 The mayor thereupon declared said motion carried and the ordinance finally passed and adopted. The mayor thereupon signed said ordinance. in approval thereof. It was moved by Councilman CW A. Gaston and seconded by Councilman T. J. Klumpp the following bills for advertising and printing of bonds be allowed: carried. The Fairhope Courier Dixie Contractor The Mobile Press The Mobile Times Printing bonds $149.10 Advertising " 33.00 Advertising 5.60 Advertising 5.00 Engineering News Record Advertising 57.60 Motion by Councilman J..O. Stimpson and seconded by Councilman M. 0. Berglin that the bill of W. C. Beebe for legal services on Public Works Administration Docket No 6762 be allowed subject to approval, authorization and instructions, as to manner of payment, from authorized officers of Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works and satisfactory to the Council of the Town of Fair - hope, carried. Motion by Councilman Berglin seconded by Councilman Keeble that the Town pay $5.00 membership fee in the League of Municipal- ities, carried. It was moved by Counclman W..O. Keeble and seconded by Councilman G. A. Gaston that the meeting adjourn to meet at ---- 666 Motion carried. ATTEST: Mayor Cl k �O `Town Council Proceedingst The Council of the Town of Fair-d hope met in regular session Mon-� day, December 10, 1934.. MayorI Ruge and iCouncilmen Berglin. Gas-1 ton, Klumpp and Stimpson werz present. The minutes of the regular meet- ing of November 26th and special meeting December 4, 1934 were ap- proved as read. The following bills were allowed: Fairhope Coal & Supply 'Co., R supplies 48.19 ------------------- tt epublic Creosoting Co. sup. 72.8y I Turner 'Supply Co., su^plies 1.4 = 1 Eugene Lawrence & Sons, contract............--------------__-_216.00 ti Jones RCA Victor Agency I supplies ------------------------ --- ------ 1.14( ,Harry Parker, surveying --- _--- 14.00 Nick J. Ludwig, labor and material ------------------ - ---- -- 13.70 Tuveson Bros., labor and material ------------ ---------- 8.10 A. Youngquist, labor and material - --------'---------------- 11.00 J. I. Pitman, supplies -------------- Ruffles & 'Son, labor and supplies 17.00 The Fairhope Courier, publ. and supplies - ---____-___--__ _------139.09 Raymond Stapleton, overtime .80II yFrank iMcKenzie, overtime-------_2.80 .Forster & Sons gas and oil 480.31 PAY ROLL FOR NOVE,MBER !Howard Ruge, Mayor 45.00 Gladys Lowell, Clerk 70.00 J. H. Titus, Marshal 75.00 M. O. Berglin, Councilman 3.00 ' C. A. Gaston, ,Councilman 3.00 W. O. Keeble, Councilman 3.00 T. J. Klumpp, Councilman 3.00 J. O. 'Stimpson, Councilman 3.00 S. J. Hixon, ,Police Duty 3.00 A. L. Stearns, Police Duty 3.00 i M. A. Godwin, Police Duty 3.00 E. D iS.wift, Watchman 40.00 1 A. L. Stearns, Labor Relief 3.4U Officer 9!5.00 ! J..P. Bailey, Engineer I Raymond Stapleton, Engineer 915.00 Frank McKenzie, Enineer 75.00 R. P. Greggs, Engineer 65.00 I Ellis McKenzie, Line 18.00 W. F. iLaraway, Line 4.50 Sheldon Keller L,ine 5.10 L. Keller, Road Dept. 75.00 $arris Rockwell, Road -Aept. 1.25 Guy Wilson, Road Dept. 35.51 Aurie ILymous, Road 'Dept. 42.55 J. S.'Rogers, Road 'Det.Dept. 12.00 8 00 L. S. Pomeroy, Road Paul Radde, Road Dept. 10.40 A. B. ,Slaughter, Road Dept. 4.00 4.00 F. 'Folmer, 'Road Dept. Paul Tuveson, Road Dept. 3.00 I Wm. Zepp, .Road Dept. 4.00 !I Irwin Curtis, Road Dept. 4.00 {, George Danna, Road Dept. 4.00 .00 I. R. V. Keller, Road Dept. Richard Jackson, Golf 2.00 I 0I l L. S. 'Pomeroy, 2.00 .20 . A. L. Stearns, Golf 40 Guy Wilson, Golf 4.00 Aurie Lymous Golf 2.00 J. B. Tiffany, Parks J. A. Patterson, Wharf 23.52 W. L. Sims, Wharf 1.351 Motion 'by Councilman 'Gaston seconded by Councilman 'Stimpson that the Town donate $25.00 to the Business and Professional Women's- Club Christmas. Project toward the purchase of material for familieti 1.ving with"-heiMunicipality, car- ried. Motion was made by Councilman I Stimpson and seconded by ,Council- i man Klumpp that a committee be appointed to investigate the need, for direct relief, and carried. Coe e cilmen Berglin and Klumpp appointed as the committee. On motion by Councilman Gaston seconded by Councilman Stimpson DIr. Grover Lowell .was granted a permit. to build addition on back of his building on Fairhope Ave., according to application filed. �,, .. _._;. _--_ "._ ,. _ , --.. .�e�� _�_.:.�.� -'� • - ,.0 ,..ram