HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-22-1934 Regular MeetingI
The Town Council of the Town of F'a.irhope, County of
Baldwin, Alabama, met in regular session at Town Hall at _-' -6
o'clock P. M., on the ZJ=Z day of � , 1934, when and
where the following members were present, to- -tit : Howard huge,
4� �111,.a__, g,( ;"the some constituting the
full membership of the Town Council.
The following Ordinance No. and entitled
"An Ordinance to determine upon, order and authorize
the improvement of portions of certain streets, ave-
nues, alleys, highways and other public places within -
the corporate limits of the Town of Fairhope, Alabama,
by filling, grading, leveling, graveling, paving, side -
walking, curbing,, guttering, draining and the con.strac-
tion of storm water sewers or drains or lateral stoim
sewers in connection with such Improvements for the
purpose of properly draining the portions of streets
so improved and the property abutting thereon, to-
gether with all necessary appurtenances thereto; to
provide for the payment of all costs and expenses
thereof by assessment against the property abutting
on the portion of such streets, avenues, alleys, high-
ways and public places so improved, drained, served,
protected or benefited to the extent of the increased
value thereof by reason of the special benefits derived
from such improvements; to describe the nature and ex-
tent of the work, the general character of the mater-
it-3ls to'be used and the location and terminal points
therecf, and the streets, avenues, alleys or other
highways or parts thereof embraced therein., and to
define the area to be drained, served or benefited by
such storm crater sever or sewers or drains and lateral
storm water severs; to direct that full details, draw-
ings, plans, specifications and surveys of said work
and estimates be prepared by the Town Engineer; to
designate the officer with whom such plans shall be
filed; to designate the party under whose supervision
the work shall be done and the improvements made; to
provide for the publication of this ordinance and the
mailing of conies thereof to the persons last assess-
ing for city or tm-Tn taxation the property which may
be assessed for said improvements; to fix and appoint
a time for and to authorize the holding of a meeting
of the Couno i 1 to hear objections to said improvements',
and to give t this ordinance an official designation",
was introduced by , read in full by the
Clerk and consider d by the Council, said ordinance being as fol-
Bct. 22, 1934
An Ordinance to determine upon, order and authorize
the improvement of portions of certain streets, ave-
nues, alleys, highways and other public places within,
the corporate limits of the Town of Fairhope, Alabama,
by filling, grading, leveling, graveling, paving, side -
walking, curbing, guttering, draining and the construe-
tion of storm water sewers or drains or lateral storm
sewers in connection with such improvements for the
purpose of properly draining the portions of streets
so improved and the property abutting thereon, to-
gether with all necessary appurtenances thereto; to
provide for the payment of all costs and expenses
thereof by assessment against the property abutting
on the portion of such streets, avenues, alleys, high-
ways and publi a places so improved, drained, served,
protected or benefited to the extent of the increased
value thereof by reason of the special benefits derived
from such improvements; to describe the nature and ex-
tent of the works the general character of the mater-
ials to be used and the location and terminal points
thereof, and the streets, avenues, alleys or other
highways or parts thereof embraced therein, and to
define the area to be drained, served or benefited by
such storm water sewer or sewers or drains and lateral
storm water sewers; to direct that full details, draw-
ings, plans, specifications and surveys of said work
and estimates be prepared by the Town Engineer; to
designate the officer with whom such plans shall be
filed; to designate the party under whose supervision
the work shall be done and the improvements made; to
provide for the publication of this ordinance and the
mailing of copies thereof to the persons last assess-
ing for city or town taxation the property which may
be assessed for said improvements; to fix and appoint
a time for and to authorize the holding; cC a meeting
of the Council to hear objections to said improvements,
and to give to this ordinance an official designation,
' Section 1. That it be and hereby is determined
upon, ordered and authorized by the Town Council of the Town
of Fairhope, Alabama, that the Town of Fairhope, Alabama, de-
sign or cause to be designed, contract for, execute and cause
