HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-13-2023 City Council MinutesST ATE OF ALABAMA )( COUNTY OF BALDWIN )( The City Council. City of Fairhope. met in regular session at 6:00 p.m .. Fairhope Municipal Complex Council Chamber. 161 North Section Street. Fairhope. Alabama 36532. on Monday. 13 Nl)\'ember 2023. 10255 Present \\'ere Council President Jay Robinson. Councilmembers: Jack Burrell. Corey Martin. Jimmy Conyers. and Ke\·in Boone. Mayor Sherry SulliYan. City Attorney Marcus E. McDo\\'ell. and City Clerk Lisa A. Hanks. There being a quorum present. Council President Robinson called the meeting to order. The in\'ocation \\'as gi\·en by ReYerend Forbes Sirmon of St. James Episcopal Church and the Pledge of Allegiance \\·as recited. Council President Robinson stated the next item on the agenda is the election for a Council President and Council President Pro Tempore. Council President Robinson opened the floor for Council President nominations. Councilmember Conyers nominated Councilmember Martin for Council President and Councilmember Burrell for Council President Pro T em pore. Seconded by Councilmemher Boone and no other nominations \\'ere made. Councilmember Martin \\'as elected Council President and Councilmember Burrell \\'as elected Council President Pro Tempore unanimously by \·oice \·ote. Councilmember Robinson passed the ga\·el to Council President Martin and he took the presider·s seat. Council President Martin thanked Councilmember Robinson for doing an excellent job as Council President: and asked e\cryone to gi\·e him a round of applause. Council member Conyers mo\ ed to apprm·e minutes of the 23 October 2023. regular meeting: and minutes of the 23 October 2023. \\ork session. Seconded by Councilmember Burrell. motion passed unanimously by \·oice \·ote. Mayor SulliYan addressed the City Council and gaYe brief comments regarding Lori Lein. She said Ms. Lein joined the League's legal department in 200 I. bringing \\ ith her a solid background in local goYemment issues. Mayor Sulli\·an presented Lori Lein. General Counsel of the Alabama League of Municipalities. a Certificate of Appreciation that states: "In recognition of the many years of sen·ice to the :\labama League of f\lurncipalities and sen·ice to the muniL·ipalities throughout the State of .\laba111a. The knm\'ledge. expertise. and guidance prm ided to the City of Fairhope through the years and all other 111unicipalities. As \\·ell as your sen ice as the League·s (ieneral Counsel and responsibilities 111 ad\·ising municipal officials and employees from O\er -WO member cities and towns. 10256 13 Non�mber 2023 Your co111111it111cnt to sen ing as a 111embcr of the Alaba111a Association of Municipal Attorneys (AAM A). The City of Fairhope recognizes your dedication. and endless efforts to assist our City O\'Cr the years and for this you are to be honored and co111111ended." Mayor Sulli\'an also ga\·e Ms. Lein a gift from the Baldwin County Mayor's Association. Councilmember Burrell thanked Lori Lein for all the \\'ork she has done for municipalities and for Fairhope. Mayor Richard Teal from the City of Loxley also thanked Ms. Lein for all of the \\'Ork she has done helping our municipalities. Mayor Sullinm announced the 2023 Veteran of the Year: Ed\\'in (Juju) Lessard, Jr.: and mentioned some of the fo11owing: Juju Lessard senwl his country as an Air Traffic Controller in the U.S. Air Force from 1978-1 989. and then \\'orked for the U.S. Federal /\, iation Agency from 1 999 to 201 I. Lessard is an acti\'c member of the American Legion, Eastern Shore Post 199, Member of the American Legion Riders. Eastern Shnre Post 199. sen ing multiple times as an elected officer. Member of the Patriot (iuarded Riders. 2012 tn present. and support member of the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association. 