to be executed, ' improvements to and on the following streets,
avenues, alleys, highways and other public places'within the
corporate limits of the Town of Fairhope, Alabama, viz.:
(A) Fairhope Avenue, from Fairhope >Jharf to Corporate
Section Street,
from Corporate Limits to 'cdhite
Church Street,
from Magnolia Avenue to Fels
Summit Street,
from Kiefer Street to Fairhope
Avenue; e;
Bayview Street,
s W I.FT Rd-d,v
from Northi No at to White kvenue;
Mobile Avenue,
from Fairhope Avenue to 6.01IiM��s
White Avenue, from
Section Street to Mobile Avenue;
Fels Avenue, from Section Street to Mobile Avenue;
Magnolia Avenue,
from Section Street to Fairhope
Kiefer Street,
from Summit Street to Bayview Street;
Delemar Street
or "X" Street, from Section street
to Church
Including all street,
avenue and alley interseat, ions
and public places;
all as per plats filed in the office of the Judge of Frobate of
Baldwin County, `ilabama, by filling, grading, leveling, graveling,
paving, sidewalking, curbing, guttering, draining and the construc-
tion of storm water sewers or drains, or lateral storm sewers in
connection with such improvements for the purpose of properly
draining such portions of said streets and the property abutting
thereon, together with all necessary appurtenances thereto.
Section 2. That the area to be drained, served or
benefited by each of such storm iilater sewers or drains or later-
al storm water sewers to be constructed in connection with such
other improvements for the purpose of properly draining said
streets and the property abutting thereon., be and the same hereby
is defined to be the property fronting on each portion of the
streets, avenues and highways herein provided to be improved,
actually drained, served or benefited by each of said storm water
sewers or drains or lateral storm water sewers.
Section 3. That all of the costs and expenses of
aforesaid works and improvements be assessed upon and agaList,
the property abutting on the portion of such streets t avenues,
alleys, ' highways and other public places so improved, served,
drained, protected or benefited by such improvements to the
extent of the increased value thereof by reason of the special
benefits derived from such improvements, provided that for the
intersection, of streets, avenues, alleys or other highways
so improved,,the cost of improving any intersection or any
part thereof, shall be assessed against the lots or parcels
of land abutting on each of the streets, avenues, alleys or
other highways so intersecting for a half block in each direc-
tion therefrom; provided that for the purpose of computing
assessments hereunder no block shall be considered as extend-
ing more than 1,000 feet from any intersection so improved;
for such sidewalk improvements, including curbing and gutter-
ing, all of the costs thereof for street and avenue comers
shall be assessed against the lots abutting on or near said,
improvement and Vie entire cost of the sidewalk improvement,
including curbing and guttering at the intersection of any
alley with a street or avenue or other highway, shall be
assessed in fair proportion against the respective lots or
parcels of land abutting or cornering on the alley at such
intersection; but in no case shall the assessment against__ —
any lots or parcels of land be greater than the increased
value of such lots or parcels of land by reason of the special
benefits derived from such improvement. The costs and ex-
penses of such works and improvements shall include the ex-
pense of the preliminary and other surveys, and the inspec-
tion and superintendence of such work, printing and publish-
ing the notices, resolutions and ordinances required, includ-
ing notice of assessment, the cost of construction, prepar-
ing bonds, interest on money borrowed during construction
or on bonds when the bonds have been issued in anticipation
of the collection of the assessment, and any other expenses
necessary for the completion of such improvement.
Section 4. That the works and improvements herein
determined upon, ordered and authorized shaall be in the na-
ture and to the extent of roadway or street paving of a -b-itumi-
nous surface treatment on a prepared sand clay base, including
all necessary intersections and street corners; storm water
sewers -or drains to the extent necessary to properly drain such
portions of said streets to be improved hereunder and the prop-
erty abutting thereon, together with all necessary appurtenances
and filling, grading, leveling, draining and graveling.
Section 5. That the general character of the
ials to be used for such works and improvements shall be
logs; Pavement of streets with a bituminous surfac
went on a prepared sand clay base.