201 8 to present, Volunteer V cteran for Co\'enant Care l lospice. and in 2019 \\'as honored by the William F. Green Veteran's Ho111c for his dedication to sening their residents. and organized and participated in the adoption of approximately 50 fr1rgotten \eterans in Fairhope and area nursing homes. f\tayor Sulli\·an 111entin11ed he is a Patriot Ride Captain. f\tr. Lessard \\'as a\\·ardcd Air Force Good Conduct f\tcdal \\'ith 2 Oak Leaf Clusters. :\ir Force Outstanding Unit :\\\'ard. Air Force Commendation Medal. llu111anitarian Ser\'ice Medal. Air Force ( h-crscas Short Tour Ribbon. Non-Commissioned Officer Professional Military Fducation Graduate Ribbon. Small A.nns Fxpert f\1arksmanship Ribbon. and Air Force Training Ribbon. f\tr. Lessard addressed the City Council said he attends Iligh School and City e\·ents tlll behalf of the \eterans: and it too is a full-ti111e job. I le thanked the City Council and the Veteran of the Y car Committee for honoring hi111 \\'ith this a\\'ard. Mayor Sulli\an recognized Jackson Adams. Junior City Councilmember. who was in the audience. She commented that the Junior City Councilmembers \\'ill be alternating to attend City Council meetings. Council President Martin recognized his \\'ife and three kids 111 the audience and thanked them for being here tonight. Councilmember Burrell mo\'ed to amend the agenda by addressing Agenda Item No. 27 before Agenda Item No. 5. Secnnded by Councilmember Robinson. motion passed unanimously by \·oice \'Ote. Girl Scout Troop 80 I 7 walked up to the front and gmc Girl Scout cookies to the Councilmembers. Mayor. City Clerk. and City Attorneys. Troop 8017 addressed the City Council and all ga\'C a statement of what they are and do. 10257 13 Nm ember 2023 For example. all are \\ orking on either Bronze. Sih er or Gold A \Yards. pro\·ide Community ser,ices. and selling cookies is their only fundraiser. Councilmember Robinson mo\·ed to grant the request of Allison Marlm\·. Girl Scout Troop 8017. requests permission to sell cookies downtown across from the Fairhope Public Library beginning January I 0. 2024 through March 25. 2024. Seconded by Councilmember Conyers. motion passed unanimously by \·oice vote. Councilmember Burrell thanked Councilmember Robinson for his year of sen·ice and for doing a great job. He congratulated Council President Martin. Councilmember Conyers echoed what Councilmember Burrell said regarding Councilmember Robinson. Councilmember Robinson said he was excited and looking forward to this year. Councilmember Boone thanked Council President Martin for accepting this position. Council President Mai1in thanked the City Council for allowing him to serYe: and said he was looking forward to this year. Councilmember Burrell mowd for final adoption of Ordinance No. 1785. an ordinance to amend Zoning Ordinance No. 1253 and Ordinance No. 1736 Hill Top PUD. Request of Jade Consulting. LLC. acting on behalf of the owner. T\\'o Hands Design and De\·elopment LLC. amend Lot 29 front setback from I oo· to 30'. The property is approximately 1.14 acres and is located on the \\'est side of Section Street and south of Petiole Dr. PPIN #389630. (Introduced at the City Council Meeting on October 23. 2023.) Seconded by Councilmember Boone. motion for final adoption passed by the folhming mice Yotes: A YE -Burrell. Mai1in. Conyers. Robinson. and Boone. NAY -None. Councilmember Robinson moYed for final adoption of Ordinance No. 1786. an ordinance to amend Zoning Ordinance No. 1253. Request of Ryan Baker. Walcott Adams \'emeuille Architects. acting on behalf of the mrner. Phillip Good\\yn. to rezone prope11y from B-4. Business and Professional District to B3a. Tourist Resort Lodging District. The property is approximately 0.15 acres and is located at 49 I i493 Pine A\ enue. PPIN # I 4838. ( Introduced at the City Council Meeting on October 23. 2023.) Seconded by Councilmember Boone. motion for final adoption passed by the follo\\'ing mice \"Otes: A YE -Burrell. Martin. Conyers. Robinson. and Boone. NAY None. 10258 I J Non:mber 202J Councilmember Robinson introduced in \\'riting. and mo, ed for the adoption of the follo\\'ing resolution. a resolution that the City Council apprm es the procurement of the NEOGOV Human Resources Management Suite for a cost of SIJ.668.50: and request to transfer budget from 00I I00-50J00 to 00l l70-50J00 to fund most of this procurement. Seconded hy Councilmemher Conyers. motion passed unanimously hy ,·oice , otc. RESOLUTION NO. 4904-23 BE IT RESOL \'ED BY THE GO\'ERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA. That the City of Fairhope has rnted to purchase NEOGOV Online Application Tracking System from Go\'ernmentjohs.com d 1h a NEOGO\' \\ith a cost ofSIJ.668.50: and authorizes the transfer budget 00II00- 50J 00 to 00I I 70-50J00 to fund most of this procur nt for the first year. Corey Martin. Council President Attest: Councilmemher Robinson introduced in \\Titing. and 1110\'ed for the adoption of the follo\\·ing resolution. a resolution that the City Council authorizes and apprO\es the hiring of the ne\\' Purchasing Agent to allo\\' the current Purchasing Agent ( Pay Grade 8 ). \\·ho is retiring at the end of December 202J. to \\'ork \\'ith and train the ne\\ employee prior to his lca\'ing. This \\·ill he beneficial to the City as "ell as the ne\\· hire. The temporary position \\ill expire upon retirement of the cunent Purchasing Agent. Seconded hy Councilmember Bunell. motion passed unanimously hy ,·oice ,·ote. * * 10259 13 NO\ em her 2023 RESOLUTION NO. �905-23 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GO\'ERNING BODY OF THE CIT\' OF FAIRHOPE. ALABA"A. That the City Council authorizes and apprO\ es the hiring of the ne\\ Purchasing :\gent to al kl\\ the current Purchasing Agent ( Pay ( irade X ). \\ ho is retiring at the end of Decemher 2023. to \\ ork \\ ith and train the ne\\ employee r to his leaving. This will he heneficial to the City as \\ell as the ne\\ hire. The IL'mporary osi ion will expire upon retirement of the current Purchasing Agent. ADOPTU) THIS 13TII DAY OF NO\'EM Corey Martin. Council President :-\ TTEST: Citv Clerk Councilmemher Conyers introduced in \\'riting. and mo\'ed for the adoption of the follo\\ing resolution. a resolution that the City Council appn)\'es the selection of Gresham Smith for Professional Engineering Sen·ices for (RFQ PS2-l-009) Section Street Resurfacing in the Central Business District (CBD): and hereby authorizes Mayor SheJTy SulliYan to negotiate the not-to-exceed fee to he appn)\'ed hy Council. Seconded by Councilmemher Robinson. motion passed unanimously hy Yoice \ ote. RESOLUTION NO. �906-23 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE c;onm.NING BOD\' OF TIIE CIT\' OF FAIRHOPE, ALABA"A. That the City Council apprO\es the selection of (iresham Smith to perform Profrssional Engineering Sen·ices for ( RF<) PS 2-l-009) the Secti01 'treet Resurfacing in the Central Business District (CBD): and hereby authorizes Mayor S rry ullivan to negotiate the not-to-nceed fee to he apprO\ed by Council. Corey 1\1artin. Council President :\TTEST: 10260 13 Nm em her 2023 Councilmember Rohinson introduced in \\riting. and moYed for the adoption of the follm,·ing resolution. a resolution that the City Council appnn-es the selection of Watershed for Professional Architecture and Engineering Sen·ices for ( RFQ PS24- 008)Professional Architecture and Engineering Sen ices for the Nature Center Building Rehahilitation: and authorizes Mayor Sherry Sulli\·an to negotiate the not­ to-exceed fee to be apprm·ed by Council. Seconded by Councilmember Conyers. motion passed unanimously hy \·oice \'ote. RESOLUTION NO. 4907-23 BE IT RESOL\'ED BY THE GO\'ERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA. as follo\\s: [I]That the City of Fairhope a\\ards RFQ No. ( PS24-008) Professional Architecture and Engineering Sen ices for the Nature Center Building Rehahilitation to Watershed: and hereby authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to negotiate the not-to-exceed fee to he appnn-ed by Council. DULY ADOPTED THIS 13TH D Corey Martin. Council President Attest: Councilmember Rohinson introduced in \\riting. and mo\'ed for the adoption of the follo\\'ing resolution. a resolution that the City Council rejects all bids for ( Bid No. 2023WWF-038) City of Fairhope Working Waterfront and Greenspace Project: and authorizes Mayor Sherry Sulli, an to negotiate a contract \\ith Rolin Construction. Inc. pursuant to the Code of Alabama I 975. Section 39-2-6(b). Seconded by Councilmember Conyers. motion passed unanimously hy ,·oice \·ote. * * 10261 13 Nowmher 2023 RESOLUTION NO. 4908-23 BE IT RESOL\'ED BY THE GO\'ERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE. ALABAI\IA. as follows: [I]That the City of Fairhope did request. recei\e. and open hids for City of Fairhope Working Waterfront and Greenspace Project (Bid Numher 2023\\'\\'F-038) at 555 South Section Street in the City of Fairhope offices. Fairhope. Alahama. [2]At the appointed time and place. the hids \\'ere opened and tahulated. [3]After e\·aluating the hid proposals with the required hid specifications. only one \'alid hid \\'as recei\ ed and \\'e request that all hids he rejected for Bid No. 2023\\'\\'F-038 City of Fairhope Working Waterfront and Greenspace Project: and authorize Mayor Sherry Sulli\·an to negotiate a contract \\·ith Rolin Construction. Inc. pursuant to the Code of Alahama I 975. Section 39-2-6(h). Corey Martin. Council President Attest: �-411� �nks,MC City Clerk Councilmemher Conyers introduced in \\Titing. and tntH'ed for the adoption of the folhming resolution. a resolution that the City Council appro\·es the selection hy the E\'aluation Team and Daryl Morefield for Professional Engineering Sen·ices for (RFQ PS23-027) Force Se\\'er Main Upgrades to Kimley-Horn and Associates: and authorizes Mayor Sherry Sulli\an to negotiate the fee schedule for the contract. Seconded by Councilmemher Robinson. motion passed unanimously by\ oice \·ote. * * 10262 13 No,·emher 2023 RESOLUTION NO. 4909-23 BE IT RESOL\'ED BY TIIE c;o,·ER'.':ING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABA'.\IA. That the City of Fairhope a\\ anb ( RF() No. PS23-027) Professional Engineering Senices for Force Se\\er !\fain Upgrades to 1--:.imky-Hom and Associates. Inc.: and hereby authorizes l\1ayor Sherry Sullirnn to negotiate the not-to-xceed fee to be approved by ouncil. Corey Martin. Council President Attest: ,4i{MIL City Clerk Councilmemher Rohinson introduced in writing. and moYed for the adoption of the following resolution. a resolution that the City of Fairhope mrnrds (RFQ No. PS23-025) Professional Engineering Sen·ices for Wastewater Treatment Plant Head\\orks Impron:ments to Krehs Engineering and Associates: and herehy authorizes Mayor Sherry Sulli,·an to negotiate the not-to-exceed fee to he appro,·ed hy Council. Seconded by Councilmcmher Boone. motion passed unanimously hy ,·oice Yotc. RESOLUTION NO. 4910-23 BE IT RESOL\'ED BY TIIE GO\'ERNING BODY OF TIIE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAI\L\. That the City of Fairhope awards RF() No. PS23-025 Engirn:cring Professional Engineering SerYices fix \\' aste\\ater Treatment Plant Head\\orks Imprm ements to Krebs Lngineering and 1\ssociatcs: and hereby authorizes l\1aym Sherry Sulli\ an to negotiate the not-to-exceed fee to be appro\ed by Council. DLII.Y :\DOPTED THIS DTII DAYCore\· Martin. Council President Attest: 10263 13 NO\ ember 20.23 Councilmemher Burrell introduced in \\'riting. and mo\'ed for the adoption of the follo\\'ing resolution. a resolution that the City of Fairhope appn)\'es the procurement of imTntory \\'ater meters for the Water Department and authorizes procurement based on the option allO\\'ed by the Code of Alabama 1975. Section 41- 16-51 (h )( 7 ). This cost \\'ill not-to-exceed S500.000.00. Seconded by Councilmemher Conyers. motion passed unanimously by \'Oice \'Ote. RESOLUTION NO.4911-B BE IT RESOLVED B\' THE GOVERNING BOD\' OF THE CIT\' OF FAIRHOPE. ALABAI\IA, as follo\\'s: [I]That the City of Fairhope appn)\'es the procurement of Neptune Water Meters to replenish irn'Cntory for the Water Department to he purchased from Consolidated Pipe and Supply Company. Inc. as Sole Source Provider in the State of Alabama for Neptune Technology Group. Inc: and arc exempt from fonnal bid pursuant to Code of Alabama 1975. Section 41-16-51(h)(7). The total cost not-to-exceed S500.000.00. Corey Martin. Council President Attest: Councilmemher Bu1Tell introduced in \\'riting. and ll10\'ed for the adoption of the follo\\'ing resolution. a resolution that the City of Fairhope appro\'eS the procurement of materials for County Road 33 Water Main Upgrade for the Water Department to be purchased from Consolidated Pipe and Supply Company. Inc. as Sole Source Prm ider in the State of Alabama for Neptune Technology Group. Inc.: and are exempt from formal hid pursuant to Code of Alabama 1975. Section 41-16- 5 l(h )( 7 ). The total cost not-to-exceed S63.704.00. Seconded by Councilmemher Conyers. motion passed unanimously hy n1ice n1te. 10264 I J NoYcmher 2023 RESOLUTION NO. 4912-23 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAI\IA. as follo\\'s: [I]That the City of Fairhope appnn cs the procurement of Materials for County Road JJ Water Main Upgrade for the Water Depai1ment to he purchased from Consolidated Pipe and Supply Company. Inc. as Sole Source ProYider in the State of Alabama for Neptune Technology Group. Inc: and are exempt from formal hid pursuant to Code of Alabama 197 5. Section 41-l6-51(h)(7). The total cost not-to­ excced S6J. 704.00. Corey Martin. Council President Attest: ��isaA anks, MMC City Clerk Councilmcmhcr Robinson introduced in \\Titing. and mm·cd for the adoption