Section 6. That all of the work to be done and the
improvements to be made hereunder shall�be done and made under
the supervision of J. B: Converse & Co.,, Inc . , as Town Engineer
of the Town of Fairhope, Alabama, they being hereby appointed
for that purpose by the Council.
Section 7. That the said J. B. Converse & Co., Inc,,
as Town Engineer, be and they hereby are directed to prepare
full details, drawings, plans, specifications and surveys of
said work and estimates thereon and thereof which shall be,
when completed, placed on file not later than two weeks prior
to the date of the meeting of the Town Council hereinafter pro-
vided for, in' the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Fair -
hope, Alabama, where property owners who may be affected by such
improvements may see and examine the same.
Section B. That this ordinance be published once a
week for two consecutive weeks in the Fairhope Courier, a news-
paper published in the Town of Fairhope; Alabama, and that a
copy thereof be sent by registered mail, postage prepaid, to
the parsons last assessing for tovan taxation the property which
may be assessed for said improvements, at their last known ad-
dresses, said notices to be so mailed not less than ten days
before the meeting of the Council provided for in the next suc-
ceeding section.
Section 9. The the Town Council of the Toyrn of Fair -
hope; Alabama; meet at o'clock P. M. in the Town
of �'ai�
Alabama , at the of Ice of the Town Clerk
thereof , on the
- day of ;� -✓ , 1934, for the purpose of hearing
and at which tir�.e��u�ear any objections or rera�onstrar_ces
that nay'be made to said improvements, the manner of making
the same, or the character of material or materials to be used.
Section 10. That this ordinance is hereby termed
and designated, shall be kno and may be cited as the "Street
Improvement Ordinance of (�1934, Number
Duly adopted by the Town Council of the Totem. of Fair-
h e A a ama, at a regular meeting thereof held on,2Z-zz
C� fie.
Ts —Mayor of the Town 9f FaiWo—p*,,
ATTEST: Alabama.
As C e of the Tbwn of Fal—r-
hope, Alabama.
(Town Seal)
of �'ai�
Section 10. That this ordinance is hereby termed
and designated, shall be kno and may be cited as the "Street
Improvement Ordinance of (�1934, Number
Duly adopted by the Town Council of the Totem. of Fair-
h e A a ama, at a regular meeting thereof held on,2Z-zz
C� fie.
Ts —Mayor of the Town 9f FaiWo—p*,,
ATTEST: Alabama.
As C e of the Tbwn of Fal—r-
hope, Alabama.
(Town Seal)
was moved b- . � . and seconded
It y
by that all les of the Town Council of
the To of Fairhoplt Alabama, which might prevent, unless suspend-
ed, the final passage and adoption of said ordinance at this meet-
ing, be and t"Le same are hereby suspended for the ;purpose of per-
mitting the final passage and adoption of said ordinance at this
he c uest ion. being upon the adoption of said motion and
the suspension of such rules, the roll uas called with the follow-
ing results:
.k YS :
The mayor declared said motion carried and such rules sus-
Councilman �..L_t -C�-�� then moved that said o r-
dinanoe be now placed upon its final passage. Councilmman A � -
�� seconded the motion.
The question being put upon the placing of said ordinance
upon its final passage, the roll was called with the following re -
suits :
r 1'%��..�-- �` • ?�' � � Cam- �._.. � �e �_ �.�..`
The mayor declared the motion. carried. Councilman
�f thereupon moved that the sai d ordinance be finally
passed and adopted as introduced and read. Councilman
-s�-� seconded the motion.
The question being put upon the final passage and adoption
of said ordinance. the roll was called with the following results:
3YES :
NAYS: �I--
The mayor thereupon declared said motion carried and they
ordinance finally passed and adopted. The mayor thereupon signed
said ordinance in approval thereof e
Motion was made by Councilman Gaston seconded by Couhcilni4n Klumpp
that the audit of the books of the town for the year ending September 3)
30, 1934, by Smith, Dukes and b uckalew be accepted, placed on file
and published in the Fairhope Courier, carried.