of the follo\\'ing resolution. a resolution that the Mayor and City Treasurer are herehy authorized and directed to dispose of the personal property o\\'ncd hy the City of Fairhope. Alabama. described in Section I hy the follo\\'ing method: Sold for scrap or recycle at the highest offered Yaluc. Seconded hy Councilmcmhcr Boone. motion passed unanimously hy , oice \'otc. * * * 10265 13 No\'ernber 2023 RESOLUTION NO. 4913-23 \VHEREAS. the City of Fairhope. Alabama. has ce1iain items of personal property \\·hich arc no longer needed for public or municipal purposes: and \YHEREAS. Section 11-43-56 of the Code of Alabama of 1975 authorizes the municipal go\'eming body to dispose of unneeded personal property: NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOL\'ED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAI\IA. AS FOLLO\YS: SECTION I. That the following personal property owned by the City of Fairhope. Alabama. is not needed for public or municipal purposes. and hereby declared surplus: 200+ Non-Serviceable \Vater Meters SECTION 2. That the Mayor and City Treasurer are hereby authorized and directed to dispose of the personal property owned by the City of Fairhope. Alabama. described in Section I. abo\'e. by the following method: OF NOVEMBER, 2023 Corey Martin. Council President ATTEST: City Clerk Councilrnember Boone introduced in writing. and mo\'ed for the adoption of the follo\\'ing resolution. a resolution that the That the City of Fairhope mrnrds (RFQ No. PS24-0 I 0) Professional Engineering Sen·ices for Lead Service Line ln\'entory and Compliance to Kimley-Hom and Associates. Inc.: and hereby authorizes Mayor Sherry Sulli\·an to negotiate the not-to-exceed fee to be appnH"ed by Council. Seconded by Councilrnember Burrell. motion passed unanimously by Yoice vote. 10266 13 Non:mhcr 2023 RESOLUTION NO. 4914-B BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAI\IA. as follo\\·s: [ 1]That the City of Fairhope m\·ards (RFQ No. PS24-0I 0) Professional Engineering Scn·iccs for Lead Scn·ice Linc Inventory and Compliance to Kimley-Hom and Associates. Inc.: and hcrehy authorizes Mayor Sherry S I van to negotiate the not-to­ exceed fee to he appn)\ ed hy Council. DULY ADOPTED THIS 13TH DAY 0 Corcv Martin. Council President Attest: �!l�L «saA.i--fnks, MMC City Clerk Councilmemhcr Burrell introduced in \\Titing. and 1110\·ed for the adoption of the follo\\'ing resolution. a resolution to a\\'ard ( Bid No. 24-005) US 31 \\'idening Gas Main Relocation to Equix Energy Sen·ices. LLC \\'ith a hid proposal not-to-exceed £588.947.75. Seconded hy Councilmemher Conyers. motion passed unanimously hy \·oice \·ote. RESOLUTION NO. 4915-B BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAI\IA. as folh)\\s: [I]That the City of Fairhope did request. recei\ e. and open hids to procure sen·ices for (Bid No. 24-005) US 31 Widening Gas Main Relocation at 555 South Section Street in the City of Fairhope offices. Fairhope. Alahama. [2]At the appointed time and place. hids \\'ere rccci\·cd and tahulated as follo\\·s: Equix Energy Sen ices. LLC General Maintenance Contractors of East Alahama. Inc. S 588.947.75 S 1.639.695.91 10267 13 November 2023 [3]After evaluating the bids with the required specifications. Equix Energy Sen'ices.LLC is now awarded (Bid No. 24-005) US 31 Widening Gas Main Relocation with ahid proposal not-to-exceed $588.947.75.DULY ADOPTED THIS 13TH DAY 0 Corey Martin. Council President Attest: �dl{J� City Clerk Councilmemher Robinson introduced in writing. and moved for the adoption of the following resolution. a resolution that the City of Fairhope has voted to purchase Insightsothrnre Spreadsheet Sen·er (Report Writer Software) 3-year Maintenance Contract from Global Software. LLC dih,'a Insight Soft\\ are for the Treasury for a total amount of S21.075.35 (S6.367.18 Year I) pursuant to Code of Alabama 1975. Section 41-16-5l(a)(ll): and authorizes Mayor Shen-y Sullirnn to execute the contract. Seconded by Councilmember Boone. motion passed unanimously by \'Oice ,·ote. RESOLUTION NO. 4916-23 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GO\'ERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABA'.\IA, That the City of Fairhope has ,oted to purchase lnsightsoftware Spreadsheet Sen er (Report Writer Software) 3-year Maintenance Contract from Global Software. LLC d b 1 a Insight Soft,\·are for the Treasury for a total amount of $21 75.35 ($6,367 .18 Year I) pursuant to Code of Alabama 1975, Section -ll-16-5l(a)( 11): and aut ·zes the Ma or to execute the contract. Corey Martin. Council President Attest: �� City Clerk 10268 13 November 2023 Councilmemher Burrell introduced in \\'riting. and moved for the adoption of the follo\\'ing resolution. a resolution that the City Council hereby authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute the Intergovernmental Agreement establishing the South Alabama Purchasing Association and to participate in its membership. Seconded by Councilmember Robinson, motion passed unanimously by \'Oice vote. RESOLllTIO'.\ :\'O. -1917-23 INTERGO\'ERN!\IE'.\TAL AGREE'.\IENT ESTABLISHl'.\G THE SOl 1 TH ALABA!\IA Pl1 RCHASING ASSOCIATIO'.\ This Intergon:mmental Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into hy and het,\·een the public bodies goYemed h) the General ProYisions of the public contract la,\ of the State of Alabama (Code of Alabama Hl -16-50) located \\ithin the southern region of Alabama. and educational facilities under (Code of Alabama � 16-13B-I) southern region being defined as the counties of Escambia. Bald\\in. and t-.lohile. \\·ithin each of these counties. or adjoining counties. of Alabama. or other entities that choose to be goYemed hy the pro\·isions l)f the South :\labama Purchasing Association intergoYemmental agreement and hy-Ia,\·s as hereinafter set forth. \\'HEREAS. the parties hereto do hereby create. as a rnluntary association. the South Alabama Purchasing Association. hereinafter referred to as "the Association··. for the purpose of coordinating Associatim1 jl)int purchases for the mutual economic ad, antage of its members. The :\ssociation shall consist of each entity participating in this Agreement. Said Association shall he free IP adl)pt such rules for organization as it may deem suitable for the conduct of its business: and \\'HEREAS. the parties to this agreement will identify hy ,1ay of their membership Lm the AdYisory Board those items and classes of items for which joint purchase may he adYantageous for the period commencing with the execution of this Agreement and continuing until tenninated: and WHEREAS, the City of Fairhope desires to help establish the Association and to participate in its membership: and WHEREAS. the City of Fairhope agrees to the premises. and the mutual co\'Cnants and agreements stipulated herein. BE IT RESOL\'ED BY THE GO\'ERNING BODY OF TIIE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABA'.\IA, That the City Council hereby authorizes Mayor SulliYan to execute the lntergo\'Cmmental Agreement Establishing the South Purchasing Association and to participate in its membership. AdL)pted on this 13th day o IC--""-"-'== Corey Martin. Council President Attest: ��l� City Clerk 10269 13 No\'ember 2023 Councilmernber Burrell introduced in writing. and moved for the adoption of the following resolution. a resolution that the City of Fairhope hereby declares its official intent to allocate a portion of the proceeds of the warrants to reimburse the General Fund of the City for expenditures innmed after the date that is no more than sixty (60) days prior to the date of the adoption of this resolution. but prior to the issuance of the warrants. in connection with the acquisition. provision. equipping and construction of the impro\'ements. Seconded by Councilmember Boone, motion passed unanimously by mice vote. RESOLUTION NO. 4918-23 BE IT RESOL\'ED by the City Council (the "Council") of the City of Fairhope. Alabama (the "City"). as follows: Section I. Findings. The City has ascertained and does hereby find and declare as follo\\·s: (a)The City is in the process ,1f planning the design. construction and financing of \ arious capital impro\ ements t,1 the \\ ater \\ orks plant and distribution system and the sanitan se\\·er system of the City (the "\\'ater and Se\\er System Improvements"): (h)The City intends to issue. in ,1ne or more series. not nwre than $50.000.000 aggregate principal amount nf its Utility Rewnue \Varrants (collectiwly. the "\\'arrants"). for the purpose of paying a portion nf the costs of ac4uiring. pro\·iding. equipping and constructing the Impro\·ements and paying the costs nf issuing the \\'arrants: (c)The City expects to issue the \\'arrants by nut later than March 31. 