The following resolution was introduced by Gounallman Gaston seconded
by CouncilmanStimpson, and being put upon its passage weds unanimously
BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor,Howard Kuge and J. B. Converse
and oom, inc., Town Engineers be and th�/are hereby
authorized and directed to prepare and cduse to be
published as required by law due and proper notice to
Contractors for bids for the conestruction of the
Water Works and Sewerage System authorized and de-
termined by Ordinance No. 120.
bkotio n by Councilman Gaston seconded by Gouncilman Keeble that a tele-
phone be installed in the residence of Frank McKenzie and the service
paid for by the Town, carried.
It was mowed by CounailmaAfCc� . ry and
seconded by Councilman 16 2 that the meeting adjourno
Notion carried*
ATTEST: Mayor.
Town Clark.
Town Council Proceedings'
'The regular meeting of the Coun-
cil of Town of F irhgpe was, held
N Monday, .8, 1934.
Mayor Ruge and Councilmen
I +Berglin, Gaston, Keeble, Klumpp
!and Stimpson were present.
Motion by Councilman Gaston
seconded by Councilman Stimpson
that the minutes of the meeting
held October 16t be corrected to
show that applications for the of- f
five of Clerk, were filed. by Guern-
sey iClarke, Frederick Woerl; Geo.
W. Morgan an4 Gladys L' bwell, car-
,Motion, wa6 made .by Councilman
Berglin seconded by Councilman
Klumpp that the minutes of meet
Ing Oct..lst, be approved as cor-
rected and minutes of special meet-
ing October 3rd approved as read;
J The following bills were allowed,
I iFairhope Coal & Supply Co.
Raymond Stapleton, overtime _3.80
Frank McKeezie, 'overtime-----2.80
Demeranville, flowers--__ ------ _10.25
a Jones R. C. A. Victor Agency
supplies ---------------- --- ----7.29
C. G. Godard, Prof. services 10.00
Higbee Mill Co., lumber------------31.80
Nick -J. !Ludwig, labor � —____ 12.00 J
'Forster & iSons, gas andoil459.58
Neptune Meter Co., supplies 6.29
'Mr. henry Barton was present
and gave a..short,talk on the Gov -
I ernment mosquito control ,project
In this vicinity.
Committee appointed to consider
attorneys available°for the office ofl
Town Attorney, made a report -ree
ommending 'Mr. H:. M. Hall of Bay
Minette. 4 .
Nomination of H. M. _Hall for
Town Attorney was made by Coun-1
Gilman M. O. Berglin. Nomination
was seconded+ by Councilman T. J.
Klumpp. Upon roll call the vote I
stood Howard Ruge, Mayor; M. 0.1
Berglin, C. A. Gaston, W. O. Keeble,
T. J. Klumpp and J. O. Stimpson
I C,ouncilmen, Aye. Noes, none, and
{ the Mayor declared H. M. Hall duly`
elected to the office.
Motion 'by Councilman Gaston
i seconded by Councilman Stimpson
I that the iCouncil accept the Mayor's
report on delinquent accounts as
of Sept. 1, 1934 as follows: Electric
accounts $2,962.74; Water accounts,,
$1,761.21 and Tax accounts $3,014.54
f making a total of $7,738.49' and that .
the .Mayor ibe instructed to carry
out his detailed plan for handling i
I such accounts, carried.
Motion by Councilman Gaston ,
seconded tby Councilman Keeble
that i9,eRtlo4 10 of the Civil Code re-
garding Road Trg'x lie suspended fo'r
' 'die year ?934 v rried.
Councilman ;Berglin moved the
adoption of the following playing I
rates for the Golf iCourse:
f$6.00 per yeaf for one person.
$8.00 per yeaf for man and wife.
$3.00 per year for Juniors under'18 j
years of ag8,'
11 50c per (calen&kr) day green fees.
�Motion was seconded by Council_-1i
,marl Gaston and carried.
Needing adjourned.
Gladys 'Lowell, Clerk
October 8,.1934
c. ,4-