2024: (d) Pri,1r tn issuance ,if the \\'arrants. the City expects to incur certain costs and make certain expenditures out of the general fund ,if the City in c,111nection \\·ith the lmpro\·ements: and ( e)The City expects to allocate to itself. from the proceeds of the \\'arrants. moneys to reimburse the City for the expenditures made prior to the date nf issuance of the \\'arrants. Section 2. Official Intent. The City hereby declares its official intent to allocate a portion ,if the proceeds of the \\'arrants to reimburse the general fund ,if the City for expenditures incurred after the date that is 1w more than sixty ( 60) days prior to the date of the adoption of this resolution. hut prior to the issuance of the Warrants. in connection with the ac4uisition. prn\·ision. e4uipping and constrnction of the lmpro\ ements. This resolution is being adopted pursuant to the re4uirernents ,if the Internal Re\ enue Code of I 98fi. as amended. and Treas Regulations Section 1.150-2( e) promulgated thereunder. Corey Martin. Council President ATTEST: City Clerk 10270 U November 2023 Councilmemher Conyers introduced in \\'riting. and mm'ed for the adoption of the follo\\'ing resolution. a resolution that the City Council hereby approves the Unifonn Work Pants Allowance mentioned in the resolution hut will furnish the required \\'ork shirts beginning January I. 2024. Seconded hy Councilmemher Boone. motion passed unanimously hy voice vote. RESOLUTION NO. 4919-23 \VHEREAS, the City of Fairhope will he ending our rental uniform program \\'ith Cintas as of December 3 I. 2023: and WHEREAS, the City of Fairhope appn)\'ed in the FY 2023 -2024 Budget to authorize a Uniform Allowance for Employee Work Pants as follo,,,s: and General G()\'emment S40.00 per pair for 5 pair of pants ($200.00) FR Employees SI00,00 per pair for 6 pair of pants (600.00) \VHEREAS. the City of Fairhope will furnish the required Work Shirts. BE IT RESOL\'ED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAI\IA, that the City Council hereby appn)\'es the Uniform Work Pants Allowance mentioned aho\'e hut will furnish the required Work Shirts beginning January I. 2024, DULY ADPOTED ON THIS 13TH D Corey Martin. Council President Attest: �:&efl:L City Clerk Councilmemher Burrell introduced in \\Titing. and 1110\'ed for the adoption of the following resolution. a resolution that the City of Fairhope name the property known as The Triangle the "Flying Creek Nature Preser\'e... Seconded hy Councilmember Robinson. motion passed unanimously hy \'oice \'ote. 10271 I J Non�mher 2023 RESOLUTION NO. 4920-23 WHEREAS. the City of Fairhope acquired the property kno\\'n as "The Triangle" Yia a Real Estate Purchase Agreement. DeYelopment Agreement and Wananty Deed: and \\'HEREAS. the City has recei,·ed a grant to construct the North Triangle Nature Park Trail and Facility Imprt)\'ements and presen·e this property to he used as a puhlic park: and WHEREAS. the City Council is desirous to name the property kml\\n as "The Triangle" the "Flying Creek Nature Presen e". NOW BE IT RESOL \'ED BY THE GO\'ERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAI\IA. that the City of Fairho adopts to name the property knmrn as The Triangle the "Flying Creek Nature Pr s rve". DULY ADOPTED THIS 13TH DAY Core\' Martin. Council President Attest: ,�:�L City Clerk Councilmemher Boone introduced in \\Titing. and mo,·ed for the adoption of the follm,·ing resolution. a resolution that Mayor Sheny Sulli,·,m is herehy authorized to execute a loan funding agreement with the Fairhope Airport Authority. a puhlic corporation pursuant to Alahama Code Section 11-63-2. The general frame,,·ork of the loan funding agreement shall not exceed S600.000.00 allocated for use hy the Authority as matching funds related to a federal grant. Seconded hy Councilmemher Conyers. motion passed unanimously by \'oice ,·ote. * * 10272 13 Nt)\'emher 202> RESOLUTION NO. 4921-23 BE IT RESOL\'ED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAl\lA, That Mayor Sherry Sulli,·cm is hereby authorized to execute a loan/funding agreement \\'ith the Fairhope Airport Authority. a public corporation pursuant to Alabama Code Section 11-63-2. The general frame,,ork of the loan funding agreement shall not exceed S600.000.00 allocated for use hy the Authority as matching funds related to a federal grant. The agreement shall he taken in dra\\'s and will not he a lump sum loan to the Authority. The grant and funds will he used to construct a new tenninal at the Fairhope Airport. Repayment terms: Payments to the City on the loan 'funding agreement shall he interest only paid on a monthly basis for the first 18 months. The principal balance plus continuing interest ,,·ill he paid in nine annual installments sta11ing at month 19 and shall he paid off ,,·ithin ten vears from the commencement of principal and interest payments. Interest rate: The current applicable interest rate is 4.75 °0. If the City's best interest rate on deposits goes below 4. 75° o. the rate \\'ill be the average of the new rate and 4.75°0. but never more than 0.75 °0 higher than the City's earnings on deposits. If the City·s interest rate on deposits goes up. the rate ,,·ill go up accordingly. hut shall ne ,·er exceed 5.5 °0. For rates het,,-een 4.75 °0 and 5.5 °0. Airport Authority \\'ill pay the City·s best sa,ings rate on deposits. Interest rates shall he computed and adjusted e,·ery 90 days. Collateral: Collateral may he tied to and further encumber land that is subject to prior funding agreements \\'ith the City of Fairhope if c ent bond obligations allow secondary encumbrances on the subject property. DULY ADOPTED THIS 13TH DAY 0 Corey Martin. Council President Attest: �� "saA.Hanks, MMC City Clerk 10273 13 No\'ember 2023 Councilmember Conyers 1110\'e<l to accept the donation from Katie Bolton. 0\\'ner of Pro-Cycle an<l Tri. donating two bike racks to the Fairhope Soccer Complex in the amount of S500.00 per bike rack. Secon<le<l by Councilmember Robinson. motion passed unanimously by \'oice \'ote. City Council re\'iewed an application for a Beer:Wine Off Premises License by Rmi<lu Roshan Halawaththage. <lib/a FRC General Tra<ling LLC. 17026 State Higlrnay 181, Fairhope. Alabama 36532. Councilmember Robinson move<l to appn)\'e the issuance of the license. Seconded by Councilmember Bun-ell. motion passed unanimously by ,·oice \'Ote. Councilmember Robinson mo\'ed to appoint DU\i<l Johnson to the Fairhope Public Schools Commission to scr\'e the remainder of the \'acate<l tenn by Amy Foley an<l fill position until December 31. 2023: an<l appoint him to ser\'e a three year tenn effecti\'e January I. 2024 an<l cn<ling January 31. 2027. Seconded by Councilmember Conyers. motion passe<l unanimously by voice \'ote. Councilmember Robinson 111()\'ed to appoint Chris Shrader to the Parking Authority for a four-year tenn which \\"ill expire Nm·ember 2027. Secon<le<l by Councilmember Conyers. motion passe<l unanimously by ,·oicc ,·otc. The follo\\'ing individuals spoke during Public Participation for Non-Agen<la Items: I)Carol Wilson. 489 Bartlett An:nue. addressed the City Council regarding theLibrary Board of Trustees ha,·e not responded to their request. She commentedon a list of books filed in the Teen Section of the Fairhope Public Librnry. Ms.Wilson said she was opposed to the books in the children and teen area in theFairhope Public Library.2)Rebecca Watson, 124 Fig A ,cnuc. addressed the City Council regarding thehooks in the children and teen area in the Fairhope Public Library. She toldMayor Sulli,an they han: not heard her stance 011 this issue. Ms. Watson is theChair for f\1oms for Liberty Bald\\·in County: and said she \\'as opp(1sed to thehooks in the children and teen mea in the Fairhope Public Library.3)Stephanie Durnin. 209 I km lock Dri,e, addressed the City Council andmentioned that I 0, 144 children has \ isited the Fairhope Public Library this year.Ms. Durnin said she \\'as opposed to the books in the children and teen area in theFairhope Public Library: and for purchasing these books.At the request of the City Attorney. Marcus E. McDowell. the City Council will rise from the meeting to go into Executi,e Session base<l on Alabama Co<lc Section 36-25A-7(a)(3) to <liscuss imminent. potential. an<l pending litigation. The approximate time to be in Executi\'e Session is 45 minutes. Councilmember Robinson 1rn)\'e<l to go into Executive Session. Seconded by Councilmember Bu1Tell. motion passed unanimously by voice ,·ote. 10274 13 November 2023 Exited the dais at 7:02 p.m. Returned at 7:59 p.m. Councilmember Burrell moved to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilmember Robinson, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. There being no further business to c e before the City Council, the eeting was duly adjourned at 8:00 p.m. ir'saA.Hks,' MMC City Clerk Corey Martin, Council President